def libs(): verb = input("Type in a verb: ") word_list.append(verb) noun = input("Type in a noun: ") word_list.append(noun) pronoun = input("Type in a pronoun: ") word_list.append(pronoun) adjective = input("Type in an adjective: ") word_list.append(adjective) print(red('verb:red')) print(green('noun:green')) print(blue('pronoun:blue')) print(yellow('adjective:yellow')) print("I {} some {} then I've seen {}. I didn't realize it's {}".format( red(verb), green(noun), blue(pronoun), yellow(adjective))) inputs = input('Enter R to show results: ') if inputs == 'r' or inputs == 'R': for list_item in word_list: print(magenta(list_item))
def harvest_twitter(self, handle): """Function to lookup the provided handle on Twitter using Tweepy.""" if self.twit_api is None: print( yellow( "[*] Twitter API access is not setup, so skipping Twitter handle \ lookups.")) else: # Drop the lonely @ Harvester often includes and common false positives if handle == '@' or handle == '@-moz-keyframes' or \ handle == '@keyframes' or handle == '@media': print( yellow("[*] Skipping dead end Twitter handle, {}".format( handle))) else: try: print(green("[+] Looking up {} on Twitter".format(handle))) user_data = {} user = self.twit_api.get_user(handle.strip('@')) user_data['real_name'] = user_data['handle'] = user.screen_name user_data['location'] = user.location user_data['followers'] = user.followers_count user_data['user_description'] = user.description return user_data except Exception as error: print( red("[!] Error involving {} -- could be an invalid \ account.".format(handle))) print(red("L.. Details: {}".format(error)))
def sms(): os.system("clear") red() print(banner) purple() print(" | 1 -->> Download Tool") print(" | 2 -->> Execute Tool") print(" | 3 -->> Exit") option = input(" +-> ") if option == "1": print("Downloading...") yellow() os.system("git clone") red() print("Downloaded!") time.sleep(2) while True: sms() if option == "2": os.system("mv SETSMS/* .") os.system("chmod 777") os.system("bash") if option == "3": start_menu()
def print_data_statistics(data_loader, set_type): print( colors.yellow('{} images = {:,}'.format( set_type, len(data_loader.dataset.image_ids)))) print( colors.yellow('{} annotations = {:,}'.format( set_type, len(data_loader.dataset.coco.anns))))
def session_parameters(tor=False,user_agent='',verbose=False,proxy=''): requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) if proxy is not '' and tor: print colors.yellow('\b[**] ')+"Debe elegir solo una de las opciones, proxy o tor" sys.exit() if tor: p = commands.getoutput("ps -e|grep tor|wc -l") if '1' in p: os.system("sudo service tor restart") elif '0' in p: os.system("sudo service tor start") print'\b[*] ')+"Utilizando tor..." s = requesocks.Session() s.proxies = {'http': 'socks5://','https': 'socks5://'} if user_agent is not '': s.headers = {'User-agent':user_agent[:-1]} allow_redirects=False print'[*] ')+" Se asigno la IP: "+s.get('').text+"\n" if verbose else '', s.verify=False return s if proxy is not '': s = requests.Session() s.proxies = s.proxies = {'http': proxy, 'https': proxy} if user_agent is not '': s.headers = {'User-agent':user_agent[:-1]} allow_redirects=False print'[*] ')+" Se esta utilizando la IP: "+s.get('').text+"\n" if verbose else '', s.verify=False return s else: s = requests.Session() if user_agent is not '': s.headers = {'User-agent':user_agent[:-1]} s.verify=False return s
def print_request(self, req, req_body): req_header_text = "%s %s %s\n%s" % (req.command, req.path, req.request_version, req.headers) print(yellow(req_header_text)) if req_body is not '': req_body_text = '' content_type = req.headers.get('Content-Type', '') if content_type.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'): req_body_text = req_body.decode('utf-8') elif content_type.startswith('application/json'): try: json_obj = json.loads(req_body.decode()) json_str = json.dumps(json_obj, indent=2) if json_str.count('\n') < 50: req_body_text = json_str else: lines = json_str.splitlines() req_body_text = "%s\n(%d lines)" % ('\n'.join( lines[:50]), len(lines)) except ValueError: try: req_body_text = req_body.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: print('can not decode the body request') req_body_text = req_body elif len(req_body) < 1024: req_body_text = req_body.decode() if req_body_text: print(yellow(req_body_text))
def eviltrust(): os.system("clear") red() print(banner) purple() print(" | 1 -->> Download Tool") print(" | 2 -->> Execute Tool") print(" | 3 -->> Exit") option = input(" +-> ") if option == "1": print("Downloading...") yellow() os.system("git clone") red() print("Downloaded!") time.sleep(2) while True: eviltrust() if option == "2": os.system("mv evilTrust/* .") os.system("clear") os.system("sudo bash -m terminal") if option == "3": start_menu()
def print_leaderbord(members, mode='star'): print ' '.ljust(28)+' '.join(i for i in map(str, xrange(1, 10)))+' '+' '.join(i for i in map(str, xrange(10, 26))) + ' Total Diff G' + '\n'+'-'*120 leaderboard_rank = sorted(members.itervalues( ), key=lambda y: y['local_score'], reverse=True) for j, member in enumerate(leaderboard_rank): if j == 0: top = member['local_score'] if member['stars']: name = member['name'] if member['name'] else 'Anonymous' print str(j+1).ljust(2, ' ') + ' ' + name.ljust(24, ' '), for day in map(str, xrange(1, 26)): if day in member['completion_day_level']: if mode == 'star': if len(member['completion_day_level'][day].keys()) == 1: print blue('~ ', bg='black'), elif len(member['completion_day_level'][day].keys()) == 2: print yellow('* ', bg='black'), elif mode == 'pos': pos = position_in_leaderboard( leaderboard_rank, member['id'], day) if pos: if pos == '1': print yellow(pos.ljust(2, ' ')), elif pos in ['2', '3']: print blue(pos.ljust(2, ' '), bg='black'), else: print pos.ljust(2, ' '), else: print ' ', print str(member['local_score']).ljust(6, ' '), print str(top-member['local_score']).ljust(6, ' '), print member['global_score']
def phishing(): os.system("clear") red() print(banner) purple() print(" | 1 -->> Download Tool") print(" | 2 -->> Execute tool") print(" | 3 -->> Exit") x = input(" ↳ ") print("") if x == "1": yellow() os.system("git clone") print("") red() print("Downloaded!!") time.sleep(1) while True: phishing() if x == "2": print("") os.system("mv zphisher/* .") os.system("mv zphisher/.sites .") os.system("bash") if x == "3": start_menu()
def getMessages(self): messages = None try: messages =, timeout=1) except: return [] result = [] lastId = self.lastMsgId for msg in messages: lastId = max(lastId, int(msg['update_id']) + 1) if 'message' not in msg: continue content = msg['message'] sender = content.get('from', {}).get('username', None) text = content.get('text', None) if text: text = text[:100] if sender and text: result.append((sender, text)) logPrint("%s sent telegram message: %s" % (colors.yellow(sender), colors.yellow(text))) if self.lastMsgId < lastId: self.lastMsgId = lastId with open(self.lastMsgFileName, 'w') as lastMsgFile: lastMsgFile.write(str(lastId)) return result
