def test_unpack_document(self):
        obj = self.client._unpack_document(
                'data': {
                    'id': '123',
                    'type': 'bundles',
                    'attributes': {'name': 'hello'},
                    'relationships': {
                        'owner': {'data': {'id': '345', 'type': 'users'}},
                        'parent': {'data': {'id': '567', 'type': 'bundles'}},
                'included': [
                        'type': 'users',
                        'id': '345',
                        'attributes': {'name': 'percy', 'affiliation': 'stanford'},

                'owner': JsonApiRelationship(
                    'users', '345', {'name': 'percy', 'affiliation': 'stanford'}
                'parent': JsonApiRelationship('bundles', '567'),
                'id': '123',
                'name': 'hello',
    def _make_public_readable(self, bundle):
        Make the given bundle readable to the public.
        # Get public group info
        public = self.client.fetch('groups', 'public')

        # Set permissions
            'bundle-permissions', {
                'group': JsonApiRelationship('groups', public['id']),
                'bundle': JsonApiRelationship('bundles', bundle['id']),
                'permission': 1,
Exemple #3
    def test_pack_document(self):
        doc = self.client._pack_document({
            'owner': JsonApiRelationship('users', '345'),
            'friend': EmptyJsonApiRelationship(),
            'id': '123',
            'name': 'hello'
        }, 'bundles')

        self.assertDictEqual(doc, {
            'data': {
                'id': '123',
                'type': 'bundles',
                'attributes': {
                    'name': 'hello'
                'relationships': {
                    'owner': {
                        'data': {
                            'id': '345',
                            'type': 'users'
                    'friend': {
                        'data': None
Exemple #4
 def newline():
     if not skip_prelude:
    def ensure_log_worksheet_private(self):
        Ensure that the leaderboard worksheet is private, so that all bundles
        created on it are automatically private.
        if self.config['make_predictions_public']:

        # Get public group info
        public = self.client.fetch('groups', 'public')

        # Set permissions
            'worksheet-permissions', {
                JsonApiRelationship('groups', public['id']),
Exemple #6
def mimic_bundles(
    :param JsonApiClient client: client
    :param old_inputs: list of bundle uuids
    :param old_output: bundle uuid that we produced
    :param new_inputs: list of bundle uuids that are analogous to old_inputs
    :param new_output_name: name of the bundle to create to be analogous to old_output (possibly None)
    :param worksheet_uuid: add newly created bundles to this worksheet
    :param depth: how far to do a BFS up from old_output.
    :param shadow: whether to add the new inputs right after all occurrences of the old inputs in worksheets.
    :param dry_run: return plan without executing anything if True.
    :param skip_prelude: don't include preludes in mimicked items if True.
    :param metadata_override: new metadata fields replace old ones in the newly mimicked bundles.
    if metadata_override is None:
        metadata_override = {}

    # Build the graph (get all the infos).
    # If old_output is given, look at ancestors of old_output until we
    # reached some depth.  If it's not given, we first get all the
    # descendants first, and then get their ancestors.
    if old_output:
        infos = client.fetch('bundles', params={'specs': old_output})
        assert isinstance(infos, list)
        # Fetch bundles specified in `old_inputs` and their descendants
        # down by `depth` levesl
        infos = client.fetch('bundles', params={'specs': old_inputs, 'depth': depth})
    infos = {b['uuid']: b for b in infos}  # uuid -> bundle info

    def get_self_and_ancestors(bundle_uuids):
        # Traverse up ancestors by at most `depth` levels and returns
        # the set of all bundles visited, as well as updating the `info`
        # dictionary along the way.
        result = bundle_uuids
        visited = set()
        for _ in range(depth):
            next_bundle_uuids = []
            for bundle_uuid in bundle_uuids:
                if bundle_uuid in visited:

                # Add to infos if not there yet
                if bundle_uuid not in infos:
                    infos[bundle_uuid] = client.fetch('bundles', bundle_uuid)

                # Append all of the parents to the next batch of bundles to look at
                info = infos[bundle_uuid]
                for dep in info['dependencies']:
                    parent_uuid = dep['parent_uuid']
                    if parent_uuid not in infos:

                # Mark this bundle as visited

            # Prepend to the running list of all bundles
            result = next_bundle_uuids + result

            # Swap in the next batch of bundles for next iteration
            bundle_uuids = next_bundle_uuids
        return result

    all_bundle_uuids = get_self_and_ancestors(list(infos.keys()))

    # Now go recursively create the bundles.
    old_to_new = {}  # old_uuid -> new_uuid
    downstream = (
    )  # old_uuid -> whether we're downstream of an input (and actually needs to be mapped onto a new uuid)
    created_uuids = set()  # set of uuids which were newly created
    plan = []  # sequence of (old, new) bundle infos to make
    for old, new in zip(old_inputs, new_inputs):
        old_to_new[old] = new

    # Return corresponding new_bundle_uuid
    def recurse(old_bundle_uuid):
        if old_bundle_uuid in old_to_new:
            return old_to_new[old_bundle_uuid]

        # Don't have any more information (because we probably hit the maximum depth)
        if old_bundle_uuid not in infos:
            return old_bundle_uuid

        # Get information about the old bundle.
        old_info = infos[old_bundle_uuid]
        new_dependencies = [
                'parent_uuid': recurse(dep['parent_uuid']),
                'parent_path': dep['parent_path'],
                'child_uuid': dep[
                ],  # This is just a placeholder to do the equality test
                'child_path': dep['child_path'],
            for dep in old_info['dependencies']

        # If there are no inputs or if we're downstream of any inputs, we need to make a new bundle.
        lone_output = len(old_inputs) == 0 and old_bundle_uuid == old_output
        downstream_of_inputs = any(
            dep['parent_uuid'] in downstream for dep in old_info['dependencies']
        if lone_output or downstream_of_inputs:
            # Now create a new bundle that mimics the old bundle.
            new_info = copy.deepcopy(old_info)

