def __init__(self, owner: str, upstream: str, active: bool, sheet_type: str, import_version: int, name: str, description: str, image: str, stats: dict, levels: dict, attacks: list, skills: dict, resistances: dict, saves: dict, ac: int, max_hp: int, hp: int, temp_hp: int, cvars: dict, options: dict, overrides: dict, consumables: list, death_saves: dict, spellbook: dict, live, race: str, background: str, **kwargs): if kwargs: log.warning(f"Unused kwargs: {kwargs}") # sheet metadata self._owner = owner self._upstream = upstream self._active = active self._sheet_type = sheet_type self._import_version = import_version # main character info = name self._description = description self._image = image self.stats = BaseStats.from_dict(stats) self.levels = Levels.from_dict(levels) self._attacks = [Attack.from_dict(atk) for atk in attacks] self.skills = Skills.from_dict(skills) self.resistances = Resistances.from_dict(resistances) self.saves = Saves.from_dict(saves) # hp/ac = ac self.max_hp = max_hp self._hp = hp self._temp_hp = temp_hp # customization self.cvars = cvars self.options = CharOptions.from_dict(options) self.overrides = ManualOverrides.from_dict(overrides) # ccs self.consumables = [ CustomCounter.from_dict(self, cons) for cons in consumables ] self.death_saves = DeathSaves.from_dict(death_saves) # spellbook spellbook = Spellbook.from_dict(spellbook) super(Character, self).__init__(spellbook) # live sheet integrations self._live = live integration = INTEGRATION_MAP.get(live) if integration: self._live_integration = integration(self) else: self._live_integration = None # misc research things self.race = race self.background = background
def from_bestiary(cls, data): for key in ('traits', 'actions', 'reactions', 'legactions'): data[key] = [Trait(**t) for t in data.pop(key)] data['spellcasting'] = Spellbook.from_dict(data.pop('spellbook')) data['saves'] = Saves.from_dict(data['saves']) data['skills'] = Skills.from_dict(data['skills']) data['ability_scores'] = BaseStats.from_dict(data['ability_scores']) return cls(**data)
def from_data(cls, data): # print(f"Parsing {data['name']}") _type = parse_type(data['type']) alignment = parse_alignment(data['alignment']) speed = parse_speed(data['speed']) ac = data['ac']['ac'] armortype = data['ac'].get('armortype') or None if not 'special' in data['hp']: hp = data['hp']['average'] hitdice = data['hp']['formula'] else: hp = 0 hitdice = data['hp']['special'] scores = BaseStats(0, data['str'] or 10, data['dex'] or 10, data['con'] or 10, data['int'] or 10, data['wis'] or 10, data['cha'] or 10) if isinstance(data['cr'], dict): cr = data['cr']['cr'] else: cr = data['cr'] vuln = parse_resists(data['vulnerable']) if 'vulnerable' in data else None resist = parse_resists(data['resist']) if 'resist' in data else None immune = parse_resists(data['immune']) if 'immune' in data else None condition_immune = data.get('conditionImmune', []) if 'conditionImmune' in data else None raw_resists = { "vuln": parse_resists(data['vulnerable'], False) if 'vulnerable' in data else [], "resist": parse_resists(data['resist'], False) if 'resist' in data else [], "immune": parse_resists(data['immune'], False) if 'immune' in data else [] } languages = data.get('languages', '').split(', ') if 'languages' in data else None traits = [Trait(t['name'], t['text']) for t in data.get('trait', [])] actions = [Trait(t['name'], t['text']) for t in data.get('action', [])] legactions = [Trait(t['name'], t['text']) for t in data.get('legendary', [])] reactions = [Trait(t['name'], t['text']) for t in data.get('reaction', [])] skills = Skills.default(scores) skills.update(data['skill']) saves = Saves.default(scores) saves.update(data['save']) source = data['source'] proper = bool(data.get('isNamedCreature') or data.get('isNPC')) attacks = data.get('attacks', []) spellcasting = data.get('spellcasting', {}) spells = [SpellbookSpell(s) for s in spellcasting.get('spells', [])] spellbook = Spellbook({}, {}, spells, spellcasting.get('dc'), spellcasting.get('attackBonus'), spellcasting.get('casterLevel', 1)) return cls(data['name'], parsesize(data['size']), _type, alignment, ac, armortype, hp, hitdice, speed, scores, cr, xp_by_cr(cr), data['passive'], data.get('senses', ''), vuln, resist, immune, condition_immune, saves, skills, languages, traits, actions, reactions, legactions, 3, data.get('srd', False), source, attacks, spellcasting=spellbook, page=data.get('page'), proper=proper, raw_resists=raw_resists)
def from_dict(cls, raw, ctx, combat): if raw['saves']: saves = Saves.from_dict(raw['saves']) else: saves = None inst = cls(raw['name'], raw['controller'], raw['init'], raw['mod'], raw['hpMax'], raw['hp'], raw['ac'], raw['private'], raw['resists'], raw['attacks'], saves, ctx, combat, index=raw['index'], notes=raw['notes'], effects=[], group=raw['group'], # begin backwards compatibility temphp=raw.get('temphp'), spellbook=Spellbook.from_dict(raw.get('spellbook', {}))) inst._effects = [Effect.from_dict(e, combat, inst) for e in raw['effects']] return inst
def migrate_monster(old_monster): def spaced_to_camel(spaced): return re.sub(r"\s+(\w)", lambda m:, spaced.lower()) for old_key in ('raw_saves', 'raw_skills'): if old_key in old_monster: del old_monster[old_key] if 'spellcasting' in old_monster and old_monster['spellcasting']: old_spellcasting = old_monster.pop('spellcasting') old_monster['spellbook'] = Spellbook({}, {}, [SpellbookSpell(s) for s in old_spellcasting['spells']], old_spellcasting['dc'], old_spellcasting['attackBonus'], old_spellcasting['casterLevel']).to_dict() else: old_monster['spellbook'] = Spellbook({}, {}, []).to_dict() base_stats = BaseStats( 0, old_monster.pop('strength'), old_monster.pop('dexterity'), old_monster.pop('constitution'), old_monster.pop('intelligence'), old_monster.pop('wisdom'), old_monster.pop('charisma') ) old_monster['ability_scores'] = base_stats.to_dict() old_saves = old_monster.pop('saves') saves = Saves.default(base_stats) save_updates = {} for save, value in old_saves.items(): if value != saves[save]: save_updates[save] = value saves.update(save_updates) old_monster['saves'] = saves.to_dict() old_skills = old_monster.pop('skills') skills = Skills.default(base_stats) skill_updates = {} for skill, value in old_skills.items(): name = spaced_to_camel(skill) if value != skills[name]: skill_updates[name] = value skills.update(skill_updates) old_monster['skills'] = skills.to_dict() new_monster = Monster.from_bestiary(old_monster) return new_monster
def saves(self): return self._saves or Saves.default()
def __init__(self, name: str, size: str, race: str, alignment: str, ac: int, armortype: str, hp: int, hitdice: str, speed: str, ability_scores: BaseStats, cr: str, xp: int, passiveperc: int = None, senses: str = '', vuln: list = None, resist: list = None, immune: list = None, condition_immune: list = None, saves: Saves = None, skills: Skills = None, languages: list = None, traits: list = None, actions: list = None, reactions: list = None, legactions: list = None, la_per_round=3, srd=True, source='homebrew', attacks: list = None, proper: bool = False, image_url: str = None, spellcasting=None, page=None, raw_resists: dict = None): if vuln is None: vuln = [] if resist is None: resist = [] if immune is None: immune = [] if condition_immune is None: condition_immune = [] if saves is None: saves = Saves.default(ability_scores) if skills is None: skills = Skills.default(ability_scores) if languages is None: languages = [] if traits is None: traits = [] if actions is None: actions = [] if reactions is None: reactions = [] if legactions is