Exemple #1
 def attention_parameters(network_outputs):
     g_x = 0.5 * (A + 1) * (network_outputs[0] + 1)  # grid centre - x (cols)
     g_y = 0.5 * (B + 1) * (network_outputs[1] + 1)  # grid centre - y (rows)
     sigma2 = C.exp(network_outputs[2])  # isotropic variance
     delta = (max(A, B) - 1) / (n - 1) * C.exp(network_outputs[3])  # stride
     gamma = C.exp(network_outputs[4])  # intensity
     return g_x, g_y, sigma2, delta, gamma
Exemple #2
def true_density(z):
    z1, z2 = z[0], z[1]
    norm = C.sqrt(C.square(z1) + C.square(z2))
    exp1 = C.exp(-0.5 * C.square((z1 - 2) / 0.8))
    exp2 = C.exp(-0.5 * C.square((z1 + 2) / 0.8))
    u = 0.5 * C.square(((norm - 4) / 0.4)) - C.log(exp1 + exp2)
    return C.exp(-u)
Exemple #3
    def forward_network(cls, input_dim: int):# , batch_norm: bool = False):
        chunk = {}
        log_det_J = 0

        chunk['input_dim'] = input_dim
        _out = _ph = C.placeholder(input_dim, name='place_holder')

        _half_dim = input_dim//2
        _x1, _x2 = _out[:_half_dim], _out[_half_dim:]

        chunk['log_s_func'] = _log_s_func = cls.basic_network(_half_dim, 'log_s_func')
        chunk['t_func'] = _t_func = cls.basic_network(_half_dim, 't_func')

        _log_s, _t = _log_s_func(_x1), _t_func(_x1)
        _x2 = _t + _x2 * C.exp(_log_s)

        log_det_J += C.reduce_sum(_log_s)

        _out = C.splice(_x1, _x2)

        # ====
        _x1, _x2 = _out[:_half_dim], _out[_half_dim:]

        chunk['log_s_func2'] = _log_s_func2 = cls.basic_network(_half_dim, 'log_s_func2')
        chunk['t_func2'] = _t_func2 = cls.basic_network(_half_dim, 't_func2')

        _log_s2, _t2 = _log_s_func2(_x2), _t_func2(_x2)
        _x1 = _x1 * C.exp(_log_s2) + _t2

        log_det_J += C.reduce_sum(_log_s2)

        _out = _Y = C.splice(_x1, _x2)
        # _out = C.as_block(_out, [(_ph,_ph)],'asdf1','zxcv1')

        return _out, log_det_J, chunk
Exemple #4
def test_Exp(tmpdir):
    data = np.asarray([0., 1.], dtype=np.float32)
    model = C.exp(data)
    verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Exp_0')

    x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
    model = C.exp(x)
    verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Exp_1')
Exemple #5
def test_Exp(tmpdir):
    data = np.asarray([0., 1.], dtype=np.float32)
    model = C.exp(data)
    verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Exp_0')

    x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
    model = C.exp(x)
    verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Exp_1')
Exemple #6
    def model(seq_image, decoded):
        params = dense(decoded)
        g_x, g_y, sigma2, delta, gamma = attention_parameters(params)

        i = C.Constant(np.arange(n) + 1, )  # col of patch
        j = C.Constant(np.arange(n) + 1, )  # row of patch
        mu_x = g_x + (i - n / 2 - 0.5) * delta
        mu_y = g_y + (j - n / 2 - 0.5) * delta
        mu_x = C.expand_dims(mu_x, axis=-1)
        mu_y = C.expand_dims(mu_y, axis=-1)
        # mu_x: [#, *] [n, 1]
        # mu_y: [#, *] [n, 1]

        image = C.sequence.unpack(seq_image,
        # image: [#] [*image_width, filters, image_height]

        width_pos = Cx.sequence.position(seq_image)
        # width_pos: [#, *] [1]

        width_pos_unpacked = C.sequence.unpack(width_pos,
        # width_pos: [#] [*image_width, 1]

        a = C.sequence.broadcast_as(C.swapaxes(width_pos_unpacked), mu_x)
        # a: [#, *] [1, *image_width]
        # x pos index of image (width)

        b = C.Constant(np.arange(image_height).reshape((1, -1)))
        # b: [] [1, image_height]
        # y pos index of image (height)

