def mergeliftOver(f1, f2, annotations, outputfile, verbose="F"):

    o = open(outputfile, 'w')

    # read in file 1 and make dictionary
    readdict = OrderedDict()
    f = open(f1, 'r')
    for l in f:
        e = l.strip().split('\t')
        readdict[e[3]] = e[:3]

    # read in file2 and print out matches
    f = open(f2, 'r')
    for l in f:
        e = l.strip().split('\t')
        if e[3] in readdict:
            readdict[e[3]] += e[:3]

    f = open(annotations, 'r')
    for l in f:
        e = l.strip().split('\t')
        if e[-1] in readdict:
            readdict[e[-1]] += e[:-1]

    for i, val in readdict.items():
        print("\t".join(val), file=o)
    def group_exceptions(error_requests, exceptions, tracebacks):
        """ Groups exceptions into a form usable by an exception.

        :param error_requests: the error requests
        :param exceptions: the exceptions
        :param tracebacks: the tracebacks
        :return: a sorted exception pile
        :rtype: dict(Exception,_Group)
        data = OrderedDict()
        for error_request, exception, trace_back in zip(
                error_requests, exceptions, tracebacks):
            for stored_exception in data.keys():
                if isinstance(exception, type(stored_exception)):
                    found_exception = stored_exception
                data[exception] = _Group(trace_back)
                found_exception = exception
        for exception in data:
        return data.items()
Exemple #3
    def generate_tests():
        NOT_SUPPORTED = (,
        test_classes = OrderedDict()
        for file_name, test_content in input_files().items():
            if 'matches' in test_content or 'nonmatches' in test_content:
                platforms, models = collect_targets(test_content)
                # Need to explode the platform and model combinations to do each
                for platform in platforms:
                    for model in models:
                        if ((model.value, platform.value) == (NOT_SUPPORTED)):

                        # Build a new TestCase class for each platform
                        class_key = (model.value.title(),
                        if class_key not in test_classes:
                            new_class = types.new_class(
                                bases=(IntegrationTests, ))
                            new_class.__module__ = __name__
                            new_class.test_type = platform
                            test_classes[class_key] = new_class

                        # generate the test method
                        test_name = "test_integration_{}_{}_{}".format(
                            file_name, model.value, platform.value)
                        test = IntegrationTests.integration_test_generator(
                            model, platform, test_content)

                        # Add the generated test to the appropriate target class.
                        destination_class = test_classes.get(
                            class_key, IntegrationTests)
                        setattr(destination_class, test_name, test)
        for _, dynamic_class in sorted(test_classes.items()):
            globals()[str(dynamic_class)] = dynamic_class
Exemple #4
class TestDataFrame(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tmpdir = TempDir("dataframetest")
        self.testfilename = os.path.join(self.tmpdir.path, "dataframetest.nix")
        self.file =, nix.FileMode.Overwrite)
        self.block = self.file.create_block("test block", "recordingsession")
        self.df1_dtype = OrderedDict([('name', np.int64), ('id', str),
                                      ('time', float), ('sig1', np.float64),
                                      ('sig2', np.int32)])
        self.df1_data = [(1, "alpha", 20.18, 5.0, 100),
                         (2, "beta", 20.09, 5.5, 101),
                         (2, "gamma", 20.05, 5.1, 100),
                         (1, "delta", 20.15, 5.3, 150),
                         (2, "epsilon", 20.23, 5.7, 200),
                         (2, "fi", 20.07, 5.2, 300),
                         (1, "zeta", 20.12, 5.1, 39),
                         (1, "eta", 20.27, 5.1, 600),
                         (2, "theta", 20.15, 5.6, 400),
                         (2, "iota", 20.08, 5.1, 200)]
        other_arr = np.arange(11101, 11200).reshape((33, 3))
        other_di = OrderedDict({'name': np.int64, 'id': int, 'time': float})
        self.df1 = self.block.create_data_frame("test df",
        self.df2 = self.block.create_data_frame("other df",
        self.df3 = self.block.create_data_frame("reference df",
        self.dtype =["data"].dtype

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_data_frame_eq(self):
        assert self.df1 == self.df1
        assert not self.df1 == self.df2
        assert self.df2 == self.df2
        assert self.df1 is not None
        assert self.df2 is not None

    def test_create_with_list(self):
        arr = [(1, 'a', 20.18, 5.1, 100), (2, 'b', 20.09, 5.5, 101),
               (2, 'c', 20.05, 5.1, 100)]
        namelist = np.array(['name', 'id', 'time', 'sig1', 'sig2'])
        dtlist = np.array([np.int64, str, float, np.float64, np.int32])
        df_li = self.block.create_data_frame("test_list",
        assert df_li.column_names == self.df1.column_names
        assert df_li.dtype == self.df1.dtype
        for i in df_li[:]:
            self.assertIsInstance(i['id'], string_types)
            self.assertIsInstance(i['sig2'], np.int32)

    def test_column_name_collision(self):
        arr = [(1, 'a', 20.18, 5.1, 100), (2, 'b', 20.09, 5.5, 101),
               (2, 'c', 20.05, 5.1, 100)]
        dtlist = np.array([np.int64, str, float, np.float64, np.int32])
        namelist = np.array(['name', 'name', 'name', 'name', 'name'])

    def test_data_frame_type(self):
        assert self.df1.type == "signal1"
        self.df1.type = "test change"
        assert self.df1.type == "test change"

    def test_write_row(self):
        # test write single row
        row = ["1", 'abc', 3, 4.4556356242341, 5.1111111]
        assert list(self.df1[9]) == [2, 'iota', 20.08, 5.1, 200]
        self.df1.write_rows([row], [9])
        assert list(self.df1[9]) == [1, 'abc', 3., 4.4556356242341, 5]
        self.assertIsInstance(self.df1[9]['name'], np.integer)
        self.assertIsInstance(self.df1[9]['sig2'], np.int32)
        assert self.df1[9]['sig2'] == int(5)
        # test write multiple rows
        multi_rows = [[1775, '12355', 1777, 1778, 1779],
                      [1785, '12355', 1787, 1788, 1789]]
        self.df1.write_rows(multi_rows, [1, 2])
        assert list(self.df1[1]) == [1775, '12355', 1777, 1778, 1779]
        assert list(self.df1[2]) == [1785, '12355', 1787, 1788, 1789]

    def test_write_column(self):
        # write by name
        column1 = np.arange(10000, 10010)
        self.df1.write_column(column1, name='sig1')
        assert list(self.df1[:]['sig1']) == list(column1)
        # write by index
        column2 = np.arange(20000, 20010)
        self.df1.write_column(column2, index=4)

        assert list(self.df1[:]['sig2']) == list(column2)

    def test_read_row(self):
        df1_array = np.array(self.df1_data, dtype=list(self.df1_dtype.items()))
        # read single row
        assert self.df1.read_rows(0) == df1_array[0]
        # read multiple
        multi_rows = self.df1.read_rows(np.arange(4, 9))
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(multi_rows, df1_array[4:9])
        multi_rows = self.df1.read_rows([3, 6])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(multi_rows, [df1_array[3], df1_array[6]])

    def test_read_column(self):
        # read single column by index
        single_idx_col = self.df1.read_columns(index=[1])
        data = np.array([row[1] for row in self.df1_data],
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(single_idx_col, data)

        # read multiple columns by name
        multi_col = self.df1.read_columns(name=['sig1', 'sig2'])
        data = [(row[3], row[4]) for row in self.df1_data]
        assert len(multi_col) == 10
        for data_row, df_row in zip(data, multi_col):
            assert data_row == tuple(df_row)

        # read columns with slices
        slice_cols = self.df1.read_columns(name=['sig1', 'sig2'],
                                           slc=slice(0, 6))
        data = [(row[3], row[4]) for row in self.df1_data[:6]]
        assert len(slice_cols) == 6
        for data_row, df_row in zip(data, slice_cols):
            assert data_row == tuple(df_row)

        # read single column by name
        single_idx_col = self.df1.read_columns(name=["sig2"])
        data = np.array([100, 101, 100, 150, 200, 300, 39, 600, 400, 200],
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(single_idx_col, data)

