Exemple #1
def check_sign_currents(battery_currents, alternator_currents):
    Checks if battery currents and alternator currents have the right signs.

    :param battery_currents:
        Low voltage battery current vector [A].
    :type battery_currents: numpy.array

    :param alternator_currents:
        Alternator currents [A].
    :type alternator_currents: numpy.array

        If battery and alternator currents have the right signs.
    :rtype: (bool, bool)
    #: Maximum allowed positive current for the alternator currents check [A].
    import co2mpas.utils as co2_utl
    max_pos_curr = 1.0
    b_c, a_c = battery_currents, alternator_currents

    a = co2_utl.reject_outliers(a_c, med=np.mean)[0]
    a = a <= max_pos_curr
    c = np.cov(a_c, b_c)[0][1]

    if c < 0:
        x = (a, a)
    elif c == 0:
        if any(b_c):
            x = (co2_utl.reject_outliers(b_c, med=np.mean)[0] <= 0, a)
            x = (True, a)
        x = (not a, a)
    return x
Exemple #2
def check_sign_currents(battery_currents, alternator_currents):
    Checks if battery currents and alternator currents have the right signs.

    :param battery_currents:
        Low voltage battery current vector [A].
    :type battery_currents: numpy.array

    :param alternator_currents:
        Alternator current vector [A].
    :type alternator_currents: numpy.array

        If battery and alternator currents have the right signs.
    :rtype: (bool, bool)

    b_c, a_c = battery_currents, alternator_currents

    a = co2_utl.reject_outliers(a_c, med=np.mean)[0]
    a = a <= con_vals.MAX_VALIDATE_POS_CURR
    c = np.cov(a_c, b_c)[0][1]

    if c < 0:
        x = (a, a)
    elif c == 0:
        if any(b_c):
            x = (co2_utl.reject_outliers(b_c, med=np.mean)[0] <= 0, a)
            x = (True, a)
        x = (not a, a)
    return x
Exemple #3
def identify_service_battery_load(service_battery_loads, engine_powers_out,
    Identifies service electric load (engine off and on) [kW].

    :param service_battery_loads:
        Service battery load vector [kW].
    :type service_battery_loads: numpy.array

    :param engine_powers_out:
        Engine power vector [kW].
    :type engine_powers_out: numpy.array

    :param on_engine:
        If the engine is on [-].
    :type on_engine: numpy.array

        Service electric load (engine off and on) [kW].
    :rtype: float, float
    rjo, mae = co2_utl.reject_outliers, co2_utl.mae
    p, b = service_battery_loads, engine_powers_out >= -dfl.EPS
    on = min(0.0, co2_utl.reject_outliers(p[on_engine & b], med=np.mean)[0])
    off, b_off = on, b & ~on_engine & (p < 0)
    if b_off.any():
        off = rjo(p[b_off], med=np.mean)[0]
        if on > off:
            p = p[b]
            if mae(p, on) > mae(p, off):
                on = off
                off = on
    return off, on
Exemple #4
def identify_r_dynamic(velocity_speed_ratios, gear_box_ratios,
    Identifies the dynamic radius of the wheels [m].

    :param velocity_speed_ratios:
        Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)].
    :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float]

    :param gear_box_ratios:
        Gear box ratios [-].
    :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int | float]

    :param final_drive_ratios:
        Final drive ratios [-].
    :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int | float]

        Dynamic radius of the wheels [m].
    :rtype: float

    svr = gb_mec.calculate_speed_velocity_ratios(gear_box_ratios,
                                                 final_drive_ratios, 1)

    r = [svr[k] * vs for k, vs in velocity_speed_ratios.items() if k]

    r_dynamic = co2_utl.reject_outliers(r)[0]

    return r_dynamic
Exemple #5
def identify_r_dynamic(velocity_speed_ratios, gear_box_ratios,
    Identifies the dynamic radius of the wheels [m].

    :param velocity_speed_ratios:
        Constant velocity speed ratios of the gear box [km/(h*RPM)].
    :type velocity_speed_ratios: dict[int | float]

    :param gear_box_ratios:
        Gear box ratios [-].
    :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int]

    :param final_drive_ratios:
        Final drive ratios [-].
    :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int]

        Dynamic radius of the wheels [m].
    :rtype: float
    from co2mpas.utils import reject_outliers
    from .gear_box.mechanical import calculate_speed_velocity_ratios
    svr = calculate_speed_velocity_ratios(gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios,

    r = [svr[k] * vs for k, vs in velocity_speed_ratios.items() if k]

    r_dynamic = reject_outliers(r)[0]

    return r_dynamic
Exemple #6
def identify_service_battery_capacity(times, service_battery_currents,
    Identify service battery capacity [Ah].