        # calculate the which portion of the image that is attended by the gaussian filter
        f_xi = C.exp(-0.5 * C.square(a - mu_x) / sigma2)
        f_yj = C.exp(-0.5 * C.square(b - mu_y) / sigma2)
        # f_xi: [#, *] [n, *image_width]
        # f_yj: [#, *] [n, image_height]

        z_x = C.reduce_sum(f_xi, axis=1)
        z_y = C.reduce_sum(f_yj, axis=1)
        # z_x: [#, *] [n]
        # z_y: [#, *] [n]

        f_xi = f_xi / z_x
        f_yj = f_yj / z_y
        # f_xi: [#, *] [n, *image_width]
        # f_yj: [#, *] [n, image_height]

        # combine filters from x and y
        image_broadcasted = C.sequence.broadcast_as(image, f_yj)
        attended = gamma * C.times(
            f_xi, C.times_transpose(image_broadcasted, f_yj), output_rank=2)
        # attended: [#, *] [n, filters, n]
        attended = C.swapaxes(attended)
        # attended: [#, *] [filters, n (x) , n (y)]
        return attended
Exemple #7
def test_Exp(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data = np.asarray([0., 1.], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.exp(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Exp_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.exp(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Exp_1')
Exemple #8
def test_Exp(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.asarray([0., 1.], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.exp(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Exp_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.exp(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Exp_1')
Exemple #9
    def gaussian_windows_attention_coefficients(abk, nb_mixtures):
        """ Split into 3 equal tensor of dim nb_mixtures """
        a = C.exp(C.slice(abk, 0, 0, nb_mixtures))
        b = C.exp(C.slice(abk, 0, nb_mixtures, 2 * nb_mixtures))
        k = C.exp(C.slice(abk, 0, 2 * nb_mixtures, 0))
        k = Recurrence(C.plus)(k)

        a = C.expand_dims(a, axis=-1)
        b = C.expand_dims(b, axis=-1)
        k = C.expand_dims(k, axis=-1)
        return a, b, k
Exemple #10
    def window_weight(a, b, k, u):
        Calculate Phi is the window weight of character seq at position u of time t.
        Function tested to be correct on 2018-25-02 using numpy equivalent

            phi = summation of mixtures { a * exp ( -b * (k - u) ^ 2 ) }

            a: importance of window within the mixture. Not normalised and doesn't sum to one.
            b: width of attention window
            k: location of window
            u: integer position of each item in sequence. Value from 1 to seq_length. (rank 2 tensor) [-3, 1]


        # print(f"k shape: {k.shape}, u shape: {u.shape}")
        phi = a * C.exp(-1 * b * C.square(k - u))
        # print("internal phi shape:", phi.shape)
        phi = C.swapaxes(C.reduce_sum(phi,
                                      axis=0))  # Reduce sum the mixture axis
        # phi: [#, n] [*-c, 1]
        return phi
Exemple #11
def gaussian_mdn_coeff(x, nmix: int, ndim: int):
    Extracts the coefficients for gaussian mixture density network.
    Assumes independence between gaussian dimensions.

        ndim, nmix = 1, 3
        a = C.input_variable(ndim)
        prediction = Dense((ndim + 2) * nmix)(a)
        coeffs = C.combine(gaussian_mdn_coeff(prediction_tensor, nmix=nmix, ndim=ndim)).eval({a: x})

        alpha, mu, sigma = coeffs.values()

        x: input tensor
        nmix (int): number of mixture
        ndim (int): number of dimension of gaussian



    if len(x.shape) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Must be a 1d tensor, but input has shape {0}".format(

    alpha = C.softmax(C.slice(x, 0, 0, nmix), name='alpha')
    sigma = C.exp(
        C.slice(x, 0, nmix, 2 * nmix), name='sigma'
    )  # common variance for all components in single gaussian kernel
    mu = C.reshape(C.slice(x, 0, 2 * nmix, (ndim + 2) * nmix),
                   shape=(nmix, ndim),
    return alpha, mu, sigma
Exemple #12
def flow_reverse(chunk):
    input_dim = chunk['input_dim']
    log_det_J = 0
    _half_dim = input_dim//2

    _ph = C.placeholder(input_dim, name='place_holder')
    _log_s_func = chunk['log_s_func']
    _t_func = chunk['t_func']

    _y1, _y2 = _ph[:_half_dim], _ph[_half_dim:]
    _log_s = _log_s_func(_y2)
    _t = _t_func(_y2)
    _s = C.exp(_log_s)
    _x1 = (_y1-_t)/_s
    _x2 = _y2
    _X = C.splice(_x1, _x2)

    log_det_J += C.reduce_sum(C.log(C.abs(_s)))