            # Make sure that new uuids are generated
            new_info.pop('uuid', None)
            new_info.pop('id', None)

            # Only change the name if the output name is supplied.
            new_metadata = new_info['metadata']
            if new_output_name:
                if old_bundle_uuid == old_output:
                    new_metadata['name'] = new_output_name
                    # Just make up a name heuristically
                    new_metadata['name'] = new_output_name + '-' + old_info['metadata']['name']

            # By default, the mimic bundle uses whatever image the old bundle uses
            # Preferably it uses the SHA256 image digest, but it may simply copy request_docker_image
            # if it is not present
            if new_info['bundle_type'] == 'run' and new_metadata.get('docker_image', ''):
                # Put docker_image in requested_docker_image if it is present and this is a run bundle
                new_metadata['request_docker_image'] = new_metadata['docker_image']

            cls = get_bundle_subclass(new_info['bundle_type'])
            for spec in cls.METADATA_SPECS:
                # Remove automatically generated keys
                if spec.generated and spec.key in new_metadata:
                    del new_metadata[spec.key]
                # Override original metadata keys
                if spec.key in metadata_override:
                    new_metadata[spec.key] = metadata_override[spec.key]

            # Set up info dict
            new_info['metadata'] = new_metadata
            new_info['dependencies'] = new_dependencies

            if dry_run:
                new_info['uuid'] = None
                if new_info['bundle_type'] not in ('make', 'run'):
                    raise UsageError(
                        'Can\'t mimic %s since it is not make or run' % old_bundle_uuid

                # Create the new bundle, requesting to shadow the old
                # bundle in its worksheet if shadow is specified, otherwise
                # leave the bundle detached, to be added later below.
                params = {}
                params['worksheet'] = worksheet_uuid
                if shadow:
                    params['shadow'] = old_info['uuid']
                    params['detached'] = True
                new_info = client.create('bundles', new_info, params=params)

            new_bundle_uuid = new_info['uuid']
            plan.append((old_info, new_info))
            new_bundle_uuid = old_bundle_uuid

        old_to_new[old_bundle_uuid] = new_bundle_uuid  # Cache it
        return new_bundle_uuid

    if old_output:
        # Don't have a particular output we're targetting, so just create
        # new versions of all the uuids.
        for uuid in all_bundle_uuids:

    # Add to worksheet
    if not dry_run and not shadow:

        # A prelude of a bundle on a worksheet is the set of items (markup, directives, etc.)
        # that occur immediately before it, until the last preceding newline.
        # Let W be the first worksheet containing the old_inputs[0].
        # Add all items on that worksheet that appear in old_to_new along with their preludes.
        # For items not on this worksheet, add them at the end (instead of making them floating).
        if old_output:
            anchor_uuid = old_output
        elif len(old_inputs) > 0:
            anchor_uuid = old_inputs[0]

        # Find worksheets that contain the anchor bundle
        host_worksheets = client.fetch('worksheets', params={'keywords': 'bundle=' + anchor_uuid})
        host_worksheet_uuids = [hw['id'] for hw in host_worksheets]
        new_bundle_uuids_added = set()

        if len(host_worksheet_uuids) > 0:
            # Choose a single worksheet.
            if worksheet_uuid in host_worksheet_uuids:
                # If current worksheet is one of them, favor that one.
                host_worksheet_uuid = worksheet_uuid
                # Choose an arbitrary one (in the future, have a better way of canonicalizing).
                host_worksheet_uuid = host_worksheet_uuids[0]

            # Fetch the worksheet
            worksheet_info = client.fetch(
                'worksheets', host_worksheet_uuid, params={'include': ['items', 'items.bundle']}

            prelude_items = []  # The prelude that we're building up
            for item in worksheet_info['items']:
                just_added = False

                if item['type'] == worksheet_util.TYPE_BUNDLE:
                    old_bundle_uuid = item['bundle']['id']
                    if old_bundle_uuid in old_to_new:
                        # Flush the prelude gathered so far.
                        new_bundle_uuid = old_to_new[old_bundle_uuid]
                        if new_bundle_uuid in created_uuids:  # Only add novel bundles
                            # Add prelude
                            if not skip_prelude:
                                for item2 in prelude_items:
                                    # Create a copy of the item on the destination worksheet
                                    item2 = item2.copy()
                                    item2['worksheet'] = JsonApiRelationship(
                                        'worksheets', worksheet_uuid
                                        params={'uuid': worksheet_uuid},

                            # Add the bundle item
                                    'type': worksheet_util.TYPE_BUNDLE,
                                    'worksheet': JsonApiRelationship('worksheets', worksheet_uuid),
                                    'bundle': JsonApiRelationship('bundles', new_bundle_uuid),
                                params={'uuid': worksheet_uuid},
                            just_added = True

                if (item['type'] == worksheet_util.TYPE_MARKUP and item['value'] != '') or item[
                ] == worksheet_util.TYPE_DIRECTIVE:
                    prelude_items.append(item)  # Include in prelude
                    prelude_items = []  # Reset

        # Add the bundles that haven't been added yet
        for info, new_info in plan:
            new_bundle_uuid = new_info['uuid']
            if new_bundle_uuid not in new_bundle_uuids_added:
                print('adding: ' + new_bundle_uuid)
                        'type': worksheet_util.TYPE_BUNDLE,
                        'worksheet': JsonApiRelationship('worksheets', worksheet_uuid),
                        'bundle': JsonApiRelationship('bundles', new_bundle_uuid),
                    params={'uuid': worksheet_uuid},

    return plan