Exemple #1
def _check_draw_graph(graph_file):
    """Check whether the specified graph file should be redrawn.

    Currently we use the following heuristic: (1) if graph is older than N
    minutes, redraw it;  (2) if admin has active session(s), redraw on every
    cron run (we detect this by ajax active timestamp).

    We could also redraw if an interesting parameter has changed (user or s2s
    count, license limits, timezones, etc).  But because these entail RRD accesses,
    we just use the simpler heuristic above.

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # consider ajax "off-line" if timestamp older than this (or negative)
    ajax_limit = datetime.timedelta(0, 5*60, 0)   # XXX: constants?

    # redraw graphs if graph age below zero or over limit below
    graph_zero = datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 0)
    graph_maxage = datetime.timedelta(0, 15*60, 0) # XXX: constants?
    if helpers.check_marker_file(constants.WEBUI_ADMIN_ACTIVE_TIMESTAMP):
        dt = helpers.read_datetime_marker_file(constants.WEBUI_ADMIN_ACTIVE_TIMESTAMP)
        diff = now - dt
        if diff < ajax_limit:
            # ajax active, draw
            _log.info('ajax active, redraw graph %s' % graph_file)
            return True
            # fall through, check graph file
    if os.path.exists(graph_file):
        mtime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.stat(graph_file).st_mtime)
        diff = now - mtime
        if (diff < graph_zero) or (diff > graph_maxage):
            # bogus or too old, redraw
            _log.info('graph too old, redraw graph %s' % graph_file)
            return True
            _log.info('graph not too old, skipping redraw for %s' % graph_file)
            return False
    # no graph file, redraw always
    _log.info('graph does not exist, redraw graph %s' % graph_file)
    return True
Exemple #2
def _update_snmp():
    """Update SNMP data."""

    from codebay.l2tpserver import licensemanager
    from codebay.l2tpserver import helpers
    from codebay.l2tpserver.webui import uihelpers

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    st = helpers.get_status()
    global_st = helpers.get_global_status()
    license_info = helpers.get_license_info()

    def _timeticks(td):
        return int(helpers.timedelta_to_seconds(td) * 100.0)

    def _timestamp(dt):
        return datatypes.encode_datetime_to_iso8601_subset(dt)

    def _get_management_conn():
        # XXX: not the best place for this
        if global_st.hasS(ns.managementServerConnection):
            if global_st.getS(ns.managementServerConnection, rdf.Boolean):
                return 1
        return 0
    vals = {}

    lm = licensemanager.LicenseMonitor()
    usr_count, usr_limit, usr_limit_leeway, s2s_count, s2s_limit, s2s_limit_leeway = None, None, None, None, None, None
        usr_count, usr_limit, usr_limit_leeway, s2s_count, s2s_limit, s2s_limit_leeway = lm.count_both_users()
        _log.exception('cannot get ppp counts for snmp')

    # XXX: this sharing of status code is quite unclean; see uihelpers.get_status_and_substatus() for suggestions
    health_errors = 0
        status_class, status_text, substatus_class, substatus_text, status_ok = uihelpers.get_status_and_substatus()
        if status_ok:
            health_errors = 0
            health_errors = 1
        _log.exception('cannot determine health errors')
    for k, l in [ ('vpneaseHealthCheckErrors',       lambda: health_errors),
                  ('vpneaseUserCount',               lambda: usr_count),
                  ('vpneaseSiteToSiteCount',         lambda: s2s_count),
                  ('vpneaseLastMaintenanceReboot',   lambda: _timestamp(helpers.read_datetime_marker_file(constants.LAST_AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MARKER_FILE))),
                  ('vpneaseNextMaintenanceReboot',   lambda: _timestamp(uihelpers.compute_periodic_reboot_time())),
                  ('vpneaseLastSoftwareUpdate',      lambda: _timestamp(helpers.read_datetime_marker_file(constants.LAST_SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE_MARKER_FILE))),
                  ('vpneaseSoftwareVersion',         lambda: helpers.get_product_version(cache=True, filecache=True)),
                  ('vpneaseCpuUsage',                lambda: int(global_st.getS(ns.cpuUsage, rdf.Float))),
                  ('vpneaseMemoryUsage',             lambda: int(global_st.getS(ns.memoryUsage, rdf.Float))),
                  ('vpneaseVirtualMemoryUsage',      lambda: int(global_st.getS(ns.swapUsage, rdf.Float))),
                  ('vpneaseServiceUptime',           lambda: _timeticks(now - st.getS(ns.startTime, rdf.Datetime))),
                  ('vpneaseHostUptime',              lambda: _timeticks(datetime.timedelta(0, helpers.get_uptime(), 0))),
                  ('vpneasePublicAddress',           lambda: st.getS(ns.publicInterface, rdf.Type(ns.NetworkInterface)).getS(ns.ipAddress, rdf.IPv4AddressSubnet).getAddress().toString()),
                  ('vpneasePublicSubnet',            lambda: st.getS(ns.publicInterface, rdf.Type(ns.NetworkInterface)).getS(ns.ipAddress, rdf.IPv4AddressSubnet).getMask().toString()),
                  ('vpneasePublicMac',               lambda: st.getS(ns.publicInterface, rdf.Type(ns.NetworkInterface)).getS(ns.macAddress, rdf.String)),
                  ('vpneasePrivateAddress',          lambda: st.getS(ns.privateInterface, rdf.Type(ns.NetworkInterface)).getS(ns.ipAddress, rdf.IPv4AddressSubnet).getAddress().toString()),
                  ('vpneasePrivateSubnet',           lambda: st.getS(ns.privateInterface, rdf.Type(ns.NetworkInterface)).getS(ns.ipAddress, rdf.IPv4AddressSubnet).getMask().toString()),
                  ('vpneasePrivateMac',              lambda: st.getS(ns.privateInterface, rdf.Type(ns.NetworkInterface)).getS(ns.macAddress, rdf.String)),
                  ('vpneaseLicenseKey',              lambda: license_info.getS(ns_ui.licenseKey, rdf.String)),
                  ('vpneaseLicenseString',           lambda: license_info.getS(ns_ui.licenseString, rdf.String)),
                  ('vpneaseLicenseUserLimit',        lambda: usr_limit),
                  ('vpneaseLicenseSiteToSiteLimit',  lambda: s2s_limit),
                  ('vpneaseMaintenanceReboots',      lambda: global_st.getS(ns.periodicReboots, rdf.Integer)),
                  ('vpneaseWatchdogReboots',         lambda: global_st.getS(ns.watchdogReboots, rdf.Integer)),
                  ('vpneaseLicenseServerConnection', _get_management_conn),
            val = l()
            if val is not None:
                vals[k] = val
            # these are expected in several cases, so don't spew too much log about them
            # XXX: it would be better if the checkers would figure these out for themselves
            # (when a value is expected and when not)
            _log.info('failed to get snmp value for key %s' % k)
            #_log.exception('failed to get snmp value for key %s' % k)
    keys = vals.keys()
    res = ''
    for k in keys:
        res += '%s=%s\n' % (k, vals[k])

    # to ASCII, escaping any non-ASCII chars with XML escapes
    res = res.encode('US-ASCII', 'xmlcharrefreplace')

    f = None
        f = open(constants.SNMP_DATA_FILE, 'wb')
        if f:
        f = None