Exemple #1
	def __init__(self, filename, line, *args):
		CodeItemBase.__init__(self, filename, line, *args)

		argdict = {}
		for arg in self.args:
			if '.' in arg.name:
				self.error("Illegal argument name: '.' is not allowed. Found '%s'" % arg.name)

			if arg.datatype == 'void':
				self.error("Illegal data type: 'void' is not a valid data type for arguments")

			if arg.name in argdict:
				self.error("Duplicate argument name: '%s'" % arg.name)

			argdict[arg.name] = arg

		self.argdict = argdict

		localdict = {}
		for local in self.locals:
			if '.' in local.name:
				self.error("Illegal local variable name: '.' is not allowed. Found '%s'" % local.name)

			if local.datatype == 'void':
				self.error("Illegal data type: 'void' is not a valid data type for local variables")

			if local.name in localdict or local.name in argdict:
				self.error("Duplicate variable name: '%s'" % local.name)

			localdict[local.name] = local

		self.localdict = localdict
Exemple #2
	def __init__(self, filename, line, *args):
		CodeItemBase.__init__(self, filename, line, *args)

		if len(self.args) + len(self.locals) > 6:
			self.error("Function '%s' has %d arguments and local variables. At most 6 arguments and local variables are allowed" % (name, len(args) + len(locals)))

		argdict = {}
		for arg in self.args:
			if '.' in arg.name:
				self.error("Illegal argument name: '.' is not allowed. Found '%s'" % arg.name)

			if arg.datatype == 'void':
				self.error("Illegal data type: 'void' is not a valid data type for arguments")

			if arg.name in argdict:
				self.error("Duplicate argument name: '%s'" % arg.name)

			argdict[arg.name] = arg

		self.argdict = argdict

		localdict = {}
		for local in self.locals:
			if '.' in local.name:
				self.error("Illegal local variable name: '.' is not allowed. Found '%s'" % local.name)

			if local.datatype == 'void':
				self.error("Illegal data type: 'void' is not a valid data type for local variables")

			if local.name in localdict or local.name in argdict:
				self.error("Duplicate variable name: '%s'" % local.name)

			localdict[local.name] = local

		self.localdict = localdict
Exemple #3
	def verifyIdentifiers(self, datafields, functions, containingFunction):
		CodeItemBase.verifyIdentifiers(self, datafields, functions, containingFunction)

		if self.target not in containingFunction.argdict and self.target not in containingFunction.localdict and self.target not in datafields:
			qualName = '%s.%s' % (self.containingModule, self.target)
			if qualName in datafields:
				self.target = qualName
				self.error("Data field '%s' not found" % self.target)
Exemple #4
	def verifyIdentifiers(self, datafields, functions, containingFunction):
		CodeItemBase.verifyIdentifiers(self, datafields, functions, containingFunction)

		if self.target not in containingFunction.identifiers:
			qualName = '%s.%s' % (self.containingModule, self.target)
			if qualName in datafields:
				self.target = qualName
				self.error("Data field '%s' not found" % self.target)

		containingFunction.identifiers[self.target].assigned = True
Exemple #5
	def resolveIdentifiers(self, containingModule):
		CodeItemBase.resolveIdentifiers(self, containingModule)

		if self.bit > 7 or self.bit < 0:
			self.error("Bit '%d' out of range" % self.bit)
Exemple #6
	def resolveIdentifiers(self, containingModule):
		if self.hasStatementBlock:
			CodeItemBase.resolveIdentifiers(self, containingModule)
		self.name = containingModule.name + '.' + self.name
Exemple #7
	def resolveIdentifiers(self, containingModule):
		CodeItemBase.resolveIdentifiers(self, containingModule)

		for statement in self.statements:
Exemple #8
	def verifyIdentifiers(self, datafields, functions, containingFunction):
		CodeItemBase.verifyIdentifiers(self, datafields, functions, containingFunction)

		for statement in self.statements:
			statement.verifyIdentifiers(datafields, functions, containingFunction)