        # Read multiple columns where one is string
        slice_str_cols = self.df1.read_columns(name=['id', 'sig2'],
                                               slc=slice(3, 10))
        data = [(row[1], row[4]) for row in self.df1_data[3:10]]
        assert len(slice_str_cols) == 7
        for data_row, df_row in zip(data, slice_str_cols):
            assert data_row == tuple(df_row)

    def test_index_column_by_name(self):
        for colidx, colname in enumerate(self.df1_dtype.keys()):
            expdata = [row[colidx] for row in self.df1_data]
            assert all(self.df1[colname] == expdata)

    def test_read_cell(self):
        # read cell by position
        scell = self.df1.read_cell(position=[5, 3])
        assert scell == 5.2
        # read cell by row_idx + col_name
        crcell = self.df1.read_cell(col_name=['id'], row_idx=9)
        assert crcell == 'iota'
        # test error raise if only one param given
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.df1.read_cell, row_idx=10)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.df1.read_cell, col_name='sig1')

    def test_write_cell(self):
        # write cell by position
        self.df1.write_cell(105, position=[8, 3])
        assert self.df1[8]['sig1'] == 105
        # write cell by rowid colname
        self.df1.write_cell('test', col_name='id', row_idx=3)
        assert self.df1[3]['id'] == 'test'
        # test error raise
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.df1.write_cell, 11, col_name='sig1')

    def test_append_column(self):
        col_data = np.arange(start=16000, stop=16010, step=1)
        self.df1.append_column(col_data, name='trial_col', datatype=int)
        assert self.df1.column_names == ('name', 'id', 'time', 'sig1', 'sig2',
        assert len(self.df1.dtype) == 6
        k = np.array(self.df1[0:10]["trial_col"], dtype=np.int64)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(k, col_data)
        # too short column
        sh_col = np.arange(start=16000, stop=16003, step=1)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.df1.append_column(sh_col, name='sh_col')
        # too long column
        long = np.arange(start=16000, stop=16500, step=1)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.df1.append_column(long, name='long')

    def test_append_rows(self):
        # append single row
        srow = (1, "test", 3, 4, 5)
        assert self.df1[10] == np.array(srow,
        # append multi-rows
        mrows = [(1, "2", 3, 4, 5), (6, "testing", 8, 9, 10)]
        assert all(self.df1[-2:] == np.array(
            mrows, dtype=list(self.df1_dtype.items())))
        # append row with incorrect length
        errrow = [5, 6, 7, 8]
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.df1.append_rows, [errrow])

    def test_unit(self):
        assert self.df1.units is None
        self.df1.units = ["s", 'A', 'ms', 'Hz', 'mA']
                                      np.array(["s", 'A', 'ms', 'Hz', 'mA']))
        assert self.df2.units is None

    def test_df_shape(self):
        assert tuple(self.df1.df_shape) == (10, 5)
        # create df with incorrect dimension to see if Error is raised
        arr = np.arange(1000).reshape(10, 10, 10)
        if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                                             'err', {'name': np.int64},

    def test_data_type(self):
        assert self.df1.dtype[4] == np.int32
        assert self.df1.dtype[0] != self.df1.dtype[4]
        assert self.df1.dtype[2] == self.df1.dtype[3]

    def test_create_without_dtypes(self):
        data = np.array([("a", 1, 2.2), ("b", 2, 3.3), ("c", 3, 4.4)],
                        dtype=[('name', 'U10'), ("id", 'i4'), ('val', 'f4')])
        df = self.block.create_data_frame("without_name", "test", data=data)
        assert sorted(list(df.column_names)) == sorted(["name", "id", "val"])
        assert sorted(list(df["name"])) == ["a", "b", "c"]

    def test_timestamp_autoupdate(self):
        self.file.auto_update_timestamps = True
        df = self.block.create_data_frame("df.time",
                                          col_dict=OrderedDict({"idx": int}))
        dftime = df.updated_at
        df.units = ("ly", )
        self.assertNotEqual(dftime, df.updated_at)

    def test_timestamp_noautoupdate(self):
        self.file.auto_update_timestamps = False
        df = self.block.create_data_frame("df.time",
                                          col_dict=OrderedDict({"idx": int}))
        dftime = df.updated_at
        df.units = ("ly", )
        self.assertEqual(dftime, df.updated_at)
Exemple #5
    def create_data_frame(self,
        Create/copy a new data frame for this block. Either ``col_dict``
        or ``col_name`` and ``col_dtypes`` must be given.
        If both are given, ``col_dict`` will be used.

        :param name: The name of the data frame to create/copy.
        :type name: str
        :param type_: The type of the data frame.
        :type type_: str
        :param col_dict: The dictionary that specifies column
                         names and data type in each column
        :type col_dict: dict or OrderedDict of {str: type}
        :param col_names: The collection of name of all columns in order
        :type col_names: tuples or list or np.array of string
        :param col_dtypes: The collection of data type of all columns in order
        :type col_dtypes: tuples or list or np.array of type
        :param data: Data to write after storage has been created
        :type data: array-like data with compound data type
                    as specified in the columns
        :param compression: En-/disable dataset compression.
        :type compression: :class:`~nixio.Compression`
        :param copy_from: The DataFrame to be copied, None in normal mode
        :type copy_from: nixio.DataFrame
        :param keep_copy_id: Specify if the id should be copied in copy mode
        :type keep_copy_id: bool

        :returns: The newly created data frame.
        :rtype: :class:`~nixio.DataFrame`
        if copy_from:
            if not isinstance(copy_from, DataFrame):
                raise TypeError("Object to be copied is not a DataFrame")
            objid = self._copy_objects(copy_from, "data_frames", keep_copy_id,
            return self.data_frames[objid]

        util.check_entity_name_and_type(name, type_)
        if (isinstance(col_dict, dict)
                and not isinstance(col_dict, OrderedDict)
                and sys.version_info[0] < 3):
            raise TypeError("Cannot create a DataFrame from a dictionary "
                            "in Python 2 as the order of keys is not "
                            "preserved. Please use the OrderedDict class "
                            "from the collections module instead.")

        if data is not None:
            shape = len(data)
            shape = 0
        data_frames = self._h5group.open_group("data_frames")

        if col_dict is None:
            if col_names is not None:
                if col_dtypes is not None:
                    col_dict = OrderedDict(
                        (str(nam), dt)
                        for nam, dt in zip(col_names, col_dtypes))
                elif col_dtypes is None and data is not None:
                    col_dtypes = []
                    for val in data[0]:
                    col_dict = OrderedDict(
                        (str(nam), dt)
                        for nam, dt in zip(col_names, col_dtypes))
                else:  # col_dtypes is None and data is None
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The data type of each column have to be specified")
                if len(col_names) != len(col_dict):
                    raise exceptions.DuplicateColumnName
            else:  # if col_names is None
                if data is not None and type(data[0]) == np.void:
                    col_dtype = data[0].dtype
                    col_names = list(col_dtype.fields.keys())
                    raw_dt = col_dtype.fields.values()
                    raw_dt = list(raw_dt)
                    raw_dt_list = [ele[0] for ele in raw_dt]
                    col_dict = OrderedDict(zip(col_names, raw_dt_list))
                    if len(col_dtype.fields.values()) != len(col_dict):
                        raise exceptions.DuplicateColumnName

                    # data is None or type(data[0]) != np.void
                    # data_type doesnt matter
                    raise ValueError(
                        "No information about column names is provided!")

        if col_dict is not None:
            for nam, dt in col_dict.items():
                if isclass(dt):
                    if any(issubclass(dt, st) for st in string_types) \
                            or issubclass(dt, np.string_):
                        col_dict[nam] = util.vlen_str_dtype
                if 'U' in str(dt) or dt == np.string_:
                    col_dict[nam] = util.vlen_str_dtype
            dt_arr = list(col_dict.items())
            col_dtype = np.dtype(dt_arr)

        df = DataFrame.create_new(self.file, self, data_frames, name, type_,
                                  shape, col_dtype, compression)

        if data is not None:
            if type(data[0]) == np.void:
                data = np.ascontiguousarray(data, dtype=col_dtype)
                data = list(map(tuple, data))
                arr = np.ascontiguousarray(data, dtype=col_dtype)
        return df
Exemple #6
    def create_data_frame(self, name="", type_="", col_dict=None,
                          col_names=None, col_dtypes=None, data=None,
                          copy_from=None, keep_copy_id=True):
         Create/copy a new data frame for this block. Either ``col_dict``
         or ``col_name`` and ``col_dtypes`` must be given.
         If both are given, ``col_dict`` will be used.

