cutPos='manual', r0=r0, c0=c0,)     

        cddata = coldens.average_cd( os.getcwd(), shots )
        print "\nSum of cddata = ", np.sum(cddata)
        coldens.Plot_CD_AZ( figure, gs0[0,0], dirpath=os.getcwd(), \
                            title='column density', magnif=magnif, \
                            cutPos='manual', r0=r0, c0=c0, **azdict)     

        cddata = coldens.average_cd( os.getcwd(), shots )
        print "\nSum of cddata = ", np.sum(cddata)

        azdata = coldens.average_azcd( os.getcwd(), shots, trimStart=0)
        r = azdata[0]
        az = azdata[1]
        from scipy import integrate
        print "\nIntegral of azdata = ", 2*np.pi * integrate.simps( az*r, r) 
        from inverabel import inverAbelDat 
        abdat = inverAbelDat( azdata[0], azdata[1] )
        r = abdat[0][0] 
        ab = abdat[0][1] 
        print "\nIntegral of abdata = ", 4*np.pi * integrate.simps( ab*(r**2.), r)
    figure.savefig( outfile, dpi=250 ) 
def abel_single( datadir, shot, **kwargs ):

    # Find out the aspect ratio 
    inifile = datadir + 'report' + "%04d"%shot + '.INI'
    report = ConfigObj(inifile) 

        image   = float( report['DIMPLELATTICE']['image'])
        num     = float( report['CPP']['nfit_mott'] )
        ncount  = float( report['CPP']['ncount'] )
        ax0w    = float( report['CPP']['ax0w']) 
        ax1w    = float( report['CPP']['ax1w']) 
        AR = ax1w / ax0w
        #print "AR = ", AR
        #AR = 1.0 
        ir = float( report['DIMPLE']['ir1pow0'] )  
        aS = float( report['DIMPLELATTICE']['knob05'] ) 
        gr = float( report['DIMPLELATTICE']['knob01'] )
        v0 = float( report['DIMPLELATTICE']['knob23'] )
        dthold = float( report['DIMPLELATTICE']['dthold'] )  
        peakd_sph  = float( report['CPP']['peakd_sph'] )
        peakd_mott = float( report['CPP']['peakd_mott'] )
        r0_mott = float( report['CPP']['r0_mott'] ) 
        ax0w_mott = float( report['CPP']['ax0w_mott'] ) 
        ax1w_mott = float( report['CPP']['ax1w_mott'] )

    except Exception as e:
        print "ERROR getting value from INI file.  shot# = ", shot
        raise e 

        gr1c = float( report['DIMPLE']['gr1correct'] ) 
        gr2c = float( report['DIMPLE']['gr2correct'] ) 
        gr3c = float( report['DIMPLE']['gr3correct'] ) 
        gr1c = 1. 
        gr2c = 1. 
        gr3c = 1. 
    # Columns for data file will be 
    #  0 - shot 
    #  1 - nfit_mott
    #  2 - ax0w  (um)
    #  3 - ax1w  (um) 
    #  4 - AR 
    #  5 - ir 
    #  6 - aS 
    #  7 - gr 
    #  8 - ncount 
    #  9 - peakd_sph
    # 10 - peakd_mott
    # 11 - gr1correct
    # 12 - gr2correct
    # 13 - gr3correct
    # 14 - image
    # 15 - r0_mott
    # 16 - ax0w_mott
    # 17 - ax1w_mott  
    # 18 - v0
    # 19 - dthold 
    line = [shot , num, ax0w, ax1w, AR, ir, aS, gr,  \
               ncount, peakd_sph, peakd_mott, gr1c, gr2c, gr3c, image, r0_mott,\
               ax0w_mott, ax1w_mott, v0, dthold]
    if kwargs.get('printline', False):
        print line 

    fmt = '%4d' + '%10.4g' + '%7.2f'*6 +  '%10.4g'*3 + '%6.3f'*3 + '%7.1f' \
          + '%7.2f'*5

