def unpack(ext: str, source: IO[bytes], dest_path: str):
    """Unpack the archive |source| to |dest_path|.

        ext (str): Extension of the archive.
        source (IO[bytes]): File handle to the source.
        dest_path ([type]): Destination path to unpack to.


        if ext == '.tar.gz' or ext == '.tgz':
            un_tar_directory(source, dest_path, 'gz')
        elif ext == '.tar.bz2':
            un_tar_directory(source, dest_path, 'bz2')
        elif ext == '.bz2':
            un_bz2_file(source, dest_path)
        elif ext == '.gz':
            with open(dest_path, 'wb') as f:
                shutil.copyfileobj(un_gzip_stream(source), f)
        elif ext == '.zip':
            unzip_directory(source, dest_path)
            raise UsageError('Not an archive.')
    except (tarfile.TarError, IOError) as e:
        logging.error("Invalid archive upload: failed to unpack archive: %s",
        raise UsageError('Invalid archive upload: failed to unpack archive.')
    def construct(cls, targets, command, metadata, owner_id, uuid=None, data_hash=None, state=State.CREATED):
        if not uuid: uuid = spec_util.generate_uuid()
        # Check that targets does not include both keyed and anonymous targets.
        if len(targets) > 1 and any(key == '' for key, value in targets):
            raise UsageError('Must specify keys when packaging multiple targets!')
        if not isinstance(command, basestring):
            raise UsageError('%r is not a valid command!' % (command,))

        # List the dependencies of this bundle on its targets.
        dependencies = []
        for (child_path, (parent_uuid, parent_path)) in targets:
              'child_uuid': uuid,
              'child_path': child_path,
              'parent_uuid': parent_uuid,
              'parent_path': parent_path,
        return super(RunBundle, cls).construct({
          'uuid': uuid,
          'bundle_type': cls.BUNDLE_TYPE,
          'command': command,
          'data_hash': data_hash,
          'state': state,
          'metadata': metadata,
          'dependencies': dependencies,
          'owner_id': owner_id,
Exemple #3
    def get(dep):  # Return the key
        key, val = parse_key_target(dep)
        if key == '':
            # key only matches empty string if ':' present
            _, _, bundle, subpath = parse_target_spec(val)
            key = subpath if subpath is not None else bundle
        elif key is None:
            # key only returns None if ':' not present in original spec
            key = val2key[val] if val in val2key else 'b' + str(
                len(target_spec) + 1)

        if val not in val2key:
            val2key[val] = key
        if key in key2val:
            if key2val[key] != val:
                raise UsageError(
                    'key %s exists with multiple values: %s and %s' %
                    (key, key2val[key], val))
            if key is None:
                raise UsageError(
                    'target_spec is empty. Please provide a valid target_spec in the format of {}.'

            key2val[key] = val
            target_spec.append(key + ':' + val)
        return key
Exemple #4
def parse_metadata_form(bundle_subclass, form_result):
    Parse the result of a form template produced out request_missing_metadata.
    metadata_specs = bundle_subclass.get_user_defined_metadata()
    metadata_types = {spec.key: spec.type for spec in metadata_specs}
    result = {}
    for line in form_result:
        line = line.strip()
        if line != '' and not line.startswith('//'):
            if ':' not in line:
                # TODO: don't delete everything; go back to the editor and show the error message
                raise UsageError('Malformatted line (no colon): %s' % (line,))
            (metadata_key, remainder) = line.split(':', 1)
            remainder = remainder.strip()
            if remainder == '':
                remainder = None

