def enter_permission(y,device): device.touch(300,y,MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) msSleep() device.touch(450,80,MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) device.touch(290,80,MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) msSleep()
def typeInPhNumber(pn, device): #print "> Entering phone number..." mft ='getprop ro.product.manufacturer') if mft.strip() == "HTC": keycode = 'KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT' else: keycode = 'KEYCODE_TAB' if 10 == len(pn) and pn.isdigit(): MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) for c in pn[0:3]: device.type(c), MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) for c in pn[3:6]: device.type(c), MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) for c in pn[6:10]: device.type(c) else: print "> ERROR: not a 10 digit number"
def call_video(d): uri = ('' 'big_buck_bunny_480p_H264_AAC_25fps_1800K.MP4') d.startActivity(uri=uri, component="") MonkeyRunner.sleep(5.0)'KEYCODE_BUTTON_SELECT', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) take_snapshot(d)
def operateRR(): # Launches the app runComponent = PKG_NAME + '/' + ACTIVITY device.startActivity(component=runComponent) MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) touchDownUp(0.86, 0.94) # login touchDownUp(0.5, 0.146) device.type('*****@*****.**') touchDownUp(0.5, 0.29) device.type('J8d5b324') touchDownUp(0.5, 0.38) touchDownUp(0.5, 0.85, 2) # start touchDownUp(0.3, 0.08, 2) touchDownUp(0.5, 0.28) begin = time.time() last = takeSnapshot(0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.1) while True: for i in range(5): dragVertically(0.9, 0.23) print " %f" % (time.time() - begin) now = takeSnapshot(0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.1) if now.sameAs(last): break else: last = now print "[Sestet] \t%f" % (begin - g_begin) MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) return
def testSnapshot(doinstall=True): if doinstall: print "building application..."['./gradlew', 'assembleMonkeyDebug']) print "installing application..." device.installPackage('app/build/outputs/apk/app-monkey-debug.apk') print "launching application..." device.startActivity(component=RUNCOMPONENT) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) print "taking snapshot..." screenshot = device.takeSnapshot() # uncomment the following line to update the reference image # screenshot.writeToFile(REF) print "retrieving reference snapshot..." reference = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile(REF) print "comparing snapshots..." same = False try: same = screenshot.sameAs(reference, ACCEPTANCE) except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] if not same: print "comparison failed, getting visual comparison..." screenshot.writeToFile(SCR)["/usr/local/bin/compare", REF, SCR, CMP]) sys.exit(1)
def GoToUrl(url, urltextbox, device): if(1 != isInternetOn(device)): print"> WARNING: No internet connection detected" sys.exit(0) OpenBrowser(device) MonkeyRunner.sleep(8) ScrollUp(device) h,w = FindScreenSize(device) #--------------- Sikuli find subimage --------------- isfound, xClick, yClick = findSubimageClickLocation(urltextbox,device) if(isfound): device.touch(int(int(w)/2), yClick, 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) #========== for HTC browsers only ================= mft = getDeviceMft(device) if 'HTC' in mft: for i in range(1,14):'KEYCODE_DEL', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) #========================================================= for c in url: # 1/14 - sometimes this may not work and trigger other events. reboot phone. device.type(c) else: print"> ERROR: couldn't find URL textbox" sys.exit(0) MonkeyRunner.sleep(3)'KEYCODE_ENTER', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(15)
def deleteContact(self): #get Device connection #device = UtilTool.connectToDevice() #lanuch Contacts app #device.startActivity(component='') #MonkeyRunner.sleep(15) #vc = ViewClient(device,'emulator-5554') #get device connection device = UtilTool.connectToDevice() #init the testing environment vc = UtilTool.init(device) print 'test environment is ready' print 'Starting to delete contact one by one' for i in range(0,2): MonkeyRunner.sleep(15) vc.dump() c = vc.findViewWithText('Contact00'+str(i)) c.touch() MonkeyRunner.sleep(2)'KEYCODE_DEL',MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(15) vc.dump() but_confirm = vc.findViewWithText('OK') but_confirm.touch() MonkeyRunner.sleep(10) print 'Contact00'+str(i)+'is being deleted' MonkeyRunner.sleep(10) vc.dump() contacts_number = vc.findViewWithText('No contacts.') text = contacts_number.getText() if text=='No contacts.': print 'passed' else: print 'failed''KEYCODE_BACK', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)
def image_diff(imageA, imageB): # See i1 = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile(imageA) if not os.path.isfile(imageB): return True i2 = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile(imageB) return i1.sameAs(i2, 0.9)
