def test(input, output): # loading the testing data dataset = loader.load('test', base_dir=input) dataset.set_transform(data_transform) # load the network net = torch.load('networks/tiramisu.torchnet') for idx in range(0, len(dataset)): image, mask = dataset[idx] # mask will be None image = Variable(image.unsqueeze(0).cuda()) net_out = net(image).data.cpu() output_arr = net_out.numpy()[0] # the output is a 3 x SIZE x SIZE array that gives confidence values for each class in the three channels # we need to change these into a segmentation map segmap = np.empty((SIZE, SIZE)) for row in range(0, SIZE): for col in range(0, SIZE): vals = output_arr[:, row, col] index = np.argmax(vals) segmap[row, col] = index original_size = dataset.get_original_size(idx) orig_size_transform = preprocess.ResizeMask(original_size[0], original_size[1]) segmap = orig_size_transform.__call__(segmap) hash = dataset.get_hash(idx) postprocess.export_as_png(segmap, output, hash) tar_path = postprocess.make_tar(output) print("Done!") print("Results written to %s" % tar_path)
def tune(): # load the training set dataset = loader.load('train') num_samples = len(dataset) # compute variance along the time dimension variance_transform = preprocess.Variance() transform = Compose([variance_transform]) dataset.set_transform(transform) # compute the optimal threshold for each sample optimal_thresholds = np.zeros(num_samples) optimal_filter_sizes = np.zeros(num_samples) optimal_scores = np.zeros(num_samples) for idx in range(0, num_samples): sample_image = dataset[idx] # for each image, find parameters which maximize intersection-over-union score optimal_threshold = 0.8 optimal_filter_size = 1 optimal_score = 0.0 for threshold in np.arange(1.0, 15.1, 0.1): for filter_size in np.arange(1, 5, 1): image = sample_image.median_filter(size=filter_size).toarray() thresholding = image > threshold # indices where the variance is greater than the threshold mask = np.zeros(image.shape) mask[thresholding] = 2 # the value 2 indicated cilia score = dataset.compute_score(idx, mask) if score > optimal_score: optimal_score = score optimal_threshold = threshold optimal_filter_size = filter_size # record the optimal threshold for this movie optimal_thresholds[idx] = optimal_threshold optimal_filter_sizes[idx] = optimal_filter_size optimal_scores[idx] = optimal_score # average the optimal parameters that were found print("Average optimal threshold: %0.4f" % np.mean(optimal_thresholds)) print("Variance: %0.4f" % np.var(optimal_thresholds)) print("Average optimal filter size: %0.4f" % np.mean(optimal_filter_sizes)) print("Variance: %0.4f" % np.var(optimal_filter_sizes)) print("Average score: %0.4f" % np.mean(optimal_scores)) print("Variance: %0.4f" % np.var(optimal_scores))
def main(): dataset = loader.load(samples='all') print("samples loaded") max_row = 0 max_cols = 0 for i in range(len(dataset)): tmp_row = dataset[i].shape[1] print(tmp_row) tmp_cols = dataset[i].shape[2] print(tmp_cols) if tmp_row > max_row: max_row = tmp_row print("updating rows to: {}".format(max_row)) if tmp_cols > max_cols: max_cols = tmp_cols print("updating cols to: {}".format(max_cols)) print("Final max rows: {}".format(max_row)) print("Final max cols: {}".format(max_cols))
def main(): # these samples will be automatically downloaded if they are not found locally dataset = loader.load(samples=[ '4bad52d5ef5f68e87523ba40aa870494a63c318da7ec7609e486e62f7f7a25e8', 'a7e37600a431fa6d6023514df87cfc8bb5ec028fb6346a10c2ececc563cc5423', '70a6300a00dbac92be9238252ee2a75c86faf4729f3ef267688ab859eed1cc60' ]) # this transform will cause the dataset to find the mean image of a movie # anytime an item is requested from the dataset transform = preprocess.Mean() dataset.set_transform(transform) mean_images = list() for i in range(len(dataset)): sample = dataset[i] # mean transform has already been applied! mean_images.append(sample) tile(mean_images)