            # TODO: handle multiple lines
            if metadata_key not in metadata_types:
                raise UsageError('Unexpected metadata key: %s' % (metadata_key,))
            metadata_type = metadata_types[metadata_key]
            if metadata_type == list:
                result[metadata_key] = remainder.split() if remainder else []
            elif metadata_type == basestring:
                result[metadata_key] = remainder
                    result[metadata_key] = metadata_type(remainder) if remainder != None else None
                    raise UsageError('Invalid value %s for type %s' % (remainder, metadata_type))
    if 'name' not in result:
        raise UsageError('No name specified; aborting')
    return result
Exemple #5
def unpack(ext, source, dest_path):
    Unpack the archive |source| to |dest_path|.
    Note: |source| can be a file handle or a path.
    |ext| contains the extension of the archive.
    close_source = False
        if isinstance(source, str):
            source = open(source, 'rb')
            close_source = True

        if ext == '.tar.gz' or ext == '.tgz':
            un_tar_directory(source, dest_path, 'gz')
        elif ext == '.tar.bz2':
            un_tar_directory(source, dest_path, 'bz2')
        elif ext == '.bz2':
            un_bz2_file(source, dest_path)
        elif ext == '.gz':
            with open(dest_path, 'wb') as f:
                shutil.copyfileobj(un_gzip_stream(source), f)
        elif ext == '.zip':
            unzip_directory(source, dest_path)
            raise UsageError('Not an archive.')
    except (tarfile.TarError, IOError):
        raise UsageError('Invalid archive upload.')
        if close_source:
Exemple #6
 def inner(*args, **kwargs):
     import time
     time_delay = 1
     if self.verbose >= 2:
         print 'remote_bundle_client: %s %s %s' % (command, args,
     while True:
             return getattr(self.proxy, command)(*args, **kwargs)
         except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
             raise UsageError("Could not authenticate on %s: %s" %
                              (host, e))
         except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
             # Transform server-side UsageErrors into client-side UsageErrors.
             if 'codalab.common.UsageError' in e.faultString:
                 index = e.faultString.find(':')
                 raise UsageError(e.faultString[index + 1:])
             if 'codalab.common.NotFoundError' in e.faultString:
                 index = e.faultString.find(':')
                 raise NotFoundError(e.faultString[index + 1:])
             elif 'codalab.common.PermissionError' in e.faultString:
                 index = e.faultString.find(':')
                 raise PermissionError(e.faultString[index + 1:])
             elif 'codalab.common.AuthorizationError' in e.faultString:
                 index = e.faultString.find(':')
                 raise AuthorizationError(e.faultString[index + 1:])
 def validate(self, metadata_specs):
     Check that this metadata has the correct metadata keys and that it has
     metadata values of the correct types.
     expected_keys = set(spec.key for spec in metadata_specs)
     for key in self._metadata_keys:
         if key not in expected_keys:
             raise UsageError('Unexpected metadata key: %s' % (key, ))
     for spec in metadata_specs:
         if spec.key in self._metadata_keys:
             value = getattr(self, spec.key)
             if spec.type is float and isinstance(value, int):
                 # cast int to float
                 value = float(value)
             # Validate formatted string fields
             if issubclass(spec.type,
                           str) and spec.formatting is not None and value:
                     if spec.formatting == 'duration':
                     elif spec.formatting == 'size':
                     elif spec.formatting == 'date':
                 except ValueError as e:
                     raise UsageError(str(e))
             if value is not None and not isinstance(value, spec.type):
                 raise UsageError(
                     'Metadata value for %s should be of type %s, was %s (type %s)'
                     % (spec.key, spec.type.__name__, value,
         elif not spec.generated and not spec.optional:
             raise UsageError('Missing metadata key: %s' % (spec.key, ))
Exemple #8
def get_single_group(model, group_spec, search_fn):
    Helper function.
    Resolve a string group_spec to a unique group for the given |search_fn|.
    Throw an error if zero or more than one group matches.
    if not group_spec:
        raise UsageError('Tried to expand empty group_spec!')
    if spec_util.UUID_REGEX.match(group_spec):
        groups = search_fn(model, uuid=group_spec)
        message = "uuid starting with '%s'" % (group_spec, )
    elif spec_util.UUID_PREFIX_REGEX.match(group_spec):
        groups = search_fn(model, uuid=LikeQuery(group_spec + '%'))
        message = "uuid starting with '%s'" % (group_spec, )
        groups = search_fn(model, name=group_spec)
        message = "name '%s'" % (group_spec, )
    if not groups:
        raise NotFoundError('Found no group with %s' % (message, ))
    elif len(groups) > 1:
        raise UsageError('Found multiple groups with %s:%s' %
                         (message, ''.join('\n  uuid=%s' % (group['uuid'], )
                                           for group in groups)))
    return groups[0]
Exemple #9
def unzip(zip_path, temp_path, file_name):
    Take an absolute path to a zip file |zip_path| and return the path to a file or
    directory called |file_name| in |temp_path| containing its unzipped
    Assume the zip file contains one file/directory called |file_name|.
    If |file_name| is not specified, then return the temp_path itself.
    path_util.check_isfile(zip_path, 'unzip_directory')
    if file_name:
        temp_subpath = os.path.join(temp_path, file_name)
        temp_subpath = temp_path

