async def deck(self, ctx, *, nation: Union[int, Link[Nation]]): """Retrieves general info about the specified nation's deck.""" is_id = isinstance(nation, int) if is_id: api = Api("cards info", nationid=nation) else: api = Api("cards info", nationname=nation) root = await api if not root.INFO.countchildren(): if is_id: return await ctx.send(f"No such deck for ID {nation}.") return await ctx.send(f"No such deck for nation {nation!r}.") n_id = root.INFO.NAME.text if n_id not in self.db_cache: self.db_cache[n_id] = {"dbid": root.INFO.ID.pyval} await self.config.custom("NATION", n_id).dbid.set(root.INFO.ID.pyval) embed = ProxyEmbed( title=n_id.replace("_", " ").title(), url=f"{n_id}", description=f"{root.INFO.NUM_CARDS.text} cards", colour=await ctx.embed_colour(), timestamp=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(root.INFO.LAST_VALUED.pyval), ) embed.add_field(name="Bank", value=root.INFO.BANK.text) embed.add_field( name="Deck Value", value= f"[{root.INFO.DECK_VALUE.text}]({n_id}/detail=trend/censusid=86)" f"\nRanked #{root.INFO.RANK.text} worldwide, #{root.INFO.REGION_RANK.text} regionally.", inline=False, ) embed.set_footer(text="Last Valued") await embed.send_to(ctx)
async def wa(self, ctx, resolution_id: Optional[int] = None, *options: WA.convert): """ Retrieves general info about World Assembly resolutions. Defaults to the General Assembly. Use [p]sc to get info about the Security Council. If no resolution ID is provided, the current at-vote resolution is used. Valid options: text - The resolution's text votes - The total votes for and against nations - The total nations for and against delegates - The top ten Delegates for and against """ option = WA.collapse(*options, default=0) if resolution_id and option & (WA.NATION | WA.DELEGATE): return await ctx.send( "The Nations and Delegates options are not available for past resolutions." ) is_sc = ctx.invoked_with == "sc" shards = ["resolution"] request = {"wa": "2" if is_sc else "1"} if option & WA.DELEGATE: shards.append("delvotes") if resolution_id: request["id"] = str(resolution_id) else: shards.append("lastresolution") root = await Api(request, q=shards) img = "4dHt6si" if is_sc else "7EMYsJ6" if root["RESOLUTION"] is None: out = (unescape(root["LASTRESOLUTION"]).replace( "<strong>", "**").replace("</strong>", "**")) try: out = "{}[{}]({}){}".format( out[:out.index("<a")], out[out.index('">') + 2:out.index("</a")], out[out.index('="') + 2:out.index('">')], out[out.index("</a>") + 4:], ) except ValueError: pass embed = ProxyEmbed(title="Last Resolution", description=out, colour=await ctx.embed_colour()) embed.set_thumbnail(url="{}.jpg".format(img)) return await embed.send_to(ctx) root = root["RESOLUTION"] if option & WA.TEXT: description = "**Category: {}**\n\n{}".format( root["CATEGORY"], escape(root["DESC"], formatting=True)) short = next( pagify( description, delims=("\n", " ", "]"), escape_mass_mentions=False, page_length=2047, priority=True, )) if len(short) < len(description): description = short + "\N{HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS}" else: description = "Category: {}".format(root["CATEGORY"]) if resolution_id: impl = root["IMPLEMENTED"] else: # mobile embeds can't handle the FUTURE impl = root["PROMOTED"] # + (4 * 24 * 60 * 60) # 4 Days embed = ProxyEmbed( title=root["NAME"], url="{}".format( "sc" if is_sc else "ga") if not resolution_id else "{}/council={}" .format(resolution_id, "2" if is_sc else "1"), description=description, timestamp=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(impl), colour=await ctx.embed_colour(), ) try: authroot = await Api("fullname flag", nation=root["PROPOSED_BY"]) except NotFound: embed.set_author( name=" ".join(root["PROPOSED_BY"].split("_")).title(), url="{}". format(root["PROPOSED_BY"]), icon_url="", ) else: embed.set_author( name=authroot["FULLNAME"], url="{}".format( root["PROPOSED_BY"]), icon_url=authroot["FLAG"], ) embed.set_thumbnail(url="{}.jpg".format(img)) if option & WA.DELEGATE: for_del_votes = sorted(root.iterfind("DELVOTES_FOR/DELEGATE"), key=lambda e: e["VOTES"], reverse=True)[:10] against_del_votes = sorted( root.iterfind("DELVOTES_AGAINST/DELEGATE"), key=lambda e: e["VOTES"], reverse=True)[:10] if for_del_votes: embed.add_field( name="Top Delegates For", value="\t|\t".join( "[{}]({}) ({})". format(e["NATION"].replace("_", " ").title(), e["NATION"], e["VOTES"]) for