def ivTTMenu(update,context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid rollno in Student Timetable Menu
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=["Today's Timetable","Daily Timetable","Back"])
    update.message.reply_text( text = '''Sorry , I can't do that.\nPlease select from the Given list''',reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(menu))
    return TT_MENU_KEY
def atd_Menu(update,context):
        Function to send Student Attendance Menu to the user
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=["Get Attendance","Set Attendance","Back"])
    update.message.reply_text( text = '''what do you want to know about Your Attendance?''',reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(menu))
    return ATD_MENU_KEY
def tt_Menu(update,context):
        Function to send Student Timetable Menu to the user
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=["Today's Timetable","Daily Timetable","Back"])
    update.message.reply_text(text = '''what do you want to know about Your Timetable?''',reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(menu))
    return TT_MENU_KEY
def ivAtdMenu(update,context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid rollno in Student Attendance Menu
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=["Get Attendance","Set Attendance","Back"])
    update.message.reply_text( text = '''Sorry , I can't do that.\nPlease select from the Given list''',reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(menu))
    return ATD_MENU_KEY
def ivsub_CRSC(update,context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid subject in CR Menu/Replace_Class path
    update.message.reply_text(text='''Its not a Subject from the list.\nPlease sent me a Grade and Subject from the list''',
    return RPLCLS_SUB_KEY
def ivStat_SASC(update,context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid Status in Student Attendance Menu
    update.message.reply_text(text='''Sorry , I can't do that.\nPlease select a Valid status of the subject''',
    return SETATD_STAT_KEY
def ivperiod_CCPC(update,context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid Period in Teacher_Announcements/Create_Class path
    update.message.reply_text(text='''Its not a Period from the list.\nPlease sent me a Period from the list''',
    return CR8CLS_PERD_KEY
def period_CCPC(update, context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Periods to the user in Teacher_Announcements/Create_Class path
    context.user_data['CR8ClsDay'] = (update.message.text)
    availableperlst = list()
    stdperiodlst = [
        for i in db.getStdtt((context.user_data['CR8ClsGrdSub']
                              ).split(':')[0], context.user_data['CR8ClsDay'])
    tchperiodlst = [
        i[0] for i in db.getTeachtt((
  , context.user_data['CR8ClsDay'])
    for i in cs.datajson['periodlst']:

        if (i not in stdperiodlst) and (i not in tchperiodlst):
    context.user_data['availableperlst'] = availableperlst
        text='''Which period of {} do you want ?'''.format(
            cs.build_menu(context.user_data['availableperlst'] + ['Back'])))
    return CR8CLS_PERD_KEY
def dev_Menu(update,context):
        Developer's Menu function
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=["No of Users","Manage CR","Message Users","Remove User\nAccount","Json Update",'Back'])
    update.message.reply_text( text = '''Ask me what you want to do from the Below list''',reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(menu))
    return DEV_MENU_KEY
def daykb_CxCDC(update,context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Days to the user in CR Menu/Cancel_Class path
    text = cs.build_menu(buttons=(cs.datajson['daylst']+['Back']))
    update.message.reply_text(text=''' Which day class do you want to cancel ?''', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(text))
    return CXLCLS_DAY_KEY
def ivday_CxCDC(update,context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid day in Teacher_Announcements/Cancel_Class path
    text = cs.build_menu(buttons=(cs.datajson['daylst']+['Back']))
    update.message.reply_text(text='''Its not a Day from the list.\nPlease sent me a day from the list''', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(text))
    return CXLCLS_DAY_KEY
def ivGSP_CxCGC(update,context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid Class in Teacher_Announcements/Cancel_Class path
    update.message.reply_text(text='''Its not a Class from the list.\nPlease sent me a class from the list''',
    return CXLCLS_GSP_KEY
def dayKb_DTMC (update,context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Days to the user in Student Timetable/Daily_Timetable path
    text = cs.build_menu(buttons=(cs.datajson['daylst']+['Back']))
    update.message.reply_text( text = '''Which day Timetable do you want ?''',reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(text))
    return DAILY_TT_KEY
def ivday_DTMC(update,context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid day in Student Timetable/Daily_Timetable path
    text = cs.build_menu(buttons=(cs.datajson['daylst']+['Back']))
    update.message.reply_text( text = '''Its not a Day from the list.\nPlease sent me a day from the list''',reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(text))
    return DAILY_TT_KEY
def dayKb_CCDC(update,context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Days to the user in CR Menu/Create_Class path
    text = cs.build_menu(buttons=(cs.datajson['daylst']+['Back']))
        text='''Which day do you want to Create class for {}?'''.format((db.chkusr('U')[0]), reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(text))
    return CR8CLS_Day_KEY
def ivCRMenu(update,context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid Option in CR Announcement Menu
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=["Create Class","Cancel Class","Replace Class","Message Students","Back"])
    update.message.reply_text(text='''Sorry, I can't do that.\nPlease select from the Given list''',
    return CR_MENU_KEY
def ann_Menu(update, context):
        Function to send Teacher's Announcement Menu to the user
    menu = cs.build_menu(
        buttons=["Create Class", "Cancel Class", "Message Students", "Back"])
