Exemple #1
def test_abstract_agent():

    agent = standard.make_agent("div", lib.Div, ['a', 'b'], 'out', 'error')

    # Correct execution
    results = xgate(standard.abstract_agent,
                    dict(gate = agent, select = [10, 2], in_command = "get"),
                    ['out', 'error'])
    assert results['out'] == 5.0
    assert results['error'] == VOID

    # Error in the gate
    results = xgate(standard.abstract_agent,
                    dict(gate = agent, select = [10, 0], in_command = "get"),
                    ['out', 'error'])
    assert results['out'] == VOID
    assert isinstance(results['error'], ZeroDivisionError)

    # Wrong number of arguments
    results = xgate(standard.abstract_agent,
                    dict(gate = agent, select = [10, 20, 30], in_command = "get"),
                    ['out', 'error'])
    assert results['out'] == VOID
    assert isinstance(results['error'], MPVMException['explode/wrong_input_length'])

    # Wrong command
    results = xgate(standard.abstract_agent,
                    dict(gate = agent, select = [10, 20], in_command = ["set", 13]),
                    ['out', 'error'])
    assert results['out'] == VOID
    assert isinstance(results['error'], MPVMException['standard/unknown_command'])
Exemple #2
def test_environment():

    env = standard.Environment({"hello": "world"})

    # Correct execution
    results = xgate(env,
                    dict(select = "hello", in_command = "get"),
                    ['out', 'error'])
    assert results['out'] == "world"
    assert results['error'] == VOID

    # Key not there
    results = xgate(env,
                    dict(select = "not_there", in_command = "get"),
                    ['out', 'error'])
    assert results['out'] == VOID
    assert isinstance(results['error'], MPVMException['environment/not_found'])

    # Setting a key
    results = xgate(env,
                    dict(select = "not_there", in_command = ("set", 14)),
                    ['out', 'error'])
    assert results['out'] == 14
    assert results['error'] == VOID

    # Bogus command
    results = xgate(env,
                    dict(select = "hello", in_command = 'bogus'),
                    ['out', 'error'])
    assert results['out'] == VOID
    assert isinstance(results['error'], MPVMException['environment/unknown_command'])
Exemple #3
def test_ifthenelse():

    ma = []
    mb = []

    # out = if cond then a else b
    F1 = CircuitSpec("F1",
                 ['cond', 'a', 'b', 'out'],
                 dict(iff = lib.IfThenElse,
                      tracea = TracerGate(ma),
                      traceb = TracerGate(mb)),
                 [('cond', 'iff.cond'),
                  ('a', 'tracea.x'),
                  ('b', 'traceb.x'),
                  ('tracea.out', 'iff.iftrue'),
                  ('traceb.out', 'iff.iffalse'),
                  ('iff.out', 'out')])

    # We verify the laziness of IfThenElse: TracerGate "marks" its
    # input into the list it is given, so we can check if it was
    # called or not.

    results = xgate(F1, dict(cond = 0, a = 33, b = 44), ['out'])
    assert results['out'] == 44
    assert ma == []
    assert mb == [44] # only the else branch should be evaluated

    results = xgate(F1, dict(cond = 1, a = 55, b = 66), ['out'])
    assert results['out'] == 55
    assert ma == [55] # only the true branch should be evaluated
    assert mb == [44]
Exemple #4
def test_div_by_zero():
    results = xgate(lib.Div, dict(a = 10,
                                  b = 0),
                    ['out', 'error'])

    assert results['out'] == VOID
    assert type(results['error']) == ZeroDivisionError
Exemple #5
def test_long_circuit():

    m = []

    F = CircuitSpec("F",
                    ['a', 'out'],
                    dict(op1 = TracerGate(m),
                         op2 = TracerGate(m),
                         op3 = TracerGate(m),
                         op4 = TracerGate(m),
                         op5 = TracerGate(m),
                         op6 = TracerGate(m),
                         op7 = TracerGate(m),
                         op8 = TracerGate(m)),
                    [('a', 'op1.x'),
                     ('op1.out', 'op2.x'),
                     ('op2.out', 'op3.x'),
                     ('op3.out', 'op4.x'),
                     ('op4.out', 'op5.x'),
                     ('op5.out', 'op6.x'),
                     ('op6.out', 'op7.x'),
                     ('op7.out', 'op8.x'),
                     ('op8.out', 'out')])

    results = xgate(F, dict(a = 100),
    assert results['out'] == 100
    assert m == [100]*8
Exemple #6
def test_standard_circuit():
    # Test a simple network of agents, using Join to create lists of
    # arguments.

    adder = standard.make_agent("add", lib.Add, ['a', 'b'], 'out', 'error')

