def __init__(self, config_file_path, report_path_override=None, verbosity=1, source_path_override=None): """ Initialize AnnotationConfig. Args: config_file_path: Path to the configuration file report_path_override: Path to write reports to, if overridden on the command line verbosity: Verbosity level from the command line source_path_override: Path to search if we're static code searching, if overridden on the command line """ self.groups = {} self.choices = {} self.optional_groups = [] self.annotation_tokens = [] self.annotation_regexes = [] self.mgr = None # Global logger, other objects can hold handles to this self.echo = VerboseEcho() with open(config_file_path) as config_file: raw_config = yaml.safe_load(config_file) self._check_raw_config_keys(raw_config) self.safelist_path = raw_config['safelist_path'] self.extensions = raw_config['extensions'] self.verbosity = verbosity self.echo.set_verbosity(verbosity) self.report_path = report_path_override if report_path_override else raw_config['report_path'] self.echo(f"Configured for report path: {self.report_path}") self.source_path = source_path_override if source_path_override else raw_config['source_path'] self.echo(f"Configured for source path: {self.source_path}") self._configure_coverage(raw_config.get('coverage_target', None)) self.report_template_dir = raw_config.get('report_template_dir') self.rendered_report_dir = raw_config.get('rendered_report_dir') self.rendered_report_file_extension = raw_config.get('rendered_report_file_extension') self.rendered_report_source_link_prefix = raw_config.get('rendered_report_source_link_prefix') self._configure_annotations(raw_config) self._configure_extensions()
def test_nothing_found(): """ Make sure nothing fails when no annotation is found. """ config = FakeConfig() r = FakeExtension(config, VerboseEcho()) with open('tests/extensions/base_test_files/') as f:
def test_multi_line_annotations(test_file, annotations): config = AnnotationConfig('tests/test_configurations/.annotations_test') annotator = PythonAnnotationExtension(config, VerboseEcho()) with open(f'tests/extensions/python_test_files/{test_file}') as fi: result_annotations = assert len(annotations) == len(result_annotations) for annotation, result_annotation in zip(annotations, result_annotations): assert result_annotation['annotation_token'] == annotation[0] assert result_annotation['annotation_data'] == annotation[1]
def test_strip_single_line_comment_tokens(): config = FakeConfig() extension = FakeExtension(config, VerboseEcho()) text = """baz line1 baz line2 bazline3 baz line4""" expected_result = """ line1 line2 line3 line4""" # pylint: disable=protected-access assert expected_result == extension._strip_single_line_comment_tokens(text)
class AnnotationConfig: """ Configuration shared among all Code Annotations commands. """ def __init__(self, config_file_path, report_path_override=None, verbosity=1, source_path_override=None): """ Initialize AnnotationConfig. Args: config_file_path: Path to the configuration file report_path_override: Path to write reports to, if overridden on the command line verbosity: Verbosity level from the command line source_path_override: Path to search if we're static code searching, if overridden on the command line """ self.groups = {} self.choices = {} self.optional_groups = [] self.annotation_tokens = [] self.annotation_regexes = [] self.mgr = None # Global logger, other objects can hold handles to this self.echo = VerboseEcho() with open(config_file_path) as config_file: raw_config = yaml.safe_load(config_file) self._check_raw_config_keys(raw_config) self.safelist_path = raw_config['safelist_path'] self.extensions = raw_config['extensions'] self.verbosity = verbosity self.echo.set_verbosity(verbosity) self.report_path = report_path_override if report_path_override else raw_config['report_path'] self.echo(f"Configured for report path: {self.report_path}") self.source_path = source_path_override if source_path_override else raw_config['source_path'] self.echo(f"Configured for source path: {self.source_path}") self._configure_coverage(raw_config.get('coverage_target', None)) self.report_template_dir = raw_config.get('report_template_dir') self.rendered_report_dir = raw_config.get('rendered_report_dir') self.rendered_report_file_extension = raw_config.get('rendered_report_file_extension') self.rendered_report_source_link_prefix = raw_config.get('rendered_report_source_link_prefix') self._configure_annotations(raw_config) self._configure_extensions() def _check_raw_config_keys(self, raw_config): """ Validate that all required keys exist in the configuration file. Args: raw_config: Python representation of the YAML config file Raises: ConfigurationException on any missing keys """ errors = [] for k in ('report_path', 'source_path', 'safelist_path', 'annotations', 'extensions'): if k not in raw_config: errors.append(k) if errors: raise ConfigurationException( 'The following required keys are missing from the configuration file: \n{}'.format( '\n'.join(errors) ) ) def _is_annotation_group(self, token_or_group): """ Determine if an annotation is a group or not. Args: token_or_group: The annotation being checked Returns: True if the type of the annotation is correct for a group, otherwise False """ return isinstance(token_or_group, list) def _is_choice_group(self, token_or_group): """ Determine if an annotation is a choice group. Args: token_or_group: The annotation being checked Returns: True if the type of the annotation is correct for a choice group, otherwise False """ return isinstance(token_or_group, dict) and "choices" in token_or_group def _is_optional_group(self, token_or_group): """ Determine if an annotation is an optional group. Args: token_or_group: The annotation being checked