def calculate_phenotype_phase_plane(model,
        reaction1_name, reaction2_name,
        reaction1_range_max=20, reaction2_range_max=20,
        reaction1_npoints=50, reaction2_npoints=50,
        solver='glpk', n_processes=1, tolerance=1e-6):
    """calculates the growth rates while varying the uptake rates for two

    returns: an object containing the growth rates for the uptake rates.
    To plot the result, call the plot function of the returned object.

    data = calculate_phenotype_phase_plane(my_model, "EX_foo", "EX_bar")
    data = phenotypePhasePlaneData(
            str(reaction1_name), str(reaction2_name),
            reaction1_range_max, reaction2_range_max,
            reaction1_npoints, reaction2_npoints)
    # find the objects for the reactions and metabolites
    index1 = model.reactions.index(model.reactions.get_by_id(data.reaction1_name))
    index2 = model.reactions.index(model.reactions.get_by_id(data.reaction2_name))
    metabolite1_name = str(model.reactions.get_by_id( \
    metabolite2_name = str(model.reactions.get_by_id( \
    if n_processes > reaction1_npoints:  # limit the number of processes
        n_processes = reaction1_npoints
    range_add = reaction1_npoints / n_processes
    # prepare the list of arguments for each _calculate_subset call
    arguments_list = []
    i = arange(reaction1_npoints)
    j = arange(reaction2_npoints)
    for n in range(n_processes):
        start = n * range_add
        if n != n_processes - 1:
            r1_range = data.reaction1_fluxes[start:start + range_add]
            i_list = i[start:start + range_add]
            r1_range = data.reaction1_fluxes[start:]
            i_list = i[start:]
        arguments_list.append({"model": model.copy(),
            "index1": index1, "index2": index2,
            "metabolite1_name": metabolite1_name,
            "metabolite2_name": metabolite2_name,
            "reaction1_fluxes": r1_range,
            "reaction2_fluxes": data.reaction2_fluxes.copy(),
            "i_list": i_list, "j_list": j.copy(),
            "tolerance": tolerance, "solver": solver})
    if n_processes > 1:
        results = list(ppmap(n_processes, _calculate_subset, arguments_list))
        results = [_calculate_subset(arguments_list[0])]
    for result_list in results:
        for result in result_list:
            i = result[0]
            j = result[1]
            data.growth_rates[i, j] = result[2]
            data.shadow_prices1[i, j] = result[3]
            data.shadow_prices2[i, j] = result[4]
    return data
Exemple #2
def __double_gene_deletion_parallel(cobra_model, number_of_processes=4,
                                  genes_of_interest=None, method = 'fba', 
                                  the_problem='return', solver='glpk',
    """Provides a wrapper to run the double_deletion function on
    multicore systems.

    cobra_model: a Model object

    number_of_processes: is the number of parallel processes to start

    genes_of_interest: Is None, a list of genes, or a list of two lists of
    genes.  If None then double_deletion is run on all genes in
    cobra_model.genes.  If a list of genes then double_deletion is run for all
    combinations of genes in double_deletion.  If a list of of two lists of
    genes then double_deletion is run for each member of one list vs. each
    member of the second list.

    method: 'fba' or 'moma' to run flux balance analysis or minimization
    of metabolic adjustments.

    the_problem: Is None or 'reuse'

    solver: 'glpk', 'gurobi', or 'cplex'.

    error_reporting: None or True

    returns a dictionary with the keys x, y, and data
          data: A numpy array of the simulation results for the growth_rates
          x: A list of the genes for the x dimension of data.
          y: A list of the genes for the y dimension of y.
          **NOTE: While the genes in x and y correspond to the content from the input gene_lists,
          they are not guaranteed to be in the same order as the gene_lists because the subprocesses
          may run at different speeds.

    if not __parallel_mode_available:
        print  'Parallel mode not available is Parallel Python installed'
    from numpy import vstack
    if the_problem:
    if not genes_of_interest:
        #If no genes_of_interest are specified then assume we want to
        #compare all genetic interactions in the network
        second_gene_list = all_genes = [ for x in cobra_model.genes]
    elif isinstance(genes_of_interest[0], str):
        #If genes_of_interest is a list then assume the list be scanned
        #for interactions with all genes in the network
        all_genes = genes_of_interest
        second_gene_list = all_genes
    elif hasattr(genes_of_interest[0], 'id'):
        #Make sure we're dealing with strings instead of objects because we
        #haven't audited this for thread safety
        second_gene_list = all_genes = [ for x in genes_of_interest]
    elif hasattr(genes_of_interest[0], '__iter__'):
        second_gene_list = all_genes = genes_of_interest[0]
        if len(genes_of_interest) == 2:
            second_gene_list = genes_of_interest[1]
        if hasattr(all_genes[0], 'id'):
            all_genes = [ for x in all_genes]
        if hasattr(second_gene_list[0], 'id'):
            second_gene_list = [ for x in second_gene_list]

