Exemple #1
    def test_hdkf(self):
        derived = HKDF(b'secret', 32, b'', SHA256).hex()

        k1 = PrivateKey(secret=bytes([2]))
        self.assertEqual(k1.to_int(), 2)

        k2 = PrivateKey(secret=bytes([3]))
        self.assertEqual(k2.to_int(), 3)

        self.assertEqual(encapsulate(k1, k2.public_key),
                         decapsulate(k1.public_key, k2))
            encapsulate(k1, k2.public_key).hex(),
class BaseKey:
    """This class represents a point on the elliptic curve secp256k1 and
    provides all necessary cryptographic functionality. You shouldn't use
    this class directly.

    :param wif: A private key serialized to the Wallet Import Format. If the
                argument is not supplied, a new private key will be created.
                The WIF compression flag will be adhered to, but the version
                byte is disregarded. Compression will be used by all new keys.
    :type wif: ``str``
    :raises TypeError: If ``wif`` is not a ``str``.
    def __init__(self, wif=None):
        if wif:
            if isinstance(wif, str):
                private_key_bytes, compressed, version = wif_to_bytes(wif)
                self._pk = ECPrivateKey(private_key_bytes)
            elif isinstance(wif, ECPrivateKey):
                self._pk = wif
                compressed = True
                raise TypeError('Wallet Import Format must be a string.')
            self._pk = ECPrivateKey()
            compressed = True

        self._public_point = None
        self._public_key = self._pk.public_key.format(compressed=compressed)

    def public_key(self):
        """The public point serialized to bytes."""
        return self._public_key

    def public_point(self):
        """The public point (x, y)."""
        if self._public_point is None:
            self._public_point = Point(*public_key_to_coords(self._public_key))
        return self._public_point

    def sign(self, data):
        """Signs some data which can be verified later by others using
        the public key.

        :param data: The message to sign.
        :type data: ``bytes``
        :returns: A signature compliant with BIP-62.
        :rtype: ``bytes``
        return self._pk.sign(data)

    def verify(self, signature, data):
        """Verifies some data was signed by this private key.

        :param signature: The signature to verify.
        :type signature: ``bytes``
        :param data: The data that was supposedly signed.
        :type data: ``bytes``
        :rtype: ``bool``
        return self._pk.public_key.verify(signature, data)

    def pub_to_hex(self):
        """:rtype: ``str`` """
        return bytes_to_hex(self.public_key)

    def to_hex(self):
        """:rtype: ``str``"""
        return self._pk.to_hex()

    def to_bytes(self):
        """:rtype: ``bytes``"""
        return self._pk.secret

    def to_der(self):
        """:rtype: ``bytes``"""
        return self._pk.to_der()

    def to_pem(self):
        """:rtype: ``bytes``"""
        return self._pk.to_pem()

    def to_int(self):
        """:rtype: ``int``"""
        return self._pk.to_int()

    def is_compressed(self):
        """Returns whether or not this private key corresponds to a compressed
        public key.

        :rtype: ``bool``
        return True if len(self.public_key) == 33 else False

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.to_int() == other.to_int()