         :param name: The name of the data frame to create/copy.
         :type name: str
         :param type_: The type of the data frame.
         :type type_: str
         :param col_dict: The dictionary that specify column
                          names and data type in each column
         :type col_dict:dict or OrderedDict of {str: type}
         :param col_names: The collection of name of all columns in order
         :type col_names: tuples or list or np.array of string
         :param col_dtypes: The collection of data type of all columns in order
         :type col_dtypes: tuples or list or np.array of type
         :param data: Data to write after storage has been created
         :type data: array-like data with compound data type
                     as specified in the columns
         :param compression: En-/disable dataset compression.
         :type compression: :class:`~nixio.Compression`
         :param copy_from: The DataFrame to be copied, None in normal mode
         :type copy_from: DataFrame
         :param keep_copy_id: Specify if the id should be copied in copy mode
         :type keep_copy_id: bool

         :returns: The newly created data frame.
         :rtype: :class:`~nixio.DataFrame`
        if copy_from:
            if not isinstance(copy_from, DataFrame):
                raise TypeError("Object to be copied is not a DataFrame")
            id = self._copy_objects(copy_from, "data_frames",
                                    keep_copy_id, name)
            return self.data_frames[id]

        util.check_entity_name_and_type(name, type_)
        if (isinstance(col_dict, dict)
                and not isinstance(col_dict, OrderedDict)
                and sys.version_info[0] < 3):
            raise TypeError("Python 2 users should use name_list "
                            "or OrderedDict created with LIST and TUPLES "
                            "to create DataFrames as the order "
                            "of the columns cannot be maintained in Py2")

        if data is not None:
            shape = len(data)
            shape = 0
        data_frames = self._h5group.open_group("data_frames")

        if col_dict is None:
            if col_names is not None:
                if col_dtypes is not None:
                    col_dict = OrderedDict(
                        (str(nam), dt)
                        for nam, dt in zip(col_names, col_dtypes)
                elif col_dtypes is None and data is not None:
                    col_dtypes = []
                    for x in data[0]:
                    col_dict = OrderedDict(
                        (str(nam), dt)
                        for nam, dt in zip(col_names, col_dtypes)
                else:  # col_dtypes is None and data is None
                    raise (ValueError,
                           "The data type of each column have to be specified")
            else:  # if col_names is None
                if data is not None and type(data[0]) == np.void:
                    col_dtype = data[0].dtype
                    for i, dt in enumerate(col_dtype.fields.values()):
                        if dt[0] == np.dtype(str):
                            cn = list(col_dtype.fields.keys())
                            raw_dt = col_dtype.fields.values()
                            raw_dt = list(raw_dt)
                            raw_dt_list = [ele[0] for ele in raw_dt]
                            col_dict = OrderedDict(zip(cn, raw_dt_list))

                    # data is None or type(data[0]) != np.void
                    # data_type doesnt matter
                    raise (ValueError,
                           "No information about column names is provided!")

        if col_dict is not None:
            for nam, dt in col_dict.items():
                if isclass(dt):
                    if any(issubclass(dt, st) for st in string_types) \
                            or issubclass(dt, np.string_):
                        col_dict[nam] = util.vlen_str_dtype
            dt_arr = list(col_dict.items())
            col_dtype = np.dtype(dt_arr)

        df = DataFrame._create_new(self, data_frames, name,
                                   type_, shape, col_dtype, compression)

        if data is not None:
            if type(data[0]) == np.void:
                data = np.ascontiguousarray(data, dtype=col_dtype)
                data = list(map(tuple, data))
                arr = np.ascontiguousarray(data, dtype=col_dtype)
        return df
class CPUInfos(object):
    """ A set of CPU information objects.
    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(self):
        self._cpu_infos = OrderedDict()

    def add_processor(self, x, y, processor_id, cpu_info):
        """ Add a processor on a given chip to the set.

        :param x: The x-coordinate of the chip
        :type x: int
        :param y: The y-coordinate of the chip
        :type y: int
        :param processor_id: A processor ID
        :type processor_id: int
        :param cpu_info: The CPU information for the core
        :type cpu_info: :py:class:`spinnman.model.enums.cpu_info.CPUInfo`
        self._cpu_infos[x, y, processor_id] = cpu_info

    def cpu_infos(self):
        """ The one per core core info.

        :return: iterable of x,y,p core info
        return iteritems(self._cpu_infos)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._cpu_infos)

    def iteritems(self):
        """ Get an iterable of (x, y, p), cpu_info
        return iteritems(self._cpu_infos)

    def items(self):
        return self._cpu_infos.items()

    def values(self):
        return self._cpu_infos.values()

    def itervalues(self):
        """ Get an iterable of cpu_info.
        return itervalues(self._cpu_infos)

    def keys(self):
        return self._cpu_infos.keys()

    def iterkeys(self):
        """ Get an iterable of (x, y, p).
        return iterkeys(self._cpu_infos)

    def __len__(self):
        """ The total number of processors that are in these core subsets.
        return len(self._cpu_infos)
Exemple #8
class DaemonWatcher(object):
    Given a Ceph daemon's admin socket path, poll its performance counters
    and output a series of output lines showing the momentary values of
    counters of interest (those with the 'nick' property in Ceph's schema)

    RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
    COLOR_SEQ = "\033[1;%dm"
    COLOR_DARK_SEQ = "\033[0;%dm"
    BOLD_SEQ = "\033[1m"
    UNDERLINE_SEQ = "\033[4m"

    def __init__(self, asok, statpats=None, min_prio=0):
        self.asok_path = asok
        self._colored = False

        self._stats = None
        self._schema = None
        self._statpats = statpats
        self._stats_that_fit = dict()
        self._min_prio = min_prio
        self.termsize = Termsize()

    def supports_color(self, ostr):
        Returns True if the running system's terminal supports color, and False
        unsupported_platform = (sys.platform in ('win32', 'Pocket PC'))
        # isatty is not always implemented, #6223.
        is_a_tty = hasattr(ostr, 'isatty') and ostr.isatty()
        if unsupported_platform or not is_a_tty:
            return False
        return True

    def colorize(self, msg, color, dark=False):
        Decorate `msg` with escape sequences to give the requested color
        return (self.COLOR_DARK_SEQ if dark else self.COLOR_SEQ) % (30 + color) \
               + msg + self.RESET_SEQ

    def bold(self, msg):
        Decorate `msg` with escape sequences to make it appear bold
        return self.BOLD_SEQ + msg + self.RESET_SEQ

    def format_dimless(self, n, width):
        Format a number without units, so as to fit into `width` characters, substituting
        an appropriate unit suffix.
        units = [' ', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']
        unit = 0
        while len("%s" % (int(n) // (1000**unit))) > width - 1:
            if unit >= len(units) - 1:
            unit += 1

        if unit > 0:
            truncated_float = ("%f" % (n / (1000.0**unit)))[0:width - 1]
            if truncated_float[-1] == '.':
                truncated_float = " " + truncated_float[0:-1]
            truncated_float = "%{wid}d".format(wid=width - 1) % n
        formatted = "%s%s" % (truncated_float, units[unit])

        if self._colored:
            if n == 0:
                color = self.BLACK, False
                color = self.YELLOW, False
            return self.bold(self.colorize(formatted[0:-1], color[0], color[1])) \
                + self.bold(self.colorize(formatted[-1], self.YELLOW, False))
            return formatted

    def col_width(self, nick):
        Given the short name `nick` for a column, how many characters
        of width should the column be allocated?  Does not include spacing
        between columns.
        return max(len(nick), 4)

    def get_stats_that_fit(self):
        Get a possibly-truncated list of stats to display based on
        current terminal width.  Allow breaking mid-section.
        current_fit = OrderedDict()
        if self.termsize.changed or not self._stats_that_fit:
            width = 0
            for section_name, names in self._stats.items():
                for name, stat_data in names.items():
                    width += self.col_width(stat_data) + 1
                    if width > self.termsize.cols:
                    if section_name not in current_fit:
                        current_fit[section_name] = OrderedDict()
                    current_fit[section_name][name] = stat_data
                if width > self.termsize.cols:

        changed = current_fit and (current_fit != self._stats_that_fit)
        if changed:
            self._stats_that_fit = current_fit
        return self._stats_that_fit, changed

    def _print_headers(self, ostr):
        Print a header row to `ostr`
        header = ""
        stats, _ = self.get_stats_that_fit()
        for section_name, names in stats.items():
            section_width = \
                sum([self.col_width(x) + 1 for x in names.values()]) - 1
            pad = max(section_width - len(section_name), 0)
            pad_prefix = pad // 2
            header += (pad_prefix * '-')
            header += (section_name[0:section_width])
            header += ((pad - pad_prefix) * '-')
            header += ' '
        header += "\n"
        ostr.write(self.colorize(header, self.BLUE, True))