    update.message.reply_text(text='''what you want to Announce now?''',
    return ANN_MENU_KEY
def devmenu_msg(update,context):
        Function to send dev Msg Menu to the user
    menu = ['Students',"Teachers","All Users","Back"]
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=menu)
    update.message.reply_text(text='''Please Tell me whom you want to send the message.''',
    return DEV_MSG_MENU_KEY
def more_Menu(update,context):
        Function to send More Menu to the user
    menu = ['Know about\nDeveloper(s)',"Contact\nDeveloper(s)","Back","Logout"]
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=menu)
    update.message.reply_text(text='''These are the extra options\nthat you can use.\nRemember Logging Out Will\nDelete Your Data''',
    return MORE_MENU_KEY
def GSP_CxCGC(update,context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Period,Grade,Subject to the user in CR Menu/Cancel_Class path
    grade   = (db.chkusr('U')[0]
    context.user_data['CRCXLClsDay'] = (update.message.text)
    context.user_data['avGSPlst'] = [i[0] + ":" + i[1] for i in db.getStdtt(grade,context.user_data['CRCXLClsDay'])]
    update.message.reply_text(text='''Which Class do you want to cancel on {} ?'''.format((update.message.text)),
    return CXLCLS_GSP_KEY
def ivgrdsub_CCGC(update, context):
        Function to send error when user enters Invalid day in Teacher_Timetable/Daily_Timetable path
        '''Its not a Grade and Subject from the list.\nPlease sent me a Grade and Subject from the list''',
            cs.build_menu(context.user_data['tchgrdsubkb'] + ['Back'])))
    return CR8CLS_GRD_KEY
def subkb_CCGC(update,context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Subject to the user in CR Menu/Create_Class path
    if not update.message.text == 'Back':
        context.user_data['stdCR8Day'] = update.message.text
    context.user_data['stdCRsubkb'] = db.getsubgrd((db.chkusr('U')[0])
    update.message.reply_text(text='''Tell me, For which subject do you want me to create class on {} ?'''.format(context.user_data['stdCR8Day']), 
    return CR8CLS_SUB_KEY
def Menu(update, context):
        Function to send Teacher Menu to the user
    menu = (["Timetable", "Announcements", "More"])
    if in cs.devjson['devChat_id']:
        menu = menu + ['DEV Menu']
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=menu)
        text='''Ask me what you want to know from the Below list''',
    return MAIN_MENU_KEY
def CR_Menu (update,context):
        Function to send CR's Announcement Menu to the user
    if (db.chkusr( in db.getCR():
        menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=["Create Class","Cancel Class","Replace Class","Message Students","Back"])
        update.message.reply_text(text='''what you want to Announce now?''',
        return CR_MENU_KEY
        update.message.reply_text(text='''You are not a CR.So I can't allow you.''')
        return cs.END
def Menu(update,context):
        Function to send Student Main Menu to the user
    menu = ["Timetable","Attendance"]
    if in cs.devjson['devChat_id']:
        menu = menu  + ['DEV Menu']
    if (db.chkusr( in db.getCR():
        menu = menu + ['CR Menu']
    menu = cs.build_menu(buttons=menu + ["More"])
    update.message.reply_text( text = '''Ask me what you want to know from the Below list''',reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(menu))
    return MAIN_MENU_KEY
def avgrdkb_MSGC(update, context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Subjects to the user in Teacher_Timetable/Message_students path
    tchgrdsublst = db.tchgrdsub(
    context.user_data['tchMsgStdGrdLst'] = list(
         for grd in tchgrdsublst})
        text='''For which grade do you want to send the message ?''',
            cs.build_menu(context.user_data['tchMsgStdGrdLst'] +
                          ['Message All', 'Back'])))
    return MSGSTD_GRD_KEY
def subkb_CRSC(update,context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Subject to the user in CR Menu/Replace_Class path
    if update.message.text in context.user_data['RPLavlGSPlst'] + ['back']:
        if not update.message.text == 'Back':
            context.user_data['stdRPLGSP'] = update.message.text
        context.user_data['stdCRsubkb'] = db.getsubgrd((db.chkusr('U')[0])
        update.message.reply_text(text='''Tell me, For which subject do you want me to Replace class on {} ?'''.format(context.user_data['stdRPLGSP']), 
        return RPLCLS_SUB_KEY
        update.message.reply_text(text='''The Class you told me to Cancel does not exists''')
        return cs.END
def gradeKb_GTGC(update, context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Subjects to the user in Teacher_Timetable/Grade_Timetable path
    tchgrdsublst = db.tchgrdsub(
    tchgrd = set()
    for i in tchgrdsublst:
    context.user_data['tchGrdTTGrdLst'] = list(tchgrd)
        text='''Which Grade Timetable do you want ?''',
            cs.build_menu(context.user_data['tchGrdTTGrdLst'] + ['Back'])))
    return GRADE_TT_GRD_KEY
def grdsubkb_CCGC(update, context):
        Function to send KeyBoard of Grade:Subject to the user in Teacher_Announcement/Create_Class path
    tchgrdsublst = db.tchgrdsub(
    tchgrd = set()
    for i in tchgrdsublst:
        tchgrd.add(i[0] + ":" + i[1])
    context.user_data['tchgrdsubkb'] = list(tchgrd)
        '''Tell me, For which Grade and subject you want me to create class ?''',
            cs.build_menu(context.user_data['tchgrdsubkb'] + ['Back'])))
    return CR8CLS_GRD_KEY
def Statkb_SASTC(update,context):
        Function to send Status Keyboard to the user (i.e Present,Absent)
        -- It also store the subject from the user
    if (update.message.text).upper() in db.getsubgrd(db.getusrgrd(
        context.user_data['SetAtdSub'] = (update.message.text).upper()
        update.message.reply_text(text='So, Tell me the status of {}'.format(context.user_data['SetAtdSub']),
        update.message.reply_text(text='''If you want to enter Attended and Total classes seperatly then enter Them in this pattern-\naa:tt'''
                                            +'''(ex: 05:10)-\n5 out of 10 classes attended''')
        return  SETATD_STAT_KEY
        return  cs.END