Exemple #1
def copy(source_path: str,
         dest_path: str,
         follow_symlinks: Optional[bool] = False):
    Copy |source_path| to |dest_path|.
    Assume dest_path doesn't exist.
    |follow_symlinks|: whether to follow symlinks
    Note: this only works in Linux.
    if os.path.exists(dest_path):
        raise path_error('already exists', dest_path)

    if source_path == '/dev/stdin':
        with open(dest_path, 'wb') as dest:
                print_status='Copying %s to %s' % (source_path, dest_path),
        if not follow_symlinks and os.path.islink(source_path):
            raise path_error('not following symlinks', source_path)
        if not os.path.exists(source_path):
            raise path_error('does not exist', source_path)
        command = [
            '-pr%s' % ('L' if follow_symlinks else 'l'),
            source_path + ('/' if not os.path.islink(source_path)
                           and os.path.isdir(source_path) else ''),
        if subprocess.call(command) != 0:
            raise path_error('Unable to copy %s to' % source_path, dest_path)
Exemple #2
        def upload_bundle(self, source_file, bundle_type, worksheet_uuid):
            Upload |source_file| (a stream) to |worksheet_uuid|.
            # Construct info for creating the bundle.
            bundle_subclass = get_bundle_subclass(
                bundle_type)  # program or data
            metadata = metadata_util.fill_missing_metadata(
                bundle_subclass, {},
                    'name': source_file.name,
                    'description': 'Upload ' + source_file.name
            info = {'bundle_type': bundle_type, 'metadata': metadata}

            # Upload it by creating a file handle and copying source_file to it (see RemoteBundleClient.upload_bundle in the CLI).
            remote_file_uuid = self.client.open_temp_file()
            dest = RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.client.proxy)
                           print_status='Uploading %s' %

            # Then tell the client that the uploaded file handle is there.
            new_bundle_uuid = self.client.upload_bundle_zip(
                remote_file_uuid, info, worksheet_uuid, False, True)
            return new_bundle_uuid
Exemple #3
def cat(path, out):
    Copy data from the file at the given path to the file descriptor |out|.
    if not os.path.isfile(path): return None
    with open(path, 'rb') as file_handle:
        file_util.copy(file_handle, out)
Exemple #4
def cat(path):
    Copy data from the file at the given path to stdout.
    check_isfile(path, 'cat')
    with open(path, 'rb') as file_handle:
        file_util.copy(file_handle, sys.stdout)
Exemple #5
def copy(source_path, dest_path, follow_symlinks=False, exclude_patterns=None):
    Copy |source_path| to |dest_path|.
    Assume dest_path doesn't exist.
    |follow_symlinks|: whether to follow symlinks
    |exclude_patterns|: patterns to not copy
    Note: this only works in Linux.
    if os.path.exists(dest_path):
        raise path_error('already exists', dest_path)

    if source_path == '/dev/stdin':
        with open(dest_path, 'wb') as dest:
            file_util.copy(sys.stdin, dest, autoflush=False, print_status='Copying %s to %s' % (source_path, dest_path))
        if not follow_symlinks and os.path.islink(source_path):
            raise path_error('not following symlinks', source_path)
        if not os.path.exists(source_path):
            raise path_error('does not exist', source_path)
        command = [
            '-pr%s' % ('L' if follow_symlinks else 'l'),
            source_path + ('/' if not os.path.islink(source_path) and os.path.isdir(source_path) else ''),
        if exclude_patterns is not None:
            for pattern in exclude_patterns:
                command.extend(['--exclude', pattern])
        if subprocess.call(command) != 0:
            raise path_error('Unable to copy %s to' % source_path, dest_path)
Exemple #6
def copy(source_path, dest_path, follow_symlinks=False, exclude_patterns=[]):
    source_path can be a list of files, in which case we need to create a
    directory first.  Assume dest_path doesn't exist.
    Don't copy things that match |exclude_patterns|.
    # Note: this only works in Linux.
    if os.path.exists(dest_path):
        raise path_error('already exists', dest_path)