def main(): # these samples will be automatically downloaded if they are not found locally dataset = loader.load(samples=['4bad52d5ef5f68e87523ba40aa870494a63c318da7ec7609e486e62f7f7a25e8', 'a7e37600a431fa6d6023514df87cfc8bb5ec028fb6346a10c2ececc563cc5423', '70a6300a00dbac92be9238252ee2a75c86faf4729f3ef267688ab859eed1cc60']) resize_transform = preprocess.Resize(dataset, 640, 480) fft_transform = fft_features.Frequency(n=128) cuda_transform = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: torch.from_numpy(x).float().cuda()) submean_tranform = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: x.sub(torch.mean(x, dim=0))) flat_transform = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: x.view(307200, -1)) svd_transform = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: fft_features.PCA(x, k=10)) reshape = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: x.view(640, 480, -1)) transforms = Compose([fft_transform, cuda_transform, submean_tranform]) dataset.set_transform(transforms) for i in range(len(dataset)): sample = dataset[i] print(sample)
def main(input='./data', output='./results/min_var', threshold=None, filter_size=4): # load the test data print("Loading Data...") dataset = loader.load('test', base_dir=input) # compute variance along the time axis transforms = [] variance_transform = preprocess.Variance() transforms.append(variance_transform) if filter_size > 0: med_filter_transform = preprocess.MedianFilter(size=filter_size) transforms.append(med_filter_transform) transform = Compose(transforms) dataset.set_transform(transform) # segment each image and write it to the results directory print("Segmenting images...") for idx in range(0, len(dataset)): img, target = dataset[idx] img = img.toarray() hash = dataset.get_hash(idx) # create cilia mask based on grayscale variance thresholding mask = np.zeros(img.shape) if threshold is None: # if the threshold is not specified, then we use the mean variance threshold = np.mean(img) thresholding = img >= threshold mask[thresholding] = 2 postprocess.export_as_png(mask, output, hash) tar_path = postprocess.make_tar(output) print("Done!") print("Results written to %s" % tar_path)
def main(input='./data', output='./results/fft_dom', k=10, dom_frequency=11): # these samples will be automatically downloaded if they are not found locally dataset = loader.load(samples='test') resize_transform = preprocess.Resize(dataset, 640, 480) fft_transform = fft_features.Frequency(n=128) cuda_transform = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: torch.from_numpy(x).float().cuda()) submean_tranform = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: x.sub(torch.mean(x, dim=0))) flat_transform = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: x.view(307200, -1)) svd_transform = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: fft_features.PCA(x, k=10)) reshape = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: x.view(640, 480, -1)) max_freq = tvt.Lambda(lambda x: x.argmax(dim=0)) transforms = Compose([ fft_transform, cuda_transform, submean_tranform, ]) dataset.set_transform(transforms) for i in range(0, len(dataset)): img, target = dataset[i] img_arr = img.cpu().numpy() print(img_arr.shape) hash = dataset.get_hash(i) # create cilia mask based on grayscale variance thresholding mask = np.zeros(img_arr.shape[1:]) mask[np.where(img_arr != 10)[1:]] = 2 mask[np.where(img_arr != 11)[1:]] = 2 mask[np.where(img_arr != 12)[1:]] = 2 postprocess.export_as_png(mask, output, hash) tar_path = postprocess.make_tar(output) print("Done!") print("Results written to %s" % tar_path)
def train(input, epochs=200, learning_rate=1e-4): dataset = loader.load('train', base_dir=input) dataset.set_transform(data_transform) # create a transform that preprocesses the target masks mask_transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose([preprocess.ResizeMask(SIZE, SIZE)]) dataset.set_mask_transform(mask_transform) # Create a Tiramisu network from the dense package # in_channels is the number of channels in the input images # out_channels is the number of classes net = FCDenseNet103(in_channels=1, out_channels=3).cuda() # train the network LR = learning_rate N_EPOCHS = epochs # maximum number of epochs to train BATCH_SIZE = 3 torch.cuda.manual_seed(0) optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=LR) criterion = nn.NLLLoss2d().cuda() dataset_loader = dataloader.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True) for epoch in range(1, N_EPOCHS + 1): for idx, data in enumerate(dataset_loader): X = Variable(data[0].cuda()) target = Variable(data[1].cuda()).long() optimizer.zero_grad() # zero the gradient buffers output = net(X) # generate prediction loss = criterion(output, target) # compute loss loss.backward() # backpropagate optimizer.step() # update weights print("Epoch %d Finished" % epoch) # save the trained network, 'networks/tiramisu.torchnet') print("Done training!")