        sub_header = ""
        for section_name, names in stats.items():
            for stat_name, stat_nick in names.items():
                sub_header += self.UNDERLINE_SEQ \
                              + self.colorize(
                                    self.BLUE) \
                              + ' '
            sub_header = sub_header[0:-1] + self.colorize('|', self.BLUE)
        sub_header += "\n"

    def _print_vals(self, ostr, dump, last_dump):
        Print a single row of values to `ostr`, based on deltas between `dump` and
        val_row = ""
        fit, changed = self.get_stats_that_fit()
        if changed:
        for section_name, names in fit.items():
            for stat_name, stat_nick in names.items():
                stat_type = self._schema[section_name][stat_name]['type']
                if bool(stat_type & COUNTER):
                    n = max(
                        dump[section_name][stat_name] -
                        last_dump[section_name][stat_name], 0)
                elif bool(stat_type & LONG_RUNNING_AVG):
                    entries = dump[section_name][stat_name]['avgcount'] - \
                    if entries:
                        n = (dump[section_name][stat_name]['sum'] -
                             last_dump[section_name][stat_name]['sum']) \
                            / float(entries)
                        n *= 1000.0  # Present in milliseconds
                        n = 0
                    n = dump[section_name][stat_name]

                val_row += self.format_dimless(n, self.col_width(stat_nick))
                val_row += " "
            val_row = val_row[0:-1]
            val_row += self.colorize("|", self.BLUE)
        val_row = val_row[0:-len(self.colorize("|", self.BLUE))]

    def _should_include(self, sect, name, prio):
        boolean: should we output this stat?

        1) If self._statpats exists and the name filename-glob-matches
           anything in the list, and prio is high enough, or
        2) If self._statpats doesn't exist and prio is high enough

        then yes.
        if self._statpats:
            sectname = '.'.join((sect, name))
            if not any([
                    p for p in self._statpats
                    if fnmatch(name, p) or fnmatch(sectname, p)
                return False

        if self._min_prio is not None and prio is not None:
            return (prio >= self._min_prio)

        return True

    def _load_schema(self):
        Populate our instance-local copy of the daemon's performance counter
        schema, and work out which stats we will display.
        self._schema = json.loads(admin_socket(
            self.asok_path, ["perf", "schema"]).decode('utf-8'),

        # Build list of which stats we will display
        self._stats = OrderedDict()
        for section_name, section_stats in self._schema.items():
            for name, schema_data in section_stats.items():
                prio = schema_data.get('priority', 0)
                if self._should_include(section_name, name, prio):
                    if section_name not in self._stats:
                        self._stats[section_name] = OrderedDict()
                    self._stats[section_name][name] = schema_data['nick']
        if not len(self._stats):
            raise RuntimeError("no stats selected by filters")

    def _handle_sigwinch(self, signo, frame):

    def run(self, interval, count=None, ostr=sys.stdout):
        Print output at regular intervals until interrupted.

        :param ostr: Stream to which to send output

        self._colored = self.supports_color(ostr)


        last_dump = json.loads(
            admin_socket(self.asok_path, ["perf", "dump"]).decode('utf-8'))
        rows_since_header = 0

            signal(SIGWINCH, self._handle_sigwinch)
            while True:
                dump = json.loads(
                                 ["perf", "dump"]).decode('utf-8'))
                if rows_since_header >= self.termsize.rows - 2:
                    rows_since_header = 0
                self._print_vals(ostr, dump, last_dump)
                if count is not None:
                    count -= 1
                    if count <= 0:
                rows_since_header += 1
                last_dump = dump

                # time.sleep() is interrupted by SIGWINCH; avoid that
                end = time.time() + interval
                while time.time() < end:
                    time.sleep(end - time.time())

        except KeyboardInterrupt:

    def list(self, ostr=sys.stdout):
        Show all selected stats with section, full name, nick, and prio
        table = PrettyTable(('section', 'name', 'nick', 'prio'))
        table.align['section'] = 'l'
        table.align['name'] = 'l'
        table.align['nick'] = 'l'
        table.align['prio'] = 'r'
        for section_name, section_stats in self._stats.items():
            for name, nick in section_stats.items():
                prio = self._schema[section_name][name].get('priority') or 0
                table.add_row((section_name, name, nick, prio))
        ostr.write(table.get_string(hrules=HEADER) + '\n')
class NeuronRecorder(object):
    __slots__ = ["__indexes", "__n_neurons", "__sampling_rates"]

    N_BYTES_PER_RATE = 4  # uint32
    N_BYTES_PER_INDEX = 1  # currently uint8
    SARK_BLOCK_SIZE = 8  # Seen in sark.c

    MAX_RATE = 2**32 - 1  # To allow a unit32_t to be used to store the rate

    def __init__(self, allowed_variables, n_neurons):
        self.__sampling_rates = OrderedDict()
        self.__indexes = dict()
        self.__n_neurons = n_neurons
        for variable in allowed_variables:
            self.__sampling_rates[variable] = 0
            self.__indexes[variable] = None

    def _count_recording_per_slice(self, variable, vertex_slice):
        if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0:
            return 0
        if self.__indexes[variable] is None:
            return vertex_slice.n_atoms
        return sum(vertex_slice.lo_atom <= index <= vertex_slice.hi_atom
                   for index in self.__indexes[variable])

    def _neurons_recording(self, variable, vertex_slice):
        if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0:
            return []
        if self.__indexes[variable] is None:
            return range(vertex_slice.lo_atom, vertex_slice.hi_atom + 1)
        recording = []
        indexes = self.__indexes[variable]
        for index in xrange(vertex_slice.lo_atom, vertex_slice.hi_atom + 1):
            if index in indexes:
        return recording

    def get_neuron_sampling_interval(self, variable):
        """ Return the current sampling interval for this variable

        :param variable: PyNN name of the variable
        :return: Sampling interval in micro seconds
        step = globals_variables.get_simulator().machine_time_step / 1000
        return self.__sampling_rates[variable] * step

    def get_matrix_data(self, label, buffer_manager, region, placements,
                        graph_mapper, application_vertex, variable,
        """ Read a uint32 mapped to time and neuron IDs from the SpiNNaker\

        :param label: vertex label
        :param buffer_manager: the manager for buffered data
        :param region: the DSG region ID used for this data
        :param placements: the placements object
        :param graph_mapper: \
            the mapping between application and machine vertices
        :param application_vertex:
        :param variable: PyNN name for the variable (V, gsy_inh etc.)
        :type variable: str
        :param n_machine_time_steps:
        if variable == SPIKES:
            msg = "Variable {} is not supported use get_spikes".format(SPIKES)
            raise ConfigurationException(msg)
        vertices = graph_mapper.get_machine_vertices(application_vertex)
        progress = ProgressBar(vertices,
                               "Getting {} for {}".format(variable, label))
        sampling_rate = self.__sampling_rates[variable]
        expected_rows = int(math.ceil(n_machine_time_steps / sampling_rate))
        missing_str = ""
        data = None
        indexes = []
        for vertex in progress.over(vertices):
            placement = placements.get_placement_of_vertex(vertex)
            vertex_slice = graph_mapper.get_slice(vertex)
            neurons = self._neurons_recording(variable, vertex_slice)
            n_neurons = len(neurons)
            if n_neurons == 0:
            # for buffering output info is taken form the buffer manager
            record_raw, missing_data = buffer_manager.get_data_by_placement(
                placement, region)
            record_length = len(record_raw)

            row_length = self.N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP + \
                n_neurons * self.N_BYTES_PER_VALUE

