class PlotGraph(Action): name = 'plot_graph' _colt_description = 'Graph plotting for potential curves etc.' _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_plot': 'lib_plot', }) def run(): theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) infilen = '' popt = lib_plot.write_plot_options(infilen) ropt = lib_plot.read_plot_options(infilen, False) if ropt.init == 0: copy = popt.ret_yn('Found %s. Use this file directly rather than performing an interactive input?'%infilen, True) else: copy = False if copy: popt.copy(ropt) else: popt.plot_input() popt.flush() popt.read_data() if popt['doplots']: popt.plot() if popt['dotxt']: popt.txt_files() if popt['dognu']: popt.gnu_inp()
class Babel(Action): name = 'babel' _colt_description = 'Openbabel wrapper - conversion of coordinate files' _user_input = """ # Input molecular structure file infile = :: existing_file # Output molecular structure file outfile = :: file # File type for input file intype = :: str, optional, alias=i # File type for output file outtype = :: str, optional, alias=o """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_struc': 'lib_struc', }) def run(infile, intype, outtype, outfile): theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description) if intype in lib_struc.veloc_types: # special treatment of velocities veloc = struc_linalg.veloc() veloc.read_file(file_path=infile, file_type=intype) veloc.write_veloc(file_path=outfile, file_type=outtype) else: struc = lib_struc.structure() struc.read_file(file_path=infile, file_type=intype) struc.make_coord_file(file_path=outfile, file_type=outtype) print("Finished: file %s written." % outfile)
class CC2Molden(Action): name = 'cc2molden' _user_input = """ logfile = :: existing_file """ _colt_description = "Convert a log-file to Molden format with the help of cclib." _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..cclib_interface': 'cclib_interface', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..lib_mo': 'lib_mo', }) def run(logfile): theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description) print(" WARNING: This script is not well-tested and might fail for some of the quantum chemistry codes.") ioptions = input_options.dens_ana_options(ifile=None, check_init=False) ioptions['rtype'] = 'cclib' ioptions['rfile'] = logfile ccparser = cclib_interface.file_parser_cclib(ioptions) errcode = ccparser.check() if errcode == 0: mos = ccparser.read_mos() mos.write_molden_file(fname="cc.mld") print("\n Finished: molden format file cc.mld written.") else: print(" Conversion to Molden format not possible!") print(" %s does not contain all required information"%logfile)
class PlotOmFrag(Action): _colt_description = 'Plot Omega matrices as pseudocolor matrix plot' name = 'plot_omfrag' _user_input = """ # Use new colt interface use_new = False :: bool """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..lib_file': 'lib_file', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', 'matplotlib': 'matplotlib', 'pylab': 'pylab', }) def run(use_new): matplotlib.use('Agg') theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) Oopt = OmFrag_options('') Oopt.read_OmFrag() Oopt.OmFrag_input(use_new=use_new) Oopt.flush() Oopt.plot()
class FCD(Action): name = 'fcd' _colt_description = 'Fragment charge difference analysis' _user_input = """ # name of the input file ifile = :: existing_file, alias=f """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..lib_diab': 'lib_diab', }) def run(ifile): theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) ifile = '' ioptions = input_options.fcd_ana_options(ifile) fcda = lib_diab.fcd_ana(ioptions) fcda.read_mos() fcda.read_dens() fcda.do_pop_ana() fcda.do_fcd()
