Exemple #1
    def get_stats(self):
        """Returns a dict of stats."""
        if self.character_data is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character_data
        if self._stats is not None:
            return self._stats

            prof_bonus = int(character.value("H14"))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise MissingAttribute("Proficiency Bonus")

        index = 15
        stat_dict = {}
        for stat in ('strength', 'dexterity', 'constitution', 'intelligence',
                     'wisdom', 'charisma'):
                stat_dict[stat] = int(character.value("C" + str(index)))
                index += 5
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                raise MissingAttribute(stat)

        stats = BaseStats(prof_bonus, **stat_dict)
        self._stats = stats
        return stats
Exemple #2
    def get_stats(self):
        """Returns a dict of stats."""
        if self.character is None: raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character
        stats = {"name": "", "image": "", "description": "",
                 "strength": 10, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 10, "wisdom": 10, "intelligence": 10, "charisma": 10,
                 "strengthMod": 0, "dexterityMod": 0, "constitutionMod": 0, "wisdomMod": 0, "intelligenceMod": 0,
                 "charismaMod": 0,
                 "proficiencyBonus": 0}
        stats['name'] = character.cell("C6").value or "Unnamed"
        stats['description'] = "The Google sheet does not have a description field."
            stats['proficiencyBonus'] = int(character.cell("H14").value)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise MissingAttribute("Proficiency Bonus")
        stats['image'] = character.cell("C176").value

        index = 15
        for stat in ('strength', 'dexterity', 'constitution', 'intelligence', 'wisdom', 'charisma'):
                stats[stat] = int(character.cell("C" + str(index)).value)
                stats[stat + 'Mod'] = int(character.cell("C" + str(index - 2)).value)
                index += 5
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                raise MissingAttribute(stat)

        return stats
Exemple #3
    def get_levels(self):
        if self.character_data is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
            total_level = int(self.character_data.value("AL6"))
            self.total_level = total_level
        except ValueError:
            raise MissingAttribute("Character level")

        level_dict = {}
        if self.additional:
            for rownum in range(69, 79):  # sheet2, C69:C78
                namecell = f"C{rownum}"
                levelcell = f"N{rownum}"
                classname = self.additional.value(namecell)
                if classname:
                    classname = re.sub(
                        r'[.$]', '_',
                        classname)  # sentry-H7 - invalid class names
                    classlevel = int(self.additional.value(levelcell))
                    level_dict[classname] = classlevel
                else:  # classes should be top-aligned

        levels = Levels(level_dict, total_level)
        return levels
Exemple #4
    def get_skills(self):
        """Returns a dict of all the character's skills."""
        if self.character is None: raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character
        skillslist = ['I25', 'I26', 'I27', 'I28',
                      'I22', 'I19', 'I29', 'I18',
                      'I30', 'V12', 'I31', 'I20',
                      'I32', 'I33', 'I34', 'I35',
                      'I36', 'I37', 'I38', 'I39',
                      'I40', 'I41', 'I17', 'I42', 'I21',
                      'C13', 'C18', 'C23', 'C33', 'C28', 'C38']
        skillsMap = ['acrobatics', 'animalHandling', 'arcana', 'athletics',
                     'charismaSave', 'constitutionSave', 'deception', 'dexteritySave',
                     'history', 'initiative', 'insight', 'intelligenceSave',
                     'intimidation', 'investigation', 'medicine', 'nature',
                     'perception', 'performance', 'persuasion', 'religion',
                     'sleightOfHand', 'stealth', 'strengthSave', 'survival', 'wisdomSave',
                     'strength', 'dexterity', 'constitution', 'wisdom', 'intelligence', 'charisma']
        skills = {}
        for index, skill in enumerate(skillslist):
                skills[skillsMap[index]] = int(character.cell(skill).value)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                raise MissingAttribute(skillsMap[index])

        return skills
Exemple #5
 def get_level(self):
     if self.character is None: raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
     character = self.character
         level = int(character.cell("AL6").value)
     except ValueError:
         raise MissingAttribute("Character level")
     return level
Exemple #6
    def _get_sheet(self):
        """Returns a dict with character sheet data."""
        if self.character is None: raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character
            stats = self.get_stats()
            hp = int(character.cell("U16").value)
            armor = character.cell("R12").value
            attacks = self.get_attacks()
            skills = self.get_skills()
            level = self.get_level()
            stats['description'] = self.get_description()
            spellbook = self.get_spellbook()
        except ValueError:
            raise MissingAttribute("Max HP")