            # There is one column for time and one for each neuron recording
            n_rows = record_length // row_length
            if record_length > 0:
                # Converts bytes to ints and make a matrix
                record = (numpy.asarray(
                    record_raw, dtype="uint8").view(dtype="<i4")).reshape(
                        (n_rows, (n_neurons + 1)))
                record = numpy.empty((0, n_neurons))
            # Check if you have the expected data
            if not missing_data and n_rows == expected_rows:
                # Just cut the timestamps off to get the fragment
                fragment = (record[:, 1:] / float(DataType.S1615.scale))
                missing_str += "({}, {}, {}); ".format(placement.x,
                # Start the fragment for this slice empty
                fragment = numpy.empty((expected_rows, n_neurons))
                for i in xrange(0, expected_rows):
                    time = i * sampling_rate
                    # Check if there is data for this timestep
                    local_indexes = numpy.where(record[:, 0] == time)
                    if len(local_indexes[0]) == 1:
                        fragment[i] = (record[local_indexes[0], 1:] /
                    elif len(local_indexes[0]) > 1:
                            "Population {} on multiple recorded data for "
                            "time {}".format(label, time))
                        # Set row to nan
                        fragment[i] = numpy.full(n_neurons, numpy.nan)
            if data is None:
                data = fragment
                # Add the slice fragment on axis 1 which is IDs/channel_index
                data = numpy.append(data, fragment, axis=1)
        if len(missing_str) > 0:
                "Population {} is missing recorded data in region {} from the"
                " following cores: {}".format(label, region, missing_str))
        sampling_interval = self.get_neuron_sampling_interval(variable)
        return (data, indexes, sampling_interval)

    def get_spikes(self, label, buffer_manager, region, placements,
                   graph_mapper, application_vertex, machine_time_step):

        spike_times = list()
        spike_ids = list()
        ms_per_tick = machine_time_step / 1000.0

        vertices = graph_mapper.get_machine_vertices(application_vertex)
        missing_str = ""
        progress = ProgressBar(vertices, "Getting spikes for {}".format(label))
        for vertex in progress.over(vertices):
            placement = placements.get_placement_of_vertex(vertex)
            vertex_slice = graph_mapper.get_slice(vertex)

            if self.__indexes[SPIKES] is None:
                neurons_recording = vertex_slice.n_atoms
                neurons_recording = sum((index >= vertex_slice.lo_atom
                                         and index <= vertex_slice.hi_atom)
                                        for index in self.__indexes[SPIKES])
                if neurons_recording == 0:
            # Read the spikes
            n_words = int(math.ceil(neurons_recording / 32.0))
            n_bytes = n_words * self.N_BYTES_PER_WORD
            n_words_with_timestamp = n_words + 1

            # for buffering output info is taken form the buffer manager
            record_raw, data_missing = buffer_manager.get_data_by_placement(
                placement, region)
            if data_missing:
                missing_str += "({}, {}, {}); ".format(placement.x,
            if len(record_raw) > 0:
                raw_data = (numpy.asarray(record_raw, dtype="uint8").view(
                    dtype="<i4")).reshape([-1, n_words_with_timestamp])
                raw_data = record_raw
            if len(raw_data) > 0:
                record_time = raw_data[:, 0] * float(ms_per_tick)
                spikes = raw_data[:, 1:].byteswap().view("uint8")
                bits = numpy.fliplr(
                    numpy.unpackbits(spikes).reshape((-1, 32))).reshape(
                        (-1, n_bytes * 8))
                time_indices, local_indices = numpy.where(bits == 1)
                if self.__indexes[SPIKES] is None:
                    indices = local_indices + vertex_slice.lo_atom
                    times = record_time[time_indices].reshape((-1))
                    neurons = self._neurons_recording(SPIKES, vertex_slice)
                    n_neurons = len(neurons)
                    for time_indice, local in zip(time_indices, local_indices):
                        if local < n_neurons:

        if len(missing_str) > 0:
                "Population {} is missing spike data in region {} from the"
                " following cores: {}".format(label, region, missing_str))

        if len(spike_ids) == 0:
            return numpy.zeros((0, 2), dtype="float")

        result = numpy.column_stack((spike_ids, spike_times))
        return result[numpy.lexsort((spike_times, spike_ids))]

    def get_recordable_variables(self):
        return self.__sampling_rates.keys()

    def is_recording(self, variable):
            return self.__sampling_rates[variable] > 0
        except KeyError as e:
            msg = "Variable {} is not supported. Supported variables are {}" \
                  "".format(variable, self.get_recordable_variables())
            raise_from(ConfigurationException(msg), e)

    def recording_variables(self):
        results = list()
        for region, rate in self.__sampling_rates.items():
            if rate > 0:
        return results

    def recorded_region_ids(self):
        results = list()
        for id, rate in enumerate(self.__sampling_rates.values()):
            if rate > 0:
        return results

    def _compute_rate(self, sampling_interval):
        """ Convert a sampling interval into a rate. \
            Remember, machine time step is in nanoseconds

        :param sampling_interval: interval between samples in microseconds
        :return: rate
        if sampling_interval is None:
            return 1

        step = globals_variables.get_simulator().machine_time_step / 1000
        rate = int(sampling_interval / step)
        if sampling_interval != rate * step:
            msg = "sampling_interval {} is not an an integer multiple of the "\
                  "simulation timestep {}".format(sampling_interval, step)
            raise ConfigurationException(msg)
        if rate > self.MAX_RATE:
            msg = "sampling_interval {} higher than max allowed which is {}" \
                  "".format(sampling_interval, step * self.MAX_RATE)
            raise ConfigurationException(msg)
        return rate

    def check_indexes(self, indexes):
        if indexes is None:

        if len(indexes) == 0:
            raise ConfigurationException("Empty indexes list")

        found = False
        warning = None
        for index in indexes:
            if index < 0:
                raise ConfigurationException(
                    "Negative indexes are not supported")
            elif index >= self.__n_neurons:
                warning = "Ignoring indexes greater than population size."
                found = True
            if warning is not None:
        if not found:
            raise ConfigurationException(
                "All indexes larger than population size")

    def _turn_off_recording(self, variable, sampling_interval, remove_indexes):
        if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0:
            # Already off so ignore other parameters

        if remove_indexes is None:
            # turning all off so ignoring sampling interval
            self.__sampling_rates[variable] = 0
            self.__indexes[variable] = None

        # No good reason to specify_interval when turning off
        if sampling_interval is not None:
            rate = self._compute_rate(sampling_interval)
            # But if they do make sure it is the same as before
            if rate != self.__sampling_rates[variable]:
                raise ConfigurationException(
                    "Illegal sampling_interval parameter while turning "
                    "off recording")

        if self.__indexes[variable] is None:
            # start with all indexes
            self.__indexes[variable] = range(self.__n_neurons)

        # remove the indexes not recording
        self.__indexes[variable] = \
            [index for index in self.__indexes[variable]
                if index not in remove_indexes]

        # Check is at least one index still recording
        if len(self.__indexes[variable]) == 0:
            self.__sampling_rates[variable] = 0
            self.__indexes[variable] = None

    def _check_complete_overwrite(self, variable, indexes):
        if indexes is None:
            # overwriting all OK!
        if self.__indexes[variable] is None:
            if set(set(range(self.__n_neurons))).issubset(set(indexes)):
                # overwriting all previous so OK!
            if set(self.__indexes[variable]).issubset(set(indexes)):
                # overwriting all previous so OK!
        raise ConfigurationException(
            "Current implementation does not support multiple "
            "sampling_intervals for {} on one population.".format(variable))

    def _turn_on_recording(self, variable, sampling_interval, indexes):

        rate = self._compute_rate(sampling_interval)
        if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0:
            # Previously not recording so OK
            self.__sampling_rates[variable] = rate
        elif rate != self.__sampling_rates[variable]:
            self._check_complete_overwrite(variable, indexes)
        # else rate not changed so no action

        if indexes is None:
            # previous recording indexes does not matter as now all (None)
            self.__indexes[variable] = None
            # make sure indexes is not a generator like range
            indexes = list(indexes)
            if self.__indexes[variable] is not None:
                # merge the two indexes
                indexes = self.__indexes[variable] + indexes
            # Avoid duplicates and keep in numerical order
            self.__indexes[variable] = list(set(indexes))

    def set_recording(self,
        if variable == "all":
            for key in self.__sampling_rates.keys():
                self.set_recording(key, new_state, sampling_interval, indexes)
        elif variable in self.__sampling_rates:
            if new_state:
                self._turn_on_recording(variable, sampling_interval, indexes)
                self._turn_off_recording(variable, sampling_interval, indexes)
            raise ConfigurationException(
                "Variable {} is not supported".format(variable))

    def get_buffered_sdram_per_record(self, variable, vertex_slice):
        """ Return the SDRAM used per record

        :param variable:
        :param vertex_slice:
        n_neurons = self._count_recording_per_slice(variable, vertex_slice)
        if n_neurons == 0:
            return 0
        if variable == SPIKES:
            # Overflow can be ignored as it is not save if in an extra word
            out_spike_words = int(math.ceil(n_neurons / 32.0))
            out_spike_bytes = out_spike_words * self.N_BYTES_PER_WORD
            return self.N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP + out_spike_bytes
            return self.N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP + \
                        n_neurons * self.N_BYTES_PER_VALUE

    def get_buffered_sdram_per_timestep(self, variable, vertex_slice):
        """ Return the SDRAM used per timestep.

