Exemple #1
    def model(seq_image, decoded):
        params = dense(decoded)
        g_x, g_y, sigma2, delta, gamma = attention_parameters(params)

        i = C.Constant(np.arange(n) + 1, )  # col of patch
        j = C.Constant(np.arange(n) + 1, )  # row of patch
        mu_x = g_x + (i - n / 2 - 0.5) * delta
        mu_y = g_y + (j - n / 2 - 0.5) * delta
        mu_x = C.expand_dims(mu_x, axis=-1)
        mu_y = C.expand_dims(mu_y, axis=-1)
        # mu_x: [#, *] [n, 1]
        # mu_y: [#, *] [n, 1]

        image = C.sequence.unpack(seq_image,
        # image: [#] [*image_width, filters, image_height]

        width_pos = Cx.sequence.position(seq_image)
        # width_pos: [#, *] [1]

        width_pos_unpacked = C.sequence.unpack(width_pos,
        # width_pos: [#] [*image_width, 1]

        a = C.sequence.broadcast_as(C.swapaxes(width_pos_unpacked), mu_x)
        # a: [#, *] [1, *image_width]
        # x pos index of image (width)

        b = C.Constant(np.arange(image_height).reshape((1, -1)))
        # b: [] [1, image_height]
        # y pos index of image (height)

        # calculate the which portion of the image that is attended by the gaussian filter
        f_xi = C.exp(-0.5 * C.square(a - mu_x) / sigma2)
        f_yj = C.exp(-0.5 * C.square(b - mu_y) / sigma2)
        # f_xi: [#, *] [n, *image_width]
        # f_yj: [#, *] [n, image_height]

        z_x = C.reduce_sum(f_xi, axis=1)
        z_y = C.reduce_sum(f_yj, axis=1)
        # z_x: [#, *] [n]
        # z_y: [#, *] [n]

        f_xi = f_xi / z_x
        f_yj = f_yj / z_y
        # f_xi: [#, *] [n, *image_width]
        # f_yj: [#, *] [n, image_height]

        # combine filters from x and y
        image_broadcasted = C.sequence.broadcast_as(image, f_yj)
        attended = gamma * C.times(
            f_xi, C.times_transpose(image_broadcasted, f_yj), output_rank=2)
        # attended: [#, *] [n, filters, n]
        attended = C.swapaxes(attended)
        # attended: [#, *] [filters, n (x) , n (y)]
        return attended
Exemple #2
    def gaussian_windows_attention_coefficients(abk, nb_mixtures):
        """ Split into 3 equal tensor of dim nb_mixtures """
        a = C.slice(abk, 0, 0, nb_mixtures)
        b = C.slice(abk, 0, nb_mixtures, 2 * nb_mixtures)
        k = C.slice(abk, 0, 2 * nb_mixtures, 0)
        k = Recurrence(C.plus)(k)

        a = C.expand_dims(a, axis=-1)
        b = C.expand_dims(b, axis=-1)
        k = C.expand_dims(k, axis=-1)
        return a, b, k
Exemple #3
def sample_gaussian_mdn(prediction_tensor, nmix: int, ndim: int):
    """ Constructs sampling nodes from mixture density network outputs

        ndim, nmix = 1, 3
        a = C.input_variable(ndim)
        prediction = Dense((ndim + 2) * nmix)(a)
        sampled = sample_gaussian_mdn(prediction, nmix, ndim)

        results = sampled.eval({a: x})  # different results every time you eval

        prediction_tensor: input tensor
        nmix (int): number of mixture
        ndim (int): number of dimension of gaussian


    alpha_tensor, mu_tensor, sigma_tensor = gaussian_mdn_coeff(
        prediction_tensor, nmix=nmix, ndim=ndim)

    selected_alpha = random.sample(alpha_tensor)
    selected_mu_tensor = C.reduce_sum(mu_tensor *
                                      C.expand_dims(selected_alpha, axis=-1),
    selected_sigma_tensor = C.reduce_sum(sigma_tensor * selected_alpha, axis=0)