def __call__(self, number = '10086', sleepSec = 0.01): print '========== Dial number: (%s) ==========' % number if DialNumber.keyNumPadDict is None: DialNumber.initKeyNumPadDict() for c in number:[c], MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(sleepSec)
def firstAddContact(device): Log('choose create new contact') device.touch(200,310,'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) Log('contacts information will keep local') device.touch(140,480,'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(3)
def smokeTestAllApps(device): allApps(device) for i in range(5):# 5 screens for j in range(3): #3 series for k in range(6): #6 itemes"Smoke Test %s_%s_%s" % (i, k, j)) #"logcat -c") x = 70+130*k y = 200+100*j if(i and k==0): swipeLeft(device) MonkeyRunner.sleep(2.5) device.touch(x, y, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(5.0) # s ="logcat -d") # s = "None" if s is None else s.encode("utf-8") # f = open("log_%s_%s_%s.txt" % (i, k, j), 'w') # f.write(s) # f.close() image = device.takeSnapshot() image.writeToFile("img_%s%s%s.png" % (i, k, j), "png") allApps(device) swipeLeft(device, i) return True
def camera_open_test(device): # reboot phone for camera first open print "Phone will reboot!!!" device.reboot() MonkeyRunner.sleep(sleep_time) # open log print "open log:" if platform: qcom_log_open(device) else: mtk_log_open(device) # first open camera print "First open Camera!" Camera_open(device) # open camera print "open Camera!" Camera_kill_and_start(device) # back open camera print "Back and open Camera!" Camera_back_and_start(device) # home open camera print "Home and open Camera!" Camera_home_and_start(device) # close camera print "close camera!" Camera_kill(device)
def setpos(runComponent): global device global pos_title global pos_go global pos_home # getpos(pos_home,'id/0x8f90000',runComponent) getpos(pos_title,'id/0x2012',runComponent) #id/go is on anathor view device.touch(pos_title['x'],pos_title['y'],"DOWN_AND_UP") #wait for keyboard ready MonkeyRunner.sleep(1.0) #input anything to make the 'go' visiable device.type('a') getpos(pos_go,'id/cancel',runComponent) #close keyboard'KEYCODE_BACK', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) #back to home'KEYCODE_BACK', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) #because there is something bug of id for uc,the bottom buttons have same id/0x8f90000 #get screen width and height w=int(device.getProperty('display.width')) h=int(device.getProperty('display.height')) pos_home['x']=int(0.9*w) pos_home['y']=h-5
def finishOperation(index, threshod = 0.95, interval = 0.2): MonkeyRunner.sleep(interval) state = takeSnapshot() while (not targets[index].sameAs(state, threshod)): MonkeyRunner.sleep(interval) state = takeSnapshot() return
def operateMap(): # Launches the app #runComponent = PKG_NAME + '/' + ACTIVITY #device.startActivity(component=runComponent) # touches the input box touchDownUp(0.4, 0.08, 4) # inputs place MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) device.type("Tsinghua") MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) touchDownUp(0.9, 0.17, 0) waitToFinish() # zoom in for i in range(3): touchDownUp(0.92, 0.76, 0.5) waitToFinish() for i in range(4): # restore touchDownUp(0.92, 0.83, 0.5) for i in range(6): touchDownUp(0.92, 0.83) waitToFinish()'KEYCODE_MENU', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) #touchDownUp(0.85, 0.84) #touchDownUp(0.2, 0.6) print "Finished." return
def getpos(pos,tag,runComponent): global device viewer = device.getHierarchyViewer() time=2.5 while(viewer==None): #wait for browser ready time=time*2 MonkeyRunner.sleep(time) viewer = device.getHierarchyViewer() if(viewer==None and time>20): #restart browser device.startActivity(component = runComponent) elif(viewer==None and time>50): print "get Hierarchy Viewer error\n" logging.error('get Hierarchy Viewer error\n') sys.exit(1) view = viewer.findViewById(tag) time=2.5 while(view==None): time=time*2 MonkeyRunner.sleep(time) view = viewer.findViewById(tag) if(view==None and time>20): print "get Hierarchy Viewer error\n" logging.error('get Hierarchy Viewer error\n') sys.exit(1) position=viewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(view) pos['x']=position.x pos['y']=position.y
def fight(): global d invoke_hero() MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.5) call_all_skill() MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.5) max_hero_level()
def max_hero_level(): global d d.touch(1350, 1000, "DOWN_AND_UP") # change to hero MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.5) for _ in range(50): touch_bottom() MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.1)
def main(): if len(sys. argv) < 2: print "please input the device id" sys.exit(0) timeout_val = 5 for dev_id in sys.argv[1:]: device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(timeout=timeout_val, deviceId=dev_id) if not device: print "connect to the device timeout" sys.exit() else: print "connect to the device: " + dev_id #clean the enviroment init(device) # Wake up the screen and unlock"svc power stayon true;input keyevent 82") print "run %s..." % module_name package = "" activity = ".DeskClock" runComponent = package + '/' + activity device.startActivity(component=runComponent) MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) take_snapshot(device)"KEYCODE_HOME", MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) take_snapshot(device)