Returns: True if the annotation is optional, otherwise False. """ return isinstance(token_or_group, dict) and bool(token_or_group.get("optional")) def _is_annotation_token(self, token_or_group): """ Determine if an annotation has the right format. Args: token_or_group: The annotation being checked Returns: True if the type of the annotation is correct for a text type, otherwise False """ if token_or_group is None: return True if isinstance(token_or_group, dict): # If annotation is a dict, only a few keys are tolerated return set(token_or_group.keys()).issubset({"choices", "optional"}) return False def _add_annotation_token(self, token): if token in self.annotation_tokens: raise ConfigurationException(f'{token} is configured more than once, tokens must be unique.') self.annotation_tokens.append(token) def _configure_coverage(self, coverage_target): """ Set coverage_target to the specified value. Args: coverage_target: Returns: """ if coverage_target: try: self.coverage_target = float(coverage_target) except (TypeError, ValueError) as error: raise ConfigurationException( f'Coverage target must be a number between 0 and 100 not "{coverage_target}".' ) from error if self.coverage_target < 0.0 or self.coverage_target > 100.0: raise ConfigurationException( f'Invalid coverage target. {self.coverage_target} is not between 0 and 100.' ) else: self.coverage_target = None def _configure_group(self, group_name, group): """ Perform group configuration and add annotations from the group to global configuration. Args: group_name: The name of the group (the key in the configuration dictionary) group: The list of annotations that comprise the group Raises: TypeError if the group is misconfigured """ self.groups[group_name] = [] if not group or len(group) == 1: raise ConfigurationException(f'Group "{group_name}" must have more than one annotation.') for annotation in group: for annotation_token in annotation: annotation_value = annotation[annotation_token] # Otherwise it should be a text type, if not then error out if not self._is_annotation_token(annotation_value): raise ConfigurationException(f'{annotation} is an unknown annotation type.') # The annotation comment is a choice group if self._is_choice_group(annotation_value): self._configure_choices(annotation_token, annotation_value) # The annotation comment is not mandatory if self._is_optional_group(annotation_value): self.optional_groups.append(annotation_token) self.groups[group_name].append(annotation_token) self._add_annotation_token(annotation_token) self.annotation_regexes.append(re.escape(annotation_token)) def _configure_choices(self, annotation_token, annotation): """ Configure the choices list for an annotation. Args: annotation_token: The annotation token we are setting choices for annotation: The annotation body (list of choices) """ self.choices[annotation_token] = annotation['choices'] def _configure_annotations(self, raw_config): """ Transform the configured annotations into more usable pieces and validate. Args: raw_config: The dictionary form of our configuration file Raises: TypeError if annotations are misconfigured """ annotation_tokens = raw_config['annotations'] for annotation_token_or_group_name in annotation_tokens: annotation = annotation_tokens[annotation_token_or_group_name] if self._is_annotation_group(annotation): self._configure_group(annotation_token_or_group_name, annotation) elif self._is_choice_group(annotation): self._configure_choices(annotation_token_or_group_name, annotation) self._add_annotation_token(annotation_token_or_group_name) self.annotation_regexes.append(re.escape(annotation_token_or_group_name)) elif not self._is_annotation_token(annotation): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError( f'{annotation_token_or_group_name} is an unknown type, must be strings or lists.' ) else: self._add_annotation_token(annotation_token_or_group_name) self.annotation_regexes.append(re.escape(annotation_token_or_group_name)) self.echo.echo_v(f"Groups configured: {self.groups}") self.echo.echo_v(f"Choices configured: {self.choices}") self.echo.echo_v(f"Annotation tokens configured: {self.annotation_tokens}") def _plugin_load_failed_handler(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Handle failures to load an extension. Dumps the error and raises an exception. By default these errors just fail silently. Args: *args: **kwargs: Raises: ConfigurationException """ self.echo(str(args), fg='red') self.echo(str(kwargs), fg='red') raise ConfigurationException('Failed to load a plugin, aborting.') def _configure_extensions(self): """ Configure the Stevedore NamedExtensionManager. Raises: ConfigurationException """ # These are the names of all of our configured extensions configured_extension_names = self.extensions.keys() # Load Stevedore extensions that we are configured for (and only those) self.mgr = named.NamedExtensionManager( names=configured_extension_names, namespace='annotation_finder.searchers', invoke_on_load=True, on_load_failure_callback=self._plugin_load_failed_handler, invoke_args=(self, self.echo), ) # Output extension names listed in configuration self.echo.echo_vv("Configured extension names: {}".format(" ".join(configured_extension_names))) # Output found extension entry points from|cfg (whether or not they were loaded) self.echo.echo_vv("Stevedore entry points found: {}".format(str(self.mgr.list_entry_points()))) # Output extensions that were actually able to load self.echo.echo_v("Loaded extensions: {}".format(" ".join([ for x in self.mgr.extensions]))) if len(self.mgr.extensions) != len(configured_extension_names): raise ConfigurationException('Not all configured extensions could be loaded! Asked for {} got {}.'.format( configured_extension_names, self.mgr.extensions ))