    sampled = C.random.normal_like(
        selected_sigma_tensor) * selected_sigma_tensor + selected_mu_tensor
    return sampled
Exemple #4
    def inner(a):
        values, valid = C.sequence.unpack(a, padding_value=0).outputs
        values_reversed = C.slice(values, 0, 0, 0, -1)
        valid_reversed = C.slice(valid, 0, 0, 0, -1)

        values_seq = C.to_sequence(values_reversed)
        valid_seq = C.to_sequence(C.expand_dims(valid_reversed, axis=-1))
        a_reversed = C.sequence.gather(values_seq, valid_seq)
        return a_reversed
Exemple #5
def zeros_like(x, seq_length: int):
    """ helper function to construct a sequence of zeros """
    if seq_length > 1:
        b = C.zeros_like(C.sequence.slice(x, 0, seq_length))
    elif seq_length == 1:
        b = C.to_sequence(
        raise ValueError(f"length ({seq_length}) must be larger than 0")

    return b
Exemple #6
    def inner(a, b):
        a_unpacked, a_mask = C.sequence.unpack(a, padding_value=0).outputs
        b_unpacked, b_mask = C.sequence.unpack(b, padding_value=0).outputs

        ab_unpacked = C.splice(a_unpacked, b_unpacked, axis=0)
        ab_mask = C.expand_dims(C.splice(a_mask, b_mask), axis=-1)

        ab_w_pad = C.to_sequence(ab_unpacked)
        ab_condition = C.to_sequence(ab_mask)

        ab = C.sequence.gather(ab_w_pad, ab_condition)
        return ab
Exemple #7
def test_expand_dims(operand_shape, axis, device_id, precision):
    if axis is None or isinstance(axis, tuple):
    operand = np.arange(np.prod(operand_shape)).reshape(operand_shape).astype('f')
    expected = np.expand_dims(operand, axis)

    expected_forward = [expected]
    expected_backward = {
        'arg': [np.ones_like(operand)],

    from .. import expand_dims, placeholder
    p = C.placeholder()
    expand_dims_with_axis = C.expand_dims(p, axis)
    _test_unary_op(precision, device_id, expand_dims_with_axis, operand,
                   expected_forward, expected_backward)
Exemple #8
def test_expand_dims(operand_shape, axis, device_id, precision):
    if axis is None or isinstance(axis, tuple):
    operand = np.arange(np.prod(operand_shape)).reshape(operand_shape).astype('f')
    expected = np.expand_dims(operand, axis)

    expected_forward = [expected]
    expected_backward = {
        'arg': [np.ones_like(operand)],

    from .. import expand_dims, placeholder
    p = C.placeholder()
    expand_dims_with_axis = C.expand_dims(p, axis)
    _test_unary_op(precision, device_id, expand_dims_with_axis, operand,
                   expected_forward, expected_backward)
Exemple #9
    def model(query, key, value):
        q = phi(query_linear(query))
        k = phi(key_linear(key))
        v = value_linear(value)

        # key and value should have the same sequence length
        k_unpacked = C.sequence.unpack(k, padding_value=0, no_mask_output=True)
        # k_unpacked: [#] [*kv=, model_dim]
        v_unpacked = C.sequence.unpack(v, padding_value=0, no_mask_output=True)
        # v_unpacked: [#] [*kv=, hidden_dim]
        kv = C.times(C.swapaxes(k_unpacked), v_unpacked)
        # kv [#] [model_dim, hidden_dim]
        kv_broadcasted = C.sequence.broadcast_as(kv, q)  # this can be reused across queries
        # kv [#, *] [model_dim, hidden_dim]

        numerator = C.squeeze(C.times(C.expand_dims(q, axis=C.Axis.new_leading_axis()), kv_broadcasted))
        # numerator [#, *] [hidden_dim, ]
        denom = C.reduce_sum(q * C.sequence.broadcast_as(C.sequence.reduce_sum(k), q))
        # denom [#, *] [1]

        return numerator / denom
Exemple #10
    def gaussian_mdn_phi(target, mu, sigma, ndim: int):
        Calculates phi between the target tensor and the network prediction
        Does not assumes independence between components of target.

