def detect_anagrams(anagram, clist):
	flist = []
	anaCount = cnt(anagram.lower())
	for word in clist:
		p = cnt(word.lower())
		if (p - anaCount) == cnt("") and (anaCount - p) == cnt("") and anagram.lower() != word.lower():
	return flist
Exemple #2
 def dfs(use, i):
     return (
         and i < len(w)
         and max(
             dfs(use, i + 1),
             not cnt(w[i]) - use
             and sum(s[ord(c) - ord("a")] for c in w[i])
             + dfs(use - cnt(w[i]), i + 1),
Exemple #3
 def convert_to_list(self, ID):
     ID가 dict면 list로 바꾸고, 아니면 그대로 반환하는 함수
     :param ID: dict or list
     :return: list
     if type(ID) == dict:
         if ID == self.area_ID:  # 나라 기준 rel
             rli = []
             for I in ID:
                 if type(ID[I]) == list:
             ID = rli
         elif ID == self.nati_ID:  # 지역 기준 rel
             rli = []
             for I in ID:
                 if type(ID[I]) == list:
             ID = list(dict(cnt(rli)).keys())
     return ID
def pbl_height_from_profiles(t, tv, p, rh, z, z0=0., z1=4000.0):

    # user defined height limit (default = 4000.)...
    ind_lim = np.logical_and(z >= z0, z <= z1)

    # using variables just below zlim:
    zlevls = z[ind_lim]
    pressn = p[ind_lim]
    thetad = t[ind_lim]
    thetav = tv[ind_lim]
    relhum = rh[ind_lim]

    tempsn = calc_t(thetad, pressn)

    # Calculate Specific humidity :
    wvapor = calc_w_from_t(thetad, thetav)
    evapor = calc_e_from_w(wvapor, pressn)
    qvapor = calc_q_from_w(wvapor)

    # Calculate refractivity:
    nrefrc = calc_refr(pressn, tempsn, evapor)

    # Store gradients:
    # dq_dz: vertical gradient of (Qv) specific humidity,
    # dh_dz: vertical gradient of (Hr) relative humidity,
    # dt_dz: vertical gradient of (Thetav) virtual potential temperature,
    # dn_dz: vertical gradient of (Nr) atmospheric refractivity.

    dt_dz = nl.calc_derv_ngrid(thetav, zlevls)
    dh_dz = nl.calc_derv_ngrid(relhum, zlevls)
    dq_dz = nl.calc_derv_ngrid(qvapor, zlevls)
    dn_dz = nl.calc_derv_ngrid(nrefrc, zlevls)

    # passing a low-pass filter:
    ips = 10
    dt_dz = nl.low_pass(dt_dz, ipass=ips)
    dh_dz = nl.low_pass(dh_dz, ipass=ips)
    dq_dz = nl.low_pass(dq_dz, ipass=ips)
    dn_dz = nl.low_pass(dn_dz, ipass=ips)

    # Taking the first (max-min) gradients values with length: sample
    sample = 20

    # Sorting gradients
    tp_h = zlevls[np.argsort(dt_dz)[:-sample - 1:-1]]
    rh_h = zlevls[np.argsort(dh_dz)[:sample]]
    qv_h = zlevls[np.argsort(dq_dz)[:sample]]
    nr_h = zlevls[np.argsort(dn_dz)[:sample]]
    heights = tp_h, rh_h, qv_h, nr_h

    pair = cnt(np.concatenate((heights), axis=0)).most_common()

    repv = pair[0][1]
    if repv < 3:
        raise Error_Message('Not found')
        return []
        return [pair[0][0]]
Exemple #5
def filter_dataset(df, drop_all_positives=True):
    usable = set([
        x[0] for x in cnt(df[['qid', 'label']].drop_duplicates()
                          ['qid'].values.tolist()).items() if x[1] > 1
    if drop_all_positives:
        return df[df.qid.isin(usable)]
        return df[df.qid.isin(usable) | df.label == True]
Exemple #6
    def flip_coin(self, n):
        outcomes = []

        for flip in range(n):
            flip = random.randint(0, 1)

        outcomes = cnt(outcomes)
        return print(
            f"Flipped the coin {n} times\nTails occured {outcomes['Tails']} times.\nHeads occured {outcomes['Heads']} times."
    def test_maxpt_min_num_areas_in_region_threshold(self):
        instance = self.map_instance
        from collections import Counter as cnt

        instance.dataOperation("CONSTANTS = 1")

        thresholds = [5, 8, 13, 21, 34]