def ddos(): os.system("clear") red() print(banner) purple() print(" | 1 -->> Download Tool") print(" | 2 -->> Execute tool") print(" | 3 -->> Exit") x = input(" ↳ ") print("") if x == "1": yellow() print("") print("Downloading...") os.system( "curl -o" ) red() print("Downloaded!!") time.sleep(2) while True: ddos() if x == "2": print("") os.system("python3") if x == "3": start_menu()
def __init__(self): """Everything that should be initiated with a new object goes here.""" # Collect the API keys from the config file try: consumer_key = helpers.config_section_map("Twitter")["consumer_key"] consumer_key_secret = helpers.config_section_map("Twitter")["key_secret"] access_token = helpers.config_section_map("Twitter")["access_token"] access_token_secret = helpers.config_section_map("Twitter")["token_secret"] twit_auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_key_secret) twit_auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) self.twit_api = tweepy.API(twit_auth) except Exception: self.twit_api = None print(yellow("[!] Could not setup OAuth for Twitter API.")) try: self.emailhunter_api_key = helpers.config_section_map("EmailHunter")["api_key"] except Exception: self.emailhunter_api_key = "" print(yellow("[!] Could not fetch EmailHunter API key.")) try: self.contact_api_key = helpers.config_section_map("Full Contact")["api_key"] except Exception: self.contact_api_key = "" print(yellow("[!] Could not fetch Full Contact API key."))
def prepare_domains_list(domain_metrics_obj, domain=None): """Function to prepare the list of domains to be enumerated. If a domain is provided, it will check if BloodHound has data for that domain. If no domain is provided, it will create a list of all domains in BloodHound for which data is available. A list of known domains missing data is produced as well. """ if domain: all_domains = [domain] domain_check = domain_metrics_obj.get_all_domains() if not domain in domain_check: print(red("[X] No data is available for the specified domain!")) exit() else: all_domains = domain_metrics_obj.get_all_domains() all_domains_inc = domain_metrics_obj.get_all_domains(True) for domain in all_domains_inc: missing_data = [] if not domain in all_domains: missing_data.append(domain) if missing_data: print( yellow( "[!] The following domains were found in the dataset, but we don't have any \ data for them! Run BloodHound on these domains:")) for domain in missing_data: print(yellow("\t* %s" % domain)) return all_domains
def print_msg(code, msg): if code == -1: print red("[ERROR]\t" + msg) elif code == 1: print yellow("[WARNING]\t"+msg) else: print green("[INFO]\t" + msg)
def get_input(opt): while True: print("") background = input( yellow( "Input the Background Section (<= 100 words or leave empty):\n> " )) background = nltk.word_tokenize(background) if len(background) > 100: print(red("Too long, please keep it within 100 words.")) else: break while True: print("") findings = input( yellow("Input the Findings Section (<= 500 words):\n> ")) findings = nltk.word_tokenize(findings) if len(findings) > 500: print(red("Too long, please keep it within 500 words.")) elif len(findings) < 2: print(red("Too short.")) else: break print("") return background, findings
def locate(self, target): = target self.rawdata = pygeoip.GeoIP('GeoLiteCity.dat') try: = self.rawdata.record_by_addr( except: = self.rawdata.record_by_name( =['country_name'] self.longi =['longitude'] =['latitude'] self.mymap = pygmaps.maps(, self.longi, 12) self.mymap.addpoint(, self.longi, "Target is near this area") self.mymap.draw('./target_location.html') print yellow("[!] Target: ") + red(str( print yellow("[x] Target's country: ") + red(str( print yellow("[x] Longitude: ") + red(str(self.longi)) print yellow("[x] Latitude: ") + red(str( print yellow('[x] Map of the location >') + red( '"target_location.html"') while True: self.o_map = raw_input( "Try to open target_location.html map in browser(y/ n):\n>" ).lower() if self.o_map.startswith('y'): try: = 2"target_location.html", break except: print '[!]Could not open map in web browser. Open "geo_trace.html" -file manually' break elif self.o_map.startswith('n'): break
def regenerate(self, new_min_frequency): # change threshold - convenience method ig """ Regenerates the corpus with a non-default minimum word frequency :param new_min_frequency: the minimum number of times a word must appear in the corpus to be in the vocab """ if new_min_frequency < 1: raise ValueError("Word frequency threshold must be greater than 0")) print colors.yellow("regenerating vocab with required min frequency at %s...\n" % new_min_frequency) self.tokenizer.generate(self.handle, new_min_frequency)
def connectmysql(host1, user1, passwd1, db1): db = MySQLdb.connect(host=str(host1), user=str(user1), passwd=str(passwd1), db=str(db1)) cursor = db.cursor() print red(str(db)) print yellow(str(cursor)) return [db, cursor]
def __init__(self): """Everything that should be initiated with a new object goes here.""" # Collect the API keys from the config file try: consumer_key = helpers.config_section_map( "Twitter")["consumer_key"] consumer_key_secret = helpers.config_section_map( "Twitter")["key_secret"] access_token = helpers.config_section_map( "Twitter")["access_token"] access_token_secret = helpers.config_section_map( "Twitter")["token_secret"] twit_auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_key_secret) twit_auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) self.twit_api = tweepy.API(twit_auth) except Exception: self.twit_api = None print(yellow("[!] Could not setup OAuth for Twitter API.")) try: self.emailhunter_api_key = helpers.config_section_map( "EmailHunter")["api_key"] except Exception: self.emailhunter_api_key = "" print(yellow("[!] Could not fetch EmailHunter API key.")) try: self.contact_api_key = helpers.config_section_map( "Full Contact")["api_key"] except Exception: self.contact_api_key = "" print(yellow("[!] Could not fetch Full Contact API key.")) try: self.chrome_driver_path = helpers.config_section_map( "WebDriver")["driver_path"] # Try loading the driver as a test browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=self.chrome_driver_path) browser.close() print(green("[*] Chrome web driver test was successful!")) # Catch issues with the web driver or path except WebDriverException: self.chrome_driver_path = None print( yellow( "[!] There was a problem with the specified Chrome web driver in your \ keys.config! Please check it. For now ODIN will try to use PhantomJS for HaveIBeenPwned." )) # Catch issues loading the value from the config file except Exception: self.chrome_driver_path = None print( yellow( "[!] Could not load a Chrome webdriver for Selenium, so we will tryuse \ to use PantomJS for haveIBeenPwned."))