    # out = (a + b) + c
    F = CircuitSpec("F",
                ['a', 'b', 'c', 'out'],
                dict(add1 = adder,
                     add2 = adder,
                     join1 = lib.Join(2),
                     join2 = lib.Join(2),
                     ctget2 = lib.Constant("get"),
                     ctget1 = lib.Constant("get")),
                [('a', 'join1.i0'),
                 ('b', 'join1.i1'),
                 ('join1.out', 'add1.select'),
                 ('ctget1.out', 'add1.in_command'),
                 ('add1.out', 'join2.i0'),
                 ('c', 'join2.i1'),
                 ('join2.out', 'add2.select'),
                 ('ctget2.out', 'add2.in_command'),
                 ('add2.out', 'out')])

    results = xgate(F, dict(a = 10, b = 83, c = 7),
    assert results['out'] == 100.0
Exemple #7
def test_join():
    for n in range(2, 10):
        gate = lib.Join(n)
        args = {'i{i}'.format(i = i): i for i in range(n)}
        results = xgate(gate, args, ['out', 'error'])
        assert results['out'] == list(range(n))
        assert results['error'] is VOID
Exemple #8
def test_circuit1():

    # out = (a + b) + c
    F1 = CircuitSpec("F1",
                 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'out'],
                 dict(op1 = lib.Add,
                      op2 = lib.Add),
                 [('a', 'op1.a'),
                  ('b', 'op1.b'),
                  ('op1.out', 'op2.a'),
                  ('c', 'op2.b'),
                  ('op2.out', 'out')])

    # Equivalent circuit:
    F2 = CircuitSpec("F2",
                 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'out'],
                 dict(op1 = lib.Add,
                      op2 = lib.Add),
                 # Connections that were (x, y) in the circuit above
                 # are (y, x) here. This should make no difference at
                 # all to its execution.
                 [('op1.a', 'a'),
                  ('op1.b', 'b'),
                  ('op2.a', 'op1.out'),
                  ('op2.b', 'c'),
                  ('out', 'op2.out')])

    for F in F1, F2:

        results = xgate(F, dict(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3),
        assert results['out'] == 6.0

            results = xgate(F, dict(a = 1, b = 2, out = 3),
        except MPVMException["network/bad_out_req"]:
Exemple #9
def test_constant_circuit():
    F = CircuitSpec("F",
                dict(a = lib.Constant(1),
                     b = lib.Constant(2),
                     c = lib.Constant(3),
                     op1 = lib.Add,
                     op2 = lib.Add),
                [('a.out', 'op1.a'),
                 ('b.out', 'op1.b'), # error here: a is connected to both op1.a and op1.b
                 ('op1.out', 'op2.a'),
                 ('c.out', 'op2.b'),
                 ('op2.out', 'out')])

    results = xgate(F, {}, ['out'])
    assert results['out'] == 6.0
Exemple #10
def test_sequence():

    m = []

    # We randomize the order (basically, input[i] -> seq.input[order[i]])
    order = list(range(5))

    # out = trace(a), trace(b), trace(c), trace(d), trace(e)
    # in that order
    F1 = CircuitSpec("F1",
                 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'out'],
                 dict(seq = lib.Sequence(5),
                      tracea = TracerGate(m),
                      traceb = TracerGate(m),
                      tracec = TracerGate(m),
                      traced = TracerGate(m),
                      tracee = TracerGate(m)
                 [('a', 'tracea.x'),
                  ('b', 'traceb.x'),
                  ('c', 'tracec.x'),
                  ('d', 'traced.x'),
                  ('e', 'tracee.x'),
                  ('tracea.out', 'seq.i{x}'.format(x = order[0])),
                  ('traceb.out', 'seq.i{x}'.format(x = order[1])),
                  ('tracec.out', 'seq.i{x}'.format(x = order[2])),
                  ('traced.out', 'seq.i{x}'.format(x = order[3])),
                  ('tracee.out', 'seq.i{x}'.format(x = order[4])),
                  ('seq.out', 'out')])

    # We verify that the tracers were executed in the right order

    results = xgate(F1, dict(a = 11, b = 22, c = 33, d = 44, e = 55), ['out'])
    expected_order = [(order.index(i) + 1) * 11 for i in range(5)]

    print('order:   ', order)
    print('results: ', results)
    print('m:       ', m)
    print('expected:', expected_order)

    assert results['out'] == expected_order[-1]
    assert m == expected_order
Exemple #11
def test_function_gates():

    for gate, function in {
        lib.Add: (lambda a, b: a + b),
        lib.Sub: (lambda a, b: a - b),
        lib.Mul: (lambda a, b: a * b),
        lib.Div: (lambda a, b: a / b),

        a = random.uniform(-100, 100)
        b = random.uniform(-100, 100)
        results = xgate(gate, dict(a = a, b = b),
                        ['out', 'error'])

        r = function(a, b)

        assert results['out'] == r
        assert results['error'] is VOID
Exemple #12
def test_constant():
    results = xgate(lib.Constant(123), {}, ['out'])
    assert results['out'] == 123