    _w = chunk['W_rot_mat']
    chunk['W_rot_mat_inv'] = _inv_w = C.Constant(np.linalg.inv(_w.value), name='inv_W')
    _out = _X@_inv_w
    log_det_J += input_dim*C.log(C.det(_inv_w))

    # if 'scale' in chunk:
    #     _out -= chunk['bias']
    #     _out /= chunk['scale']
    #     log_det_J += input_dim*C.reduce_sum(C.log(C.abs(chunk['scale'])))

    # _out -= chunk['b']
    # _out @= _inv_w

    return _out, log_det_J
Exemple #13
def test_exp_2():
    cntk_op = C.exp([0.])
    cntk_ret = cntk_op.eval()

    ng_op, _ = CNTKImporter().import_model(cntk_op)
    ng_ret = ng.transformers.make_transformer().computation(ng_op)()

    assert np.isclose(cntk_ret, ng_ret).all()
Exemple #14
def test_exp_3():
    cntk_op = C.exp([-0.9, -0.8, -0.7, -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0.])
    cntk_ret = cntk_op.eval()

    ng_op, _ = CNTKImporter().import_model(cntk_op)
    ng_ret = ng.transformers.make_transformer().computation(ng_op)()

    assert np.isclose(cntk_ret, ng_ret).all()
Exemple #15
 def __local_response_normalization(self, k, n, alpha, beta, name=''):
     x = cntk.placeholder(name='lrn_arg')
     x2 = cntk.square(x)
     x2s = cntk.reshape(x2, (1, cntk.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
     W = cntk.constant(alpha / (2 * n + 1), (1, 2 * n + 1, 1, 1), name='W')
     y = cntk.convolution(W, x2s)
     b = cntk.reshape(y, cntk.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
     den = cntk.exp(beta * cntk.log(k + b))
     apply_x = cntk.element_divide(x, den)
     return apply_x
Exemple #16
    def g(self, input_dim):
        x = C.input_variable(input_dim, name='data_input')

        for i in range(len(self.t)):
            x_ = x * self.mask[i]
            s = self.s[i](x_) * (1 - self.mask[i])
            t = self.t[i](x_) * (1 - self.mask[i])
            x = x_ + (1 - self.mask[i]) * (x * C.exp(s) + t)
        x = C.squeeze(x)
        return x
Exemple #17
    def inner(a):
        not_negative = C.greater_equal(a, 0)
        sign = C.element_select(not_negative, not_negative, -1)

        abs_x = C.abs(a)

        # A&S formula 7.1.26
        t = 1.0 / (1.0 + p * a)
        y = 1.0 - (((((a5 * t + a4) * t) + a3) * t + a2) * t + a1) * t * C.exp(
            -abs_x * abs_x)
        return C.element_times(sign, y)
Exemple #18
 def lrn(x, depth_radius, bias, alpha, beta, name=''):
     x2 = C.square(x)
     # reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3th axis (channel axis). Note Python axis order and BrainScript are reversed.
     x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
     W = C.constant(alpha/(2*depth_radius+1), shape=(1,2*depth_radius+1,1,1), dtype=dtype, name='W')
     # 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
     y = C.convolution (W, x2s)
     # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
     b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
     den = C.exp(beta * C.log(bias + b))
     return C.element_divide(x, den)
Exemple #19
 def lrn(x, depth_radius, bias, alpha, beta, name=''):
     x2 = C.square(x)
     # reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3th axis (channel axis). Note Python axis order and BrainScript are reversed.
     x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
     W = C.constant(alpha/(2*depth_radius+1), shape=(1,2*depth_radius+1,1,1), dtype=dtype, name='W')
     # 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
     y = C.convolution (W, x2s)
     # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
     b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
     den = C.exp(beta * C.log(bias + b))
     return C.element_divide(x, den)
Exemple #20
def LocalResponseNormalization(k, n, alpha, beta, name=''):
    x = C.placeholder(name='lrn_arg')
    x2 = C.square(x)
    x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
    W = C.constant(alpha / (2 * n + 1), (1, 2 * n + 1, 1, 1), name='W')
    y = C.convolution(W, x2s)
    b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
    den = C.exp(beta * C.log(k + b))
    apply_x = C.element_divide(x, den)

    return apply_x
Exemple #21
def true_density(z):
    z1, z2 = z[0], z[1]

    w1 = lambda x: C.sin(2 * np.pi * x/4)
    u = 0.5 * C.square((z2 - w1(z1))/0.4)
    dummy = C.ones_like(u) * 1e7

