Exemple #1
    def detail_xml(self):
        ''' to create a detailed xml based on a single palette, creating an
        analysis of each color '''

        if 'palettes' in self._data: return None

        output = _xml_signature
        output += _xml_detailed_style

        output += _xml_header.format( name=self.name(), url=self.url() )

        # First the palette itself:
        output += _xml_palette_header.format( name=self.name(), url=self.url() )
        output += Color.xml( None, self.get() )
        output += _xml_palette_trailer

        # Then for each color
        for i in range(self.count()):
            col = Color( self.get(i) )
            output += _xml_swatches_header.format( id = col.hexs() )
            output += col.xml('circle')
            output += col.xml('complement')
            output += col.xml('split')
            output += col.xml('triad')
            output += col.xml('tetrad')
            output += col.xml('blend')
            output += col.xml('tint', 10, 5)
            output += col.xml('shade', 10, 5)
            output += col.xml('saturate', 10, 5)
            output += col.xml('desaturate', 10, 5)
            output += _xml_swatches_trailer

        output += _xml_trailer

        return output
Exemple #2
def _main(argv):
    sourcefile = None
    palettenum = None
    color = None
    operation = None
    value = None
    times = None
    detailed = False

    # if no arguments given, print help
    if len(argv) == 0:

        # parse the parameters
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hs:n:c:o:v:t:d")
    except getopt.GetoptError as e:

    for opt, val in opts:
        if opt == "-h":

        elif opt in "-s":
            sourcefile = val

        elif opt == "-n":
            palettenum = int(val)

        elif opt == "-c":
            color = val

        elif opt == "-o":
            operation = val

        elif opt == "-v":
            # tetrad is the only one that accept a character as value
            if operation is not None and operation == "tetrad":
                value = val
            elif '.' in val:
                value = float(val)
                value = int(val)

        elif opt == "-t":
            times = int(val)

        elif opt == "-d":
            detailed = True

    # if source file is indicated
    if sourcefile is not None and sourcefile != "":
        # get and parse the data
        data = swatches()
        data.parse( sourcefile )
        output = None

        # if palette num given and is positive number
        if palettenum is not None and palettenum >= 0:
            # create detail view for the palette
            if detailed:
                output = data.get(palettenum).detail_xml()
            # create simple view for the palette
                output = data.get(palettenum).xml()
            output = data.xml()


    # if a single color was given
    elif color is not None:
        c = Color(color)
        output = None
        # in the case of a detail, create each transformation as a palette in
        # a simple view
        if detailed:
            output = _xml_signature
            output += _xml_simple_style
            output += _xml_header_nourl.format(name='Combinations of ' + c.hexs())
            output += c.xml('circle', detailed=True)
            output += c.xml('complement', detailed=True)
            output += c.xml('split', detailed=True)
            output += c.xml('triad', detailed=True)
            output += c.xml('tetrad', detailed=True)
            output += c.xml('blend', detailed=True)
            output += c.xml('tint', 10, 5, detailed=True)
            output += c.xml('shade', 10, 5, detailed=True)
            output += c.xml('saturate', 10, 5, detailed=True)
            output += c.xml('desaturate', 10, 5, detailed=True)
            output += _xml_trailer
        # if an operation was given
        elif operation is not None:
            if value is not None and times is not None:
                output = c.xml(operation, value, times)
            elif value is not None:
                output = c.xml(operation, value)
            elif times is not None:
                output = c.xml(operation, times=times)
                output = c.xml(operation)
            output = c.xml()