    :param times:
        Time vector [s].
    :type times: numpy.array

    :param service_battery_currents:
        Service battery current vector [A].
    :type service_battery_currents: numpy.array

    :param service_battery_state_of_charges:
        State of charge of the service battery [%].
    :type service_battery_state_of_charges: numpy.array

        Service battery capacity [Ah].
    :rtype: float
    soc = service_battery_state_of_charges
    ib = calculate_service_battery_currents_v1(1, times, soc)
    b = (ib < -dfl.EPS) | (ib > dfl.EPS)
    return co2_utl.reject_outliers(service_battery_currents[b] / ib[b])[0]
Exemple #7
def identify_drive_battery_load(drive_battery_loads):
    Identifies drive electric load [kW].

    :param drive_battery_loads:
        Drive battery load vector [kW].
    :type drive_battery_loads: numpy.array

        Drive electric load [kW].
    :rtype: float
    return co2_utl.reject_outliers(drive_battery_loads)[0]
Exemple #8
def identify_clutch_tc_mean_efficiency(clutch_tc_efficiencies):
    Identify clutch or torque converter mean efficiency [-].

    :param clutch_tc_efficiencies:
        Clutch or torque converter efficiency [-].
    :type clutch_tc_efficiencies: numpy.array

        Clutch or torque converter mean efficiency [-].
    :rtype: float
    from co2mpas.utils import reject_outliers
    return reject_outliers(clutch_tc_efficiencies)[0]
Exemple #9
def identify_r_dynamic_v1(velocities, gears, gear_box_speeds_in,
                          gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, stop_velocity):
    Identifies the dynamic radius of the wheels [m].

    :param velocities:
        Vehicle velocity [km/h].
    :type velocities: numpy.array

    :param gears:
        Gear vector [-].
    :type gears: numpy.array

    :param gear_box_speeds_in:
        Gear box speed [RPM].
    :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array

    :param gear_box_ratios:
        Gear box ratios [-].
    :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int, float | int]

    :param final_drive_ratios:
        Final drive ratios [-].
    :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int, float | int]

    :param stop_velocity:
        Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h].
    :type stop_velocity: float

        Dynamic radius of the wheels [m].
    :rtype: float
    import numpy as np
    from co2mpas.utils import reject_outliers
    from .gear_box import mechanical as gb_mec
    svr = gb_mec.calculate_speed_velocity_ratios(gear_box_ratios,
                                                 final_drive_ratios, 1.0)

    vsr = gb_mec.calculate_velocity_speed_ratios(svr)

    speed_x_r_dyn_ratios = gb_mec.calculate_gear_box_speeds_in(
        gears, velocities, vsr, stop_velocity)
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        r_dynamic = speed_x_r_dyn_ratios / gear_box_speeds_in
    r_dynamic = r_dynamic[np.isfinite(r_dynamic)]
    r_dynamic = reject_outliers(r_dynamic)[0]
    return r_dynamic
Exemple #10
def identify_r_dynamic_v1(velocities, gears, engine_speeds_out,
                          gear_box_ratios, final_drive_ratios, stop_velocity):
    Identifies the dynamic radius of the wheels [m].

    :param velocities:
        Vehicle velocity [km/h].
    :type velocities: numpy.array

    :param gears:
        Gear vector [-].
    :type gears: numpy.array

    :param engine_speeds_out:
        Engine speed [RPM].
    :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array

    :param gear_box_ratios:
        Gear box ratios [-].
    :type gear_box_ratios: dict[int | float]

    :param final_drive_ratios:
        Final drive ratios [-].
    :type final_drive_ratios: dict[int | float]

    :param stop_velocity:
        Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h].
    :type stop_velocity: float

        Dynamic radius of the wheels [m].
    :rtype: float

    svr = gb_mec.calculate_speed_velocity_ratios(gear_box_ratios,
                                                 final_drive_ratios, 1.0)

    vsr = gb_mec.calculate_velocity_speed_ratios(svr)

    speed_x_r_dyn_ratios = gb_mec.calculate_gear_box_speeds_in(
        gears, velocities, vsr, stop_velocity)

    r_dynamic = speed_x_r_dyn_ratios / engine_speeds_out
    r_dynamic = r_dynamic[~np.isnan(r_dynamic)]
    r_dynamic = co2_utl.reject_outliers(r_dynamic)[0]

    return r_dynamic
Exemple #11
def identify_motor_p4_speed_ratio(wheel_speeds, motor_p4_speeds):
    Identifies motor P4 speed ratio.