def __init__(self): """Everything that should be initiated with a new object goes here.""" # Collect the API keys from the config file try: shodan_api_key = helpers.config_section_map("Shodan")["api_key"] self.shoAPI = shodan.Shodan(shodan_api_key) except Exception: self.shoAPI = None print(yellow("[!] Did not find a Shodan API key.")) try: self.cymon_api_key = helpers.config_section_map("Cymon")["api_key"] self.cyAPI = Cymon(self.cymon_api_key) except Exception: self.cyAPI = Cymon() print( yellow( "[!] Did not find a Cymon API key, so proceeding without API auth." )) try: self.urlvoid_api_key = helpers.config_section_map( "URLVoid")["api_key"] except Exception: self.urlvoid_api_key = "" print(yellow("[!] Did not find a URLVoid API key.")) try: self.contact_api_key = helpers.config_section_map( "Full Contact")["api_key"] except Exception: self.contact_api_key = None print(yellow("[!] Did not find a Full Contact API key.")) try: censys_api_id = helpers.config_section_map("Censys")["api_id"] censys_api_secret = helpers.config_section_map( "Censys")["api_secret"] self.cenCertAPI = censys.certificates.CensysCertificates( api_id=censys_api_id, api_secret=censys_api_secret) self.cenAddAPI = censys.ipv4.CensysIPv4( api_id=censys_api_id, api_secret=censys_api_secret) except Exception: self.cenCertAPI = None self.cenAddAPI = None print(yellow("[!] Did not find a Censys API ID/secret.")) try: self.chrome_driver_path = helpers.config_section_map( "WebDriver")["driver_path"] except Exception: self.chrome_driver_path = None
def __init__(self, seeds): self.urlQueue=UrlQueue() if isinstance(seeds, str): self.urlQueue.addUnvisitedUrl(seeds) elif isinstance(seeds, list): for i in seeds: self.urlQueue.addUnvisitedUrl(i) print yellow("Add seeds {unvisitedUrl} site.".format( unvisitedUrl = \ str(self.urlQueue.unVisited).lstrip('[').rstrip(']')))
def check_ssl(target): """Get SSL certificate information for the target IP address or domain.""" # Return None because we can't navigate to a CIDR for SSL certificates if "/" in target: print( red("[!] Cannot get certicate information for a CIDR. \ Supply a single IP or domain and port.")) return None else: try: ip, port = target.split(":") except: ip = target port = 443 next try: print(yellow("Target:\t\t{}".format(ip))) print(yellow("Port:\t\t{}".format(port))) cert = ssl.get_server_certificate((ip, port)) except Exception as error: # If it can't connect, then return nothing/fail print(yellow("[!] Could not connect or no certificate was found.")) print(yellow("L.. Details: {}".format(error))) try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s) ssl_sock.connect((ip, port)) peerName = ssl_sock.getpeername() print(yellow("Peer Name:\t{}:{}".format(peerName[0], peerName[1]))) print(yellow("Ciphers:")) for c in ssl_sock.cipher(): print(yellow("\t\t{}".format(c))) print(yellow("Version:\t{}".format(ssl_sock.version()))) except Exception as error: print(red("[!] Viper failed to make an SSL wrapped socket!")) print(red("L.. Details: {}".format(error))) try: # Use OpenSSL to collect certificate information c = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert) subj = c.get_subject() comp = subj.get_components() print(yellow("\nCertificate Details:")) for i in comp: print( yellow("{}\t\t{}".format(i[0].decode('ascii'), i[1].decode('ascii')))) except Exception as error: # If OpenSSL fails to get information, return nothing/fail print(red("[!] Viper failed to get the certfication information!")) print(red("L.. Details: {}".format(error)))
def printChars(): print('{:^20}|{:^14s}|{:^14s}|{:^14s}|'.format(colors.yellow('TYPE'), colors.yellow('ATK'), colors.yellow('DEF'), colors.yellow('HP'))) for chrtype in dictChar.keys(): chrStats = dictChar[chrtype] print('{:^20}|{:^5d}|{:^5d}|{:^5d}|'.format( colors.cyan(chrtype), chrStats['atk'], chrStats['def'], chrStats['hp'])) print() crclass = str(input("So, What are you?")) return crclass
def download_source (url, dir): """ Download a source package from a URL: tarball o repository""" # Cache directory cachedir = os.path.join (config.CACHE_DIRECTORY, "packages") # Check the cache if url.startswith("svn://"): did_checkout = False cache_file = "SVN-" + url[6:].replace('/','_') + '.tar.gz' else: cache_file = filter (lambda x: ((".tar.gz" in x) or (".tar.bz2" in x) or (".zip" in x)), url.split('/'))[0] exe ("mkdir -p %s" % (cachedir)) cache_filepath = os.path.join (cachedir, cache_file) # Download if it doesn't already exist if not os.path.exists (cache_filepath): print ("%s: %s" %(colors.yellow("Cache miss"), url)) if url.startswith("svn://"): exe ("svn checkout %s %s" % (url, dir)) exe ("tar cfvz %s %s" % (cache_filepath, dir)) did_checkout = True elif url.startswith("http://") or url.startswith("ftp://"): exe ("wget -q -O '%s' '%s'" % (cache_filepath, url), else: assert False, "Don't know how to download %s" % (url) else: print ("%s: %s" %(colors.yellow("Cache hit"), cache_filepath)) # Uncompress if url.startswith("svn://"): if not did_checkout: exe ("tar xfvz '%s'" % (cache_filepath), elif ".bz2" in url: exe ("tar xfvj '%s'" % (cache_filepath), elif (".tar.gz" in url) or (".tgz" in url): exe ("tar xfvz '%s'" % (cache_filepath), elif ".zip" in url: exe ("unzip '%s'" % (cache_filepath), else: assert False, "Don't know how to uncompress %s" % (url) # Patching patches = os.path.join (os.path.dirname (__file__), "patches") pkg_path = os.path.join (patches, "%s.diff" % (cache_file)) if os.path.exists (pkg_path): exe ("patch -p0 < %s" % (pkg_path), colorer=colors.yellow)
def singledevicereadygroup(): ivpid = request.args.get('ivpid') ip = paserip(str(ivpid)) #print readyboards(str(ip) info = readyboards(str(ip), allencodergroup, alldecodergroup) k = info[0] all = k['Body'] boardsgroup = [i for i in all.keys() if 'status' not in i] encoder = [d for d in boardsgroup if all[str(d)] in allencodergroup] decoder = [d for d in boardsgroup if all[str(d)] in alldecodergroup] print encoder, decoder finalgroup = {'encoder': encoder, 'decoder': decoder} print yellow(str(finalgroup)) return json.dumps(finalgroup)