    if isinstance(source_path, list):
        source = ' '.join(source_path)
        source = source_path

    if source_path == '/dev/stdin':
        with open(dest_path, 'wb') as dest:
                           print_status='Copying %s to %s' %
                           (source_path, dest_path))
        #command = "cp -pR%s %s %s" % (('L' if follow_symlinks else 'P'), source, dest_path)
        command = "rsync -pr%s %s%s %s" % (
            ('L' if follow_symlinks else 'l'), source,
            '/' if os.path.isdir(source) else '', dest_path)
        if exclude_patterns:
            for pattern in exclude_patterns:
                command += ' --exclude "' + pattern + '"'
        #print command
        if os.system(command) != 0:
            raise path_error('Unable to copy %s to' % source_path, dest_path)
Exemple #7
    def upload_bundle(self, source_file, bundle_type, worksheet_uuid):
        Upload |source_file| (a stream) to |worksheet_uuid|.
        # Construct info for creating the bundle.
        bundle_subclass = get_bundle_subclass(bundle_type) # program or data
        metadata = metadata_util.fill_missing_metadata(bundle_subclass, {}, initial_metadata={'name': source_file.filename, 'description': 'Upload ' + source_file.filename})
        info = {'bundle_type': bundle_type, 'metadata': metadata}

        # Upload it by creating a file handle and copying source_file to it (see RemoteBundleClient.upload_bundle in the CLI).
        remote_file_uuid = self.client.open_temp_file(metadata['name'])
            with closing(RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.client.proxy)) as dest:
                file_util.copy(source_file.file, dest, autoflush=False, print_status='Uploading %s' % metadata['name'])
            pack = False  # For now, always unpack (note: do this after set remote_file_uuid, which needs the extension)
            if not pack and zip_util.path_is_archive(metadata['name']):
                metadata['name'] = zip_util.strip_archive_ext(metadata['name'])
            # Then tell the client that the uploaded file handle is there.
            new_bundle_uuid = self.client.finish_upload_bundle(
                not pack,  # unpack
                True)  # add_to_worksheet
        return new_bundle_uuid
Exemple #8
def copy(source_path, dest_path, follow_symlinks=False, exclude_patterns=[]):
    source_path can be a list of files, in which case we need to create a
    directory first.  Assume dest_path doesn't exist.
    Don't copy things that match |exclude_patterns|.
    # Note: this only works in Linux.
    if os.path.exists(dest_path):
        raise path_error('already exists', dest_path)

    if isinstance(source_path, list):
        source = ' '.join(source_path)
        source = source_path

    if source_path == '/dev/stdin':
        with open(dest_path, 'wb') as dest:
            file_util.copy(sys.stdin, dest, autoflush=False, print_status='Copying %s to %s' % (source_path, dest_path))
        #command = "cp -pR%s %s %s" % (('L' if follow_symlinks else 'P'), source, dest_path)
        command = "rsync -pr%s %s%s %s" % (('L' if follow_symlinks else 'l'), source, '/' if os.path.isdir(source) else '', dest_path)
        if exclude_patterns:
            for pattern in exclude_patterns:
                command += ' --exclude "' + pattern + '"'
        #print command
        if os.system(command) != 0:
            raise path_error('Unable to copy %s to' % source_path, dest_path)
    def upload_bundle(self, path, info, worksheet_uuid, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns, add_to_worksheet):
        # URLs can be directly passed to the local client.
        if path and not isinstance(path, list) and path_util.path_is_url(path):
            return self.upload_bundle_url(path, info, worksheet_uuid, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns)

        # First, zip path up (temporary local zip file).
        if path:
            name = info['metadata']['name']
            zip_path = zip_util.zip(path, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns=exclude_patterns, file_name=name)
            # Copy it up to the server (temporary remote zip file)
            with open(zip_path, 'rb') as source:
                remote_file_uuid = self.open_temp_file()
                dest = RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.proxy)
                # FileServer does not expose an API for forcibly flushing writes, so
                # we rely on closing the file to flush it.
                file_util.copy(source, dest, autoflush=False, print_status='Uploading %s%s to %s' % (zip_path, ' ('+info['uuid']+')' if 'uuid' in info else '', self.address))
            remote_file_uuid = None
            zip_path = None

