def demo_commenting(scene: CodeScene): scene.add_background(f"{example_dir}/resources/blackboard.jpg") code = scene.animate_code_comments( title="examples/", path=f"{example_dir}/", keep_comments=True, start_line=6, end_line=19, reset_at_end=False, ) scene.highlight_line( code, number=6, caption="These caption callouts are " "automatically generated from comments when " "using animate_code_comments()", ) scene.highlight_lines( code, start=14, end=18, caption="You can also highlight multiple " "lines by ending the block with '# " "end'", ) scene.highlight_none(code) scene.clear()
def demo_highlighting(scene: CodeScene): title = PangoText( """ If you want more control, you can create code blocks and highlight them manually. """, font="Helvetica", line_spacing=0.5, ).scale(0.7), run_time=3, rate_func=linear)) scene.wait(2) scene.clear() scene.add_background(f"{example_dir}/resources/blackboard.jpg") tex = scene.create_code(f"{example_dir}/") scene.highlight_line( tex, 11, caption= "Create code blocks yourself and pass in any arguments the Code class supports to do things " "like change the theme or font", ) scene.highlight_lines( tex, 13, 19, caption= "Highlight code with a caption to give extra information. A wait is" " automatically added for a time based on the length of the caption", ) scene.highlight_line(tex, 21, caption="Reset highlighting and positioning") scene.highlight_none(tex) scene.clear()