Exemple #1
def get_argparser_ctor_args():
    This method returns a dict containing the kwargs for constructing an
    argparse.ArgumentParser (either directly or as a subparser).

    return {
        'CodeChecker log',

        # Description is shown when the command's help is queried directly
        "Runs the given build command and records the executed "
        "compilation steps. These steps are written to the "
        "output file in a JSON format.\n\nAvailable build "
        "logger tool that will be used is '" +
        ('intercept-build' if check_intercept(os.environ) else 'ld-logger') +

        # Help is shown when the "parent" CodeChecker command lists the
        # individual subcommands.
        "Run a build command and collect the executed compilation "
        "commands, storing them in a JSON file."
Exemple #2
def get_argparser_ctor_args():
    This method returns a dict containing the kwargs for constructing an
    argparse.ArgumentParser (either directly or as a subparser).

    is_intercept = check_intercept(os.environ)
    ldlogger_settings = "\nld-logger can be fine-tuned with some " \
        "environment variables. For details see the following " \
        "documentation: " \
        "https://github.com/Ericsson/codechecker/blob/master/analyzer/tools/" \
        "build-logger/README.md#usage" if not is_intercept else ''

    return {
        'CodeChecker log',

        # Description is shown when the command's help is queried directly
        "Runs the given build command and records the executed "
        "compilation steps. These steps are written to the "
        "output file in a JSON format.\n\nAvailable build "
        "logger tool that will be used is '" +
        ('intercept-build' if is_intercept else 'ld-logger') + "'." +

        # Help is shown when the "parent" CodeChecker command lists the
        # individual subcommands.
        "Run a build command and collect the executed compilation "
        "commands, storing them in a JSON file."
Exemple #3
def get_argparser_ctor_args():
    This method returns a dict containing the kwargs for constructing an
    argparse.ArgumentParser (either directly or as a subparser).

    # Prefer using ldlogger over intercept-build.
    is_ldlogger = check_ldlogger(os.environ)
    is_intercept = False if is_ldlogger else check_intercept(os.environ)
    ldlogger_settings = """
ld-logger can be fine-tuned with some environment variables. For details see
the following documentation:
build-logger/README.md#usage""" if not is_ldlogger else ""

    return {
        'CodeChecker log',

        # Description is shown when the command's help is queried directly
Runs the given build command and records the executed compilation steps. These
steps are written to the output file in a JSON format.

Available build logger tool that will be used is '{0}'.{1}
""".format('intercept-build' if is_intercept else 'ld-logger',
Environment variables

        # Help is shown when the "parent" CodeChecker command lists the
        # individual subcommands.
        "Run a build command and collect the executed compilation "
        "commands, storing them in a JSON file."
Exemple #4
def get_argparser_ctor_args():
    This method returns a dict containing the kwargs for constructing an
    argparse.ArgumentParser (either directly or as a subparser).

    is_intercept = check_intercept(os.environ)
    ldlogger_settings = """
ld-logger can be fine-tuned with some environment variables. For details see
the following documentation:
build-logger/README.md#usage""" if not is_intercept else ""

    return {
        'prog': 'CodeChecker log',
        'formatter_class': arg.RawDescriptionDefaultHelpFormatter,

        # Description is shown when the command's help is queried directly
        'description': """
Runs the given build command and records the executed compilation steps. These
steps are written to the output file in a JSON format.

Available build logger tool that will be used is '{0}'.{1}
""".format('intercept-build' if is_intercept else 'ld-logger',

        'epilog': """
environment variables:
  CC_LOGGER_GCC_LIKE       Set to to a colon separated list to change which
                           compilers should be logged. For example (default):
                           export CC_LOGGER_GCC_LIKE="gcc:g++:clang:clang++:
                           cc:c++". The logger will match any compilers with
                           'gcc', 'g++', 'clang', 'clang++', 'cc' and 'c++' in
                           their filenames.
  CC_LOGGER_DEF_DIRS       If the environment variable is defined, the logger
                           will extend the compiler argument list in the
                           compilation database with the pre-configured include
                           paths of the logged compiler.
  CC_LOGGER_ABS_PATH       If the environment variable is defined, all relative
                           paths in the compilation commands after '-I,
                           -idirafter, -imultilib, -iquote, -isysroot -isystem,
                           -iwithprefix, -iwithprefixbefore, -sysroot,
                           --sysroot' will be converted to absolute PATH when
                           written into the compilation database.
  CC_LOGGER_KEEP_LINK      If its value is not 'true' then object files will be
                           removed from the build action. For example in case
                           of this build command: 'gcc main.c object1.o
                           object2.so' the 'object1.o' and 'object2.so' will be
                           removed and only 'gcc main.c' will be captured. If
                           only object files are provided to the compiler then
                           the complete build action will be thrown away. This
                           means that build actions which only perform linking
                           will not be captured. We consider a file as object
                           file if its extension is '.o', '.so' or '.a'.
  CC_LOGGER_DEBUG_FILE     Output file to print log messages. By default if we
                           run the log command in debug mode it will generate
                           a 'codechecker.logger.debug' file beside the log

        # Help is shown when the "parent" CodeChecker command lists the
        # individual subcommands.
        'help': "Run a build command and collect the executed compilation "
                "commands, storing them in a JSON file."