        # Finally, install the zip file (this will be in charge of deleting that zip file).
        result = self.upload_bundle_zip(remote_file_uuid, info, worksheet_uuid, follow_symlinks, add_to_worksheet)

        if zip_path:
            path_util.remove(zip_path)  # Remove local zip
        return result
Exemple #10
def copy(source_path, dest_path, follow_symlinks=False, exclude_patterns=None):
    Copy |source_path| to |dest_path|.
    Assume dest_path doesn't exist.
    |follow_symlinks|: whether to follow symlinks
    |exclude_patterns|: patterns to not copy
    Note: this only works in Linux.
    if os.path.exists(dest_path):
        raise path_error('already exists', dest_path)

    if source_path == '/dev/stdin':
        with open(dest_path, 'wb') as dest:
                           print_status='Copying %s to %s' %
                           (source_path, dest_path))
        if not follow_symlinks and os.path.islink(source_path):
            raise path_error('not following symlinks', source_path)
        if not os.path.exists(source_path):
            raise path_error('does not exist', source_path)
        command = [
            '-pr%s' % ('L' if follow_symlinks else 'l'),
            source_path + ('/' if not os.path.islink(source_path)
                           and os.path.isdir(source_path) else ''),
        if exclude_patterns is not None:
            for pattern in exclude_patterns:
                command.extend(['--exclude', pattern])
        if subprocess.call(command) != 0:
            raise path_error('Unable to copy %s to' % source_path, dest_path)
    def upload_bundle(self, path, info, worksheet_uuid, follow_symlinks):
        # URLs can be directly passed to the local client.
        if path and not isinstance(path, list) and path_util.path_is_url(path):
            return self.upload_bundle_url(path, info, worksheet_uuid, follow_symlinks)

        # First, zip path up (temporary local zip file).
        if path:
            zip_path, sub_path = zip_util.zip(path, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
            # Copy it up to the server (temporary remote zip file)
            with open(zip_path, 'rb') as source:
                remote_file_uuid = self.open_temp_file()
                dest = RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.proxy)
                # FileServer does not expose an API for forcibly flushing writes, so
                # we rely on closing the file to flush it.
                file_util.copy(source, dest, autoflush=False, print_status=True)
            remote_file_uuid = None
            zip_path = None

        # Finally, install the zip file (this will be in charge of deleting that zip file).
        result = self.upload_bundle_zip(remote_file_uuid, info, worksheet_uuid, follow_symlinks)

        if zip_path:
            path_util.remove(zip_path)  # Remove local zip
        return result
Exemple #12
def cat(path, out):
    Copy data from the file at the given path to the file descriptor |out|.
    check_isfile(path, 'cat')
    with open(path, 'rb') as file_handle:
        file_util.copy(file_handle, out)
    def copy_bundle(self, source_bundle_uuid, info, dest_client,
                    dest_worksheet_uuid, add_to_worksheet):
        A streamlined combination of download_target and upload_bundle.
        Copy from self to dest_client.
        # Open source
        source_file_uuid, name = self.open_target_zip((source_bundle_uuid, ''),
        source = RPCFileHandle(source_file_uuid, self.proxy)
        # Open target
        dest_file_uuid = dest_client.open_temp_file()
        dest = RPCFileHandle(dest_file_uuid, dest_client.proxy)

        # Copy contents over
                       print_status='Copying %s from %s to %s' %
                       (source_bundle_uuid, self.address, dest_client.address))
        # Finally, install the zip file (this will be in charge of deleting that zip file).
        result = dest_client.upload_bundle_zip(dest_file_uuid, info,
                                               dest_worksheet_uuid, False,

        self.finalize_file(source_file_uuid, True)  # Delete remote zip file
        return result
    def upload_bundle(self, sources, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns, git, unpack, remove_sources, info, worksheet_uuid, add_to_worksheet):
        See local_bundle_client.py for documentation on the usage.
        1) We copy the |sources| to a temporary directory on the server
          (streaming either a tar or tar.gz depending on whether compression is
        2) We politely ask the server to finish_upload_bundle (performs a
          LocalBundleClient.upload_bundle from the temporary directory).
        # URLs can be directly passed to the local client.
        if all(path_util.path_is_url(source) for source in sources):
            return self.upload_bundle_url(sources, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns, git, unpack, remove_sources, info, worksheet_uuid, add_to_worksheet)