        In the case where sampling is used it returns the average\
        for recording and none recording based on the recording rate

        :param variable:
        :param vertex_slice:
        rate = self.__sampling_rates[variable]
        if rate == 0:
            return 0

        data_size = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record(variable, vertex_slice)
        if rate == 1:
            return data_size
            return data_size // rate

    def get_sampling_overflow_sdram(self, vertex_slice):
        """ Get the extra SDRAM that should be reserved if using per_timestep

        This is the extra that must be reserved if per_timestep is an average\
        rather than fixed for every timestep.

        When sampling the average * time_steps may not be quite enough.\
        This returns the extra space in the worst case\
        where time_steps is a multiple of sampling rate + 1,\
        and recording is done in the first and last time_step

        :param vertex_slice:
        :return: Highest possible overflow needed
        overflow = 0
        for variable, rate in iteritems(self.__sampling_rates):
            # If rate is 0 no recording so no overflow
            # If rate is 1 there is no overflow as average is exact
            if rate > 1:
                data_size = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record(
                    variable, vertex_slice)
                overflow += data_size // rate * (rate - 1)
        return overflow

    def get_buffered_sdram(self, variable, vertex_slice, n_machine_time_steps):
        """ Returns the SDRAM used for this may timesteps

        If required the total is rounded up so the space will always fit

        :param variable: The
        :param vertex_slice:
        rate = self.__sampling_rates[variable]
        if rate == 0:
            return 0
        data_size = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record(variable, vertex_slice)
        records = n_machine_time_steps // rate
        if n_machine_time_steps % rate > 0:
            records = records + 1
        return data_size * records

    def get_sdram_usage_in_bytes(self, vertex_slice):
        n_words_for_n_neurons = (vertex_slice.n_atoms + 3) // 4
        n_bytes_for_n_neurons = n_words_for_n_neurons * 4
        return (8 + n_bytes_for_n_neurons) * len(self.__sampling_rates)

    def _get_fixed_sdram_usage(self, vertex_slice):
        total_neurons = vertex_slice.hi_atom - vertex_slice.lo_atom + 1
        fixed_sdram = 0
        # Recording rate for each neuron
        fixed_sdram += self.N_BYTES_PER_RATE
        # Number of recording neurons
        fixed_sdram += self.N_BYTES_PER_INDEX
        # index_parameters one per neuron
        # even if not recording as also act as a gate
        fixed_sdram += self.N_BYTES_PER_INDEX * total_neurons
        return fixed_sdram

    def get_variable_sdram_usage(self, vertex_slice):
        fixed_sdram = 0
        per_timestep_sdram = 0
        for variable in self.__sampling_rates:
            rate = self.__sampling_rates[variable]
            fixed_sdram += self._get_fixed_sdram_usage(vertex_slice)
            if rate > 0:
                fixed_sdram += self.SARK_BLOCK_SIZE
                per_record = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record(
                    variable, vertex_slice)
                if rate == 1:
                    # Add size for one record as recording every timestep
                    per_timestep_sdram += per_record
                    # Get the average cost per timestep
                    average_per_timestep = per_record / rate
                    per_timestep_sdram += average_per_timestep
                    # Add the rest once to fixed for worst case
                    fixed_sdram += (per_record - average_per_timestep)
        return VariableSDRAM(fixed_sdram, per_timestep_sdram)

    def get_dtcm_usage_in_bytes(self, vertex_slice):
        # *_rate + n_neurons_recording_* + *_indexes
        usage = self.get_sdram_usage_in_bytes(vertex_slice)
        # *_count + *_increment
        usage += len(self.__sampling_rates) * self.N_BYTES_PER_POINTER * 2
        # out_spikes, *_values
        for variable in self.__sampling_rates:
            if variable == SPIKES:
                out_spike_words = int(math.ceil(vertex_slice.n_atoms / 32.0))
                out_spike_bytes = out_spike_words * self.N_BYTES_PER_WORD
                usage += self.N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP + out_spike_bytes
                usage += (self.N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP +
                          vertex_slice.n_atoms * self.N_BYTES_PER_VALUE)
        # *_size
        usage += len(self.__sampling_rates) * self.N_BYTES_PER_SIZE
        # n_recordings_outstanding
        usage += self.N_BYTES_PER_WORD * 4
        return usage

    def get_n_cpu_cycles(self, n_neurons):
        return n_neurons * self.N_CPU_CYCLES_PER_NEURON * \

    def get_data(self, vertex_slice):
        data = list()
        n_words_for_n_neurons = (vertex_slice.n_atoms + 3) // 4
        n_bytes_for_n_neurons = n_words_for_n_neurons * 4
        for variable in self.__sampling_rates:
            rate = self.__sampling_rates[variable]
            n_recording = self._count_recording_per_slice(
                variable, vertex_slice)
            data.append(numpy.array([rate, n_recording], dtype="uint32"))
            if rate == 0:
                data.append(numpy.zeros(n_words_for_n_neurons, dtype="uint32"))
            elif self.__indexes[variable] is None:
                indexes = self.__indexes[variable]
                local_index = 0
                local_indexes = list()
                for index in xrange(n_bytes_for_n_neurons):
                    if index + vertex_slice.lo_atom in indexes:
                        local_index += 1
                        # write to one beyond recording range
                    numpy.array(local_indexes, dtype="uint8").view("uint32"))
        return numpy.concatenate(data)

    def get_global_parameters(self, vertex_slice):
        params = []
        for variable in self.__sampling_rates:
        for variable in self.__sampling_rates:
            n_recording = self._count_recording_per_slice(
                variable, vertex_slice)
            params.append(NeuronParameter(n_recording, DataType.UINT8))
        return params

    def get_index_parameters(self, vertex_slice):
        params = []
        for variable in self.__sampling_rates:
            if self.__sampling_rates[variable] <= 0:
                local_indexes = 0
            elif self.__indexes[variable] is None:
                local_indexes = IndexIsValue()
                local_indexes = []
                n_recording = sum(
                    vertex_slice.lo_atom <= index <= vertex_slice.hi_atom
                    for index in self.__indexes[variable])
                indexes = self.__indexes[variable]
                local_index = 0
                for index in xrange(vertex_slice.lo_atom,
                                    vertex_slice.hi_atom + 1):
                    if index in indexes:
                        local_index += 1
                        # write to one beyond recording range
            params.append(NeuronParameter(local_indexes, DataType.UINT8))
        return params

    def _indexes(self):  # for testing only
        return _ReadOnlyDict(self.__indexes)
Exemple #10
class TorConfig(object):
    """This class abstracts out Tor's config, and can be used both to
    create torrc files from nothing and track live configuration of a Tor

    Also, it gives easy access to all the configuration options
    present. This is initialized at "bootstrap" time, providing
    attribute-based access thereafter. Note that after you set some
    number of items, you need to do a save() before these are sent to
    Tor (and then they will be done as one SETCONF).

    You may also use this class to construct a configuration from
    scratch (e.g. to give to :func:`txtorcon.launch_tor`). In this
    case, values are reflected right away. (If we're not bootstrapped
    to a Tor, this is the mode).

    Note that you do not need to call save() if you're just using
    TorConfig to create a .torrc file or for input to launch_tor().

    This class also listens for CONF_CHANGED events to update the
    cached data in the event other controllers (etc) changed it.

    There is a lot of magic attribute stuff going on in here (which
    might be a bad idea, overall) but the *intent* is that you can
    just set Tor options and it will all Just Work. For config items
    that take multiple values, set that to a list. For example::

        conf = TorConfig(...)
        conf.SOCKSPort = [9050, 1337]

    (Incoming objects, like lists, are intercepted and wrapped).

    FIXME: when is CONF_CHANGED introduced in Tor? Can we do anything
    like it for prior versions?


        - HiddenServiceOptions is special: GETCONF on it returns
          several (well, two) values. Besides adding the two keys 'by
          hand' do we need to do anything special? Can't we just depend
          on users doing 'conf.hiddenservicedir = foo' AND
          'conf.hiddenserviceport = bar' before a save() ?

        - once I determine a value is default, is there any way to
          actually get what this value is?

    def from_protocol(proto):
        This creates and returns a ready-to-go TorConfig instance from the
        given protocol, which should be an instance of
        cfg = TorConfig(control=proto)
        yield cfg.post_bootstrap

    def __init__(self, control=None):
        self.config = {}
        '''Current configuration, by keys.'''

        if control is None:
            self._protocol = None
            self.__dict__['_accept_all_'] = None

            self._protocol = ITorControlProtocol(control)

        self.unsaved = OrderedDict()
        '''Configuration that has been changed since last save().'''

        self.parsers = {}
        '''Instances of the parser classes, subclasses of TorConfigType'''

        self.list_parsers = set(['hiddenservices', 'ephemeralonionservices'])
        '''All the names (keys from .parsers) that are a List of something.'''