    # u = C.element_select(C.less_equal(z1,4), u, dummy)
    cond = C.less_equal(z1,4)
    u = C.element_select(cond, u, dummy) # u = cond*u + (1-cond)*dummy

    return C.exp(-u)
Exemple #22
def LocalResponseNormalization(k, n, alpha, beta, name=''):
    x = C.placeholder(name='lrn_arg')
    x2 = C.square(x)
    # reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3th axis (channel axis). Note Python axis order and BrainScript are reversed.
    x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
    W = C.constant(alpha / (2 * n + 1), (1, 2 * n + 1, 1, 1), name='W')
    # 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
    y = C.convolution(W, x2s)
    # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
    b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
    den = C.exp(beta * C.log(k + b))
    apply_x = C.element_divide(x, den)
    return apply_x
def LocalResponseNormalization(k, n, alpha, beta, name=''):
    x = C.placeholder(name='lrn_arg')
    x2 = C.square(x)
    # reshape to insert a fake singleton reduction dimension after the 3th axis (channel axis). Note Python axis order and BrainScript are reversed.
    x2s = C.reshape(x2, (1, C.InferredDimension), 0, 1)
    W = C.constant(alpha/(2*n+1), (1,2*n+1,1,1), name='W')
    # 3D convolution with a filter that has a non 1-size only in the 3rd axis, and does not reduce since the reduction dimension is fake and 1
    y = C.convolution (W, x2s)
    # reshape back to remove the fake singleton reduction dimension
    b = C.reshape(y, C.InferredDimension, 0, 2)
    den = C.exp(beta * C.log(k + b))
    apply_x = C.element_divide(x, den)
    return apply_x
Exemple #24
    def f(self, input_dim):
        x = C.input_variable(input_dim, needs_gradient=True, name='input')
        z, sum_log_det_jacob = x, C.Constant(0, name='log_det_zero')

        for i in reversed(range(len(self.t))):
            z_ = self.mask[i] * z
            s = self.s[i](z_) * (1 - self.mask[i])
            t = self.t[i](z_) * (1 - self.mask[i])
            z = z_ + (1 - self.mask[i]) * (z - t) * C.exp(-s)
            sum_log_det_jacob -= C.reduce_sum(s)

        z = C.squeeze(z)
        return z, sum_log_det_jacob
Exemple #25
    def reverse_network(cls, chunk):
        input_dim = chunk['input_dim']
        log_det_J = 0
        _half_dim = input_dim//2

        _out = _ph = C.placeholder(input_dim, name='place_holder')
        _log_s_func, _t_func = chunk['log_s_func'], chunk['t_func']
        _log_s_func2, _t_func2 = chunk['log_s_func2'], chunk['t_func2']

        _y1, _y2 = _ph[:_half_dim], _ph[_half_dim:]

        _log_s2, _t2 = _log_s_func2(_y2), _t_func2(_y2)

         _y1 = (_y1 - _t2) / C.exp(_log_s2)
Exemple #26
def exp(x, name=''):
    Computes the element-wise exponential of `x`: 

    :math:`exp(x) = {e^x}`

        >>> C.eval(C.exp([0., 1.]))
        [array([[ 1.      ,  2.718282]])]

        x: numpy array or any :class:`cntk.Function` that outputs a tensor
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk import exp
    x = sanitize_input(x)
    return exp(x, name).output()    
Exemple #27
def exp(x, name=''):
    Computes the element-wise exponential of `x`: 

    :math:`exp(x) = {e^x}`

        >>> C.eval(C.exp([0., 1.]))
        [array([[ 1.      ,  2.718282]])]

        x: numpy array or any :class:`cntk.Function` that outputs a tensor
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk import exp
    x = sanitize_input(x)
    return exp(x, name).output()    
Exemple #28
    def Loss(self):
        # Evaluating old actions and values :
        logprobs, state_value, dist_entropy = self.policy.evaluate()

        # Finding the ratio (pi_theta / pi_theta__old): # (importance sampling)
        c_old_logprobs = C.input_variable(logprobs.shape, name='old_log_probs')
        ratios = C.exp(logprobs - C.stop_gradient(c_old_logprobs))

        c_rewards = C.input_variable(1, name='rewards')
        advantages = c_rewards - C.stop_gradient(state_value)