    print_util.open_line('Unzipping %s to %s' % (zip_path, temp_subpath))
    if os.system("cd %s && unzip -q %s" % (temp_path, zip_path)) != 0:
        raise UsageError('unzip failed')
    # Corner case: note that the temp_subpath might not 'exist' because it is a
    # symlink (which is broken until it's put in the right place).
    if not os.path.exists(temp_subpath) and not os.path.islink(temp_subpath):
        raise UsageError('Zip file %s missing %s (%s doesn\'t exist)' %
                         (zip_path, file_name, temp_subpath))

    return temp_subpath
Exemple #10
def get_worksheet_uuid(model, base_worksheet_uuid, worksheet_spec):
    Resolve a string worksheet_spec to a unique worksheet uuid.
    If base_worksheet_uuid specified, then try to resolve worksheet_spec in the
    context of base_worksheet_uuid.
    if not worksheet_spec:
        raise UsageError('Tried to expand empty worksheet_spec!')
    if spec_util.UUID_REGEX.match(worksheet_spec):
        return worksheet_spec

    if spec_util.UUID_PREFIX_REGEX.match(worksheet_spec):
        worksheets = model.batch_get_worksheets(fetch_items=False, uuid=LikeQuery(worksheet_spec + '%'),
        message = "uuid starting with '%s'" % (worksheet_spec,)
        worksheets = model.batch_get_worksheets(fetch_items=False, name=worksheet_spec,
        message = "name '%s'" % (worksheet_spec,)

    if not worksheets:
        raise NotFoundError('No worksheet found with %s' % (message,))
    if len(worksheets) > 1:
        raise UsageError(
          'Found multiple worksheets with %s:%s' %
          (message, ''.join('\n  %s' % (worksheet,) for worksheet in worksheets))

    return worksheets[0].uuid
def unpack_to_archive(ext: str, source: IO[bytes]) -> IO[bytes]:
    """Unpack the archive |source| and returns the unpacked fileobj.
    If |source| is an archive, unpacks to a .tar.gz archive file.
    If |source| is a non-archive file, unpacks to a .gz file.

        ext (str): Extension of the source archive.
        source (IO[bytes]): File handle to the source.

        IO[bytes]: File object with the archive.