        # during bootstrapping we decide whether we support the
        # following features. A thing goes in here if TorConfig
        # behaves differently depending upon whether it shows up in
        # "GETINFO config/names"
        self._supports = dict(HiddenServiceDirGroupReadable=False)
        self._defaults = dict()

        self.post_bootstrap = defer.Deferred()
        if self.protocol:
            if self.protocol.post_bootstrap:


        self.__dict__['_setup_'] = None

    def socks_endpoint(self, reactor, port=None):
        Returns a TorSocksEndpoint configured to use an already-configured
        SOCKSPort from the Tor we're connected to. By default, this
        will be the very first SOCKSPort.

        :param port: a str, the first part of the SOCKSPort line (that
            is, a port like "9151" or a Unix socket config like
            "unix:/path". You may also specify a port as an int.

        If you need to use a particular port that may or may not
        already be configured, see the async method

        if len(self.SocksPort) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("No SOCKS ports configured")

        socks_config = None
        if port is None:
            socks_config = self.SocksPort[0]
            port = str(port)  # in case e.g. an int passed in
            if ' ' in port:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't specify options; use create_socks_endpoint instead")

            for idx, port_config in enumerate(self.SocksPort):
                # "SOCKSPort" is a gnarly beast that can have a bunch
                # of options appended, so we have to split off the
                # first thing which *should* be the port (or can be a
                # string like 'unix:')
                if port_config.split()[0] == port:
                    socks_config = port_config
        if socks_config is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "No SOCKSPort configured for port {}".format(port))

        return _endpoint_from_socksport_line(reactor, socks_config)

    def create_socks_endpoint(self, reactor, socks_config):
        Creates a new TorSocksEndpoint instance given a valid
        configuration line for ``SocksPort``; if this configuration
        isn't already in the underlying tor, we add it. Note that this
        method may call :meth:`` on this instance.

        Note that calling this with `socks_config=None` is equivalent
        to calling `.socks_endpoint` (which is not async).

        XXX socks_config should be .. i dunno, but there's f*****g
        options and craziness, e.g. default Tor Browser Bundle is:
        ['9150 IPv6Traffic PreferIPv6 KeepAliveIsolateSOCKSAuth',

        XXX maybe we should say "socks_port" as the 3rd arg, insist
        it's an int, and then allow/support all the other options
        (e.g. via kwargs)

        XXX we could avoid the "maybe call .save()" thing; worth it?
        (actually, no we can't or the Tor won't have it config'd)

        yield self.post_bootstrap

        if socks_config is None:
            if len(self.SocksPort) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "socks_port is None and Tor has no SocksPorts configured")
            socks_config = self.SocksPort[0]
            if not any([socks_config in port for port in self.SocksPort]):
                # need to configure Tor
                except TorProtocolError as e:
                    extra = ''
                    if socks_config.startswith('unix:'):
                        # XXX so why don't we check this for the
                        # caller, earlier on?
                        extra = '\nNote Tor has specific ownership/permissions ' +\
                                'requirements for unix sockets and parent dir.'
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "While configuring SOCKSPort to '{}', error from"
                        " Tor: {}{}".format(socks_config, e, extra))

        defer.returnValue(_endpoint_from_socksport_line(reactor, socks_config))

    # FIXME should re-name this to "tor_protocol" to be consistent
    # with other things? Or rename the other things?
    read-only access to TorControlProtocol. Call attach_protocol() to
    set it, which can only be done if we don't already have a

    def _get_protocol(self):
        return self.__dict__['_protocol']

    protocol = property(_get_protocol)
    tor_protocol = property(_get_protocol)

    def attach_protocol(self, proto):
        returns a Deferred that fires once we've set this object up to
        track the protocol. Fails if we already have a protocol.
        if self._protocol is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("Already have a protocol.")
        # make sure we have nothing in self.unsaved
        self.__dict__['_protocol'] = proto

        # FIXME some of this is duplicated from ctor
        del self.__dict__['_accept_all_']
        self.__dict__['post_bootstrap'] = defer.Deferred()
        if proto.post_bootstrap:
        return self.__dict__['post_bootstrap']

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        we override this so that we can provide direct attribute
        access to our config items, and move them into self.unsaved
        when they've been changed. hiddenservices have to be special
        unfortunately. the _setup_ thing is so that we can set up the
        attributes we need in the constructor without uusing __dict__
        all over the place.

        # appease flake8's hatred of lambda :/
        def has_setup_attr(o):
            return '_setup_' in o.__dict__

        def has_accept_all_attr(o):
            return '_accept_all_' in o.__dict__

        def is_hidden_services(s):
            return s.lower() == "hiddenservices"

        if has_setup_attr(self):
            name = self._find_real_name(name)
            if not has_accept_all_attr(self) and not is_hidden_services(name):
                value = self.parsers[name].validate(value, self, name)
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = _ListWrapper(
                    value, functools.partial(self.mark_unsaved, name))

            name = self._find_real_name(name)
            self.unsaved[name] = value

            super(TorConfig, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def _maybe_create_listwrapper(self, rn):
        if rn.lower() in self.list_parsers and rn not in self.config:
            self.config[rn] = _ListWrapper([],
                                               self.mark_unsaved, rn))

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        on purpose, we don't return self.unsaved if the key is in there
        because I want the config to represent the running Tor not
        ``things which might get into the running Tor if save() were
        to be called''
        rn = self._find_real_name(name)
        if '_accept_all_' in self.__dict__ and rn in self.unsaved:
            return self.unsaved[rn]
        v = self.config[rn]
        if v == DEFAULT_VALUE:
            v = self.__dict__['_defaults'].get(rn, DEFAULT_VALUE)
        return v

    def __contains__(self, item):
        if item in self.unsaved and '_accept_all_' in self.__dict__:
            return True
        return item in self.config

    def __iter__(self):
        FIXME needs proper iterator tests in test_torconfig too
        for x in self.config.__iter__():
            yield x
        for x in self.__dict__['unsaved'].__iter__():
            yield x

    def get_type(self, name):
        return the type of a config key.

        :param: name the key

        FIXME can we do something more-clever than this for client
        code to determine what sort of thing a key is?

        # XXX FIXME to do all the different types of hidden-services?
        if name.lower() == 'hiddenservices':
            return FilesystemOnionService
        return type(self.parsers[name])

    def _conf_changed(self, arg):
        internal callback. from control-spec:

        4.1.18. Configuration changed

          The syntax is:
             StartReplyLine *(MidReplyLine) EndReplyLine

             StartReplyLine = "650-CONF_CHANGED" CRLF
             MidReplyLine = "650-" KEYWORD ["=" VALUE] CRLF
             EndReplyLine = "650 OK"

          Tor configuration options have changed (such as via a SETCONF or
          RELOAD signal). KEYWORD and VALUE specify the configuration option
          that was changed.  Undefined configuration options contain only the

        conf = parse_keywords(arg, multiline_values=False)
        for (k, v) in conf.items():
            # v will be txtorcon.DEFAULT_VALUE already from
            # parse_keywords if it was unspecified
            real_name = self._find_real_name(k)
            if real_name in self.parsers:
                v = self.parsers[real_name].parse(v)
            self.config[real_name] = v

    def bootstrap(self, arg=None):
        This only takes args so it can be used as a callback. Don't
        pass an arg, it is ignored.
            d = self.protocol.add_event_listener('CONF_CHANGED',
        except RuntimeError:
            # for Tor versions which don't understand CONF_CHANGED
            # there's nothing we can really do.
                "Can't listen for CONF_CHANGED event; won't stay up-to-date "
                "with other clients.")
            d = defer.succeed(None)
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.protocol.get_info_raw("config/names"))

    def do_post_errback(self, f):
        return None

    def do_post_bootstrap(self, arg):
        if not self.post_bootstrap.called:
        return self

    def needs_save(self):
        return len(self.unsaved) > 0

    def mark_unsaved(self, name):
        name = self._find_real_name(name)
        if name in self.config and name not in self.unsaved:
            self.unsaved[name] = self.config[self._find_real_name(name)]

    def save(self):
        Save any outstanding items. This returns a Deferred which will
        errback if Tor was unhappy with anything, or callback with
        this TorConfig object on success.