            target: target tensor with shape (ndim, )
            mu: means of gaussian mdn with shape (nmix, ndim)
            sigma: sigma of gaussian mdn
            nmix (int): number of mixtures
            ndim (int): number of dimensions in gaussian

        if not len(mu.shape) == 2:
            raise ValueError("mu {0} must have shape (nmix, ndim)".format(mu.shape))

        t = C.expand_dims(target, axis=0)

        exp_term = C.exp(C.negate(C.square(C.reduce_l2(t - mu, axis=-1)) / (2 * C.square(sigma))))
        factor = C.reciprocal((2 * pi) ** (ndim / 2) * C.pow(sigma, ndim))
        return factor * exp_term
Exemple #11
 def inner(a):
     # reconcile_dynamic_axes is necessary to avoid subtle bugs e.g. sequence.where and one_hot
     return C.expand_dims(C.reconcile_dynamic_axes(
         C.sequence.where(C.sequence.broadcast_as(1, a)), a),
Exemple #12
 def inner(a):
     return C.expand_dims(C.sequence.reduce_sum(
         C.sequence.broadcast_as(1, a)),
 def seq_op_func(seqinp):
     l = seqinp
     r = C.sequence.future_value(l)
     r = C.expand_dims(r, -len(seqinp.shape) - 1)
     res = l + r
     return res
Exemple #14
def main():
    show_image = False
    if show_image:
        bs = 1
        ci = 3
        co = 3
        cg = co * (ci + 1)
        gd = 8
        gh = 64
        gw = 64
        h = 256
        w = 256
        bs = 1
        ci = 3
        co = 3
        cg = co * (ci + 1)
        gd = 8
        gh = 64
        gw = 64
        h = 1024
        w = 1024

    im = C.input_variable([bs, ci, h, w], needs_gradient=True, dynamic_axes=[])
    guide = C.input_variable([bs, h, w], needs_gradient=True, dynamic_axes=[])
    guide_no_grad = C.input_variable([bs, h, w],
    grid = C.input_variable([bs, cg, gd, gh, gw],
    # Create indices
    xx = np.arange(0, w).reshape(1, -1).repeat(h, 0).astype(np.float32)
    yy = np.arange(0, h).reshape(-1, 1).repeat(w, 1).astype(np.float32)
    xx = C.Constant(xx, xx.shape)
    yy = C.Constant(yy, yy.shape)
    gx = ((xx + 0.5) / w) * gw
    gy = ((yy + 0.5) / h) * gh
    gz = C.clip(guide, 0.0, 1.0) * gd
    gz_no_grad = C.clip(guide_no_grad, 0.0, 1.0) * gd
    fx = C.element_max(C.floor(gx - 0.5), 0.0)
    fy = C.element_max(C.floor(gy - 0.5), 0.0)
    fz = C.element_max(C.floor(gz - 0.5), 0.0)
    fz_no_grad = C.element_max(C.floor(gz_no_grad - 0.5), 0.0)
    wx = gx - 0.5 - fx
    wy = gy - 0.5 - fy
    wx = C.expand_dims(C.expand_dims(wx, -1 - len(wx.shape)),
                       -1 - len(wx.shape))
    wy = C.expand_dims(C.expand_dims(wy, -1 - len(wy.shape)),
                       -1 - len(wy.shape))
    wz = C.abs(gz - 0.5 - fz)
    wz = C.expand_dims(wz, 0)
    fx = C.expand_dims(C.expand_dims(fx, -1 - len(fx.shape)),
                       -1 - len(fx.shape))
    fy = C.expand_dims(C.expand_dims(fy, -1 - len(fy.shape)),
                       -1 - len(fy.shape))
    cx = C.element_min(fx + 1, gw - 1)
    cy = C.element_min(fy + 1, gh - 1)
    cz = C.element_min(fz_no_grad + 1, gd - 1)
    batch_idx = np.arange(bs).reshape(bs, 1, 1, 1).astype(np.float32)
    batch_idx = C.Constant(batch_idx, batch_idx.shape)
    out = []
    flat_grid = C.reshape(grid, [-1])
    for c_ in range(co):
        c_idx = np.arange((ci + 1) * c_,
                          (ci + 1) * (c_ + 1)).reshape(1, ci + 1, 1,
        c_idx = C.Constant(c_idx, c_idx.shape)