class ExtractMolden(Action): _user_input = """ # List of MO files to analyse mo_files = :: list(existing_file) # Interpret energies as occupations ene = False :: bool, alias=e # Threshold for print-out thresh = 0.001 :: float, alias=t # Use alpha/beta labels for hole/electron alphabeta = False :: bool, alias=ab """ name = 'extract_molden' _colt_description = 'Extract hole/particle parts from Molden file' _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..lib_mo': 'lib_mo', }) def run(mo_files, ene, thresh, alphabeta): theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) extr = extract_mld(thresh=thresh, rd_ene=ene, decompose=not alphabeta) mo_files = [] for mo_file in mo_files: extr.extract(mo_file)
class PlotGraphNx(Action): name = 'plot_graph_nx' _colt_description = 'Graph plotting (Newton-X)' _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..lib_plot': 'lib_plot', '..lib_file': 'lib_file', }) def run(): theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) infilen = '' popt = write_plot_options_nx(infilen) popt.plot_input() popt.read_data() if popt['doplots']: popt.plot() if popt['dotxt']: popt.txt_files() if popt['dognu']: popt.gnu_inp()
class Spectrum(Action): name = 'spectrum' _colt_description = 'Convoluted spectrum from analyze_tden output' _user_input = """ # Files produced by tden_summs = :: list(existing_file) """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..units': 'units', '..lib_file': 'lib_file', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', 'matplotlib': 'matplotlib', 'pylab': 'pylab', }) def run(tden_summs): matplotlib.use('Agg') theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) sopt = spec_options('') sopt['ana_files'] = tden_summs sopt.spec_input() sopt.make_spec()
class VMDPlots(Action): name = 'vmd_plots' _colt_description = 'Automatic plotting of cube files in VMD' _user_input = """ # List of cube files (or other format VMD can read) pltfiles = :: list(existing_file) """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..lib_struc': 'lib_struc', '..lib_file': 'lib_file', '..lib_util': 'lib_util', }) def run(pltfiles): theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) print('%i Files analyzed:' % len(pltfiles), end=' ') print(", ".join(os.path.basename(filename) for filename in pltfiles)) vopt = vmd_options('') vopt.vmd_input() auxfiles = [] if vopt['dnto']: pltfiles, auxfiles = vopt.mod_pltfiles(pltfiles) vopt.write_lfile(pltfiles, auxfiles) vopt.write_pfile(pltfiles, auxfiles) vopt.write_cfile(pltfiles) vopt.write_hfile(pltfiles) print("Converting coordinate file ...") struc = lib_struc.structure() try: struc.read_file(file_path=pltfiles[0], file_type=None) struc.make_coord_file(file_path='', file_type='xyz', lvprt=1) except: print( "*** WARNING: The coordinate file could not be created. ***" ) print(" Please create this file yourself.\n\n") print(""" Files created. Now do the following: 1. vmd 2. File - Load Visualization State - %s 3. Adjust the perspective 4. File - Load Visualization State - %s 5. bash %s 6. Open in browser: %s """ % (vopt['lfile'], vopt['pfile'], vopt['cfile'], vopt['hfile']))
class ParseLibwfa(Action): name = 'parse_libwfa' _colt_description = 'Parse libwfa output from Q-Chem or OpenMolcas' _user_input = """ # Logfile from Q-Chem or OpenMolcas logfile = :: existing_file # Type of calculation (qcadc, qctddft, qctda, rassi) typ = :: str :: qcadc, qctddft, qctda, rassi # Input file ifile = :: file, optional, alias=f """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..dens_ana_base': 'dens_ana_base', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..input_options': 'input_options', }) def run(logfile, typ, ifile): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Input options #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# ioptions = input_options.libwfa_parse_options(ifile, check_init=False) ioptions['rfile'] = logfile if typ is not None: ioptions['rtype'] = typ if ioptions['rtype'] == 'qctda': ioptions['TDA'] = True ioptions['rtype'] = 'qctddft' theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description, ioptions=ioptions) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Parsing and computations #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# dena = dens_ana_base.dens_ana_base(ioptions) #sdena.read_mos() dena.read_dens() dena.print_summary()