def group(self, domain): """ Generate statistics for Active Directory groups, such as average group membership. """ print( green("[+] Group Module Selected: Crunching group membership data...")) neo4j_driver = setup_database_conn() domain_metrics = domains.DomainData(neo4j_driver) group_metrics = groups.GroupMetrics(neo4j_driver) users_metrics = users.UserMetrics(neo4j_driver) if domain: all_domains = [domain] else: all_domains = domain_metrics.get_all_domains() for domain in all_domains: # We may get a 'None' domain if the label is missing in BloodHound if domain: print(green("[*] Domain: %s" % domain)) avg_membership_nonrecur = group_metrics.get_avg_group_membership( domain) avg_membership_recur = group_metrics.get_avg_group_membership( domain, True) admin_groups = group_metrics.find_admin_groups(domain) local_admin = group_metrics.find_local_admin_groups(domain) foreign_groups = group_metrics.find_foreign_group_membership( domain) print( green("L.. Average group membership:\t\t\t%s" % avg_membership_nonrecur)) print( green("L.. Average recursive group membership:\t\t%s" % avg_membership_recur)) print( green("L.. Nested groups increased membership by:\t%s" % float(avg_membership_recur - avg_membership_nonrecur))) print(green("L.. Admin groups:")) for group in admin_groups: print(yellow("\t%s" % group)) print(green("L.. Non-Admin groups with Local Admin:")) for group in local_admin: print(yellow("\t%s" % group)) print(green("L.. Groups with foregin group membership:")) for group, foreign_group in foreign_groups.items(): print(yellow("\t%s -> %s" % (group, foreign_group)))
def print_problem(n, members): time_str = r"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" print 'Problem', n.ljust(19), blue(' 1st Star', bg='black'), yellow(' 2nd Star', bg='black') + '\n' + '-'*51 start_time = dt.strptime(event+'-12-' + n.zfill(2) + 'T05:00:00', time_str) data = [] for member in members.itervalues(): if n in member['completion_day_level']: t1, t2 = timedelta(days=1000), timedelta(days=1000) if '1' in member['completion_day_level'][n]: t1 = dt.utcfromtimestamp( int(member['completion_day_level'][n]['1']['get_star_ts'])) - start_time if '2' in member['completion_day_level'][n]: t2 = dt.utcfromtimestamp( int(member['completion_day_level'][n]['2']['get_star_ts'])) - start_time data.append((member, t1, t2)) for j, (member, t1, t2) in enumerate(sorted(data, key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1]))): name = member['name'] if member['name'] else 'Anonymous' print str(j+1).ljust(2, ' ') + ' ' + name.ljust(24, ' '), if t1 != timedelta(days=1000): print ' ', str(t1).ljust(10, ' '), if t2 != timedelta(days=1000): print ' ', t2, print
def get_chest(): global triangle global square global healthp global chest comb = ['2', '4', '1', '3'] ans = [] print "The chest is locked and has four colored switches on it:\n" print green("[1GREEN]"), yellow("[2YELLOW]"), red("[3RED]"), blue("[4BLUE]\n") for nums in comb: press = raw_input('Which switch should %s press? ' % name) ans.append(press) if ans == comb: pause('+++') print "The chest suddenly pops open! There is a hexagon key and a triangle key...\n" choo = raw_input('Which one should %s take? ' % name) if choo in ('t', 'triangle', 'the triangle'): pause('...') print "%s takes the triangle shaped key and the chest snaps shut!\n" % name triangle = True chest = False elif choo in ('h', 'hexagon', 'the hexagon'): pause('...') print "%s takes the hexagon shaped key and the chest snaps shut!\n" % name square = True chest = False else: pause('...') print "The chest snaps shut!\n" get_chest() else: print "\nThe chest shocks %s!" % name health(-10) room2()
def print_table(table): # Print colorized counts for each status # Do not print if count is 0 headers = list() cells = list() global retval ths = table.find_all('th') tds = table.find_all('td') for th in ths: headers.append(th.getText()) for td in tds: cells.append(td.getText()) results = dict(zip(headers,cells)) for key, val in results.items(): if key in ("Up Ok") and val != "0": print "{0}: {1}".format(key, green(val)) elif key in ("Down Critical") and val != "0": print "{0}: {1}".format(red(key), red(val)) retval = 2 elif key in ("Warning") and val != "0": print "{0}: {1}".format(key, yellow(val)) retval = 1 elif key in "Pending" and val != "0": print "{0}: {1}".format(key, val) elif key in ("Unreachable Unknown") and val != "0": print "{0}: {1}".format(key, val) retval = 3 else: continue
def create_config_file(): """ Creates the config file in the home folder """ config_location = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.dotconfig" if not os.path.exists(config_location): data = """ { "files" : {}, "dot_path" : "" } """ try: dotconfig = open(config_location, 'w') dotconfig.write(data) dotconfig.close() return True except IOError: sys.exit( colors.yellow("[ERROR]") + " not able to write to data file") else: return True
def warn(msg, exc_class, line=None): if TESTING: raise exc_class(msg) from None else: if line: msg = line_error(msg, line) print(yellow('WARNING:'), msg)
def eden(): print( colors.yellow( "very well young adventurer. so to pass, Master Lord (a weird reader) offers you the way if you answer his riddle:" )) print("") riddleans = input( colors.cyan( "the riddle is: There was a plane crash and every single person died, who survived?:" )) badans = True while badans: if riddleans == "married people": print("very well. you now have entered the %s." % ('EDEN'))) break else: print("") print( "the answer is not correct you shall not be granted the %s." % ("WAY"))) print(" ") print(" ") riddleans = input( colors.cyan( "the riddle is: There was a plane crash and every single person died, who survived?:" )) import encounter
def check_option(cp, src, dst): def has_explicit_option(section, key): # David tried to avoid poking into cp's guts in but # that approach fails for the important case of boolean options. Since this is a ~short term # tool and its highly likely its lifetime will be shorter than the time the private # ConfigParser_sections API we use here changes, it's worth the risk. if section == 'DEFAULT': # NB: The 'DEFAULT' section is not tracked via `has_section` or `_sections`, so we use a # different API to check for an explicit default. return key in cp.defaults() else: return cp.has_section(section) and (key in cp._sections[section]) def sect(s): return cyan('[{}]'.format(s)) src_section, src_key = src if has_explicit_option(src_section, src_key): if dst is not None: dst_section, dst_key = dst print('Found {src_key} in section {src_section}. Should be {dst_key} in section ' '{dst_section}.'.format(src_key=green(src_key), src_section=sect(src_section), dst_key=green(dst_key), dst_section=sect(dst_section)), file=sys.stderr) elif src not in notes: print('Found {src_key} in section {src_section} and there is no automated migration path' 'for this option. Please consult the ' 'codebase.'.format(src_key=red(src_key), src_section=red(src_section))) if (src_section, src_key) in notes: print(' Note for {src_key} in section {src_section}: {note}' .format(src_key=green(src_key), src_section=sect(src_section), note=yellow(notes[(src_section, src_key)])))