def __init__(self, logger, device_name=None): self.class_name = "MonkeyRunnerImpl" ## command map self.CMD_MAP = {"TOUCH": lambda dev, arg: dev.touch(**arg), "DRAG": lambda dev, arg: dev.drag(**arg), "PRESS": lambda dev, arg:**arg), "TYPE": lambda dev, arg: dev.type(**arg), "SLEEP": lambda dev, arg: MonkeyRunner.sleep(**arg) } self.PhysicalButton={"HOME": "KEYCODE_HOME", "SEARCH": "KEYCODE_SEARCH", "MENU": "KEYCODE_MENU", "BACK": "KEYCODE_BACK", "POWER": "KEYCODE_POWER", "DPAD_UP": "DPAD_UP", "DPAD_DOWN": "DPAD_DOWN", "DPAD_LEFT": "DPAD_LEFT", "DPAD_RIGHT": "DPAD_RIGHT", "DPAD_CENTER": "DPAD_CENTER", "ENTER": "enter" } self.action_type_list=["DOWN", "UP", "DOWN_AND_UP"] self.action_down = "DOWN" self.action_up = "UP" self.action_down_and_up = "DOWN_AND_UP" self.m_logger = logger if None!=device_name: self.device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(deviceId=device_name) else: self.device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
def run(): clickX = 360 click_y = 215 num_conv = 8 height_conv = 130 for idx in range(0,20): print("go Chatroom "+str(idx)) if (idx < num_conv): click(clickX,click_y + height_conv * idx) else: moveVertify(height_conv) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) click(clickX,1080) MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) clickRightCorner() name = getFrontActivityName() if (name == ACTIVITY_CHATROOMINFO ): clickRightCorner() for i in range(0,120): if addFriendInChatroom(i) == False: break else: print("Activity name unfit ") clickBack() print('exit Chatroom') clickBack()
def pressLoginButton(self): # wait for 5 seconds MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) self.device.touch(963, 171, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1)
def main(argv): # Parse options. parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--serial", dest="serial", help="connect to device with specified SERIAL", metavar="SERIAL") parser.add_option("--file", dest="filename", help="write screenshot to FILE", metavar="FILE", default="Screenshot.png") parser.add_option("--timeout", dest="timeout", help="TIMEOUT in seconds for connecting to a device", metavar="TIMEOUT", default=120) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) # Connect to the current device, returning a MonkeyDevice object. # Monkeyrunner fails with a NullPointerException if options.serial is None. if options.serial: device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(options.timeout, options.serial) else: device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(options.timeout) if not device: return 1 # Grab screenshot and write to disk. result = device.takeSnapshot() result.writeToFile(options.filename, 'png') return 0
def swipe_back(number): for n in range(0,number): if lang == 'he': device.drag(((screen_width)*2/3, screen_height/2),((screen_width)/3,screen_height/2),0.15,5) else: device.drag((screen_width/3, screen_height/2),((screen_width)*2/3,screen_height/2),0.15,5) print "[Action] swipe" MonkeyRunner.sleep(1)
def sleep(self, time_sec): try: MonkeyRunner.sleep(time_sec) return True except Exception, e: msg = "[%s] Failed to sleep [%s]" %(self.class_name, str(e)) self.m_logger.error(msg) return False
def sleep(duration = 1): ''' Monkey sleep @type duration: int @param duration: how long to sleep ''' MonkeyRunner.sleep(duration)
def back_to_home(self): """check if the screen is on or not""" self._logger.debug("Back to home screen.") for backtimes in range(6):'KEYCODE_BACK', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.2)'KEYCODE_HOME', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1)
def take_Snapshot(): # sleep 3's MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) # Takes a screenshot result = device.takeSnapshot() # Writes the screenshot to a file c_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',time.localtime(time.time())) result.writeToFile('./shotbegin' + c_time + '.png','png')
def take_Snapshot(): # sleep 3's MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) c_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',time.localtime(time.time())) # Takes a screenshot result = device.takeSnapshot() # Writes the screenshot to a file result.writeToFile(path + "/Test07_" + c_time + ".png",'png')