class AnalyzeTdenEs2Es(Action): name = 'analyze_tden_es2es' _colt_description = 'Transition density matrix ana. (state-to-state)' _user_input = """ # Main input file ifile = :: existing_file, alias=f # Reference state iref = 1 :: int, alias=r """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_tden': 'lib_tden', '..input_options': 'input_options' }) @timeit def run(ifile, iref): ioptions = input_options.tden_ana_options(ifile) theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description, ioptions=ioptions, cfile=__name__) tdena = lib_tden.tden_ana(ioptions) if 'mo_file' in ioptions: tdena.read_mos() tdena.read_dens() tdena.compute_es2es_tden(iref=iref) if 'at_lists' in ioptions or ioptions['eh_pop'] >= 1: tdena.compute_all_OmAt() if 'at_lists' in ioptions: tdena.compute_all_OmFrag() if ioptions['print_OmFrag']: tdena.fprint_OmFrag() if ioptions['comp_ntos']: tdena.compute_all_NTO() if ioptions['comp_p_h_dens']: tdena.compute_p_h_dens() if ioptions['comp_rho0n']: tdena.compute_rho_0_n() if 'Phe' in ioptions['prop_list']: tdena.compute_all_Phe() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Print-out #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# tdena.print_all_eh_pop() tdena.print_summary()
class JMolVibs(Action): name = 'jmol_vibs' _colt_description = 'Plotting of vibrations in Jmol' _user_input = """ # Molden file with info about vibrations vibfile = :: existing_file """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..lib_file': 'lib_file', '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..input_options': 'input_options', }) def run(vibfile): theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description) jopt = jmol_vib_opts('') jopt.input() jo = lib_file.wfile('jmol_vibs.spt') ho = lib_file.htmlfile('vibs.html') ho.pre('Vibrations') vibc = vibcoll(jopt['st_ind'], jopt['en_ind'], vibfile) vibout = vib_output_jmol(vibc, jopt) vibout.output(jo) vibh = vib_output_html(vibc, jopt) vibh.output(ho) if jopt['run_jmol']: import subprocess print("Running jmol ...")["jmol", "-n",]) else: print(" -> Now simply run \"jmol -n %s\" to plot all the orbitals.\n"%jo)
class AnalyzeSden(Action): name = 'analyze_sden' _colt_description = 'State density matrix analysis' _user_input = """ ifile = :: existing_file, alias=f """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_sden': 'lib_sden', '..lib_exciton': 'lib_exciton', '..input_options': 'input_options' }) @timeit def run(ifile): # header theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description, cfile=__name__) # ioptions = input_options.sden_ana_options(ifile) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Parsing and computations #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sdena = lib_sden.sden_ana(ioptions) if 'mo_file' in ioptions: sdena.read_mos() sdena.read_dens() if ioptions['NO_ana']: sdena.compute_all_NO() if ioptions['AD_ana']: sdena.compute_all_AD() if ioptions['BO_ana']: sdena.compute_all_BO() if ioptions['comp_rho']: sdena.compute_rho() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Print out #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# if ioptions['pop_ana']: sdena.print_all_pop_table() if ioptions['BO_ana']: sdena.print_all_BO() if ioptions['mo_pop_type'] > 0: sdena.print_mo_pops(ioptions['mo_pop_type']) sdena.print_summary()
class TheodoreInput(Action): name = 'theoinp' _user_input = "" _colt_description = "Input generation for TheoDORE" _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..lib_struc': 'lib_struc', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..orbkit_interface': 'orbkit_interface', }) def run(): theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description) run_theoinp()