    :param wheel_speeds:
        Rotating speed of the wheel [RPM].
    :type wheel_speeds: numpy.array | float

    :param motor_p4_speeds:
        Rotating speed of motor P4 [RPM].
    :type motor_p4_speeds: numpy.array | float

        Motor P4 speed ratio [-].
    :rtype: float
    b = wheel_speeds > 0
    return co2_utl.reject_outliers(motor_p4_speeds[b] / wheel_speeds[b])[0]
Exemple #12
def identify_upper_bound_engine_speed(gears, engine_speeds_out,
    Identifies upper bound engine speed [RPM].

    It is used to correct the gear prediction for constant accelerations (see

    This is evaluated as the median value plus 0.67 standard deviation of the
    filtered cycle engine speed (i.e., the engine speeds when engine speed >
    minimum engine speed plus 0.67 standard deviation and gear < maximum gear).

    :param gears:
        Gear vector [-].
    :type gears: numpy.array

    :param engine_speeds_out:
         Engine speed vector [RPM].
    :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array

    :param idle_engine_speed:
        Idle engine speed and its standard deviation [RPM].
    :type idle_engine_speed: (float, float)

        Upper bound engine speed [RPM].
    :rtype: float

    .. note:: Assuming a normal distribution then about 68 percent of the data
       values are within 0.67 standard deviation of the mean.

    max_gear = max(gears)

    idle_speed = idle_engine_speed[1]

    dom = (engine_speeds_out > idle_speed) & (gears < max_gear)

    m, sd = co2_utl.reject_outliers(engine_speeds_out[dom])

    return m + sd * 0.674490
Exemple #13
def identify_alternator_current_threshold(alternator_currents, velocities,
                                          on_engine, stop_velocity,
    Identifies the alternator current threshold [A] that identifies when the
    alternator is off.

    :param alternator_currents:
        Alternator current vector [A].
    :type alternator_currents: numpy.array

    :param velocities:
        Velocity vector [km/h].
    :type velocities: numpy.array

    :param on_engine:
        If the engine is on [-].
    :type on_engine: numpy.array

    :param stop_velocity:
        Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h].
    :type stop_velocity: float

    :param alternator_off_threshold:
        Maximum negative current for being considered the alternator off [A].
    :type alternator_off_threshold: float

        Alternator current threshold [A].
    :rtype: float

    b, l = np.logical_not(on_engine), -float('inf')
    if not b.any():
        b, l = velocities < stop_velocity, alternator_off_threshold
        b &= alternator_currents < 0

    if b.any():
        return min(0.0,
                   max(co2_utl.reject_outliers(alternator_currents[b])[0], l))
    return 0.0
Exemple #14
def identify_gear_box_mean_efficiency(gear_box_powers_in, gear_box_powers_out):
    Identify gear box mean efficiency [-].

    :param gear_box_powers_in:
        Gear box power in vector [kW].
    :type gear_box_powers_in: numpy.array

    :param gear_box_powers_out:
        Gear box power out vector [kW].
    :type gear_box_powers_out: numpy.array

        Gear box mean efficiency [-].
    :rtype: float
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        eff = gear_box_powers_out / gear_box_powers_in
        b = eff > 1
        eff[b] = 1 / eff[b]
        return reject_outliers(eff[np.isfinite(eff) & (eff >= 0)])[0]
Exemple #15
def identify_speed_velocity_ratios(gears, velocities, gear_box_speeds_in,
    Identifies speed velocity ratios from gear vector [h*RPM/km].