        saves = {}
        for key in skills:
            if 'Save' in key:
                saves[key] = skills[key]

        stat_vars = {}
        stat_vars['level'] = int(level)
        stat_vars['hp'] = hp
        stat_vars['armor'] = int(armor)

        sheet = {'type': 'google',
                 'version': 5,  # v3: added stat cvars
                 # v4: consumables
                 # v5: spellbook
                 'stats': stats,
                 'levels': {'level': int(level)},
                 'hp': hp,
                 'armor': int(armor),
                 'attacks': attacks,
                 'skills': skills,
                 'resist': [],
                 'immune': [],
                 'vuln': [],
                 'saves': saves,
                 'stat_cvars': stat_vars,
                 'consumables': {},
                 'spellbook': spellbook}

        embed = self.get_embed(sheet)

        return {'embed': embed, 'sheet': sheet}
Exemple #7
    def get_skills_and_saves(self):
        if self.character_data is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character_data

        skills = {}
        saves = {}
        is_joat = self.version == 2 and bool(character.cell("AR45").value)
        for cell, skill, advcell in SKILL_CELL_MAP:
            if isinstance(cell, int):
                advcell = f"F{cell}"
                profcell = f"H{cell}"
                cell = f"I{cell}"
                profcell = None
                value = int(character.cell(cell).value)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                raise MissingAttribute(skill)

            adv = None
            if self.version == 2 and advcell:
                advtype = character.cell(advcell).value
                if advtype in {'a', 'adv', 'advantage'}:
                    adv = True
                elif advtype in {'d', 'dis', 'disadvantage'}:
                    adv = False

            prof = 0
            if "Save" not in skill and is_joat:
                prof = 0.5
            if profcell:
                proftype = character.cell(profcell).value_unformatted
                if proftype == 'e':
                    prof = 2
                elif proftype and proftype != '0':
                    prof = 1

            skl_obj = Skill(value, prof, adv=adv)
            if "Save" in skill:
                saves[skill] = skl_obj
                skills[skill] = skl_obj

        skills = Skills(skills)
        saves = Saves(saves)
        return skills, saves
 def get_levels(self):
     if self.character is None:
         raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
     levels = {}
         levels['level'] = int(self.character.cell("AL6").value)
     except ValueError:
         raise MissingAttribute("Character level")
     if self.additional:
         for rownum in range(69, 79):  # sheet2, C69:C78
             namecell = f"C{rownum}"
             levelcell = f"N{rownum}"
             classname = self.additional.cell(namecell).value
             if classname:
                 classlevel = int(self.additional.cell(levelcell).value)
                 levels[f"{classname}Level"] = classlevel
             else:  # classes should be top-aligned
     return levels
Exemple #9
    def get_stats(self):
        """Returns a dict of stats."""
        if self.character is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character
        stats = {
            "name": "",
            "image": "",
            "description": "",
            "strength": 10,
            "dexterity": 10,
            "constitution": 10,
            "wisdom": 10,
            "intelligence": 10,
            "charisma": 10,
            "strengthMod": 0,
            "dexterityMod": 0,
            "constitutionMod": 0,
            "wisdomMod": 0,
            "intelligenceMod": 0,
            "charismaMod": 0,
            "proficiencyBonus": 0
        stats['name'] = character.get('CharacterName', "No name") or "Unnamed"
            'description'] = "Description is not supported with the PDF loader."
        stats['proficiencyBonus'] = int(character.get('ProfBonus'))

        for stat in ('strength', 'dexterity', 'constitution', 'wisdom',
                     'intelligence', 'charisma'):
                stats[stat] = int(character.get(stat[:3].upper() + 'score'))
                stats[stat + 'Mod'] = int(
                    character.get(stat[:3].upper() + 'bonus'))
            except TypeError:
                raise MissingAttribute(stat)

        return stats
    def get_skills(self):
        """Returns a dict of all the character's skills."""
        if self.character is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character

        skills = {}
        skill_effects = {}
        for cell, skill, advcell in SKILL_MAP:
                skills[skill] = int(character.cell(cell).value)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                raise MissingAttribute(skill)