class PlotFragDecomp(Action): name = 'plot_frag_decomp' _colt_description = 'Plot fragment decomposition of Omega matrix' _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', 'matplotlib': 'matplotlib', 'pylab': 'pylab', }) def run(): matplotlib.use('Agg') theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description) opt = decomp_options('') opt.read_OmFrag() opt.decomp_input() opt.plot()
class AnalyzeTdenSoc(Action): name = 'analyze_tden_soc' _colt_description = '1TDM analysis for spin-orbit coupled states' _user_input = """ ifile = :: existing_file, alias=f spin_comp = False :: bool, alias=s """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_soc': 'lib_soc', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..input_options': 'input_options', }) @timeit def run(ifile, spin_comp): ioptions = input_options.tden_ana_options(ifile) theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description, ioptions=ioptions, cfile=__file__) tdena = lib_soc.tden_ana_soc(ioptions) if 'mo_file' in ioptions: tdena.read_mos() tdena.read_dens() tdena.compute_all_OmAt(fullmat=True) tdena.soc_transform() tdena.print_info('mch') if spin_comp is True: tdena.print_info('aa') tdena.print_info('bb') tdena.print_info('ab') tdena.print_info('ba') tdena.print_info('soc')
class ConvertTable(Action): name = 'convert_table' _colt_description = 'Convert the output to latex/html table' _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..lib_file': 'lib_file', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', }) def run(): theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) infilen = '' topt = write_table_options(infilen) ropt = read_table_options(infilen, False) if ropt.init == 0: copy = topt.ret_yn( 'Found %s. Use this file directly rather than performing an interactive input?' % infilen, True) else: copy = False if copy: topt.copy(ropt) else: topt.table_input() topt.write_table() if not copy: topt.flush()
class DrawMoments(Action): name = 'draw_moments' _colt_description = 'Plotting of dipole and quadrupole moments' _user_input = """ # File produced by analyze_tden ana_file = :: existing_file """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..units': 'units', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..lib_file': 'lib_file', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', }) def run(ana_file): theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) opt = mom_options('') opt['ana_file'] = ana_file opt.input() opt.write_afile()
class AnalyzeTdenUnr(Action): name = 'analyze_tden_unr' _colt_description = 'Transition density matrix analysis (UHF/UKS)' _user_input = """ ifile = :: existing_file, alias=f """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_tden': 'lib_tden', '..lib_exciton': 'lib_exciton', '..input_options': 'input_options' }) @timeit def run(ifile): ioptions = input_options.tden_ana_options(ifile) theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description, ioptions=ioptions, cfile=__name__) ioptions['jmol_orbitals'] = False # ALPHA spin print("\nRunning alpha-spin analysis in directory ALPHA") ioptions['spin'] = 1 tdena_alpha = lib_tden.tden_ana(ioptions) if 'mo_file' in ioptions: tdena_alpha.read_mos(spin=1) tdena_alpha.read_dens() try: os.mkdir('ALPHA') except OSError: pass os.chdir('ALPHA') if 'at_lists' in ioptions: tdena_alpha.compute_all_OmFrag() if ioptions['print_OmFrag']: tdena_alpha.fprint_OmFrag() if ioptions['comp_ntos']: tdena_alpha.compute_all_NTO() print("\n *** ALPHA-spin results ***") tdena_alpha.print_summary() os.chdir('..') # BETA spin print("\nRunning beta-spin analysis in directory BETA") ioptions['spin'] = -1 tdena_beta = lib_tden.tden_ana(ioptions) if 'mo_file' in ioptions: tdena_beta.read_mos(spin=-1) tdena_beta.read_dens() try: os.mkdir('BETA') except OSError: pass os.chdir('BETA') if 'at_lists' in ioptions: tdena_beta.compute_all_OmFrag() if ioptions['print_OmFrag']: tdena_beta.fprint_OmFrag() if ioptions['comp_ntos']: tdena_beta.compute_all_NTO() print("\n *** BETA-spin results ***") tdena_beta.print_summary() os.chdir('..') # ALPHA+BETA print("Starting spin-summed analysis") # Add the alpha values on top of the beta values for i, state in enumerate(tdena_beta.state_list): # Add the things that are additive for aprop in ['Om', 'OmAt', 'OmFrag', 'S_HE']: if aprop in state: state[aprop] += tdena_alpha.state_list[i][aprop] try: state['Z_HE'] = 2.**(state['S_HE']) except KeyError: pass # Delete the things that are non-additive for dprop in ['tden', 'PRNTO', 'Om_desc']: if dprop in state: del state[dprop] if 'at_lists' in ioptions: tdena_beta.compute_all_OmFrag() if ioptions['print_OmFrag']: tdena_beta.fprint_OmFrag() print("\n *** Spin-summed results ***") tdena_beta.print_summary()
class PlotVist(Action): name = 'plot_vist' _user_input = """ # VIST for only these dummy atoms, e.g. -v '0 3 5' vist = :: ilist, optional, alias=v # Name of output file (for VMD) ofile = VIST.vmd :: str, alias=o # Scale factor for VIST dumb-bells scale = 1.0 :: float, alias=s # Create coordinate files (using cclib) coor = false :: bool, alias=c # Render and plot all tensors separately plot_all = false :: bool, alias=p # Log files to be parsed logfiles = :: list(str) """ _colt_description = "Read NICS values and prepare VIST plot" _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_NICS': 'lib_NICS', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..cclib_interface': 'cclib_interface', '..input_options': 'input_options', }) @timeit def run(vist, ofile, scale, coor, plot_all, logfiles): if vist is not None and len(vist) == 0: vist = None theo_header.print_header('Read NICS values and prepare VIST plot', cfile='') with open(ofile, 'w') as fh: pass ioptions = input_options.dens_ana_options(ifile=None, check_init=False) ioptions['rtype'] = 'cclib' nv = lib_NICS.NICS_parser_g09() for ilog, logfile in enumerate(logfiles): nv.print_data() if coor: # create coor file to be read by VMD ioptions['rfile'] = logfile ccparser = cclib_interface.file_parser_cclib(ioptions) struc = cclib_interface.structure_cclib() struc.read_cclib( coorf = "" % ilog struc.make_coord_file(file_path=coorf, file_type='Bqxyz') open(ofile, 'a').write("mol new %s\n" % coorf) nv.vmd_tensors(ofile, vist, scale, plot_all) # Instructions for VMD if coor: print(""" Input file for VMD and coordinate file(s) created. Now run: vmd -e %s """ % ofile) else: print(""" Input file for VMD created. Now do the following: 1. Open VMD and load coordinate file 2. File - Load Visualization State - %s """ % ofile)
class TDenOv(Action): name = 'tden_ov' _colt_description = 'Transition density matrix overlap' _user_input = """ dir1 = :: existing_folder dir2 = :: existing_folder ao_ov = :: existing_file, optional # name of the input file ifile = :: existing_file, alias=f # name of input file for the second computation ifile2 = :: existing_file, optional, alias=f2 """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_tden': 'lib_tden', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..input_options': 'input_options', }) def run(dir1, dir2, ao_ov, ifile, ifile2): ifile = '' ifile2 = '' ioptions = input_options.tden_ana_options(ifile) theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description, ioptions=ioptions) if ifile2 is None: ioptions2 = ioptions else: ioptions2 = input_options.tden_ana_options(ifile2) sdir = os.getcwd() # Read info for the first job os.chdir(dir1) tdena1 = lib_tden.tden_ana(ioptions) if 'mo_file' in ioptions: tdena1.read_mos() tdena1.read_dens() os.chdir(sdir) # Read info for the second job os.chdir(dir2) tdena2 = lib_tden.tden_ana(ioptions2) if 'mo_file' in ioptions2: tdena2.read_mos() tdena2.read_dens() os.chdir(sdir) if AO_OV == None: print("Constructing AO-overlap matrix from MO-coefficients") tdena1.mos.compute_inverse() SMO =, tdena2.mos.mo_mat) if ioptions['lvprt'] >= 2: SAO =, tdena1.mos.inv_mo_mat) else: SAO = numpy.array([[float(s) for s in line.split()] for line in open(AO_OV, 'r').readlines()[1:]]) CS =, SAO) SMO =, tdena2.mos.mo_mat) if ioptions['lvprt'] >= 2: print("AO-overlap matrix:", SAO.shape) print(SAO) print() print("MO-overlap matrix:", SMO.shape) print(SMO) print() print(" ", end=' ') for state2 in tdena2.state_list: print(" |%7s>"%state2['name'], end=' ') print() for state1 in tdena1.state_list: print("<%7s|"%state1['name'], end=' ') tden1 = state1['tden'] DS1 =, SMO) #print DS1.shape mdim = tden1.shape[0] SDS1 =[:mdim,:mdim], DS1) #print SDS1.shape for state2 in tdena2.state_list: #if (not 'mult' in state1 or not 'mult' in state2) or (state1['mult'] == state2['mult']): tden2 = state2['tden'] #print tden2.shape OV = sum((SDS1 * tden2).flatten()) print(" % .8f"%OV, end=' ') #else: #print " % .1f "%0., print()
class AnalyzeNOs(Action): name = 'analyze_nos' _colt_description = 'Analysis of natural orbital (NO) files' _user_input = """ # List of NO files in Molden format no_files = :: list(existing_file) # Input file (optional) ifile = :: file, alias=f # Reference MO file for computing AO overlap matrix ref = :: existing_file, optional, alias=r # Multiply occupations with this factor occ_fac = :: float, optional, alias=o # Use if unrestricted orbitals are present unrestricted = false :: bool, alias=u # Interpret energies as occupations rd_ene = false :: bool, alias=e """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_sden': 'lib_sden', '..input_options': 'input_options' }) def run(no_files, ifile, ref, occ_fac, unrestricted, rd_ene): theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description, cfile=__file__) # set options ioptions = input_options.sden_ana_options(ifile, check_init=False) ioptions['rtype'] = 'nos' if not occ_fac is None: ioptions['occ_fac'] = occ_fac ioptions['unrestricted'] = unrestricted ioptions['rd_ene'] = rd_ene # optionally use a manually specified MO file for computing the AO overlap matrix if ref is None: ioptions['mo_file'] = no_files[0] else: ioptions['mo_file'] = ref ioptions['ana_files'] = no_files #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Parsing and computations #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sdena = lib_sden.sden_ana(ioptions) if unrestricted: sdena.read_mos(spin=1) else: sdena.read_mos() sdena.read_dens() if unrestricted: sdena.compute_all_NO() if ioptions['AD_ana']: sdena.compute_all_AD() if ioptions['pop_ana']: sdena.print_all_pop_table() if ioptions['BO_ana']: sdena.compute_all_BO() sdena.print_all_BO() sdena.print_summary()
class JMolMOs(Action): name = 'jmol_mos' _colt_description = 'Orbital plotting in Jmol' _user_input = """ # List of Molden files with orbitals mldfiles = :: list(str), optional, alias=f """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..lib_mo': 'lib_mo', '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..error_handler': 'error_handler', '..input_options': 'input_options', '..lib_file': 'lib_file', }) def run(mldfiles): theo_header.print_header(__class__._colt_description) if mldfiles is None: print("No file specified, generating generic script") mldfiles = [''] pref = '' elif len(mldfiles) == 1: print("Analyzing the file:", mldfiles[0]) pref = mldfiles[0] + '.' else: print("Analyzing the files:", mldfiles) pref = 'multi.' jopt = jmol_options('') jopt.jmol_input() if jopt['preprocess']: jopt.preprocess(mldfiles) mldfiles = ['merged.mld'] jo = lib_file.wfile('jmol_orbitals.spt') ho = lib_file.htmlfile('%sorbitals.html' % pref) lo = lib_file.latexfile('%sorbitals.tex' % pref) ho.pre('Orbitals') lo.pre(None, graphicx=True, docclass='{standalone}') for mldfile in mldfiles: print('Analyzing %s ...