        if ext == '.tar.gz' or ext == '.tgz':
            return source
        elif ext == '.tar.bz2':
            return GzipStream(UnBz2Stream(source))
        elif ext == '.bz2':
            return GzipStream(UnBz2Stream(source))
        elif ext == '.gz':
            return source
        elif ext == '.zip':
            return GzipStream(ZipToTarStream(source))
            raise UsageError('Not an archive.')
    except (tarfile.TarError, IOError) as e:
        logging.error("Invalid archive upload: failed to unpack archive: %s",
        raise UsageError('Invalid archive upload: failed to unpack archive.')
 def resolve_source(source):
     # Resolve symlink if desired
     resolved_source = source
     if follow_symlinks:
         resolved_source = os.path.realpath(source)
         if not os.path.exists(resolved_source):
             raise UsageError('Broken symlink')
     elif os.path.islink(source):
         raise UsageError('Not following symlinks.')
     return resolved_source
Exemple #13
 def check_quota(self, need_time=False, need_disk=False):
     if need_time:
         if self.time_used >= self.time_quota:
             raise UsageError(
                 'Out of time quota: %s' %
                                      self.time_used, self.time_quota))
     if need_disk:
         if self.disk_used >= self.disk_quota:
             raise UsageError(
                 'Out of disk quota: %s' % formatting.ratio_str(
                     formatting.size_str, self.disk_used, self.disk_quota))
def delete_worksheet(uuid, force):
    worksheet = local.model.get_worksheet(uuid, fetch_items=True)
    check_worksheet_has_all_permission(local.model, request.user, worksheet)
    if not force:
        if worksheet.frozen:
            raise UsageError(
                "Can't delete worksheet %s because it is frozen (--force to override)."
                % worksheet.uuid)
        if len(worksheet.items) > 0:
            raise UsageError(
                "Can't delete worksheet %s because it is not empty (--force to override)."
                % worksheet.uuid)
 def validate(self, require_child_path=False):
     Validates that the dependency is well formed.
     :param require_child_path: If True, make sure the child path is not empty
         This is a needed condition for Run bundles, but not so for Make bundles
     if not self.CHILD_PATH_REGEX.match(self.child_path):
         raise UsageError('child_path must match %s, was %s' %
                          (self.CHILD_PATH_REGEX.pattern, self.child_path))
     if require_child_path and len(self.child_path) == 0:
         raise UsageError('child_path empty')
Exemple #16
def get_bundle_uuid(model, user_id, worksheet_uuid, bundle_spec):
    Resolve a string bundle_spec to a bundle uuid.
    Types of specifications:
    - uuid: should be unique.
    - name[^[<index>]: there might be many uuids with this name.
    - ^[<index>], where index is the i-th (1-based) most recent element on the current worksheet.
    if not bundle_spec:
        raise UsageError('Tried to expand empty bundle_spec!')
    if spec_util.UUID_REGEX.match(bundle_spec):
        return bundle_spec
    elif spec_util.UUID_PREFIX_REGEX.match(bundle_spec):
        bundle_uuids = model.get_bundle_uuids({'uuid': LikeQuery(bundle_spec + '%'), 'user_id': user_id}, max_results=2)
        if len(bundle_uuids) == 0:
            raise NotFoundError('uuid prefix %s doesn\'t match any bundles' % bundle_spec)
        elif len(bundle_uuids) == 1:
            return bundle_uuids[0]
            raise UsageError('uuid prefix %s more than one bundle' % bundle_spec)
        bundle_spec, reverse_index = _parse_relative_bundle_spec(bundle_spec)

        if bundle_spec:
            bundle_spec = bundle_spec.replace('.*', '%')  # Convert regular expression syntax to SQL syntax
            if '%' in bundle_spec:
                bundle_spec_query = LikeQuery(bundle_spec)
                bundle_spec_query = bundle_spec
            bundle_spec_query = None

        # query results are ordered from newest to old
        bundle_uuids = model.get_bundle_uuids({
            'name': bundle_spec_query,
            'worksheet_uuid': worksheet_uuid,
            'user_id': user_id
        }, max_results=reverse_index)

    # Take the last bundle
    if reverse_index <= 0 or reverse_index > len(bundle_uuids):
        if bundle_spec is None:
            raise UsageError('%d bundles, index %d out of bounds' %
                             (len(bundle_uuids), reverse_index))
        elif len(bundle_uuids) == 0:
            raise NotFoundError('bundle spec %s doesn\'t match any bundles' % bundle_spec)
            raise UsageError('bundle spec %s matches %d bundles, index %d out of bounds' %
                             (bundle_spec, len(bundle_uuids), reverse_index))

    return bundle_uuids[reverse_index - 1]
Exemple #17
        def read_target(self, target):
            Given target (bundle uuid, path), return (stream, name, content_type).
            uuid, path = target
            bundle_info = self.client.get_bundle_info(uuid, False, False,
            if bundle_info is None:
                raise UsageError('Bundle %s does not exist' % (uuid, ))
            if path == '':
                name = bundle_info['metadata']['name']
                name = os.path.basename(path)

