Exemple #1
def build_icons(check, remove):
    """Build FIDO app icons in the source tree."""

    checks_ok = True
    apps = coin_info.fido_info()

    total_size = 0

    for app in apps:
        if app["icon"] is None:
            if not app.get("no_icon"):
                raise click.ClickException(f"Icon not found for: {app['key']}")

        im = Image.open(app["icon"])
        resized = im.resize(ICON_SIZE, Image.BOX)
        toi = toif.from_image(resized)
        dest_path = DESTINATION / f"icon_{app['key']}.toif"

        total_size += len(toi.to_bytes())

        if not check:
            if not dest_path.exists():
                print(f"Missing TOIF: {dest_path}")
                checks_ok = False
            data = dest_path.read_bytes()
            if data != toi.to_bytes():
                print(f"Icon different from source: {dest_path}")
                checks_ok = False

    print(f"Total icon size: {total_size} bytes")

    keys = EXCLUDE | {"icon_" + app["key"] for app in apps}
    unrecognized_files = False
    for icon_file in DESTINATION.glob("*.toif"):
        name = icon_file.stem
        if name not in keys:
            unrecognized_files = True
            if remove:
                print(f"Removing unrecognized file: {icon_file}")
                print(f"Unrecognized file: {icon_file}")
                checks_ok = False

    if not remove and unrecognized_files:
        raise click.ClickException(
            "Unrecognized files found in icon directory.\n"
            "Use 'build_icons.py -r' to remove them automatically."
    if not checks_ok:
        raise click.ClickException("Some checks have failed.")
Exemple #2
def render(paths, outfile, verbose, bitcoin_only):
    """Generate source code from Mako templates.

    For every "foo.bar.mako" filename passed, runs the template and
    saves the result as "foo.bar". For every directory name passed,
    processes all ".mako" files found in that directory.

    If `-o` is specified, renders a single file into the specified outfile.

    If no arguments are given, processes the current directory.
    if not CAN_RENDER:
        raise click.ClickException("Please install 'mako' and 'munch'")

    if outfile and (len(paths) != 1 or not os.path.isfile(paths[0])):
        raise click.ClickException("Option -o can only be used with single input file")

    # prepare defs
    defs = coin_info.coin_info()
    defs["fido"] = coin_info.fido_info()
    support_info = coin_info.support_info(defs)

    if bitcoin_only:
        defs["bitcoin"] = [
            for x in defs["bitcoin"]
            if x["coin_name"] in ("Bitcoin", "Testnet", "Regtest")

    # munch dicts - make them attribute-accessible
    for key, value in defs.items():
        defs[key] = [Munch(coin) for coin in value]
    for key, value in support_info.items():
        support_info[key] = Munch(value)

    def do_render(src, dst):
        if verbose:
            click.echo("Rendering {} => {}".format(src, dst))
        render_file(src, dst, defs, support_info)

    # single in-out case
    if outfile:
        do_render(paths[0], outfile)

    # find files in directories
    if not paths:
        paths = ["."]

    files = []
    for path in paths:
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            click.echo("Path {} does not exist".format(path))
        elif os.path.isdir(path):
            files += glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.mako"))

    # render each file
    for file in files:
        if not file.endswith(".mako"):
            click.echo("File {} does not end with .mako".format(file))
            target = file[: -len(".mako")]
            with open(target, "w") as dst:
                do_render(file, dst)
Exemple #3
def check(backend, icons, show_duplicates):
    """Validate coin definitions.

    Checks that every btc-like coin is properly filled out, reports duplicate symbols,
    missing or invalid icons, backend responses, and uniform key information --
    i.e., that all coins of the same type have the same fields in their JSON data.

    Uniformity check ignores NEM mosaics and ERC20 tokens, where non-uniformity is

    The `--show-duplicates` option can be set to:

    - all: all shortcut collisions are shown, including colliding ERC20 tokens

    - nontoken: only collisions that affect non-ERC20 coins are shown

    - errors: only collisions between non-ERC20 tokens are shown. This is the default,
    as a collision between two or more non-ERC20 tokens is an error.

    In the output, duplicate ERC tokens will be shown in cyan; duplicate non-tokens
    in red. An asterisk (*) next to symbol name means that even though it was detected
    as duplicate, it is still included in results.

    The collision detection checks that SLIP44 numbers don't collide between different
    mainnets (testnet collisions are allowed), that `address_prefix` doesn't collide
    with Bitcoin (other collisions are reported as warnings). `address_prefix_p2sh`
    is also checked but we have a bunch of collisions there and can't do much
    about them, so it's not an error.

    In the collision checks, Bitcoin is shown in red, other mainnets in blue,
    testnets in green and unsupported networks in gray, marked with `(X)` for
    non-colored output.
    if backend and requests is None:
        raise click.ClickException("You must install requests for backend check")

    if icons and not CAN_BUILD_DEFS:
        raise click.ClickException("Missing requirements for icon check")

    defs, buckets = coin_info.coin_info_with_duplicates()
    support_info = coin_info.support_info(defs)
    mark_unsupported(support_info, defs.as_list())
    all_checks_passed = True

    print("Checking BTC-like coins...")
    if not check_btc(defs.bitcoin):
        all_checks_passed = False

    print("Checking Ethereum networks...")
    if not check_eth(defs.eth):
        all_checks_passed = False

    if show_duplicates == "all":
        dup_level = logging.DEBUG
    elif show_duplicates == "nontoken":
        dup_level = logging.INFO
        dup_level = logging.WARNING
    print("Checking unexpected duplicates...")
    if not check_dups(buckets, dup_level):
        all_checks_passed = False

    nontoken_dups = [coin for coin in defs.as_list() if "dup_key_nontoken" in coin]
    if nontoken_dups:
        nontoken_dup_str = ", ".join(
            highlight_key(coin, "red") for coin in nontoken_dups
        print_log(logging.ERROR, "Non-token duplicate keys: " + nontoken_dup_str)
        all_checks_passed = False

    if icons:
        print("Checking icon files...")
        if not check_icons(defs.bitcoin):
            all_checks_passed = False

    if backend:
        print("Checking backend responses...")
        if not check_backends(defs.bitcoin):
            all_checks_passed = False

    print("Checking segwit fields...")
    if not check_segwit(defs.bitcoin):
        all_checks_passed = False

    print("Checking key uniformity...")
    for cointype, coinlist in defs.items():
        if cointype in ("erc20", "nem"):
        if not check_key_uniformity(coinlist):
            all_checks_passed = False

    print("Checking FIDO app definitions...")
    if not check_fido(coin_info.fido_info()):
        all_checks_passed = False

    if not all_checks_passed:
        print("Some checks failed.")
        print("Everything is OK.")