def prepare_scope(self, scope_file, domain=None): """Function to split the user's scope file into IP addresses and domain names.""" # Generate the scope lists from the supplied scope file, if there is one scope = [] scope = self.DC.generate_scope(scope_file) if domain: # Just in case the domain is not in the scope file, it's added here if not any(domain in d for d in scope): print(yellow("[*] The provided domain, {}, was not found in your scope file, so \ it has been added to the scope for OSINT.".format(domain))) scope.append(domain) # Create lists of IP addresses and domain names from scope for item in scope: if helpers.is_ip(item): self.ip_addresses.append(item) elif item == "": pass else: self.domains_list.append(item) # Record the scope being used in the database self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE 'ReportScope' ('Target' text)''') for target in scope: self.c.execute("INSERT INTO ReportScope VALUES (?)", (target,)) self.conn.commit() return scope, self.ip_addresses, self.domains_list
def execute(self, **kwargs): # NB: kwargs are for testing and pass-through to underlying subprocess process spawning. go_targets = OrderedSet(target for target in self.context.target_roots if self.is_go(target)) args = self.get_passthru_args() if not go_targets or not args: msg = (yellow( 'The pants `{goal}` goal expects at least one go target and at least one ' 'pass-through argument to be specified, call with:\n') + green(' ./pants {goal} {targets} -- {args}').format( goal=self.options_scope, targets=(green(' '.join(t.address.reference() for t in go_targets)) if go_targets else red('[missing go targets]')), args=green(' '.join(args)) if args else red('[missing pass-through args]'))) raise self.MissingArgsError(msg) go_path = OrderedSet() import_paths = OrderedSet() for target in go_targets: self.ensure_workspace(target) go_path.add(self.get_gopath(target)) import_paths.add(target.import_path) self.execute_with_go_env(os.pathsep.join(go_path), list(import_paths), args, **kwargs)
def post_process(self, this, num, max_length): """ Colorizes items in print display (1) Makes most recently modified item cyan (2) Any directory yellow (3) Symlinks green (4) Files are left unchanged """ verbose = False verbose and print("in post process: {}".format(this)) item = str(this) if not this.is_mounted: strikeout = '☓' * len(str(num)) return (strikeout, green(item)) if this.default and this.force_default: return ( cyan(num), cyan(item) ) if this.default: return ( cyan(num), cyan(item) ) if this.is_directory: return ( num, yellow(item) ) if this.is_link: return ( num, green(item) ) else: # is file pass ffile, ext = os.path.splitext(item) if ext: return ( num, green(ffile + ext) ) else: return ( num, green(item) )
def colorful_print(raw): # print colorful text in terminal. lines = raw.split('\n') colorful = True detail = False for line in lines: if line: if colorful: colorful = False print(white(line, bg='green') + '\n') # print(colored(line, 'white', 'on_green')+'\n') continue elif line.startswith('例'): print(line + '\n') continue elif line.startswith('【'): print(white(line, bg='green') + '\n') # print(colored(line, 'white', 'on_green')+'\n') detail = True continue if not detail: print(yellow(line + '\n')) # print(colored(line+'\n', 'yellow')) else: print(blink(line) + '\n')
def parse_expr(expr): tokens_list = [] tokens = [] token_val = "" last_token = None for elem in expr: if elem in operator_table.ops and elem != "@": if token_val != "": tokens.append(token_val) token_val = "" if elem == "-" and (last_token in operator_table.ops or last_token == None): tokens.append("-1") tokens.append("@") last_token = "a" pass elif elem == "+" and (last_token in operator_table.ops or last_token == None): tokens.append("1") tokens.append("@") last_token = "a" pass else: tokens.append(elem) elif elem in " \t\n": if token_val != "": tokens.append(token_val) token_val = "" elif elem.isdigit() or elem.isalpha() or elem in "_.": token_val = token_val + elem elif elem == "#": break elif elem == ";": if token_val != "": tokens.append(token_val) tokens_list.append(tokens) tokens = [] token_val = "" last_token = None else: print"(error) token {") + colors.yellow(elem) +"} is not a valid token") return [] last_token = elem if token_val != "": tokens.append(token_val) token_val = "" tokens_list.append(tokens) return tokens_list
def print_title(string): # Colorize title based on retval if retval == 0: string = green(string) elif retval == 2: string = red(string) else: string == yellow(string) print bold(string)
def create (key_id, key_dir, download_dir, public_url=None): re_fp = os.path.join(CACHE_KEYS_DIR, key_id) # Reuse if os.path.exists(re_fp): print (colors.yellow(" * Reusing keys from %s" %(re_fp))) shutil.copytree (re_fp, key_dir) return # Create print (colors.yellow(" * Creating key %s"%(key_id))) util.pasalo_init_path (key_dir, downloads=download_dir, public_url=public_url) # Populate cache print (colors.yellow(" * Copying key %s to QA cache: %s -> %s"%(key_id, key_dir, re_fp))) if not os.path.exists (CACHE_KEYS_DIR): os.makedirs (CACHE_KEYS_DIR, 0700) shutil.copytree (key_dir, re_fp)
def display_history_version(self): try: sftp = self.connection.open_sftp() try: dirlist = sftp.listdir(self.server_info['remote_path']) for item in dirlist: print "远程服务器已部署版本: ", green(item) except IOError: print yellow("assume %s folder is not exists. Please upload first") \ % self.server_info['remote_path'] except Exception as e: print ('*** caught exception: %s: %s' % (e.__class__, e)) traceback.print_exc() # try: # sftp.close() # except: # pass sys.exit(1)