        # Finding Surrogate Loss:
        surr1 = ratios * advantages
        surr2 = C.clip(ratios, 1 - self.eps_clip,
                       1 + self.eps_clip) * advantages
        neglog_loss = -C.element_min(surr1, surr2)
        entropy_loss = -0.01 * dist_entropy
        actor_loss = C.reduce_mean(neglog_loss + entropy_loss)
        critic_loss = 0.5 * C.reduce_mean(C.square(state_value - c_rewards))
        loss = actor_loss + critic_loss

        chunk = {
            'neglog_loss': neglog_loss,
            'entropy_loss': entropy_loss,
            'actor_loss': actor_loss,
            'critic_loss': critic_loss

        trainer = C.Trainer(
            loss, (loss, None),
        # trainer = C.Trainer(loss, (loss, None), C.adam(loss.parameters, C.learning_parameter_schedule(10), C.momentum_schedule(0.9), variance_momentum=C.momentum_schedule(0.999))) # higher learning rate

        return loss, chunk, trainer
Exemple #29
    def gaussian_mdn_phi(target, mu, sigma, ndim: int):
        Calculates phi between the target tensor and the network prediction
        Does not assumes independence between components of target.

            target: target tensor with shape (ndim, )
            mu: means of gaussian mdn with shape (nmix, ndim)
            sigma: sigma of gaussian mdn
            nmix (int): number of mixtures
            ndim (int): number of dimensions in gaussian

        if not len(mu.shape) == 2:
            raise ValueError("mu {0} must have shape (nmix, ndim)".format(mu.shape))

        t = C.expand_dims(target, axis=0)

        exp_term = C.exp(C.negate(C.square(C.reduce_l2(t - mu, axis=-1)) / (2 * C.square(sigma))))
        factor = C.reciprocal((2 * pi) ** (ndim / 2) * C.pow(sigma, ndim))
        return factor * exp_term
def main():

    data_matrix = load_data('.\\visceral-fat-rating.data')
    checked_data_matrix = check_for_NaN(data_matrix)
    sorted_data_matrix = sort_data_by_column(checked_data_matrix, 13)
    #save_data(sorted_data_matrix, 'sorted_visceral-fat-rating.data')

    # features matrix
    unnorm_features_matrix = sorted_data_matrix[:, 0:13]
    min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
    features_matrix = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(unnorm_features_matrix)

    # labels matrix
    labels_matrix = np.reshape(sorted_data_matrix[:, 13], (-1, 1))
    print(' Training data:')
    combined_matrix = np.concatenate((features_matrix, labels_matrix), axis = 1)

    features_dimension = 13
    labels_dimension = 1

    X = C.input_variable(features_dimension, np.float32)
    y = C.input_variable(labels_dimension, np.float32)

    z, W, b = linear_layer(X, features_dimension, labels_dimension)
    p = 1.0 / (1.0 + C.exp(-z))

    model = p   

    cee = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(model, y)
    eval_error = C.classification_error(model, y)
    learning_rate = 0.1
    learner = C.sgd(model.parameters, learning_rate)

    trainer = C.Trainer(model, (cee, eval_error), [learner])
    max_iterations = 8000

    N = len(features_matrix)

    for i in range(0, max_iterations):
        row = np.random.choice(N, 1)
            X: features_matrix[row],
            y: labels_matrix[row]})
        if i % 1000 == 0 and i > 0:
            mcee = trainer.previous_minibatch_loss_average
            print(str(i) + ' Cross entropy error on current item = %0.4f ' %mcee)

    # print out results - weights and bias
    np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
    print('Model weights:')
    print('Model bias:')

    # save results
    print('\nSaving files:')
    weights_file_name = str(learning_rate) + '-' + str(max_iterations) + '_' + 'weights' + '.txt'
    bias_file_name = str(learning_rate) + '-' + str(max_iterations) + '_' + 'bias' + '.txt'


    np.savetxt(weights_file_name, W.value)
    np.savetxt(bias_file_name, b.value)
    print('Saving complete')

    print('\n ### End training\n')
Exemple #31
def softmax(x):
    e = C.exp(x)
    s = C.reduce_sum(e, axis=0)
    return e / s
Exemple #32
def main():
        '\n Begin logistic regression on breast-cancer-wisconsin data training'
    ver = C.__version__
    print('(Using CNTK version ' + str(ver) + ')')

    data_file = '.\\breast-cancer-wisconsin.data'
    print('\nLoading data from ' + data_file + '\n')

    data_matrix = np.genfromtxt(data_file,
                                usecols=range(1, 11))