        # 1) Copy sources up to the server (temporary remote zip file)
        remote_file_uuids = []
        for source in sources:
            remote_file_uuid = self.open_temp_file(zip_util.add_packed_suffix(os.path.basename(source)))
            dest_handle = RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.proxy)
            if zip_util.path_is_archive(source):
                source_handle = open(source)
                source_handle = zip_util.open_packed_path(source, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns)
                unpack = True  # We packed it, so we have to unpack it
            status = 'Uploading %s%s to %s' % (source, ' ('+info['uuid']+')' if 'uuid' in info else '', self.address)
            # FileServer does not expose an API for forcibly flushing writes, so
            # we rely on closing the file to flush it.
            file_util.copy(source_handle, dest_handle, autoflush=False, print_status=status)

        # 2) Install upload (this call will be in charge of deleting the temporary file).
        result = self.finish_upload_bundle(remote_file_uuids, unpack, info, worksheet_uuid, add_to_worksheet)

        return result
Exemple #15
def cat(path, out):
    Copy data from the file at the given path to the file descriptor |out|.
    if not os.path.isfile(path): return None
    with open(path, 'rb') as file_handle:
        file_util.copy(file_handle, out)
 def upload(self, bundle_type, path, metadata, worksheet_uuid=None):
     zip_path = zip_util.zip(path)
     with open(zip_path, 'rb') as source:
         remote_file_uuid = self.open_temp_file()
         dest = RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.proxy)
         with contextlib.closing(dest):
             # FileServer does not expose an API for forcibly flushing writes, so
             # we rely on closing the file to flush it.
             file_util.copy(source, dest, autoflush=False)
     return self.upload_zip(bundle_type, remote_file_uuid, metadata, worksheet_uuid)
    def upload_bundle(self, sources, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns, git, unpack, remove_sources, info, worksheet_uuid, add_to_worksheet):
        See local_bundle_client.py for documentation on the usage.
        1) We copy the |sources| to a temporary directory on the server
          (streaming either a tar or tar.gz depending on whether compression is
        2) We politely ask the server to finish_upload_bundle (performs a
          LocalBundleClient.upload_bundle from the temporary directory).
        # URLs can be directly passed to the local client.
        if all(path_util.path_is_url(source) for source in sources):
            return self.upload_bundle_url(sources, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns, git, unpack, remove_sources, info, worksheet_uuid, add_to_worksheet)

        remote_file_uuids = []
            # 1) Copy sources up to the server (temporary remote zip file)
            for source in sources:
                if zip_util.path_is_archive(source):
                    source_handle = open(source)
                    temp_file_name = os.path.basename(source)
                elif os.path.isdir(source):
                    source_handle = tar_gzip_directory(source, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns)
                    temp_file_name = os.path.basename(source) + '.tar.gz'
                    unpack = True  # We packed it, so we have to unpack it
                    resolved_source = source
                    if follow_symlinks:
                        resolved_source = os.path.realpath(source)
                        if not os.path.exists(resolved_source):
                            raise UsageError('Broken symlink')
                    elif os.path.islink(source):
                        raise UsageError('Not following symlinks.')
                    source_handle = gzip_file(resolved_source)
                    temp_file_name = os.path.basename(source) + '.gz'
                    unpack = True  # We packed it, so we have to unpack it

                remote_file_uuid = self.open_temp_file(temp_file_name)
                with closing(RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.proxy)) as dest_handle:
                    status = 'Uploading %s%s to %s' % (source, ' ('+info['uuid']+')' if 'uuid' in info else '', self.address)
                    file_util.copy(source_handle, dest_handle, autoflush=False, print_status=status)