            target_info = self.client.get_target_info(target, 0)
            if target_info is None:
                raise UsageError('Target does not exist: %s' % (target, ))
            target_type = target_info.get('type')
            if target_type == 'file':
                # Is a file, don't need to zip it up
                content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0]
                if not content_type: content_type = 'text/plain'
                source_uuid = self.client.open_target(target)
            elif target_type == 'directory':
                # Is a directory, need to zip it up
                content_type = 'application/x-gzip'
                source_uuid = self.client.open_target_archive(target)
                name += '.tar.gz'
                raise UsageError('Target is not file/directory: %s' %
                                 (target, ))

            def read_file():
                Generates a stream of strings corresponding to the contents of this file.
                    while True:
                        bytes = self.client.read_file(source_uuid,
                        if len( < BundleService.MAX_BYTES:

            print 'Downloading bundle uuid %s => %s %s' % (uuid, name,
            return read_file(), name, content_type
Exemple #18
    def validate_password(password):
        Check if password meets our requirements, raising UsageError if not.
         - minimum length of 8 characters

        :param password: string password to validate
        :return: None

        if not all(33 <= ord(c) <= 126 for c in password):
            raise UsageError("Password must consist of only printable, non-whitespace ASCII characters.")

        if len(password) < User.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH:
            raise UsageError("Password must contain at least %d characters." % User.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH)
def unpack(ext, source, dest_path):
    Unpack the archive |source| to |dest_path|.
    Note: |source| can be a file handle or a path.
    |ext| contains the extension of the archive.
    if ext != '.zip':
        close_source = False
            if isinstance(source, str):
                source = open(source, 'rb')
                close_source = True

            if ext == '.tar.gz' or ext == '.tgz':
                un_tar_directory(source, dest_path, 'gz')
            elif ext == '.tar.bz2':
                un_tar_directory(source, dest_path, 'bz2')
            elif ext == '.bz2':
                un_bz2_file(source, dest_path)
            elif ext == '.gz':
                with open(dest_path, 'wb') as f:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(un_gzip_stream(source), f)
                raise UsageError('Not an archive.')
        except (tarfile.TarError, IOError):
            raise UsageError('Invalid archive upload.')
            if close_source:
        delete_source = False
            # unzip doesn't accept input from standard input, so we have to save
            # to a temporary file.
            if not isinstance(source, str):
                temp_path = dest_path + '.zip'
                with open(temp_path, 'wb') as f:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(source, f)
                source = temp_path
                delete_source = True

            exitcode =
                ['unzip', '-q', source, '-d', dest_path])
            if exitcode != 0:
                raise UsageError('Invalid archive upload.')
            if delete_source:
    def collapse_dicts(cls, metadata_specs, rows):
        Convert a list of Metadata dictionaries into a normalized metadata dict.
        metadata_dict = {}
        metadata_spec_dict = {}
        for spec in metadata_specs:
            if spec.type == list or not spec.generated:
                metadata_dict[spec.key] = spec.get_constructor()()
            metadata_spec_dict[spec.key] = spec
        for row in rows:
            (maybe_unicode_key, value) = (row['metadata_key'],
            # If the key is Unicode text (which is the case if it was extracted from a
            # database), cast it to a string. This operation encodes it with UTF-8.
            key = str(maybe_unicode_key)
            if key not in metadata_spec_dict:
                # print 'Warning: %s not in %s, skipping value %s!' % (key, metadata_spec_dict.keys(), value)
                continue  # Somewhat dangerous since we might lose information

            spec = metadata_spec_dict[key]
            if spec.type == list:
                if metadata_dict.get(key):
                    raise UsageError(
                        'Got duplicate values {} and {} for key {}. metadata dict is {}, rows are {}'
                        .format(metadata_dict[key], value, key, metadata_dict,
                # Convert string to the right type (e.g., string to int)
                metadata_dict[key] = spec.get_constructor()(value)
        return metadata_dict
Exemple #21
 def _get_and_check_target_path(self, uuid, path):
     bundle_path = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(uuid)
     target_path, error_message = get_and_check_target_path(
         bundle_path, uuid, path)
     if error_message is not None:
         raise UsageError(error_message)
     return target_path
Exemple #22
    def model(self):
        Return a model.  Called by the server.
        model_class = self.config['server']['class']
        model = None
        if model_class == 'MySQLModel':
            from codalab.model.mysql_model import MySQLModel