\n' % mldfile) if jopt['spec'] == 'sten': moc = mocoll(jopt['st_ind'], jopt['en_ind'], mldfile) elif jopt['spec'] == 'frontier': moc = mocollf(jopt['en_ind'], mldfile) elif jopt['spec'] == 'occ': moc = mocoll_occ(jopt['occmin'], jopt['occmax'], mldfile, jopt['eneocc']) else: raise error_handler.ElseError(self['spec'], 'spec') moout = mo_output_jmol(moc, jopt) moout.output(jo) moh = mo_output_html(moc, jopt) moh.output(ho) mol = mo_output_tex(moc, jopt) mol.output(lo) print(" -> View in browser.") print(" -> Compile with pdflatex (or adjust first).") if mldfiles == [""]: print( " -> Open the Molden-file in jmol and execute the commands contained in this file." ) else: if jopt['run_jmol']: import subprocess print("Running jmol ...")["jmol", "-n",]) else: print( " -> Now simply run \"jmol -n %s\" to plot all the orbitals.\n" % jo)
class DGridPrep(Action): name = 'dgrid_prep' _colt_description = 'Prepare input for DGrid' _user_input = """ # Molden files mldfiles = :: list(existing_file) """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..input_options': 'input_options' }) def run(mldfiles): theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description) print("Using the Molden files:", mldfiles) dopt = dgrid_options('') dopt.input() wfile = open('run_dgrid.bash', 'w') wfile.write('#!/bin/bash\n') wfile.write('\n###\nDGRID=dgrid\n###\n\n') iproc = 0 for mldfile in mldfiles: # adjust the names to be compatible with dgrid rind = mldfile.rfind('.') basen = mldfile if rind < 0 else mldfile[:rind] basen2 = basen.split('/')[-1] bfilen = basen + '.md' ifilen = basen + '.inp' print('\nAnalyzing %s -> %s ...' % (mldfile, bfilen)) iproc += 1 if iproc % dopt['nproc'] == 0: lend = '|| exit 1' else: lend = '&' wfile.write('echo " *** Running %s ..."\n' % mldfile) wfile.write('$DGRID %s && $DGRID %s %s\n' % (mldfile, ifilen, lend)) wfile.write('ln -s %s.cube\n\n' % (basen, basen2)) with open(ifilen, 'w') as ifile: ifile.write(f""":: basis={bfilen} output=. compute=rho format=cube mesh={dopt['msize']:.4f} {dopt['mborder']:.2f}\n""") wfile.close() print("File run_dgrid.bash written.\n Run as:\n bash run_dgrid.bash")
class AnalyzeTden(Action): """ *** This is the docstring for analyze_tden. *** analyze_tden is used for analyzing transition density matrices. - Charge-transfer numbers - Natural transition orbitals - Exciton sizes """ name = 'analyze_tden' _colt_description = 'Transition density matrix analysis' _user_input = """ # Main input file ifile = :: existing_file, alias=f """ _lazy_imports = LazyImporter({ '..theo_header': 'theo_header', '..lib_tden': 'lib_tden', '..lib_exciton': 'lib_exciton', '..input_options': 'input_options' }) @timeit def run(ifile): ioptions = input_options.tden_ana_options(ifile) theo_header.print_header(title=__class__._colt_description, ioptions=ioptions, cfile=__name__) tdena = lib_tden.tden_ana(ioptions) if 'mo_file' in ioptions: tdena.read_mos() tdena.read_dens() if 'at_lists' in ioptions or ioptions['eh_pop'] >= 1: tdena.compute_all_OmAt() if 'at_lists' in ioptions: tdena.compute_all_OmFrag() if ioptions['print_OmFrag']: tdena.fprint_OmFrag() if ioptions['comp_ntos']: tdena.compute_all_NTO() if ioptions['comp_dntos']: tdena.compute_all_DNTO() if ioptions['comp_p_h_dens']: tdena.compute_p_h_dens() if ioptions['comp_rho0n']: tdena.compute_rho_0_n() if 'RMSeh' in ioptions.get('prop_list') or 'MAeh' in ioptions.get('prop_list') or 'Eb' in ioptions.get('prop_list'): exca = lib_exciton.exciton_analysis() exca.get_distance_matrix(tdena.struc) tdena.analyze_excitons(exca) if 'Phe' in ioptions['prop_list']: tdena.compute_all_Phe() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Print-out #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# tdena.print_all_eh_pop() tdena.print_summary()