    #Get basic numbers to guide how the problem should be divided for parallel execution.
    transpose_results = False
    if len(all_genes) < len(second_gene_list):
        all_genes, second_gene_list = second_gene_list, all_genes
        transpose_results = True
    total_gene_count = len(all_genes)
    if total_gene_count < number_of_processes:
        number_of_processes = total_gene_count
    division_count = total_gene_count / number_of_processes
    the_rows = []

    for i in range(number_of_processes-1):
        the_rows.append({'cobra_model': cobra_model.copy(), 'method': method,
                         'gene_list_1': deepcopy(all_genes[i*division_count:division_count*(i+1)]),
                         'gene_list_2': deepcopy(second_gene_list), 'the_problem': the_problem,
                         'solver': solver,
                         'error_reporting': error_reporting})
    the_rows.append({'cobra_model': cobra_model.copy(), 'method': method,
                     'gene_list_1': deepcopy(all_genes[(number_of_processes-1)*division_count:]),
                     'gene_list_2': deepcopy(second_gene_list), 'the_problem': the_problem,
                     'solver': solver,
                     'error_reporting': error_reporting})

    tmp_pp = list(ppmap(number_of_processes, double_gene_deletion, the_rows))
    gene_list_x = tmp_pp[0]['x']
    gene_list_y = tmp_pp[0]['y']
    double_deletion_data = tmp_pp[0]['data']
    if transpose_results:
        gene_list_x, gene_list_y = gene_list_y, gene_list_x
        double_deletion_data = double_deletion_data.transpose()
    for the_result in tmp_pp[1:]:
        gene_list_x += the_result['x']
        double_deletion_data = vstack((double_deletion_data, the_result['data']))

    #cobra_model.double_deletion_growth_rate = double_deletion_data 
    #cobra_model.double_deletion_genes_x = gene_list_x
    #cobra_model.double_deletion_genes_y = gene_list_y

    return({'x': gene_list_x, 'y': gene_list_y, 'data': double_deletion_data})
Exemple #3
def double_gene_deletion_parallel(
    """Provides a wrapper to run the double_deletion function on
    multicore systems.

    cobra_model: a Model object

    n_processes: is the number of parallel processes to start

    genes_of_interest: Is None, a list of genes, or a list of two lists of
    genes.  If None then double_deletion is run on all genes in
    cobra_model.genes.  If a list of genes then double_deletion is run for all
    combinations of genes in double_deletion.  If a list of of two lists of
    genes then double_deletion is run for each member of one list vs. each
    member of the second list.

    method: 'fba' or 'moma' to run flux balance analysis or minimization
    of metabolic adjustments.

    the_medium: Is None, a string, or a dictionary.  If a string then the
    initialize_growth_medium function expects that cobra_model has an
    attribute dictionary called media_compositions, which is a dictionary of
    dictionaries for various medium compositions.  Where a medium
    composition is a dictionary of exchange reaction ids for the medium
    components and the exchange fluxes for each medium component; note that
    these fluxes must be negative because they are being exchanged into the

    the_problem: Is None or 'reuse'

    solver: 'glpk', 'gurobi', or 'cplex'.

    error_reporting: None or True

    Adds the following attributes to the cobra_model:
          double_deletion_growth_rate: A numpy array of the simulation results
          double_deletion_genes_x: A list of the genes for the x dimension of
          double_deletion_genes_y: A list of the genes for the y dimension of

    if not __parallel_mode_available:
        print "Parallel mode not available is Parallel Python installed"
    if the_problem:
        the_problem = "return"
    if the_medium:
        initialize_growth_medium(cobra_model, the_medium)
    if not genes_of_interest:
        # If no genes_of_interest are specified then assume we want to
        # compare all genetic interactions in the network
        all_genes = [ for x in cobra_model.genes]
        second_gene_list = all_genes
    elif isinstance(genes_of_interest[0], str):
        # If genes_of_interest is a list then assume the list be scanned
        # for interactions with all genes in the network
        all_genes = genes_of_interest
        second_gene_list = all_genes
    elif hasattr(genes_of_interest[0], "id"):
        # Make sure we're dealing with strings instead of objects because we
        # haven't audited this for thread safety
        second_gene_list = all_genes = [ for x in genes_of_interest]
    elif hasattr(genes_of_interest[0], "__iter__"):
        all_genes = genes_of_interest[0]
        if len(genes_of_interest) == 2:
            second_gene_list = genes_of_interest[1]
            second_gene_list = all_genes
    # Get basic numbers to guide how the problem should be divided for parallel execution.
    total_gene_count = len(all_genes)
    division_count = total_gene_count / n_processes
    the_rows = []