            # 2) Install upload (this call will be in charge of deleting the temporary file).
            return self.finish_upload_bundle(remote_file_uuids, unpack, info, worksheet_uuid, add_to_worksheet)
            for remote_file_uuid in remote_file_uuids:
Exemple #18
        def upload_bundle(self, source_file, bundle_type, worksheet_uuid):
            Upload |source_file| (a stream) to |worksheet_uuid|.
            # Construct info for creating the bundle.
            bundle_subclass = get_bundle_subclass(bundle_type) # program or data
            metadata = metadata_util.fill_missing_metadata(bundle_subclass, {}, initial_metadata={'name': source_file.name, 'description': 'Upload ' + source_file.name})
            info = {'bundle_type': bundle_type, 'metadata': metadata}

            # Upload it by creating a file handle and copying source_file to it (see RemoteBundleClient.upload_bundle in the CLI).
            remote_file_uuid = self.client.open_temp_file()
            dest = RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.client.proxy)
            file_util.copy(source_file, dest, autoflush=False, print_status='Uploading %s' % info['metadata']['name'])

            # Then tell the client that the uploaded file handle is there.
            new_bundle_uuid = self.client.upload_bundle_zip(remote_file_uuid, info, worksheet_uuid, False, True)
            return new_bundle_uuid
    def download_target(self, target, follow_symlinks, return_zip=False):
        # Create remote zip file, download to local zip file
        (fd, zip_path) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tempfile.gettempdir())
        source_uuid, name = self.open_target_zip(target, follow_symlinks)
        source = RPCFileHandle(source_uuid, self.proxy)
        with open(zip_path, 'wb') as dest:
            with contextlib.closing(source):
                file_util.copy(source, dest, autoflush=False, print_status='Downloading %s on %s to %s' % ('/'.join(target), self.address, zip_path))

        self.finalize_file(source_uuid, True)  # Delete remote zip file
        # Unpack the local zip file
        container_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        if return_zip:
            return zip_path, container_path

        result_path = zip_util.unzip(zip_path, container_path, name)
        path_util.remove(zip_path)  # Delete local zip file

        return (result_path, container_path)
    def copy_bundle(self, source_bundle_uuid, info, dest_client, dest_worksheet_uuid, add_to_worksheet):
        A streamlined combination of download_target and upload_bundle.
        Copy from self to dest_client.
        # Open source
        source_file_uuid, name = self.open_target_zip((source_bundle_uuid, ''), False)
        source = RPCFileHandle(source_file_uuid, self.proxy)
        # Open target
        dest_file_uuid = dest_client.open_temp_file()
        dest = RPCFileHandle(dest_file_uuid, dest_client.proxy)

        # Copy contents over
        file_util.copy(source, dest, autoflush=False, print_status='Copying %s from %s to %s' % (source_bundle_uuid, self.address, dest_client.address))
        # Finally, install the zip file (this will be in charge of deleting that zip file).
        result = dest_client.upload_bundle_zip(dest_file_uuid, info, dest_worksheet_uuid, False, add_to_worksheet)

        self.finalize_file(source_file_uuid, True)  # Delete remote zip file
        return result
Exemple #21
def unpack(source, dest_path):
    Unpack the archive |source_path| to |dest_path|.
    Note: |source| can be a file handle or a path.
    # Unpack to a temporary location.
    # TODO: guard against zip bombs.  Put a maximum limit and enforce it here.
    # In the future, we probably don't want to be unpacking things all over the place.
    tmp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp('-zip_util.unpack')
    if isinstance(source, basestring):
        source_path = source
        if source_path.endswith('tar.gz') or source_path.endswith('tgz'):
            exitcode = subprocess.call(['tar', 'xfz', source_path, '-C', tmp_path])
        elif source_path.endswith('tar.bz2'):
            exitcode = subprocess.call(['tar', 'xfj', source_path, '-C', tmp_path])
        elif source_path.endswith('zip'):
            exitcode = subprocess.call(['unzip', '-q', source_path, '-d', tmp_path])
        elif source_path.endswith('.gz'):
            with open(os.path.join(tmp_path, os.path.basename(strip_archive_ext(source_path))), 'wb') as f:
                exitcode = subprocess.call(['gunzip', '-q', '-c', source_path], stdout=f)
            raise UsageError('Not an archive: %s' % source_path)
        if exitcode != 0:
            raise UsageError('Error unpacking %s' % source_path)
        # File handle, stream the contents!
        source_handle = source
        proc = subprocess.Popen(['tar', 'xfz', '-', '-C', tmp_path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        file_util.copy(source_handle, proc.stdin, print_status='Downloading and unpacking to %s' % tmp_path)