e in for_del_votes), inline=False, ) if against_del_votes: embed.add_field( name="Top Delegates Against", value="\t|\t".join( "[{}]({}) ({})". format(e["NATION"].replace("_", " ").title(), e["NATION"], e["VOTES"]) for e in against_del_votes), inline=False, ) if option & WA.VOTE: percent = (100 * root["TOTAL_VOTES_FOR"] / (root["TOTAL_VOTES_FOR"] + root["TOTAL_VOTES_AGAINST"])) embed.add_field( name="Total Votes", value="For {}\t{:◄<13}\t{} Against".format( root["TOTAL_VOTES_FOR"], "►" * int(round(percent / 10)) + str(int(round(percent))) + "%", root["TOTAL_VOTES_AGAINST"], ), ) if option & WA.NATION: percent = ( 100 * root["TOTAL_NATIONS_FOR"] / (root["TOTAL_NATIONS_FOR"] + root["TOTAL_NATIONS_AGAINST"])) embed.add_field( name="Total Nations", value="For {}\t{:◄<13}\t{} Against".format( root["TOTAL_NATIONS_FOR"], "►" * int(round(percent / 10)) + str(int(round(percent))) + "%", root["TOTAL_NATIONS_AGAINST"], ), ) embed.set_footer(text="Passed" if resolution_id else "Voting Started") await embed.send_to(ctx)
async def region(self, ctx, *, region: partial(link_extract, expected="region")): """Retrieves general info about a specified NationStates region""" api: Api = Api( "delegate delegateauth delegatevotes flag founded founder founderauth lastupdate name numnations power tags zombie", region=region, ) try: root = await api except NotFound: region = api["region"] embed = ProxyEmbed(title=region.replace("_", " ").title(), description="This region does not exist.") embed.set_author(name="NationStates", url="") return await embed.send_to(ctx) if root["DELEGATE"] == 0: delvalue = "No Delegate" else: endo = root["DELEGATEVOTES"] - 1 if endo == 1: endo = "{:.0f} endorsement".format(endo) else: endo = "{:.0f} endorsements".format(endo) delvalue = "[{}]({}) | {}".format( root["DELEGATE"].replace("_", " ").title(), root["DELEGATE"], endo) if "X" in root["DELEGATEAUTH"]: delheader = "Delegate" else: delheader = "Delegate (Non-Executive)" tags = {t.text for t in root.iterfind("TAGS/TAG")} founderless = "Founderless" in tags if root["FOUNDED"] == 0: founded = "in Antiquity" else: founded = root["FOUNDED"] if root["FOUNDER"] == 0: foundervalue = "No Founder" else: if founderless: url = "" else: url = "" foundervalue = "[{}]({}{}){}".format( root["FOUNDER"].replace("_", " ").title(), url, root["FOUNDER"], " (Ceased to Exist)" if founderless else "", ) if founderless: founderheader = "Founderless" else: founderheader = "Founder" if not root["FOUNDERAUTH"] or "X" not in root["FOUNDERAUTH"]: founderheader += " (Non-Executive)" fash = "Fascist" in tags and "Anti-Fascist" not in tags # why do people hoard tags... name = "{}{}".format("\N{LOCK} " if "Password" in tags else "", root["NAME"]) if fash: warning = "\n**```css\n\N{HEAVY EXCLAMATION MARK SYMBOL} Region Tagged as Fascist \N{HEAVY EXCLAMATION MARK SYMBOL}\n```**" else: warning = "" description = "[{} nations]({}/page=list_nations) | Founded {} | Power: {}{}".format( root["NUMNATIONS"], root.get("id"), founded, root["POWER"], warning) embed = ProxyEmbed( title=name, url="{}".format( root.get("id")), description=description, timestamp=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(root["LASTUPDATE"]), colour=0x000001 if fash else 0x8BBC21 if self._is_zday(ctx.message) else await ctx.embed_colour(), ) embed.set_author(name="NationStates", url="") if root["FLAG"]: embed.set_thumbnail(url=root["FLAG"]) embed.add_field(name=founderheader, value=foundervalue, inline=False) embed.add_field(name=delheader, value=delvalue, inline=False) if self._is_zday(ctx.message): embed.add_field( name="Zombies", value="Survivors: {} | Zombies: {} | Dead: {}".format( self._illion(root["ZOMBIE/SURVIVORS"]), self._illion(root["ZOMBIE/ZOMBIES"]), self._illion(root["ZOMBIE/DEAD"]), ), inline=False, ) embed.set_footer(text="Last Updated") await embed.send_to(ctx)
