def testBad(self): for s in [ "struct: {", "struct: }", "a: b:", ":", "[]", "a: ~b", "@x: 2", "x: 12c", "x: 12.c3", "x: @root", "x: ..a", 'x: {@package: "coil.test:nosuchfile"}', 'x: {@file: "%s"}' % (sibpath(__file__, "nosuchfile"),), 'x: {@package: ""}', # should get internal parse error 'z: [{x: 2}]', # can't have struct in list r'z: "lalalal \"', # string is not closed 'a: 1 z: [ [email protected] ]', 'a: {@extends: @root.b}', # b doesn't exist 'a: {@extends: ..b}', # b doesn't exist 'a: {@extends: x}', 'a: {@extends: .}', 'a: [1 2 3]]', ]: self.assertRaises(text.ParseError, text.from_string, s) try: text.from_string("x: 1\n2\n") except text.ParseError, e: self.assertEquals(e.line, 2) self.assertEquals(e.column, 1)
def testSimpleExtends(self): s = ''' bar: { a: 1 b: 2 c: {d: 7} } foo: { @extends: a: 3 c: { @extends: b2: e: 4 } c.f: 9 # nicer way of doing it } ''' foo = struct.StructNode(text.from_string(s)).foo self.assertEquals(foo.a, 3) self.assertEquals(foo.b, 2) self.assertEquals(foo.c.d, 7) self.assertEquals(foo.c.b2, 2) self.assertEquals(foo.c.e, 4) self.assertEquals(foo.c.f, 9) for n in ("a", "b", "c"): self.assert_(foo.has_key(n)) for n in ("d", "b2", "e", "f"): self.assert_(foo.c.has_key(n))
def testRootLinks(self): s = """x: 1 y: {x: [email protected]} z: {y2: {@extends: ...y}}""" node = struct.StructNode(text.from_string(s)) self.assertEquals(node.x, 1) self.assertEquals(node.y.x, 1) self.assertEquals(node.z.y2.x, 1)
def testIntParse(self): for structStr, value in [ ('x: 1', 1), ('x: 20909', 20909), ('x: -34324', -34324), ('x: 0', 0)]: x = text.from_string(structStr).get("x") self.assertEquals(x, value)
def testStringParse(self): for structStr, value in ( [r'x: "\n\r \t\""', u'\n\r \t\"'], [r'x: "hello"', u"hello"], [r'x: "\\n"', ur"\n"], ['x: "' + u"\u3456".encode("utf-8") + '"', u'\u3456'], [r'x: "\" \ x"', u'" \ x'], ): x = text.from_string(structStr).get("x") self.assertEquals(x, value) self.assert_(isinstance(x, unicode))
def testAttributePath(self): s = ''' struct: { sub: {a: 1} sub.b: 2 sub.c: 3 sub.d-e: 5 }''' root = text.from_string(s).get("struct") self.assertEquals(root.get("sub").get("a"), 1) self.assertEquals(root.get("sub").get("b"), 2) self.assertEquals(root.get("sub").get("c"), 3) self.assertEquals(root.get("sub").get("d-e"), 5)
def testStupidExtensionSemantics(self): s = ''' base: {x: 1} sub: { @extends: ..base } base.y: 2 # sub should NOT have y ''' s = text.from_string(s) self.assertEquals(s.get("base").get("y"), 2) self.assertEquals(s.get("sub").get("x"), 1) self.assertRaises(struct.StructAttributeError, lambda: s.get("sub").get("y")) self.assert_(not s.get("sub").has_key("y"))
def testLink(self): s = ''' struct: { sub: {a: =..b c2: =c c: 1} b: 2 c: [email protected] } x: "hello" ''' root = struct.StructNode(text.from_string(s)) self.assertEquals(root.struct.c, "hello") self.assertEquals(root.struct.sub.a, 2) self.assertEquals(root.struct.sub.c2, 1)
def testDeleted(self): s = ''' struct1: { a: {b: 1 x: 3} c: 2 d: {b: 2} } struct2: { @extends: ..struct1 ~c ~a.b } ~struct2.d ''' root = text.from_string(s).get("struct2") self.assertEquals(list(root.attributes()), ["a"]) self.assertEquals(list(root.get("a").attributes()), ["x"]) self.assert_(not root.has_key("d")) self.assert_(not root.has_key("c"))
def testStruct(self): s = ''' struct: { x: 12 y: 14 substruct: { a: "hello world" b: False } } a-number: 2 -moo: 3 ''' root = text.from_string(s) self.assertEquals(list(root.attributes()), ["struct", "a-number", "-moo"]) self.assertEquals(root.get("a-number"), 2) self.assertEquals(root.get("-moo"), 3) struct_ = root.get("struct") self.assertEquals(list(struct_.attributes()), ["x", "y", "substruct"]) self.assertEquals(struct_.get("x"), 12) substruct = struct_.get("substruct") self.assertEquals(list(substruct.attributes()), ["a", "b"]) self.assertEquals(substruct.get("b"), False)
def testComments(self): s = "y: [12 #hello\n]" self.assertEquals(text.from_string(s).get("y"), [12])
def testListParse(self): for s, l in [#('x: [None 1 2.3 ["hello \\"world"] [7]]', # [None, 1, 2.3, [u'hello "world'], [7]]), ('x: ["a" "b"]', [u"a", u"b"])]: self.assertEquals(text.from_string(s).get("x"), l)
def testPackageImport(self): s = 'x: {@package: "coil:test/example.coil"}' self._testFile(text.from_string(s).get("x")) s = 'x: {@package: "coil.test:example.coil"}' self._testFile(text.from_string(s).get("x"))
def testPathImport(self): path = os.path.abspath(sibpath(__file__, "example.coil")) s = 'x: {@file: "%s"}' % path self._testFile(text.from_string(s).get("x")) s = 'x: {@file: "example.coil"}' self._testFile(text.from_string(s, __file__).get("x"))