    # checking for NaNs and filtering data
    for i in range(699):
        for j in range(10):
            if np.isnan(data_matrix[i, j]):
                location = str(i) + ', ' + str(j)

    filtered_data_matrix = data_matrix[~np.isnan(data_matrix).any(axis=1)]
    sorted_by_label_data_matrix = filtered_data_matrix[
        filtered_data_matrix[:, 9].argsort()]

    # features matrix
    unnorm_features_matrix = sorted_by_label_data_matrix[:, 0:9]
    min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
    features_matrix = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(unnorm_features_matrix)

    # labels matrix - sorted and encoded to 0 or 1
    unshaped_labels_matrix = sorted_by_label_data_matrix[:, 9]
    uncoded_labels_matrix = np.reshape(unshaped_labels_matrix, (-1, 1))
    labels_logic_matrix = uncoded_labels_matrix > 2
    labels_matrix = labels_logic_matrix.astype(np.float32)

    # making training data
    print('Training data:')
    combined_matrix = np.concatenate((features_matrix, labels_matrix), axis=1)

    # create a model
    features_dimension = 9  # x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9
    labels_dimension = 1  # always 1 for logistic regression, y

    X = C.input_variable(features_dimension, np.float32)  # cntk.Variable
    y = C.input_variable(labels_dimension, np.float32)  # correct class value

    W = C.parameter(shape=(features_dimension, 1))  # trainable cntk.Parameter
    b = C.parameter(shape=(labels_dimension))

    z = C.times(X, W) + b  # or z = C.plus(C.times(X, W), b)
    p = 1.0 / (1.0 + C.exp(-z))  # or p = C.sigmoid(z)

    model = p  # create 'model' alias

    # create learner
    cross_entropy_error = C.binary_cross_entropy(model, y)
    learning_rate = 0.01
    learner = C.sgd(model.parameters, learning_rate)

    # create trainer
    trainer = C.Trainer(model, (cross_entropy_error), [learner])
    max_iterations = 5000

    # train
    print('Start training')
    print('Iterations: ' + str(max_iterations))
    print('Learning Rate (LR): ' + str(learning_rate))
    print('Mini-batch = 1')

    N = len(features_matrix)

    for i in range(0, max_iterations):
        row = np.random.choice(N, 1)
            X: features_matrix[row],
            y: labels_matrix[row]

        if i % 1000 == 0 and i > 0:
            mcee = trainer.previous_minibatch_loss_average
                str(i) +
                ' Cross entropy error on current item = %0.4f ' % mcee)

    print('Training complete')

    # print out results - weights and bias
    np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
    print('Model weights:')
    print('Model bias:')

    # save results
    print('\nSaving files:')
    weights_file_name = str(learning_rate) + '-' + str(
        max_iterations) + '_' + 'weights' + '.txt'
    bias_file_name = str(learning_rate) + '-' + str(
        max_iterations) + '_' + 'bias' + '.txt'


    np.savetxt(weights_file_name, W.value)
    np.savetxt(bias_file_name, b.value)
    print('Saving complete')

    print('\n End training\n')
def test_exp():
    assert_cntk_ngraph_isclose(C.exp([-2, -1., 0., 1., 2.]))
        C.exp([-0.9, -0.8, -0.7, -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0.]))
Exemple #34
def main():
    print('\nBegin logistic regression training demo')
    ver = C.__version__
    print('(Using CNTK version ' + str(ver) + ')')

    # training data format:
    # 4.0, 3.0, 1
    # 9.0, 5.0, 1
    # . . .

    data_file = '.\\age_edu_sex.txt'
    print('\nLoading data from ' + data_file + '\n')

    features_matrix = np.loadtxt(data_file,
                                 usecols=[0, 1])

    labels_matrix = np.loadtxt(data_file,

    print('Training data:')
    combined_matrix = np.concatenate((features_matrix, labels_matrix), axis=1)

    # create model
    features_dimension = 2  # x1, x2
    labels_dimension = 1  # always 1 for logistic regression

    X = C.input_variable(features_dimension, np.float32)  # cntk.Variable
    y = C.input_variable(labels_dimension, np.float32)  # correct class value

