Exemple #1
    return new_wires_list, gate_conn

if __name__ == '__main__':
    net_option, number_of_solutions, hill_climb_bool = main()
    start_time = time.time()

    if int(net_option) <= 3:
        netliststring = "data/" + "netlist_" + net_option + ".csv"
        printstring = "data/" + "print_1" + ".csv"
    elif int(net_option) <= 6:
        netliststring = "data/" + "netlist_" + net_option + ".csv"
        printstring = "data/" + "print_2" + ".csv"

    # Create netlist by loading file in class
    netlist = classs.Netlist(netliststring).netlist

    # Create list for gate coordinates
    gate_coordinates = classs.Gate_coordinate(printstring).gate_coordinates

    distances = {}

    for item in netlist:
        gate_start = int(item.gate_1)
        gate_end = int(item.gate_2)

        # Create tuple for gates that have to be connected
        connected_gate = (gate_start, gate_end)

        coordinate_start = gate_coordinates[gate_start - 1]
        coordinate_end = gate_coordinates[gate_end - 1]
Finds the optimal paths between the chips

NOT WORKING, but with <7 layers constraint
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from code.classes import classes as classs
from code.functions import delete as delete
from code.functions import change_coordinates as change
import copy

import csv

# Create netlist by loading file in class
netlist = classs.Netlist("data/netlist_1.csv").netlist

# Create list for gate coordinates
gate_coordinates = classs.Gate_coordinate("data/pritn_1.csv").gate_coordinates

# Create dictionary for gate connections with corresponding shortest distance
distances = {}

for item in netlist:
    gate_start = int(item.gate_1)
    gate_end = int(item.gate_2)

    # Create tuple for gates that have to be connected
    connected_gate = (gate_start, gate_end)

    # Define coordinates of start and end gate
Exemple #3
from code.visualisation import plot as plot
from code.classes import classes as classs
from code.functions import astardelete as astardelete                     
from code.algorithms import Astar as Astar
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import csv

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start_time = time.time()
    # Create netlist by loading file in class
    netlist = classs.Netlist("data/example_net3.csv").netlist

    # Create list for gate coordinates
    gate_coordinates = classs.Gate_coordinate("data/example_prit3.csv").gate_coordinates
    gate_connections = {}


    # TODO
        geef de begin en eindgate mee
        alle gate_coordinaten
        geef een lijst mee met coordinaten waar al draad ligt