        if not self.needs_save():
            return defer.succeed(self)

        args = []
        directories = []
        for (key, value) in self.unsaved.items():
            if key == 'HiddenServices':
                self.config['HiddenServices'] = value
                # using a list here because at least one unit-test
                # cares about order -- and conceivably order *could*
                # matter here, to Tor...
                services = list()
                # authenticated services get flattened into the HiddenServices list...
                for hs in value:
                    if IOnionClient.providedBy(hs):
                        parent = IOnionClient(hs).parent
                        if parent not in services:
                    elif isinstance(
                        (EphemeralOnionService, EphemeralHiddenService)):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Only filesystem based Onion services may be added"
                            " via TorConfig.hiddenservices; ephemeral services"
                            " must be created with 'create_onion_service'.")
                        if hs not in services:

                for hs in services:
                    for (k, v) in hs.config_attributes():
                        if k == 'HiddenServiceDir':
                            if v not in directories:
                                raise RuntimeError(
                                    "Trying to add hidden service with same HiddenServiceDir: %s"
                                    % v)

            if isinstance(value, list):
                for x in value:
                    # FIXME XXX
                    if x is not DEFAULT_VALUE:


            # FIXME in future we should wait for CONF_CHANGED and
            # update then, right?
            real_name = self._find_real_name(key)
            if not isinstance(value, list) and real_name in self.parsers:
                value = self.parsers[real_name].parse(value)
            self.config[real_name] = value

        # FIXME might want to re-think this, but currently there's no
        # way to put things into a config and get them out again
        # nicely...unless you just don't assign a protocol
        if self.protocol:
            d = self.protocol.set_conf(*args)
            return d

            return defer.succeed(self)

    def _save_completed(self, *args):
        '''internal callback'''
        self.__dict__['unsaved'] = {}
        return self

    def _find_real_name(self, name):
        keys = list(self.__dict__['parsers'].keys()) + list(
        for x in keys:
            if x.lower() == name.lower():
                return x
        return name

    def _get_defaults(self):
            defaults_raw = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw("config/defaults")
            defaults = {}
            for line in defaults_raw.split('\n')[1:]:
                k, v = line.split(' ', 1)
                if k in defaults:
                    if isinstance(defaults[k], list):
                        defaults[k] = [defaults[k], v]
                    defaults[k] = v
        except TorProtocolError:
            # must be a version of Tor without config/defaults
            defaults = dict()

    def _do_setup(self, data):
        defaults = self.__dict__['_defaults'] = yield self._get_defaults()

        for line in data.split('\n'):
            if line == "config/names=":

            (name, value) = line.split()
            if name in self._supports:
                self._supports[name] = True

            if name == 'HiddenServiceOptions':
                # set up the "special-case" hidden service stuff
                servicelines = yield self.protocol.get_conf_raw(

            # there's a whole bunch of FooPortLines (where "Foo" is
            # "Socks", "Control", etc) and some have defaults, some
            # don't but they all have FooPortLines, FooPort, and
            # __FooPort definitions so we only "do stuff" for the
            # "FooPortLines"
            if name.endswith('PortLines'):
                rn = self._find_real_name(name[:-5])
                self.parsers[rn] = String()  # not Port() because options etc
                v = yield self.protocol.get_conf(name[:-5])
                v = v[name[:-5]]

                initial = []
                if v == DEFAULT_VALUE or v == 'auto':
                        initial = defaults[name[:-5]]
                    except KeyError:
                        default_key = '__{}'.format(name[:-5])
                        default = yield self.protocol.get_conf_single(
                        if not default:
                            initial = []
                            initial = [default]
                    initial = [self.parsers[rn].parse(v)]
                self.config[rn] = _ListWrapper(
                    initial, functools.partial(self.mark_unsaved, rn))

            # XXX for Virtual check that it's one of the *Ports things
            # (because if not it should be an error)
            if value in ('Dependant', 'Dependent', 'Virtual'):

            # there's a thing called "Boolean+Auto" which is -1 for
            # auto, 0 for false and 1 for true. could be nicer if it
            # was called AutoBoolean or something, but...
            value = value.replace('+', '_')

            inst = None
            # FIXME: put parser classes in dict instead?
            for cls in config_types:
                if cls.__name__ == value:
                    inst = cls()
            if not inst:
                raise RuntimeError("Don't have a parser for: " + value)
            v = yield self.protocol.get_conf(name)
            v = v[name]

            rn = self._find_real_name(name)
            self.parsers[rn] = inst
            if is_list_config_type(inst.__class__):
                parsed = self.parsers[rn].parse(v)
                if parsed == [DEFAULT_VALUE]:
                    parsed = defaults.get(rn, [])
                self.config[rn] = _ListWrapper(
                    parsed, functools.partial(self.mark_unsaved, rn))

                if v == '' or v == DEFAULT_VALUE:
                    parsed = self.parsers[rn].parse(
                        defaults.get(rn, DEFAULT_VALUE))
                    parsed = self.parsers[rn].parse(v)
                self.config[rn] = parsed

        # get any ephemeral services we own, or detached services.
        # these are *not* _ListWrappers because we don't care if they
        # change, nothing in Tor's config exists for these (probably
        # begging the question: why are we putting them in here at all
        # then...?)
            ephemeral = yield self.protocol.get_info('onions/current')
        except Exception:
            self.config['EphemeralOnionServices'] = []
            onions = []
            for line in ephemeral['onions/current'].split('\n'):
                onion = line.strip()
                if onion:
                            ports=[],  # no way to discover ports=
                            private_key=DISCARD,  # we don't know it, anyway
            self.config['EphemeralOnionServices'] = onions

            detached = yield self.protocol.get_info('onions/detached')
        except Exception:
            self.config['DetachedOnionServices'] = []
            onions = []
            for line in detached['onions/detached'].split('\n'):
                onion = line.strip()
                if onion:
                            ports=[],  # no way to discover original ports=
            self.config['DetachedOnionServices'] = onions

    def _setup_hidden_services(self, servicelines):
        def maybe_add_hidden_service():
            if directory is not None:
                if directory not in directories:
                    if not auth:
                        service = FilesystemOnionService(
                            self, directory, ports, ver, group_read)
                        auth_type, clients = auth.split(' ', 1)
                        clients = clients.split(',')
                        if auth_type == 'basic':
                            auth0 = AuthBasic(clients)
                        elif auth_type == 'stealth':
                            auth0 = AuthStealth(clients)
                            raise ValueError(
                                "Unknown auth type '{}'".format(auth_type))
                        parent_service = FilesystemAuthenticatedOnionService(
                            self, directory, ports, auth0, ver, group_read)
                        for client_name in parent_service.client_names():
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Trying to add hidden service with same HiddenServiceDir: %s"
                        % directory)

        hs = []
        directory = None
        directories = []
        ports = []
        ver = None
        group_read = None
        auth = None
        for line in servicelines.split('\n'):
            if not len(line.strip()):

            if line == 'HiddenServiceOptions':
            k, v = line.split('=')
            if k == 'HiddenServiceDir':
                directory = v
                _directory = directory
                directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
                if directory != _directory:
                        "Directory path: %s changed to absolute path: %s" %
                        (_directory, directory), RuntimeWarning)
                ports = []
                ver = None
                auth = None
                group_read = 0

            elif k == 'HiddenServicePort':

            elif k == 'HiddenServiceVersion':
                ver = int(v)

            elif k == 'HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient':
                if auth is not None:
                    # definitely error, or keep going?
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Multiple HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient lines for one service"
                auth = v

            elif k == 'HiddenServiceDirGroupReadable':
                group_read = int(v)

                raise RuntimeError("Can't parse HiddenServiceOptions: " + k)


        name = 'HiddenServices'
        self.config[name] = _ListWrapper(
            hs, functools.partial(self.mark_unsaved, name))

    def config_args(self):
        Returns an iterator of 2-tuples (config_name, value), one for each
        configuration option in this config. This is more-or-less an
        internal method, but see, e.g., launch_tor()'s implementation
        if you think you need to use this for something.

        See :meth:`txtorcon.TorConfig.create_torrc` which returns a
        string which is also a valid ``torrc`` file

        everything = dict()

        for (k, v) in list(everything.items()):
            if type(v) is _ListWrapper:
                if k.lower() == 'hiddenservices':
                    for x in v:
                        for (kk, vv) in x.config_attributes():
                            yield (str(kk), str(vv))

                    # FIXME actually, is this right? don't we want ALL
                    # the values in one string?!
                    for x in v:
                        yield (str(k), str(x))

                yield (str(k), str(v))

    def create_torrc(self):
        rtn = StringIO()

        for (k, v) in self.config_args():
            rtn.write(u'%s %s\n' % (k, v))

        return rtn.getvalue()