None: legactions = [] if attacks is None: attacks = [] if spellcasting is None: spellcasting = Spellbook({}, {}, []) if passiveperc is None: passiveperc = 10 + skills.perception.value if raw_resists is None: raw_resists = {} = name self.size = size self.race = race self.alignment = alignment = ac self.armortype = armortype self.hp = hp self.hitdice = hitdice self.speed = speed self.ability_scores = ability_scores = cr self.xp = xp self.passive = passiveperc self.senses = senses self.vuln = vuln self.resist = resist self.immume = immune self.condition_immune = condition_immune self.saves = saves self.skills = skills self.languages = languages self.traits = traits self.actions = actions self.reactions = reactions self.legactions = legactions self.la_per_round = la_per_round self.srd = srd self.source = source self.attacks = attacks self.proper = proper self.image_url = image_url self.spellbook = spellcasting = page # this should really be by source, but oh well self.raw_resists = raw_resists
def from_critterdb(cls, data): ability_scores = BaseStats(0, data['stats']['abilityScores']['strength'] or 10, data['stats']['abilityScores']['dexterity'] or 10, data['stats']['abilityScores']['constitution'] or 10, data['stats']['abilityScores']['intelligence'] or 10, data['stats']['abilityScores']['wisdom'] or 10, data['stats']['abilityScores']['charisma'] or 10) cr = {0.125: '1/8', 0.25: '1/4', 0.5: '1/2'}.get(data['stats']['challengeRating'], str(data['stats']['challengeRating'])) num_hit_die = data['stats']['numHitDie'] hit_die_size = data['stats']['hitDieSize'] con_by_level = num_hit_die * ability_scores.get_mod('con') hp = floor(((hit_die_size + 1) / 2) * num_hit_die) + con_by_level hitdice = f"{num_hit_die}d{hit_die_size} + {con_by_level}" proficiency = data['stats']['proficiencyBonus'] if proficiency is None: raise errors.ExternalImportError(f"Monster's proficiency bonus is nonexistent ({data['name']}).") skills = Skills.default(ability_scores) skill_updates = {} for skill in data['stats']['skills']: name = spaced_to_camel(skill['name']) if skill['proficient']: mod = skills[name].value + proficiency else: mod = skill.get('value') if mod is not None: skill_updates[name] = mod skills.update(skill_updates) saves = Saves.default(ability_scores) save_updates = {} for save in data['stats']['savingThrows']: name = save['ability'].lower() + 'Save' if save['proficient']: mod = saves.get(name).value + proficiency else: mod = save.get('value') if mod is not None: save_updates[name] = mod saves.update(save_updates) traits = parse_critterdb_traits(data, 'additionalAbilities') actions = parse_critterdb_traits(data, 'actions') reactions = parse_critterdb_traits(data, 'reactions') legactions = parse_critterdb_traits(data, 'legendaryActions') attacks = [] for atk_src in (traits, actions, reactions, legactions): for trait in atk_src: attacks.extend(trait.attacks) resists = { "resist": data['stats']['damageResistances'], "immune": data['stats']['damageImmunities'], "vuln": data['stats']['damageVulnerabilities'] } spellcasting = parse_critterdb_spellcasting(traits) return cls(data['name'], data['stats']['size'], data['stats']['race'], data['stats']['alignment'], data['stats']['armorClass'], data['stats']['armorType'], hp, hitdice, data['stats']['speed'], ability_scores, cr, data['stats']['experiencePoints'], None, ', '.join(data['stats']['senses']), data['stats']['damageVulnerabilities'], data['stats']['damageResistances'], data['stats']['damageImmunities'], data['stats']['conditionImmunities'], saves, skills, data['stats']['languages'], traits, actions, reactions, legactions, data['stats']['legendaryActionsPerRound'], True, 'homebrew', attacks, data['flavor']['nameIsProper'], data['flavor']['imageUrl'], raw_resists=resists, spellcasting=spellcasting)