        def flatten_and_gather(x, y, z):
            linear_idx = x + gw * y + gw * gh * z + c_idx * gw * gh * gd + batch_idx * gw * gh * gd * cg
            flat_linear_idx = C.reshape(linear_idx, [-1])
            return C.reshape(C.gather(flat_grid, flat_linear_idx),

        gather_fff = flatten_and_gather(fx, fy, fz_no_grad)
        gather_ffc = flatten_and_gather(fx, fy, cz)
        gather_fcf = flatten_and_gather(fx, cy, fz_no_grad)
        gather_fcc = flatten_and_gather(fx, cy, cz)
        gather_cff = flatten_and_gather(cx, fy, fz_no_grad)
        gather_cfc = flatten_and_gather(cx, fy, cz)
        gather_ccf = flatten_and_gather(cx, cy, fz_no_grad)
        gather_ccc = flatten_and_gather(cx, cy, cz)
        a = gather_fff*(1-wx)*(1-wy)*(1-wz) + \
            gather_ffc*(1-wx)*(1-wy)*(  wz) + \
            gather_fcf*(1-wx)*(  wy)*(1-wz) + \
            gather_fcc*(1-wx)*(  wy)*(  wz) + \
            gather_cff*(  wx)*(1-wy)*(1-wz) + \
            gather_cfc*(  wx)*(1-wy)*(  wz) + \
            gather_ccf*(  wx)*(  wy)*(1-wz) + \
            gather_ccc*(  wx)*(  wy)*(  wz)
        o = C.reduce_sum(a[:, :-1, ...] * im, 1) + a[:, -1, ...]
        out.append(C.expand_dims(o, 0))
    out = C.splice(*out, axis=1)
    loss = C.reduce_l2(out)

    grid_val = np.random.rand(bs, cg, gd, gh, gw).astype(np.float32)
    if show_image:
        guide_val = skio.imread("/data/rgb.png").mean(2)[:h, :w].astype(
        guide_val = np.expand_dims(guide_val / 255.0, 0)
        im_val = np.tile(np.expand_dims(guide_val, 1), [1, 3, 1, 1])
        out_val = out.eval({
            im: im_val,
            guide: guide_val,
            guide_no_grad: guide_val,
            grid: grid_val
        out_val = np.clip(np.transpose(np.squeeze(out_val), [1, 2, 0]), 0, 1)
        skio.imsave("/output/imout.png", out_val)
        im_val = np.random.randn(bs, ci, h, w)
        guide_val = np.random.rand(bs, h, w).astype(np.float32)
        # burning iteration
        for it in range(5):
            print('burning (', it, ')')
            g = loss.grad({
                im: im_val,
                guide: guide_val,
                guide_no_grad: guide_val,
                grid: grid_val
        # actual iterations
        start = time.time()
        for it in range(50):
            print('profiling (', it, ')')
            g = loss.grad({
                im: im_val,
                guide: guide_val,
                guide_no_grad: guide_val,
                grid: grid_val
        end = time.time()
    runtime = (end - start) * 1000.0 / 50.0
    print('Runtime:', runtime)
def main():
  bs = 4
  c = 16
  h = 512
  w = 512