            model = MySQLModel(
        elif model_class == 'SQLiteModel':
            from codalab.model.sqlite_model import SQLiteModel

            model = SQLiteModel(
            raise UsageError(
                'Unexpected model class: %s, expected MySQLModel' %
                (model_class, ))
        return model
 def do_command(command):
     def inner(*args, **kwargs):
         import time
         time_delay = 1
         if self.verbose >= 2:
             print 'remote_bundle_client: %s %s %s' % (command, args,
         while True:
                 return getattr(self.proxy, command)(*args, **kwargs)
             except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
                 raise UsageError("Could not authenticate on %s: %s" %
                                  (host, e))
             except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
                 # Transform server-side UsageErrors into client-side UsageErrors.
                 if 'codalab.common.UsageError' in e.faultString:
                     index = e.faultString.find(':')
                     raise UsageError(e.faultString[index + 1:])
                 elif 'codalab.common.PermissionError' in e.faultString:
                     index = e.faultString.find(':')
                     raise PermissionError(e.faultString[index + 1:])
             except socket.error, e:
                 print >> sys.stderr, "Failed to connect to %s: %s. Trying to reconnect in %s seconds..." % (
                     host, e, time_delay)
                 time_delay *= 2
                 if time_delay > 512:
                     raise UsageError('Failed to connect to %s: %s' %
                                      (host, e))
Exemple #24
def _parse_relative_bundle_spec(bundle_spec):
    Parse bundle spec "BUNDLESPEC^I" into ("BUNDLE_SPEC", I).

    :param bundle_spec: string bundle spec
    :return: (base bundle spec, reverse history index)
    # run: bundle whose name starts with foo
    m = spec_util.NAME_PATTERN_REGEX.match(bundle_spec)
    if m:
        bundle_spec =
        reverse_index = 1
        return (bundle_spec, reverse_index)

    # foo^3: 3rd to last bundle whose name starts with foo
    m = spec_util.NAME_PATTERN_HISTORY_REGEX.match(bundle_spec)
    if m:
        bundle_spec =
        reverse_index = int( if != '' else 1
        return (bundle_spec, reverse_index)

    # ^3: 3rd to last bundle whose name starts with foo in this worksheet
    m = spec_util.HISTORY_REGEX.match(bundle_spec)
    if m:
        bundle_spec = None
        reverse_index = int( if != '' else 1
        return (bundle_spec, reverse_index)

    raise UsageError('Invalid bundle_spec: %s' % bundle_spec)
Exemple #25
def general_command(worksheet_uuid, command):
    Executes an arbitrary CLI command with |worksheet_uuid| as the current worksheet.
    Basically, all CLI functionality should go through this command.
    The method currently intercepts stdout/stderr and returns it back to the user.
    # Tokenize
    if isinstance(command, basestring):
        # shlex throws ValueError on incorrectly formatted commands
            args = shlex.split(command)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise UsageError(e.message)
        args = list(command)

    # Ensure command always starts with 'cl'
    if args[0] == 'cl':
        args = args[1:]

    cli, output_buffer = create_cli(worksheet_uuid)
    structured_result = None
        structured_result = cli.do_command(args)
    except SystemExit:  # as exitcode:
        # argparse sometimes throws SystemExit, we don't want to exit

    output_str = output_buffer.getvalue()

    return {
        'structured_result': structured_result,
        'output': output_str,
    def model(self):
        Return a model.  Called by the server.
        model_class = self.config['server']['class']
        model = None
        if model_class == 'MySQLModel':
            from codalab.model.mysql_model import MySQLModel

            model = MySQLModel(
        elif model_class == 'SQLiteModel':
            from codalab.model.sqlite_model import SQLiteModel