    for i in range(n_processes - 1):
                "cobra_model": cobra_model.copy(),
                "method": method,
                "gene_list_1": deepcopy(all_genes[i * division_count : division_count * (i + 1)]),
                "gene_list_2": deepcopy(second_gene_list),
                "the_problem": the_problem,
                "solver": solver,
                "error_reporting": error_reporting,
            "cobra_model": cobra_model.copy(),
            "method": method,
            "gene_list_1": deepcopy(all_genes[(n_processes - 1) * division_count :]),
            "gene_list_2": deepcopy(second_gene_list),
            "the_problem": the_problem,
            "solver": solver,
            "error_reporting": error_reporting,

    tmp_pp = list(ppmap(n_processes, double_gene_deletion, the_rows))
    gene_list_x = tmp_pp[0]["x"]
    gene_list_y = tmp_pp[0]["y"]
    double_deletion_data = tmp_pp[0]["data"]
    for the_result in tmp_pp[1:]:
        gene_list_x += the_result["x"]
        double_deletion_data = vstack((double_deletion_data, the_result["data"]))

    cobra_model.double_deletion_growth_rate = double_deletion_data
    cobra_model.double_deletion_genes_x = gene_list_x
    cobra_model.double_deletion_genes_y = gene_list_y
    return cobra_model
Exemple #4
def __double_gene_deletion_parallel(cobra_model,
    """Provides a wrapper to run the double_deletion function on
    multicore systems.

    cobra_model: a Model object

    number_of_processes: is the number of parallel processes to start

    genes_of_interest: Is None, a list of genes, or a list of two lists of
    genes.  If None then double_deletion is run on all genes in
    cobra_model.genes.  If a list of genes then double_deletion is run for all
    combinations of genes in double_deletion.  If a list of of two lists of
    genes then double_deletion is run for each member of one list vs. each
    member of the second list.

    method: 'fba' or 'moma' to run flux balance analysis or minimization
    of metabolic adjustments.

    the_problem: Is None or 'reuse'

    solver: 'glpk', 'gurobi', or 'cplex'.

    error_reporting: None or True

    returns a dictionary with the keys x, y, and data
          data: A numpy array of the simulation results for the growth_rates
          x: A list of the genes for the x dimension of data.
          y: A list of the genes for the y dimension of y.
          **NOTE: While the genes in x and y correspond to the content from the input gene_lists,
          they are not guaranteed to be in the same order as the gene_lists because the subprocesses
          may run at different speeds.

    if not __parallel_mode_available:
        print 'Parallel mode not available is Parallel Python installed'
    from numpy import vstack
    if the_problem:
        the_problem = 'return'
    if not genes_of_interest:
        #If no genes_of_interest are specified then assume we want to
        #compare all genetic interactions in the network
        second_gene_list = all_genes = [ for x in cobra_model.genes]
    elif isinstance(genes_of_interest[0], str):
        #If genes_of_interest is a list then assume the list be scanned
        #for interactions with all genes in the network
        all_genes = genes_of_interest
        second_gene_list = all_genes
    elif hasattr(genes_of_interest[0], 'id'):
        #Make sure we're dealing with strings instead of objects because we
        #haven't audited this for thread safety
        second_gene_list = all_genes = [ for x in genes_of_interest]
    elif hasattr(genes_of_interest[0], '__iter__'):
        second_gene_list = all_genes = genes_of_interest[0]
        if len(genes_of_interest) == 2:
            second_gene_list = genes_of_interest[1]
        if hasattr(all_genes[0], 'id'):
            all_genes = [ for x in all_genes]
        if hasattr(second_gene_list[0], 'id'):
            second_gene_list = [ for x in second_gene_list]

    #Get basic numbers to guide how the problem should be divided for parallel execution.
    transpose_results = False
    if len(all_genes) < len(second_gene_list):
        all_genes, second_gene_list = second_gene_list, all_genes
        transpose_results = True
    total_gene_count = len(all_genes)
    if total_gene_count < number_of_processes:
        number_of_processes = total_gene_count
    division_count = total_gene_count / number_of_processes
    the_rows = []

    for i in range(number_of_processes - 1):
            deepcopy(all_genes[i * division_count:division_count * (i + 1)]),
        deepcopy(all_genes[(number_of_processes - 1) * division_count:]),

    tmp_pp = list(ppmap(number_of_processes, double_gene_deletion, the_rows))
    gene_list_x = tmp_pp[0]['x']
    gene_list_y = tmp_pp[0]['y']
    double_deletion_data = tmp_pp[0]['data']
    if transpose_results:
        gene_list_x, gene_list_y = gene_list_y, gene_list_x
        double_deletion_data = double_deletion_data.transpose()

    for the_result in tmp_pp[1:]:
        gene_list_x += the_result['x']
        double_deletion_data = vstack(
            (double_deletion_data, the_result['data']))

    #cobra_model.double_deletion_growth_rate = double_deletion_data
    #cobra_model.double_deletion_genes_x = gene_list_x
    #cobra_model.double_deletion_genes_y = gene_list_y

    return ({'x': gene_list_x, 'y': gene_list_y, 'data': double_deletion_data})