def internal_uploads(*args): try: sftp = self.connection.open_sftp() for dirpath, dirname, filenames in os.walk(top_path): remote_path = os.path.join(self.server_info['remote_path'], self.server_info['release_version'], dirpath[len(top_path)+1:]) try: sftp.listdir(remote_path) # Test if remote folder exists except IOError: dir_path, base_name = os.path.split(remote_path.rstrip('/')) try: sftp.mkdir(dir_path) # Create remote folder except IOError: print yellow("assume %s create success or target folder exists.") % dir_path try: sftp.mkdir("%s/%s" % (dir_path, base_name)) except IOError: print yellow("assume %s/%s create sucess or folder already exists.") % \ (dir_path, base_name) for filename in filenames: if sftp.put(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), os.path.join(remote_path, filename)): print "Upload %s to %s %s " % \ (filename, self.server_info['hostname'], remote_path), green("success") else: print "Upload %s to %s %s " % \ (filename, self.server_info['hostname'], remote_path), red("failed") sftp.close() except Exception as e: print('*** Caught exception: %s: %s' % (e.__class__, e)) traceback.print_exc() # try: # sftp.close() # except: # pass sys.exit(1) print green("%s upload success" % top_path)
def __printBranchHealthChart(self, aBranchMap, aStream): """ Print out a 'health chart' of different branches and when they were last changed. The health chart will color the given branches such that: - Branches with last activity longer than double the number of 'healthy days' ago will be colored in RED. - Branches with last activity longer than the number of 'healthy days' ago will be colored in YELLOW. - All other branches will be colored in GREEN :param aBranchMap: A list of Branch objects. Note that this list is assumed to be pre-sorted in the order in which they should be output. :param aStream: An output stream to print the data to. """ config = self.getConfig() badOnly = config.getBadOnly() noColor = not config.shouldUseColor() log = config.getLog() deleteBucket = [] for someBranch in aBranchMap: branchPath = someBranch.getPath() branchHealth = someBranch.getHealth() lastActivityRel = someBranch.getLastActivityRelativeToNow() # If this is an unhealthy branch, then let's put it in the "delete" # bucket. if branchHealth == Branch.OLD: deleteBucket.append(someBranch) # Skip healthy and aged branches if we're only looking for bad ones if badOnly and not branchHealth == Branch.OLD: continue if not noColor: if branchHealth == Branch.HEALTHY: coloredDate = green(lastActivityRel) elif branchHealth == Branch.AGED: coloredDate = yellow(lastActivityRel) else: coloredDate = red(lastActivityRel) else: coloredDate = lastActivityRel alignedPrintout = '{0:40} {1}\n'.format(branchPath + ":", coloredDate) aStream.write(alignedPrintout) if config.shouldDeleteOldBranches(): manager = BranchManager(config) manager.deleteAllOldBranches(deleteBucket)
def proceed(message=DEFAULT_MESSAGE, default=True): answers = { 'y': True, 'yes': True, 'n': False, 'no': False, '': default, } default_text = {False: 'n', True: 'y'}[default] # Allow auto_proceed environment flag if os.environ.get('AUTO_PROCEED'): print yellow('Auto-proceed:', bold=True), message print yellow('Taking default option:'), yellow(default_text, bold=True) return default suggestion = ' [y/n]' result = prompt(message + suggestion).strip().lower() while not result in answers: print red('Could not interpret answer: '), repr(result) result = prompt(message + suggestion).strip().lower() return answers[result]
def main(): current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) default_conf_file = os.path.join(current_dir, 'config.json') theme_file = os.path.join(current_dir, 'themes', 'dracula.json') obj = load_config(default_conf_file) config.update(obj) theme = load_config(theme_file) config.update({'THEME': theme}) users.authenticate_user() while True: try: promt = color(config['THEME']['PROMT'])(config['PROMT_MSG']) data = input(promt).strip() except EOFError: print() continue except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(yellow('\nGoodbye, see you. :)')) except Exception: continue if data == 'q': utils.quit(yellow('Bye, see you. :)'), EXIT_SUCCESS) try: args = data.split() cmd = args[0] COMMANDS[cmd](*args[1:]) except (KeyError, ValueError): print(red('Command `{}` not found!'.format(data))) except (IndexError, KeyboardInterrupt): pass except TypeError: print(red('Sorry, I can\'t understand.')) except NotImplementedError: utils.perr(red('command hasn\'t implemented yet!')) except Exception as err: utils.perr(red(err))
def _task(*args, **kw): with settings(hide('running'), warn_only=True, parallel=True): results = execute(_per_machine, *args, **kw) errors = { server: result for server, result in results.items() if result != True } if errors: print red('There were %d failures:' % len(errors), bold=True) for (server, result) in errors.items(): print '* %s: %s' % (server, repr(result)) # Remove all the failed hosts so future commands don't run on them failed_hosts = errors.keys() env.hosts = [host for host in env.hosts if host not in failed_hosts] if len(errors) < len(results): okay = len(results) - len(errors) print yellow('The remaining %d hosts were successful' % okay, bold=True) else: print green('Success on %d hosts' % len(results), bold=True)
def check_config_file(path): cp = Config.create_parser() with open(path, 'r') as ini: cp.readfp(ini) config = SingleFileConfig(path, cp) print('Checking config file at {0} for unmigrated keys.'.format(path), file=sys.stderr) def section(s): return cyan('[{0}]'.format(s)) for (src_section, src_key), dst in migrations.items(): def has_explicit_option(section, key): # David tried to avoid poking into cp's guts in but # that approach fails for the important case of boolean options. Since this is a ~short term # tool and its highly likely its lifetime will be shorter than the time the private # ConfigParser_sections API we use here changes, its worth the risk. return cp.has_section(section) and (key in cp._sections[section]) if has_explicit_option(src_section, src_key): if dst is not None: dst_section, dst_key = dst print('Found {src_key} in section {src_section}. Should be {dst_key} in section ' '{dst_section}.'.format(src_key=green(src_key), src_section=section(src_section), dst_key=green(dst_key), dst_section=section(dst_section)), file=sys.stderr) elif (src_section, src_key) not in notes: print('Found {src_key} in section {src_section} and there is no automated migration path' 'for this option. Please consult the ' 'codebase.'.format(src_key=red(src_key), src_section=red(src_section))) if (src_section, src_key) in notes: print(' Note: {0}'.format(yellow(notes[(src_section, src_key)]))) # Check that all values are parseable. for sec in ['DEFAULT'] + cp.sections(): for key, value in cp.items(sec): value = value.strip() if value.startswith('['): try: custom_types.list_type(value) except ParseError: print('Value of {key} in section {section} is not a valid ' 'JSON list.'.format(key=green(key), section=section(sec))) elif value.startswith('{'): try: custom_types.dict_type(value) except ParseError: print('Value of {key} in section {section} is not a valid ' 'JSON object.'.format(key=green(key), section=section(sec)))