    W = C.parameter(shape=(features_dimension, 1))  # trainable cntk.Parameter
    b = C.parameter(shape=(labels_dimension))

    z = C.times(X, W) + b  # or z = C.plus(C.times(X, W), b)
    p = 1.0 / (1.0 + C.exp(-z))  # or p = C.sigmoid(z)

    model = p  # create an alias

    # create Learner and Trainer
    cross_entropy_error = C.binary_cross_entropy(
        model, y)  # Cross entropy a bit more principled for Learning Rate
    # squared_error = C.squared_error(model, y)
    learning_rate = 0.010
    learner = C.sgd(
        learning_rate)  # stochastic gradient descent, adadelta, adam, nesterov
    trainer = C.Trainer(model, (cross_entropy_error), [learner])
    max_iterations = 4000

    # train
    print('Start training')
    print('Iterations: ' + str(max_iterations))
    print('Learning Rate (LR): ' + str(learning_rate))
    print('Mini-batch = 1')

    N = len(features_matrix)

    for i in range(0, max_iterations):
        row = np.random.choice(N, 1)  # pick a random row from training items
            X: features_matrix[row],
            y: labels_matrix[row]

        if i % 1000 == 0 and i > 0:
            mcee = trainer.previous_minibatch_loss_average
                str(i) +
                ' Cross entropy error on current item = %0.4f ' % mcee)

    print('Training complete')

    # print out results
    np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
    print('Model weights:')
    print('Model bias:')
Exemple #35
def flow_forward(input_dim: int, act_func_pair: tuple = (None, None), batch_norm: bool = False):
    chunk = {}
    log_det_J = 0

    chunk['input_dim'] = input_dim
    _ph = C.placeholder(input_dim, name='place_holder')
    _out = _ph

    if batch_norm:
        # _bn = C.layers.BatchNormalization(name='batch_norm')(_ph)
        # chunk['scale'] = _bn.parameters[0]
        # chunk['bias'] = _bn.parameters[1]

        chunk['mu'] = C.Constant(np.zeros(shape=input_dim))
        chunk['var'] = C.Constant(np.ones(shape=input_dim))

        _eps = C.Constant(1e-7)
        _mu = C.reduce_mean(_ph, axis=C.Axis.default_batch_axis())
        _var = C.reduce_mean(C.square(_ph-_mu), axis=C.Axis.default_batch_axis())

        chunk['muB'] = _mu
        chunk['varB'] = _var

        # _bn = (_ph-chunk['mu'])/C.sqrt(chunk['var']+_eps)
        _bn = C.sqrt(chunk['var']+_eps)*_ph + chunk['mu']
        _ph = _bn

        log_det_J += -0.5*C.reduce_sum(C.log((_var+_eps)))
        # log_det_J += C.reduce_sum(C.log())

    chunk['W_rot_mat'] = _W = C.parameter((input_dim, input_dim))
    _W.value = random_rotation_matrix = special_ortho_group.rvs(input_dim)
    # _W.value = np.roll(np.eye(input_dim),input_dim//2,axis=0)
    _out = _ph@_W
    log_det_J += C.log(C.abs(C.det(_W))) # or # log_det_J += C.slogdet(_W)[1]
    _half_dim = input_dim//2
    _x1 = _out[:_half_dim]
    _x2 = _out[_half_dim:]

    _log_s_func, _t_func = act_func_pair
    if _log_s_func is None: # basic network
        _log_s_func = C.layers.Sequential([
            C.layers.Dense(256, C.leaky_relu),
            C.layers.Dense(256, C.leaky_relu),
            C.layers.Dense(_half_dim, C.tanh),
        ])#(C.placeholder(input_dim, name='place_holder'))
    if _t_func is None: # basic network
        _t_func = C.layers.Sequential([
            C.layers.Dense(256, C.leaky_relu),
            C.layers.Dense(256, C.leaky_relu),
        ])#(C.placeholder(input_dim, name='place_holder'))

    chunk['log_s_func'] = _log_s_func
    chunk['t_func'] = _t_func

    _log_s, _t = _log_s_func(_x2), _t_func(_x2)

    _s = C.exp(_log_s)

    _y1 = _s*_x1 + _t
    _y2 = _x2

    _Y = C.splice(_y1, _y2)
    chunk['output'] = _Y

    log_det_J += C.reduce_sum(_log_s)

    return _Y, log_det_J, chunk