Exemple #1
def dilate(field, bonds):
	ngb = bonds2ngbs_list(bonds, field.shape[0])
	dil = np.zeros_like(field)
	for p,n in enumerate(ngb):
		a = field[n]
		dil[p] = a[np.absolute(a).argmax(axis=0), range(a.shape[1])]
	return dil
Exemple #2
 def neighbouring_bonds(self, t, bonds_of_interest):
     """Returns the set of bonds that are neighbouring the bonds of interest at time t. Input and output are in terms of trajectories."""
     p2tr = self.p2tr(t)
     #load all the bonds at time t
     bonds = np.loadtxt(self.get_format_string(ext='bonds')%t, int)
     #construct neighbours for each particle
     ngb = bonds2ngbs_list(bonds, p2tr.shape[0])
     result = []
     for tra, trb in bonds_of_interest:
         for tr in [tra, trb]:
             a = self.trajs[tr][t - self.starts[tr]]
             for ngb_tr in p2tr[ngb[a]]: #iterate on neighbours
                 #exclude the bonds of interest
                 if ngb_tr in [tra, trb]: continue
                 result.append(sorted([tr, ngb_tr]))
     #convert into a nice array of bonds
     return np.array(result).reshape([len(result), 2]).astype(int)
Exemple #3
def average(field, bonds):
	ngb = bonds2ngbs_list(bonds, field.shape[0])
	av = np.zeros_like(field)
	for p,n in enumerate(ngb):
		av[p] = (field[p]+field[n].mean(axis=0))/2
	return av