def download (url, cachedir=config.CACHE_DIRECTORY, headers=[], agent=None, verbose=False): """ Download a file, using the cache """ # Filename filename = url.split('/')[-1] # Check cache exe ("mkdir -p %s" % (cachedir)) cache_filepath = os.path.join (cachedir, filename) # Parameters params = '' if not verbose: params += "-q " params += ' '.join (['--header="%s"'%(x) for x in headers]) + ' ' if agent: params += '-U "%s" ' % (agent) if not os.path.exists (cache_filepath): print ("%s: %s" %(colors.yellow("Cache miss"), url)) exe ("wget %s -O '%s' '%s'" % (params, cache_filepath, url), else: print ("%s: %s" %(colors.yellow("Cache hit"), cache_filepath))
def main(args): """Main method :param args: arguments :return: None """ opts = parse_cmdline_params(args[1:]) if opts.b is not None and opts.l is not None: nb = True else: nb = False sequences = cloning(opts.fastq, opts.n, nb, opts.b, opts.l) # sequences = create_fastq_dict('sampleFastq') total_error_num = 0 total_errors = 0 total_lengths = 0 for key in sequences: error_seq_string = '' seq_name = key seq_string = sequences[key] position = 0 error_num = 0 for base in seq_string: if base not in 'AGCTN': raise ValueError("This base,", base, ", is not an A, G, C, T, or N!") position += 1 error_prob = 0.001 * position if error_prob * 100 <= 0: raise ValueError("The error probability must be greater than 0!") # Checks if it needs to add an error if random.randint(1, 1000) < (error_prob) * 1000: error_seq_string = add_error(error_seq_string, base, True) error_num += 1 else: error_seq_string = add_error(error_seq_string, base, False) total_errors += error_num total_error_num += 1 error_perc = error_num / len(seq_string) total_lengths += len(seq_string) print_errors(blue(seq_name), seq_string, error_seq_string, green(str(error_num))) print 'The error percent for this sequence is:', yellow(str(error_perc * 100)), '%' print 'The new quality string is: ', create_quality_scores(seq_string), '\n' print 'The average number of errors generated was:' \ '', magenta(str(int(total_errors / total_error_num))) print 'The total error percentage is:', magenta(str(total_errors / total_lengths * 100)), '%'
def list_items(csvfile): my_todo = open(csvfile, "r") lines = csv.reader(my_todo, delimiter = "|") print(' Priority: Description: Deadline: ' ) for index, line in enumerate(lines): print() pr_color = line[0] # szinezéshez if line[0] == " High ": print(index+1, red(line[0]), line[1], line[2]) elif line[0] == " Medium ": print(index+1, yellow(line[0]), line[1], line[2]) else: print(index+1, line[0], line[1], line[2]) print() print() my_todo.close()
def __print_result(self, results, inst_count, error_count, elapsed_sum, cross_print=False): def __print_table(results, encoding="gbk"): res_table = prettytable.PrettyTable(["Num", "Instance", "Elapsed", "Result"]) res_table.align["Result"] = "l" res_table.align["Instance"] = "l" res_table.align["Elapsed"] = "l" res_table.padding_width = 1 res_table.encoding = encoding num = 0 for result in results: num += 1 if result is None or not isinstance(result, ExecuteOut): continue if result.succeed: color = "cyan" else: color = "red" res_table.add_row([num, str(result.instance) if result.succeed else, datetime.timedelta(seconds=result.elapsed), result.result if result.succeed else ]) print res_table def __print_cross(results, encoding="gbk"): num = 0 for result in results: num += 1 if result is None or not isinstance(result, ExecuteOut): continue print "Num:%5s [%40s] Elapsed:%20s" % (num, result.instance if result.succeed else str(result.instance)), datetime.timedelta(seconds=result.elapsed)) print if result.succeed else print "Count/Error: %s/%s Elapsed: %s" % (colors.yellow(str(inst_count)),, datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed_sum)) if cross_print: __print_cross(results, self.encoding) else: __print_table(results, self.encoding)
def leftroom(): global tri repeatlr = '''The room is pitch dark. %s feels along the walls to find the room is in the shape of a triangle, doesn't appear to have a door besides the one %s came in and has small knobs on each of the walls.\n''' % (name, name) stEP = raw_input(prompt) if stEP == 'b': pause('^^^') backpack() if flash == True: pause(bold(yellow('(oo)'))) print "%s flashes the light around the room, the knobs light up and a door" % name print "appears on the floor. A gigantic muscular imp crawls out and starts" print "moving towards %s!\n" % name fight('Giant Imp', 300, 4, 11) pause('{}{}{}') print "The Giant Imp melts into a triangle shaped shield and the door slowly" print "starts sliding open..." pause('+++') print "%s recieves %s!\n" % (name, bold('tri shield')) bp.append('tri shield') tri = 1 print'''%s slowly walks into the room. There are candles lit and jars with strange bits of flesh and body parts in them. There is a door in the back and a chest in the middle of the room.\n''' % name bossroom() else: leftroom() elif stEP in ('h', 'H', 'help'): pause('...') help() leftroom() elif stEP == 'l': pause('...') print repeatlr leftroom() elif stEP in ('inspect knobs', 'knobs', 'inspect the knobs'): pause('...') print "%s touches one of the knobs, its feels like some sort of prism..." % name pause('...') leftroom() else: print repeatlr leftroom()
def process(self): visitUrl = self.urlQueue.unVisitedUrlDeQuence() print yellow("\nProcessing Url: {url}".format(url=visitUrl)) print "Get Hyper Links:" links = self.getHyperLinks(visitUrl) print yellow("\nGet {linkno} new links".format(linkno = len(links))) print yellow("\nAdding url: {url} to VisitedQueue".format(url=visitUrl)) self.urlQueue.addVisitedUrl(visitUrl) print yellow("\nVisited url count: {count}".format(count = \ str(self.urlQueue.getVisitedUrlCount()))) for link in links: print "\nAdding new link {link_name} to UnvisitedUrlQueue."\ .format(link_name = green(link)) self.urlQueue.addUnvisitedUrl(link) print "\nHave %d unvisited links" % len(self.urlQueue.getUnvisitedUrl())