        for threshold in thresholds:
            instance.cluster('maxpTabu', ['CONSTANTS'], threshold=threshold)
            region_size = cnt(instance.region2areas).values()
            self.assertTrue(all(item >= threshold for item in region_size))
    def test_maxpt_min_num_areas_in_region_threshold(self):
        instance = self.map_instance
        from collections import Counter as cnt

        instance.dataOperation("CONSTANTS = 1")

        thresholds = [5, 8, 13, 21, 34]

        for threshold in thresholds:
            instance.cluster('maxpTabu', ['CONSTANTS'], threshold=threshold)
            region_size = cnt(instance.region2areas).values()
            self.assertTrue(all(item >= threshold for item in region_size))
Exemple #9
    def maxScoreWords(self, w: List[str], l: List[str], s: List[int]) -> int:
        def dfs(use, i):
            return (
                and i < len(w)
                and max(
                    dfs(use, i + 1),
                    not cnt(w[i]) - use
                    and sum(s[ord(c) - ord("a")] for c in w[i])
                    + dfs(use - cnt(w[i]), i + 1),

        return int(dfs(cnt(l), 0))
Exemple #10
 def countCharacters(self, words: List[str], chars: str) -> int:
     return sum(not cnt(w) - cnt(chars) and len(w) for w in words)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 20 16:34:22 2017

@author: congdonguyen

import json
import nltk
import csv
from collections import Counter as cnt
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.corpus import words as wCorpus

#Initialize placeholder for data
stars1 = cnt()
stars2 = cnt()
stars3 = cnt()
stars4 = cnt()
stars5 = cnt()

#Store data in columns to write
col1 = []
col2 = []

#Open json file
with open('yelp_academic_dataset_review_small.json') as jsonData:
    jsonObject = json.load(jsonData)

#Load JSON
json_string = json.dumps(jsonObject)
def getWordCloud():
    top_headlines = ""
    wordString = ""
    top_headlines = newsapi.get_top_headlines(language='en',
    flag = False
    mydict = {}
    mylist = []
    for x in top_headlines:
        if (x == 'articles'):
            for y in top_headlines[x]:
                for z in y:
                    if (z == 'source'):
                        temp = {}
                        temp = y[z]
                        for x in temp:
                            if (temp[x] == '' or temp[x] == None
                                    or temp[x] == "null"):
                                flag = True
                    if z == 'urlToImage':
                        if y[z] != '' and y[z] != None and y[z] != "null":
                            imageUrl = y[z]
                            flag = True
                    if z == 'title':
                        if y[z] != '' and y[z] != None and y[z] != "null":
                            newsTitle = y[z]
                            flag = True
                    if z == 'description':
                        if y[z] != '' and y[z] != None and y[z] != "null":
                            newsD = y[z]
                            flag = True
                    if z == 'url':
                        if y[z] != '' and y[z] != None and y[z] != "null":
                            newsUrl = y[z]
                            flag = True
                    if z == 'author':
                        if y[z] == '' or y[z] == None or y[z] == "null":
                            flag = True
                    if z == 'publishedAt':
                        if y[z] == '' or y[z] == None or y[z] == "null":
                            flag = True
                if flag != True:
                    wordString += newsTitle
                    mydict = {
                        'Image': imageUrl,
                        'Title': newsTitle,
                        'Description': newsD,
                        'URL': newsUrl
                flag = False
    print("this is wordstring", wordString)
    alp = ""
    alp2 = ""
    for char in wordString:
        if char.isalnum() or char.isspace():
            alp += char
    for char in alp:
        if (not char.isdigit()):
            alp2 += char
    print("this is alp", alp2)
    splitList = alp2.split()
    Counter = cnt(splitList)
    most_occur = Counter.most_common(100)
    wordList = []
    for k, v in most_occur:
        # print(k)
    stopWordList = []
    newList = []

    file = open("stopwords_en.txt", "r")
    lines = file.readlines()
    for l in lines:

    print("stopWordList", stopWordList)
    for i in stopWordList:
        # print(i)
        x = i.capitalize()
        # print(x)
    print("stopWordList", newList)
    finalList = list(set(wordList) - set(newList))
    print("useful", finalList)
    return jsonify(finalList)
    # return jsonify(mylist)
Exemple #13
from json import load
from collections import Counter as cnt

with open("incidents.json", mode="r") as f:
    incidents = load(f)

tickets = incidents["tickets"]
c = cnt([x["src_ip"] for x in tickets])

to_check = input("Who to target?")
targeted = set()
for ticket in tickets:
    if ticket["src_ip"] == to_check:


file_hash_to_recs = {}
for ticket in tickets:
    if ticket["file_hash"] not in file_hash_to_recs:
        file_hash_to_recs[ticket["file_hash"]] = set()
print(sum(len(x) for x in file_hash_to_recs.values()) / len(file_hash_to_recs))
Exemple #14
def word_count(string):
    answer = cnt()
    for i in string.split():
        answer[i] += 1
    return answer
 def countCharacters2(self, words, chars):
     # 532ms
     return sum(not cnt(w) - cnt(chars) and len(w) for w in words)
 Aprendendo a manipular informações usando coleções do python

from collections import Counter as cnt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

texto = "Robson rodrigues de souza maria das dores rodrigues da silva roberta rodrigues de souza"

palavras = texto.split()
palavras = dict(cnt(palavras))

palavras_df = pd.DataFrame(palavras.items(),
                           columns=['Palavras', 'Quantidade'])
palavras_df = palavras_df.sort_values(by=["Quantidade"], ascending=False)
                          title="Palavraaaas mais escritas")

#x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
#y = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6]
#plt.plot(x, y)
Exemple #17
 def uniqueOccurrences(self, arr: List[int]) -> bool:
     c = cnt(arr)
     return len(c) == len(set(c.values()))
Exemple #18
# verilen string kendini tekrar eden harflerin kaç tane olduğunu yaz

from collections import Counter as cnt

s = sorted(input())

count = cnt(s).most_common()

count = sorted(count, key=lambda x: (x[1] * -1, x[0]))
for i in range(0, 3):
    print(count[i][0], count[i][1])
from string import ascii_letters as alp
from collections import Counter as cnt

d = {}

s = str(input())
for key, val in cnt(s).items():
    if val == 1:
        d[key] = val

for i in d:
    print(i, d[i])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Nov 24 12:38:29 2017

@author: sanga
#Importing the necessary packages
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta as td
from collections import Counter as cnt

#Start and end dates. Since the question mentioned 1990 and 2000, the beginning and end of
#the respective years have been taken.
start_date = datetime(1990, 1, 1)
end_date = datetime(2000, 12, 31)

#Using timedelta to add dates in the considered range of difference in end and start dates
days_diff = [
    start_date + td(i) for i in range((end_date - start_date).days + 1)

#Using strftime to convert the tuples to a dict
days_dict = dict(cnt(diff.strftime('%a') for diff in days_diff))

#Printing number of Thursdays from the dict
print("Number of Thursdays: " + str(days_dict['Thu']))
Exemple #20
 def uniqueOccurrences(self, arr: List[int]) -> bool:
     return all(v == 1 for v in cnt(cnt(arr).values()).values())
Exemple #21
linked_words = linking_words(p_words, all_articles, tokenizer)

# saving the dict'linked_words.npy', linked_words)
# Load
#read_dictionary = np.load('linked_words.npy').item()
linked_words = np.load('linked_words.npy').item()
#get the most common ones
# also dict to dataframe
# 'collections counter' library to be used
from collections import Counter as cnt
common_companions = {}
keys = list(linked_words.keys())
for key in keys:
    counted = cnt(linked_words[key])
    commons = counted.most_common(10)
    t = {}
    for k, v in commons:
        t[k] = v
    common_companions[key] = t

# to dataframe
commonCompanions = pd.DataFrame(common_companions)  # columns are primary words
# get rid of nans
commonCompanions = commonCompanions.fillna(0)
# columns to rows
commonCompanions = commonCompanions.transpose()
Exemple #22
 def oddCells(self, n: int, m: int, indices: List[List[int]]) -> int:
     row, col = cnt(r for r, c in indices), cnt(c for r, c in indices)
     return sum((row[i] + col[j]) % 2 for i in range(n) for j in range(m))
Exemple #23
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter as cnt

tweets = ['a x',  'a c',  'b y']
tweetscores = [1., 3., 2.]
words = ['a', 'b', 'c']
repeats = [2, 1, 1]

wordscores = np.zeros(len(words))
for i in range(len(words)):
    for j in range(len(tweets)):
        intersect = set(words[i]) & set(tweets[j].split())
        if intersect != set([]):
print wordscores


A = cnt({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3})
B = cnt({'b':3, 'c':4, 'd':5})
totals = A + B

X = cnt({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'c':5})
print X
Exemple #24
 def smallestCommonElement(self, mat: List[List[int]]) -> int:
     return min([k for k, v in cnt(chn(*mat)).items() if v == len(mat)]
                or [-1])