    # Move files into the right place.
    # If archive only contains one path, then use that.
    files = [f for f in os.listdir(tmp_path) if not ignore_file(f)]
    if len(files) == 1:
        path_util.rename(os.path.join(tmp_path, files[0]), dest_path)
        path_util.rename(tmp_path, dest_path)
Exemple #22
    def upload_bundle(self, source_file, bundle_type, worksheet_uuid):
        Upload |source_file| (a stream) to |worksheet_uuid|.
        # Construct info for creating the bundle.
        bundle_subclass = get_bundle_subclass(bundle_type)  # program or data
        metadata = metadata_util.fill_missing_metadata(
            bundle_subclass, {},
                'name': source_file.filename,
                'description': 'Upload ' + source_file.filename
        info = {'bundle_type': bundle_type, 'metadata': metadata}

        # Upload it by creating a file handle and copying source_file to it (see RemoteBundleClient.upload_bundle in the CLI).
        remote_file_uuid = self.client.open_temp_file(metadata['name'])
            with closing(RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid,
                                       self.client.proxy)) as dest:
                               print_status='Uploading %s' % metadata['name'])

            pack = False  # For now, always unpack (note: do this after set remote_file_uuid, which needs the extension)
            if not pack and zip_util.path_is_archive(metadata['name']):
                metadata['name'] = zip_util.strip_archive_ext(metadata['name'])

            # Then tell the client that the uploaded file handle is there.
            new_bundle_uuid = self.client.finish_upload_bundle(
                not pack,  # unpack
                True)  # add_to_worksheet
        return new_bundle_uuid
    def upload_bundle(self, path, info, worksheet_uuid, follow_symlinks,
                      exclude_patterns, add_to_worksheet):
        # URLs can be directly passed to the local client.
        if path and not isinstance(path, list) and path_util.path_is_url(path):
            return self.upload_bundle_url(path, info, worksheet_uuid,
                                          follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns)

        # First, zip path up (temporary local zip file).
        if path:
            name = info['metadata']['name']
            zip_path = zip_util.zip(path,
            # Copy it up to the server (temporary remote zip file)
            with open(zip_path, 'rb') as source:
                remote_file_uuid = self.open_temp_file()
                dest = RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.proxy)
                # FileServer does not expose an API for forcibly flushing writes, so
                # we rely on closing the file to flush it.
                               print_status='Uploading %s%s to %s' %
                               (zip_path, ' (' + info['uuid'] +
                                ')' if 'uuid' in info else '', self.address))
            remote_file_uuid = None
            zip_path = None

        # Finally, install the zip file (this will be in charge of deleting that zip file).
        result = self.upload_bundle_zip(remote_file_uuid, info, worksheet_uuid,
                                        follow_symlinks, add_to_worksheet)

        if zip_path:
            path_util.remove(zip_path)  # Remove local zip
        return result
    def download_target(self, target, follow_symlinks, return_zip=False):
        # Create remote zip file, download to local zip file
        (fd, zip_path) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tempfile.gettempdir())
        source_uuid, name = self.open_target_zip(target, follow_symlinks)
        source = RPCFileHandle(source_uuid, self.proxy)
        with open(zip_path, 'wb') as dest:
            with contextlib.closing(source):
                               print_status='Downloading %s on %s to %s' %
                               ('/'.join(target), self.address, zip_path))