def printBranchHealthChart(aBranchMap, aOptions): (badOnly) = aOptions for branchTuple in aBranchMap: (branchName, lastActivityRel, branchHealth) = branchTuple # Skip healthy and aged branches if we're only looking for bad ones if badOnly and not branchHealth == OLD: continue if branchHealth == HEALTHY: coloredDate = green(lastActivityRel) elif branchHealth == AGED: coloredDate = yellow(lastActivityRel) else: coloredDate = red(lastActivityRel) alignedPrintout = '{0:40} {1}'.format(branchName + ":", coloredDate) print(alignedPrintout)
def _find_literal_node(statement, call_argument): # The list of identifiers is large and they represent disjoint types: # 'StringNode' # 'BinaryStringNode' # 'RawStringNode' # 'InterpolatedRawStringNode' # ... # Instead of trying to keep track of that, since we're specialized to the context of __import__, # Just accept any LiteralyEvaluable node (a mixin the above all implement) that python # accepts - except NameNode which we don't want and whose existence as a LiteralyEvaluable is # questionable to boot. In other words, we do not want to attempt to transform: # variable = 'bob' # __import__(variable, ...) # We just accept we'll miss more complex imports like this and have to fix by hand. if isinstance(call_argument.value, NameNode): print(yellow('WARNING: Skipping {}'.format(statement)), file=sys.stderr) elif isinstance(call_argument.value, LiteralyEvaluable): return call_argument.value
def check_option(cp, src, dst): def has_explicit_option(section, key): # David tried to avoid poking into cp's guts in but # that approach fails for the important case of boolean options. Since this is a ~short term # tool and its highly likely its lifetime will be shorter than the time the private # ConfigParser_sections API we use here changes, its worth the risk. if section == "DEFAULT": # NB: The 'DEFAULT' section is not tracked via `has_section` or `_sections`, so we use a # different API to check for an explicit default. The defaults are a combination of both # 'DEFAULT' section values and defaults passed to the ConfigParser constructor, but we # create the `cp` config parser below explicitly with no constructor defaults so this check # works. return key in cp.defaults() else: return cp.has_section(section) and (key in cp._sections[section]) def section(s): return cyan("[{0}]".format(s)) src_section, src_key = src if has_explicit_option(src_section, src_key): if dst is not None: dst_section, dst_key = dst print( "Found {src_key} in section {src_section}. Should be {dst_key} in section " "{dst_section}.".format( src_key=green(src_key), src_section=section(src_section), dst_key=green(dst_key), dst_section=section(dst_section), ), file=sys.stderr, ) elif src not in notes: print( "Found {src_key} in section {src_section} and there is no automated migration path" "for this option. Please consult the " "codebase.".format(src_key=red(src_key), src_section=red(src_section)) ) if (src_section, src_key) in notes: print(" Note: {0}".format(yellow(notes[(src_section, src_key)])))
def get_from_multiplechoice(options, message_when_failing): """Show the options and let the user choose""" if len(options) is 0: print yellow(message_when_failing) abort() if len(options) is 1: # check how certain we are if options[0]['similarity'] > 0.9: return options[0]['dirname'] # no good enough match found, show the failing message print "" # create some space print yellow(message_when_failing) print "Is the following name correct?" print_options(options) answer = raw_input("Y/n/a: ") if answer == "" or answer.lower() == "y": print magenta("Option " + options[0]['dirname'] + " chosen") return options[0]['dirname'] if answer.lower() == "n" or answer.lower() == "a": abort() # no option chosen, lets retry print red("No valid answer given") return get_from_multiplechoice(options, message_when_failing) # multiple possible options, display the message and give the options print "" # create some space print yellow(message_when_failing) print "Choose one of the following:" # sort the options options = sorted(options, key=lambda k: k['similarity'], reverse=True) print_options(options, True) answer = raw_input("Enter a number or press enter for the default (1): ") if answer.lower() == "a": abort() else: if not answer: answer = 1 # the default if not str(answer).isdigit(): print red("Answer not recognized") return get_from_multiplechoice(options, message_when_failing) answer = int(answer) if len(options) > answer-1: print magenta("Option " + options[0]['dirname'] + " chosen") return options[0]['dirname'] else: print 'Answer out of bounds' return get_from_multiplechoice(options, message_when_failing)
def execute(self, **kwargs): # NB: kwargs are for testing and pass-through to underlying subprocess process spawning. go_targets = OrderedSet(target for target in self.context.target_roots if self.is_go(target)) args = self.get_passthru_args() if not go_targets or not args: msg = (yellow('The pants `{goal}` goal expects at least one go target and at least one ' 'pass-through argument to be specified, call with:\n') + green(' ./pants {goal} {targets} -- {args}') .format(goal=self.options_scope, targets=(green(' '.join(t.address.reference() for t in go_targets)) if go_targets else red('[missing go targets]')), args=green(' '.join(args)) if args else red('[missing pass-through args]'))) raise self.MissingArgsError(msg) go_path = OrderedSet() import_paths = OrderedSet() for target in go_targets: self.ensure_workspace(target) go_path.add(self.get_gopath(target)) import_paths.add(target.import_path) self.execute_with_go_env(os.pathsep.join(go_path), list(import_paths), args, **kwargs)
def print_diff(diffs): """ Pretty print the diffs between files """ for diff in diffs: print '\n' + '=' * 80 + '\n' dirs = diff[0] file = diff[1] print file print '---', os.path.join(dirs[0], file) print '+++', os.path.join(dirs[1], file) result = diff[2][2:] for line in result: line = line.strip() if len(line): if line[0] == '-': line = green(line) elif line[0] == '+': line = red(line) elif line[0] == '?': line = yellow(line) print '\t%s' % line