# Imports the monkeyrunner modules from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice, MonkeyImage # Alert the user a MonkeyRunner script is about to execute MonkeyRunner.alert("Monkeyrunner about to execute", "Monkeyrunner", "OK") # Connects to the current emulator emulator = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() # Install the Android app package and test package emulator.installPackage( 'C:\\Users\\James White\\Desktop\\Exercise Files\\04_02\\04_02_end\\app\\build\\outputs\\apk\\app-debug-unaligned.apk' ) emulator.installPackage( 'C:\\Users\\James White\\Desktop\\Exercise Files\\04_02\\04_02_end\\app\\build\\outputs\\apk\\app-debug-androidTest-unaligned.apk' ) # sets a variable with the package's internal name package = 'com.mycompany.example.myapplication' # sets a variable with the name of an Activity in the package activity = 'com.mycompany.example.myapplication.MainActivity' # sets the name of the component to start runComponent = package + '/' + activity # Runs the component emulator.startActivity(runComponent) # wait for the screen to fully come up MonkeyRunner.sleep(2.0)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf8 -*- from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice, MonkeyImage # 连接设备 device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(3, '1849cdbf') # 启动App device.startActivity('') MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) # 点击搜索框 device.touch(409, 351, 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) #输入查询词 device.type('test') MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) #点击回车键'KEYCODE_ENTER','DOWN_AND_UP') #MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) #点击搜索按钮 device.touch(982, 143, 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(6) #截图 image = device.takeSnapshot() image.writeToFile('./test.png', 'png')
#!/user/bin/python # coding=utf-8 #-*-UTF-8-*- from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice # MonkeyRunner.alert('Hello mook friends','This is title',"OK") #连接设备 device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(3, "W8R0215A16001204") #启动APP device.startActivity("com.tianyancha.skyeye/.activity.SplashActivity") MonkeyRunner.sleep(9) #点击首页搜索框 device.touch(400, 480, "DOWN_AND_UP") MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) #点击搜索中间页搜索框 device.touch(420, 140, "DOWN_AND_UP") MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) #输入查询词 device.type('test') MonkeyRunner.sleep #点击回车键'KEYCODE_ENTER', 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) #点击排序按钮 device.touch(1000, 140, "DOWN_AND_UP") MonkeyRunner.sleep(6) #截图 image = device.takeSnapshot() image.writeToFile('C:/Users/Edianzu/Desktop/test.png', 'png')
def __init__(self, apk_path, package_name, data_app_name): self.apk_path = apk_path self.package_name = package_name self.data_app_name = data_app_name self.device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
apk = '/home/serso/projects/java/android/calculatorpp/calculatorpp/misc/other/tmp/2012.11.25/calculatorpp.apk' package = '' activity = '' operatorsActivity = '' deviceName = 'emulator-5580' def takeScreenshot(folder, filename): screenshot = device.takeSnapshot() screenshot.writeToFile(folder + '/' + filename + '.png', 'png') return print 'Waiting for device ' + deviceName + '...' device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(100, deviceName) if device: print 'Device found, removing application if any ' + package + '...' device.removePackage(package) print 'Installing apk ' + apk + '...' device.installPackage(apk) runComponent = package + '/' + activity print 'Starting activity ' + runComponent + '...' device.startActivity(component=runComponent) # sleep while application will be loaded
def resetGame(self, device): activity = '' device.startActivity(component=activity) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) device.touch(600, 915, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'click app 2' MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) device.touch(600, 600, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'clear data' MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) device.touch(600, 747, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'confirm' MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) activity = 'com.avalon.cave/org.cocos2dx.cpp.AppActivity' device.startActivity(component=activity) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) MonkeyRunner.sleep(20) self.checkApp(device) device.touch(400, 900, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'new character' MonkeyRunner.sleep(17) device.touch(400, 1222, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'start game' MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) device.touch(700, 1200, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'click bag' MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) device.touch(600, 1200, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'click setting' MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) device.touch(600, 700, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'download' MonkeyRunner.sleep(7) self.checkDownload(device) device.touch(222, 666, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'confirm' MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) self.checkOverwrite(device) self.checkApp(device) MonkeyRunner.sleep(7)
result.writeToFile(curdir + '/screenShot/' + path + '/' + str(num) + '.png','png') print "end screenshot: " + str(num) + ".png" #写入相应的日志 def writeToLog(f,string): f.write(string + getTime()) f.flush() def writeToDetails(fi,details): fi.write(details + "\n") fi.flush() #连接设备 print "connecting device..." device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() print print print "###############################################" print print " start run automatic script " print print "###############################################" print #显示手机型号 print str(device.getProperty('build.model')) #获取手机的width,height print 'width'+ ':'+ str(device.getProperty('display.width')) print 'height'+ ':'+ str(device.getProperty('display.height'))