    :param gears:
        Gear vector [-].
    :type gears: numpy.array

    :param velocities:
        Velocity vector [km/h].
    :type velocities: numpy.array

    :param gear_box_speeds_in:
        Gear box speed vector [RPM].
    :type gear_box_speeds_in: numpy.array

    :param stop_velocity:
        Maximum velocity to consider the vehicle stopped [km/h].
    :type stop_velocity: float

        Speed velocity ratios of the gear box [h*RPM/km].
    :rtype: dict

    ratios = gear_box_speeds_in / velocities

    ratios[velocities < stop_velocity] = 0

    svr = {
        k: co2_utl.reject_outliers(ratios[gears == k])[0]
        for k in range(1,
                       int(max(gears)) + 1) if k in gears
    svr[0] = INF

    return svr
Exemple #16
    def fit(self, gears, velocities, velocity_speed_ratios, idle_engine_speed,
        self.velocity_speed_ratios = velocity_speed_ratios
        idle = idle_engine_speed
        mvl = [np.array([idle[0] - idle[1], idle[0] + idle[1]])]
        for k in range(1, int(max(gears)) + 1):
            lm, on, vsr = [], None, velocity_speed_ratios[k]

            for i, b in enumerate(itertools.chain(gears == k, [False])):
                if not b and on is not None:
                    v = velocities[on:i]
                    lm.append([min(v), max(v)])
                    on = None

                elif on is None and b:
                    on = i

            if lm:
                min_v, max_v = zip(*lm)
                lm = [sum(co2_utl.reject_outliers(min_v)), max(max_v)]
                mvl.append(np.array([max(idle[0], l / vsr) for l in lm]))

        mvl = [[k, tuple(v * velocity_speed_ratios[k])]
               for k, v in reversed(list(enumerate(mvl[1:], 1)))]
        mvl[0][1] = (mvl[0][1][0], dfl.INF)
        mvl.append([0, (0, mvl[-1][1][0])])

        for i, v in enumerate(mvl[1:]):
            v[1] = (v[1][0], max(v[1][1], mvl[i][1][0] + stop_velocity))

        # noinspection PyTypeChecker

        return self
Exemple #17
def identify_planetary_ratio(planetary_speeds_in, engine_speeds_out,
    Calculates final drive speed [RPM].

    :param planetary_speeds_in:
        Planetary speed vector [RPM].
    :type planetary_speeds_in: numpy.array

    :param engine_speeds_out:
        Engine speed vector [RPM].
    :type engine_speeds_out: numpy.array

    :param final_drive_speeds_in:
        Final drive speed in [RPM].
    :type final_drive_speeds_in: float

        Fundamental planetary speed ratio [-].
    :rtype: numpy.array
    r = planetary_speeds_in - engine_speeds_out
    r /= engine_speeds_out - final_drive_speeds_in
    return co2_utl.reject_outliers(r)
Exemple #18
def identify_electric_loads(alternator_nominal_voltage, battery_currents,
                            alternator_currents, gear_box_powers_in, times,
                            on_engine, engine_starts,
    Identifies vehicle electric load and engine start demand [kW].

    :param alternator_nominal_voltage:
        Alternator nominal voltage [V].
    :type alternator_nominal_voltage: float

    :param battery_currents:
        Low voltage battery current vector [A].
    :type battery_currents: numpy.array

    :param alternator_currents:
        Alternator current vector [A].
    :type alternator_currents: numpy.array

    :param gear_box_powers_in:
        Gear box power vector [kW].
    :type gear_box_powers_in: numpy.array

    :param times:
        Time vector [s].
    :type times: numpy.array

    :param on_engine:
        If the engine is on [-].
    :type on_engine: numpy.array

    :param engine_starts:
        When the engine starts [-].
    :type engine_starts: numpy.array

    :param alternator_start_window_width:
        Alternator start window width [s].
    :type alternator_start_window_width: float

        Vehicle electric load (engine off and on) [kW] and energy required to
        start engine [kJ].
    :rtype: ((float, float), float)

    b_c, a_c = battery_currents, alternator_currents
    c = alternator_nominal_voltage / 1000.0

    b = gear_box_powers_in >= 0
    bL = b & np.logical_not(on_engine) & (b_c < 0)
    bH = b & on_engine

    off = min(0.0, c * co2_utl.reject_outliers(b_c[bL], med=np.mean)[0])
    on = min(off,
             c * co2_utl.reject_outliers(b_c[bH] + a_c[bH], med=np.mean)[0])

    loads = [off, on]
    start_demand = []
    dt = alternator_start_window_width / 2
    for i, j in _starts_windows(times, engine_starts, dt):
        p = b_c[i:j] * c
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        p[p > 0] = 0.0
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        p = np.trapz(p, x=times[i:j])

        if p < 0:
            l = np.trapz(np.choose(on_engine[i:j], loads), x=times[i:j])
            if p < l:
                start_demand.append(p - l)

    start_demand = -co2_utl.reject_outliers(
        start_demand)[0] if start_demand else 0.0

    return (off, on), start_demand