  im = C.input_variable([bs, c, h, w], needs_gradient=True, dynamic_axes=[])
  affine_mtx = C.input_variable([bs, 2, 3], needs_gradient=True, dynamic_axes=[])
  affine_mtx_ng = C.input_variable([bs, 2, 3], needs_gradient=False, dynamic_axes=[])
  xx = np.arange(0, w).reshape(1, -1).repeat(h, 0).astype(np.float32)
  yy = np.arange(0, h).reshape(-1, 1).repeat(w, 1).astype(np.float32)
  xx = C.Constant(xx, xx.shape)
  yy = C.Constant(yy, yy.shape) 
  nrm_x = 2.0 * (xx / w) - 1.0
  nrm_y = 2.0 * (yy / h) - 1.0
  nrm_x = C.expand_dims(nrm_x, -1 - len(nrm_x.shape))
  nrm_y = C.expand_dims(nrm_y, -1 - len(nrm_y.shape))
  xformed_x = affine_mtx[:, 0, 0] * nrm_x + \
              affine_mtx[:, 0, 1] * nrm_y + \
              affine_mtx[:, 0, 2]
  xformed_y = affine_mtx[:, 1, 0] * nrm_x + \
              affine_mtx[:, 1, 1] * nrm_y + \
              affine_mtx[:, 1, 2]
  xformed_x = 0.5 * xformed_x + 1.0
  xformed_y = 0.5 * xformed_y + 1.0
  xformed_x = C.expand_dims(xformed_x, 0)
  xformed_y = C.expand_dims(xformed_y, 0)
  xformed_x_ng = affine_mtx_ng[:, 0, 0] * nrm_x + \
                 affine_mtx_ng[:, 0, 1] * nrm_y + \
                 affine_mtx_ng[:, 0, 2]
  xformed_y_ng = affine_mtx_ng[:, 1, 0] * nrm_x + \
                 affine_mtx_ng[:, 1, 1] * nrm_y + \
                 affine_mtx_ng[:, 1, 2]
  xformed_x_ng = C.expand_dims(xformed_x_ng, 0)
  xformed_y_ng = C.expand_dims(xformed_y_ng, 0)

  fx = C.clip(w * xformed_x, 0, w-2)
  fy = C.clip(h * xformed_y, 0, h-2)
  wx = xformed_x - fx
  wy = xformed_y - fy
  fx_ng = C.clip(w * xformed_x_ng, 0, w-2)
  fy_ng = C.clip(h * xformed_y_ng, 0, h-2)

  chan_idx = np.arange(c).reshape(1, c, 1, 1)
  chan_idx = C.Constant(chan_idx, chan_idx.shape)
  batch_idx = np.arange(bs).reshape(bs, 1, 1, 1)
  batch_idx = C.Constant(batch_idx, batch_idx.shape)
  flat_im = C.reshape(im, [-1])
  def flatten_and_gather(x, y):
    linear_idx = x + w*y
    linear_idx = linear_idx + w*h*chan_idx + w*h*c*batch_idx
    flat_linear_idx = C.reshape(linear_idx, [-1])
    return C.reshape(C.gather(flat_im, flat_linear_idx),linear_idx.shape)
  gather_ff = flatten_and_gather(fx_ng    , fy_ng    )
  gather_fc = flatten_and_gather(fx_ng    , fy_ng + 1)
  gather_cf = flatten_and_gather(fx_ng + 1, fy_ng    )
  gather_cc = flatten_and_gather(fx_ng + 1, fy_ng + 1)
  out = gather_ff*(1-wx)*(1-wy) + \
        gather_fc*(1-wx)*(  wy) + \
        gather_cf*(  wx)*(1-wy) + \
        gather_cc*(  wx)*(  wy)
  loss = C.reduce_l2(out)

  im_val = np.random.randn(bs, c, h, w).astype(np.float32)
  affine_mtx_val = np.zeros([bs, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32)
  affine_mtx_val[:, 0, 1] = 1.0
  affine_mtx_val[:, 1, 0] = 1.0
  # burning iteration
  for it in range(5):
    print('burning (', it, ')')
    g = loss.grad({im : im_val, affine_mtx : affine_mtx_val, affine_mtx_ng : affine_mtx_val})
  # actual iterations
  start = time.time()
  for it in range(50):
    print('profiling (', it, ')')
    g = loss.grad({im : im_val, affine_mtx : affine_mtx_val, affine_mtx_ng : affine_mtx_val})
  end = time.time()
  runtime = (end-start)*1000.0/50.0
  print('Runtime:', runtime)
Exemple #16
 def seq_op_func(seqinp):
     l = seqinp
     r = C.sequence.future_value(l)
     r = C.expand_dims(r, -len(seqinp.shape) - 1)
     res = l + r
     return res