async def nation(self, ctx, *, nation: partial(link_extract, expected="nation")): """Retrieves general info about a specified NationStates nation""" api: Api = Api( "census category dbid demonym2plural", "flag founded freedom fullname", "influence lastlogin motto name", "population region wa zombie", nation=nation, mode="score", scale="65 66", ) try: root = await api except NotFound: nation = api["nation"] embed = ProxyEmbed( title=nation.replace("_", " ").title(), url="" "boneyard?nation={}".format("_".join(nation.split()).lower()), description="This nation does not exist.", ) embed.set_author(name="NationStates", url="") embed.set_thumbnail(url="") return await embed.send_to(ctx) endo = root["CENSUS/SCALE[@id='66']/SCORE"] if endo == 1: endo = "{:.0f} endorsement".format(endo) else: endo = "{:.0f} endorsements".format(endo) if root["FOUNDED"] == 0: root["FOUNDED"] = "in Antiquity" embed = ProxyEmbed( title=root["FULLNAME"], url="{}".format( root.get("id")), description="[{}]({})" " | {} {} | Founded {}".format( root["REGION"], "_".join(root["REGION"].lower().split()), self._illion(root["POPULATION"]), root["DEMONYM2PLURAL"], root["FOUNDED"], ), timestamp=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(root["LASTLOGIN"]), colour=0x8BBC21 if self._is_zday(ctx.message) else await ctx.embed_colour(), ) embed.set_author(name="NationStates", url="") embed.set_thumbnail(url=root["FLAG"]) embed.add_field( name=root["CATEGORY"], value="{}\t|\t{}\t|\t{}".format( root["FREEDOM/CIVILRIGHTS"], root["FREEDOM/ECONOMY"], root["FREEDOM/POLITICALFREEDOM"], ), inline=False, ) embed.add_field( name=root["UNSTATUS"], value="{} | {:.0f} influence ({})".format( endo, root["CENSUS/SCALE[@id='65']/SCORE"], root["INFLUENCE"]), inline=False, ) if self._is_zday(ctx.message): embed.add_field( name="{}{}".format( (root["ZOMBIE/ZACTION"] or "No Action").title(), " (Unintended)" if root["ZOMBIE/ZACTIONINTENDED"] else "", ), value="Survivors: {} | Zombies: {} | Dead: {}".format( self._illion(root["ZOMBIE/SURVIVORS"]), self._illion(root["ZOMBIE/ZOMBIES"]), self._illion(root["ZOMBIE/DEAD"]), ), inline=False, ) embed.add_field( name="Cards", value= ("[{0}'s Deck]({1})\t|" "\t[{0}'s Card]({2})". format(root["NAME"], root.get("id"), root["DBID"])), ) embed.set_footer(text="Last Active") await embed.send_to(ctx)
async def nation(self, ctx, *, nation: Link[Nation]): """Retrieves general info about a specified NationStates nation""" api: Api = Api( "census category dbid", "demonym2plural flag founded freedom", "fullname influence lastlogin motto", "name population region wa zombie", nation=nation, mode="score", scale="65 66", ) try: root = await api except NotFound: embed = ProxyEmbed( title=nation.replace("_", " ").title(), url="" "boneyard?nation={}".format(nation), description="This nation does not exist.", ) embed.set_author(name="NationStates", url="") embed.set_thumbnail(url="") return await embed.send_to(ctx) n_id = root.get("id") if n_id not in self.db_cache: self.db_cache[n_id] = {"dbid": root.DBID.pyval} await self.config.custom("NATION", n_id).dbid.set(root.DBID.pyval) endo = root.find("CENSUS/SCALE[@id='66']/SCORE").pyval if endo == 1: endo = "{:.0f} endorsement".format(endo) else: endo = "{:.0f} endorsements".format(endo) founded = root.FOUNDED.pyval or "in Antiquity" embed = ProxyEmbed( title=root.FULLNAME.text, url="{}".format( root.get("id")), description="[{}]({})" " | {} {} | Founded {}".format( root.REGION.text, "_".join(root.REGION.text.lower().split()), self._illion(root.POPULATION.pyval), root["DEMONYM2PLURAL"].text, founded, ), timestamp=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(root.LASTLOGIN.pyval), colour=0x8BBC21 if self._is_zday(ctx.message) else await ctx.embed_colour(), ) embed.set_author(name="NationStates", url="") embed.set_thumbnail(url=root.FLAG.text) embed.add_field( name=root.CATEGORY.pyval, value="{}\t|\t{}\t|\t{}".format( root.find("FREEDOM/CIVILRIGHTS"), root.find("FREEDOM/ECONOMY"), root.find("FREEDOM/POLITICALFREEDOM"), ), inline=False, ) embed.add_field( name=root.UNSTATUS.text, value="{} | {:.0f} influence ({})".format( endo, root.find("CENSUS/SCALE[@id='65']/SCORE").pyval, root.INFLUENCE.text), inline=False, ) if self._is_zday(ctx.message): embed.add_field( name="{}{}".format( (root.find("ZOMBIE/ZACTION") or "No Action").title(), " (Unintended)" if root.find("ZOMBIE/ZACTIONINTENDED") else "", ), value="Survivors: {} | Zombies: {} | Dead: {}".format( self._illion(root.find("ZOMBIE/SURVIVORS")), self._illion(root.find("ZOMBIE/ZOMBIES")), self._illion(root.find("ZOMBIE/DEAD")), ), inline=False, ) embed.add_field( name="Cards", value= ("[{0}'s Deck]({1})\t|" "\t[{0}'s Card]({2})". format(root.NAME.text, n_id, root.DBID.text)), ) embed.set_footer(text="Last Active") await embed.send_to(ctx)