            if self.version == 2 and advcell:
                advtype = character.cell(advcell).value
                if advtype in ('a', 'adv'):
                    skill_effects[skill] = 'adv'
                elif advtype in ('d', 'dis'):
                    skill_effects[skill] = 'dis'

        skills = {k: v for k, v in sorted(skills.items())}
        return skills, skill_effects
Exemple #11
 def get_hp(self):
         return int(self.character_data.cell("U16").value)
     except (TypeError, ValueError):
         raise MissingAttribute("Max HP")
Exemple #12
 def get_ac(self):
         return int(self.character_data.cell("R12").value)
     except (TypeError, ValueError):
         raise MissingAttribute("AC")
Exemple #13
    def get_skills_and_saves(self):
        if self.character_data is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character_data
        skills = {}
        saves = {}
        is_joat = False
        all_check_bonus = 0

        if self.version == (2, 0):
            is_joat = bool(character.value("AR45"))
            all_check_bonus = int(character.value("AQ26") or 0)
        elif self.version == (2, 1):
            is_joat = bool(character.value("AQ59"))
            all_check_bonus = int(character.value("AR58"))

        joat_bonus = int(is_joat and self.get_stats().prof_bonus // 2)

        # calculate str, dex, con, etc checks
        for cell, skill, advcell in BASE_ABILITY_CHECKS:
                # add bonuses manually since the cell does not include them
                value = int(
                    character.value(cell)) + all_check_bonus + joat_bonus
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                raise MissingAttribute(skill)

            prof = 0
            if is_joat:
                prof = 0.5

            skl_obj = Skill(value, prof)
            skills[skill] = skl_obj

        # read the value of the rest of the skills
        for cell, skill, advcell in SKILL_CELL_MAP:
            if isinstance(cell, int):
                advcell = f"F{cell}"
                profcell = f"H{cell}"
                cell = f"I{cell}"
                profcell = None
                value = int(character.value(cell))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                raise MissingAttribute(skill)

            adv = None
            if self.version >= (2, 0) and advcell:
                advtype = character.unformatted_value(advcell)
                if advtype in {'a', 'adv', 'advantage'}:
                    adv = True
                elif advtype in {'d', 'dis', 'disadvantage'}:
                    adv = False

            prof = 0
            if "Save" not in skill and is_joat:
                prof = 0.5
            if profcell:
                proftype = character.unformatted_value(profcell)
                if proftype == 'e':
                    prof = 2
                elif proftype and proftype != '0':
                    prof = 1

            skl_obj = Skill(value, prof, adv=adv)
            if "Save" in skill:
                saves[skill] = skl_obj
                skills[skill] = skl_obj

        skills = Skills(skills)
        saves = Saves(saves)
        return skills, saves
Exemple #14
 def get_hp(self):
         return int(self.character_data.unformatted_value("U16"))
     except (TypeError, ValueError):
         raise MissingAttribute("Max HP")
    def _get_sheet(self):
        """Returns a dict with character sheet data."""
        if self.character is None:
            raise Exception('You must call get_character() first.')
        character = self.character
            stats = self.get_stats()
            hp = int(character.cell("U16").value)
        except ValueError:
            raise MissingAttribute("Max HP")

        armor = character.cell("R12").value
        attacks = self.get_attacks()
        skills, skill_effects = self.get_skills()
        levels = self.get_levels()

        temp_resist = self.get_resistances()
        resistances = temp_resist['resist']
        immunities = temp_resist['immune']
        spellbook = self.get_spellbook()

        saves = {}
        for key in skills.copy():
            if 'Save' in key:
                saves[key] = skills.pop(key)

        stat_vars = {}
        stat_vars['hp'] = hp
        stat_vars['armor'] = int(armor)

        # v3: added stat cvars
        # v4: consumables
        # v5: spellbook
        # v6: v2.0 support (level vars, resistances, extra spells/attacks)
        # v7: race/background (experimental)
        # v8: skill/save effects
        sheet = {
            'type': 'google',
            'version': 7,
            'stats': stats,
            'levels': levels,
            'hp': hp,
            'armor': int(armor),
            'attacks': attacks,
            'skills': skills,
            'resist': resistances,
            'immune': immunities,
            'vuln': [],
            'saves': saves,
            'stat_cvars': stat_vars,
            'skill_effects': skill_effects,
            'consumables': {},
            'spellbook': spellbook,
            'race': self.get_race(),
            'background': self.get_background()

        return {'embed': None, 'sheet': sheet}