    recordsfile = kwargs.get('recordsfile', None) 
    skipdone = kwargs.get('skipdone', False)
    if recordsfile is not None:
            if skipdone:
                records = np.loadtxt(recordsfile)  
                if shot in records[:,0].tolist():
                    print "skipping #{:04d}".format(int(shot))
        recordsdir = os.path.dirname( recordsfile )  
        if not os.path.exists( recordsdir ) :
            os.makedirs( recordsdir )  
        with open( recordsfile, 'a' ) as f:
            np.savetxt( f, np.atleast_2d(line), fmt=fmt ) 

    figTest = Figure( figsize=(10., 3.5 ) )
    canvas = FigureCanvas( figTest ) 
    gsTest = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec( 1,3, 
                wspace=0.35, hspace=0.15,\
                left=0.03, right=0.97, bottom=0.10, top=0.92 ) 
    cddata = np.loadtxt( os.path.join( datadir, '%04d_column.ascii'%shot ) ) 
    azdata = coldens.average_azcd( datadir, [shot] ) 
    coldens.PlotCD(figTest, gsTest[0,0], \
        cddata = cddata,\
    color = 'blue' 
    label = None
    axaz = figTest.add_subplot( gsTest[0,1] ) 
    azRad, azDens = coldens.azplot( axaz, azdata,\
                    xs=magnif, ys=(magnif/lattice_d)**-2,\
                    labelstr=label, col=color )

    axaz.set_ylim(0., 100.)
    axaz.set_xlim(0., 40. ) 
    #print azdata
    numberAZ = integrate_circle( azRad, azDens ) 
    #print "Number from integral of AZ :", numberAZ
    #print azdata
    azdata = ( azdata[0]/AR, azdata[1] ) 
    axab = figTest.add_subplot( gsTest[0,2] )  

    xscale = magnif*np.sqrt(AR)
    yscale = (magnif/lattice_d)**-3 
    abDat = coldens.azabel( axab, None, azdata,\
                    xs=xscale, ys=yscale,\
                    labelstr=label, col=color )

    # Optional - rescale the azdata before it goes to file
    # azdata = ( azdata[0] * xscale, azdata[1] * ((magnif/lattice_d)**-2) )

    axab.set_ylim(-0.1, 2.1)
    axab.set_xlim(0., 30. ) 
    #print abDat[0]  
    numberAB = integrate_sphere( abDat[0][:,0] , abDat[0][:,1] )
    #print "Number from integral of AB :", numberAB

    axaz.text( 1.02, 1.03,  r'$U/t={:0.2f}$'.format( aS * 11. / 290. ) + '\n'+\
         r'$\mathrm{{ir}}={:0.2f}$'.format( ir) + '\n' +\
         r'$\mathrm{{AR}}={:0.2f}$'.format( AR ) + '\n' +\
         r'$N={:0.2f}\times 10^{{5}}$'.format( num/1e5 )  + '\n' +\
         r'$N_{{AZ}}={:0.2f}\times 10^{{5}}$'.format( numberAZ/1e5 )  + '\n' +\
         r'$N_{{AB}}={:0.2f}\times 10^{{5}}$'.format( numberAB/1e5 ) ,
               ha='right', va='top', transform=axaz.transAxes,\
               bbox = {'boxstyle':'round', 'facecolor':'white'} ) 

    savedir = 'abelsingle/{:03d}/{:.2f}/'.format( int(aS), gr ) 
    if not os.path.exists( savedir ) :
        os.makedirs( savedir )  

    base = 'ir{:0.2f}_image{:0.1f}_num{:0.2f}_shot{:04d}'.\
             format( ir , image, num/1e5, int(shot) ) 
    fname = base + '_abel.png' 
    canvas.print_figure( savedir + fname , dpi=250)
    # plt is evil, leaks memory.  switched to Figure and canvas approach
    # Save abel transformed data 
    datfname = base + '_abel.dat' 
    np.savetxt( savedir + datfname, abDat[0], fmt='%.6g' )

    # Save the raw column density 
    cddatfname = base + '_cd.dat' 
    np.savetxt( savedir + cddatfname, cddata, fmt='%.6g'  )

    # Save the raw azimuthal average data 
    azdatfname = base + '_az.dat' 
    np.savetxt( savedir + azdatfname, np.column_stack( azdata ), fmt='%.6g' )