            # Patch for backwards-compatibility until we have a cleaner abstraction around config
            # that can update configs to newer "versions"
            engine_url = self.config['server'].get(
                'engine_url', "sqlite:///{}".format(
                    os.path.join(self.codalab_home, 'bundle.db')))
            model = SQLiteModel(engine_url=engine_url,
            raise UsageError(
                'Unexpected model class: %s, expected MySQLModel or SQLiteModel'
                % (model_class, ))
        model.root_user_id = self.root_user_id()
        model.system_user_id = self.system_user_id()
        return model
def safe_uri(redirect_uri):
    """Check if an URI is relative, otherwise raise an error.
    absolute = bool(urllib.parse.urlparse(redirect_uri).netloc)
    if absolute:
        raise UsageError('Only relative URIs are allowed!')
    return redirect_uri
Exemple #28
def create_bundle_actions():
    Sends the message to the worker to do the bundle action, and adds the
    action string to the bundle metadata.
    actions = BundleActionSchema(
        strict=True, many=True,

    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user, [a['uuid'] for a in actions])

    for action in actions:
        bundle = local.model.get_bundle(action['uuid'])
        if bundle.state != State.RUNNING:
            raise UsageError('Cannot execute this action on a bundle that is not running.')

        worker = local.worker_model.get_bundle_worker(action['uuid'])
            local.worker_model.send_json_message(worker['socket_id'], action, 60),
            'Unable to reach worker.')

        new_actions = getattr(bundle.metadata, 'actions', []) + [BundleAction.as_string(action)]
        db_update = {'metadata': {'actions': new_actions}}
        local.model.update_bundle(bundle, db_update)

    return BundleActionSchema(many=True).dump(actions).data
def create_bundle_actions():
    Sends the message to the worker to do the bundle action, and adds the
    action string to the bundle metadata.
    actions = BundleActionSchema(strict=True, many=True).load(request.json).data

    check_bundles_have_all_permission(local.model, request.user, [a['uuid'] for a in actions])
    for action in actions:
        bundle = local.model.get_bundle(action['uuid'])
        if bundle.state in [State.READY, State.FAILED, State.KILLED]:
            raise UsageError(
                'Cannot execute this action on a bundle that is in the following states: ready, failed, killed. '
                'Kill action can be executed on bundles in created, uploading, staged, making, starting, '
                'running, preparing, or finalizing state.'

        worker = local.model.get_bundle_worker(action['uuid'])
        new_actions = getattr(bundle.metadata, 'actions', []) + [BundleAction.as_string(action)]

        # The state updates of bundles in PREPARING, RUNNING, or FINALIZING state will be handled on the worker side.
        if worker:
                local.worker_model.send_json_message(worker['socket_id'], action, 60),
                'Unable to reach worker.',
            local.model.update_bundle(bundle, {'metadata': {'actions': new_actions}})
            # The state updates of bundles in CREATED, UPLOADING, MAKING, STARTING or STAGED state
            # will be handled on the rest-server side.
                bundle, {'state': State.KILLED, 'metadata': {'actions': new_actions}}

    return BundleActionSchema(many=True).dump(actions).data
Exemple #30
    def update_metadata_and_save(self, bundle, enforce_disk_quota=False):
        Updates the metadata about the contents of the bundle, including
        data_size as well as the total amount of disk used by the user.

        If |new_bundle| is True, saves the bundle as a new bundle. Otherwise,
        updates it.
        bundle_path = self._bundle_store.get_bundle_location(bundle.uuid)

        dirs_and_files = None
        if os.path.isdir(bundle_path):
            dirs_and_files = path_util.recursive_ls(bundle_path)
            dirs_and_files = [], [bundle_path]

        data_hash = '0x%s' % (path_util.hash_directory(bundle_path,
        data_size = path_util.get_size(bundle_path, dirs_and_files)
        if enforce_disk_quota:
            disk_left = self._bundle_model.get_user_disk_quota_left(
            if data_size > disk_left:
                raise UsageError(
                    "Can't save bundle, bundle size %s greater than user's disk quota left: %s"
                    % (data_size, disk_left))

        bundle_update = {
            'data_hash': data_hash,
            'metadata': {
                'data_size': data_size,
        self._bundle_model.update_bundle(bundle, bundle_update)