        self.finalize_file(source_uuid, True)  # Delete remote zip file
        # Unpack the local zip file
        container_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        if return_zip:
            return zip_path, container_path

        result_path = zip_util.unzip(zip_path, container_path, name)
        path_util.remove(zip_path)  # Delete local zip file

        return (result_path, container_path)
Exemple #25
def copy(source_path, dest_path, follow_symlinks=False, exclude_names=[]):
    source_path can be a list of files, in which case we need to create a
    directory first.  Assume dest_path doesn't exist.
    # TODO: implement exclude_names
    # TODO: copytree doesn't preserve permissions, so we're making a system
    # call (only works in Linux).
    if os.path.exists(dest_path):
        raise path_error('already exists', dest_path)

    if isinstance(source_path, list):
        source = ' '.join(source_path)
        source = source_path

    if source_path == '/dev/stdin':
        with open(dest_path, 'wb') as dest:
            file_util.copy(sys.stdin, dest, autoflush=False, print_status=True)
        command = "cp -pR%s %s %s" % (('L' if follow_symlinks else 'P'), source, dest_path)
        if os.system(command) != 0:
            raise path_error('Unable to copy %s to' % source_path, dest_path)
 def cat(self, target):
     remote_file_uuid = self.open_target(target)
     source = RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid, self.proxy)
     with contextlib.closing(source):
         file_util.copy(source, sys.stdout)
Exemple #27
    def upload_bundle(self, sources, follow_symlinks, exclude_patterns, git,
                      unpack, remove_sources, info, worksheet_uuid,
        See local_bundle_client.py for documentation on the usage.
        1) We copy the |sources| to a temporary directory on the server
          (streaming either a tar or tar.gz depending on whether compression is
        2) We politely ask the server to finish_upload_bundle (performs a
          LocalBundleClient.upload_bundle from the temporary directory).
        # URLs can be directly passed to the local client.
        if all(path_util.path_is_url(source) for source in sources):
            return self.upload_bundle_url(sources, follow_symlinks,
                                          exclude_patterns, git, unpack,
                                          remove_sources, info, worksheet_uuid,

        remote_file_uuids = []
            # 1) Copy sources up to the server (temporary remote zip file)
            for source in sources:
                if zip_util.path_is_archive(source):
                    source_handle = open(source)
                    temp_file_name = os.path.basename(source)
                elif os.path.isdir(source):
                    source_handle = tar_gzip_directory(source, follow_symlinks,
                    temp_file_name = os.path.basename(source) + '.tar.gz'
                    unpack = True  # We packed it, so we have to unpack it
                    resolved_source = source
                    if follow_symlinks:
                        resolved_source = os.path.realpath(source)
                        if not os.path.exists(resolved_source):
                            raise UsageError('Broken symlink')
                    elif os.path.islink(source):
                        raise UsageError('Not following symlinks.')
                    source_handle = gzip_file(resolved_source)
                    temp_file_name = os.path.basename(source) + '.gz'
                    unpack = True  # We packed it, so we have to unpack it

                remote_file_uuid = self.open_temp_file(temp_file_name)
                with closing(RPCFileHandle(remote_file_uuid,
                                           self.proxy)) as dest_handle:
                    status = 'Uploading %s%s to %s' % (
                        source, ' (' + info['uuid'] +
                        ')' if 'uuid' in info else '', self.address)

            # 2) Install upload (this call will be in charge of deleting the temporary file).
            return self.finish_upload_bundle(remote_file_uuids, unpack, info,
                                             worksheet_uuid, add_to_worksheet)
            for remote_file_uuid in remote_file_uuids:
 def cat(self, target):
     source = self.open_file(target)
     with contextlib.closing(source):
         file_util.copy(source, sys.stdout)
 def cat_target(self, target, out):
     source = self.open_target_handle(target)
     if not source: return
     file_util.copy(source, out)
 def cat_target(self, target, out):
     source = self.open_target_handle(target)
     if not source: return
     file_util.copy(source, out)