#ASCII # script for automated tasks in Android applications # Imports the monkeyrunner modules used by this program from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice # Connects to the current device, returning a MonkeyDevice object device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() # Installs the Android package. Notice that this method returns a boolean, so # you can test to see if the installation worked. #device.installPackage(‘example.apk’) #set variables array #agency+countId accounts = [] for line in open('/folder/file.txt','r'): accounts.append(line.rstrip()) # sets a variable with the package’s internal name package = 'com.example' # sets a variable with the name of an Activity in the PACKAGE activity = 'com.example.activity.Login' # sets the name of the component to start runComponent = package + '/' + activity # Runs the component #device.startActivity(component=runComponent) device.startActivity(component=runComponent) #loop access each account in array
# otherwise the import fails try: ANDROID_VIEW_CLIENT_HOME = os.environ['ANDROID_VIEW_CLIENT_HOME'] except KeyError: print >> sys.stderr, "%s: ERROR: ANDROID_VIEW_CLIENT_HOME not set in environment" % __file__ sys.exit(1) sys.path.append(ANDROID_VIEW_CLIENT_HOME + '/src') from import ViewClient from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice # 01-04 18:23:42.000: I/ActivityManager(4288): Displayed +379ms package = '' activity = '.DevelopmentSettings' componentName = package + "/" + activity device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(60, "emulator-5554") if not device: raise Exception('Cannot connect to device') device.startActivity(component=componentName) MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) vc = ViewClient(device) vc.dump() showCpu = vc.findViewById("id/show_cpu") showLoad = vc.findViewById("id/show_load") alwaysFinish = vc.findViewById("id/always_finish") if not showLoad.isChecked(): showLoad.touch()
# we will wait for the emulator and then install apk i = 1 for r in range(9): dots = '.' * i sys.stdout.write(" \r") sys.stdout.write("Waiting for emulator" + str(dots) + "\r") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.5) i = i + 1 if i == 4: i = 1 while androidDevice == None: try: print("Waiting for emulator...") # now we wait for emulator 3 seconds of timeout androidDevice = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(3) except: pass # since this moment, we will use functions from monkeyrunner print("[+] Installing the application %s..." % apkName) androidDevice.installPackage(apkName) # Now create the name for MainActivity to start for example: # # package: .cnt MainActivity: Class Path = .cnt./.cnt.Class # package: com.cnt MainActivity: Class Path = com.cnt/Class # package: cnt MainActivity: Class Path = cnt/cnt.Class if "." in Mainactivity: if Mainactivity.startswith('.'):
def loadImageFromFile(self, fileName): return MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile(fileName)
def sleep(self, seconds): MonkeyRunner.sleep(seconds) return self
class Reset: device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() def checkApp(self, device): loop = True while loop: print 'check main' img = device.takeSnapshot() if (img.getSubImage((377, 600, 50, 15)).sameAs(load_main, 0.6)): loop = False device.touch(400, 1222, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'start game' MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) def checkDownload(self, device): loop = True while loop: print 'check download' img = device.takeSnapshot() if (img.getSubImage( (60, 585, 680, 111)).sameAs(load_download, 0.8)): loop = False def checkOverwrite(self, device): loop = True while loop: print 'check overwrite' img = device.takeSnapshot() if (img.getSubImage( (0, 555, 800, 160)).sameAs(load_overwrite, 0.7)): loop = False device.touch(300, 666, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'confirm' MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) device.touch(400, 666, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'confirm' MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) def resetGame(self, device): activity = '' device.startActivity(component=activity) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) device.touch(600, 915, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'click app 2' MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) device.touch(600, 600, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'clear data' MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) device.touch(600, 747, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'confirm' MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) activity = 'com.avalon.cave/org.cocos2dx.cpp.AppActivity' device.startActivity(component=activity) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) MonkeyRunner.sleep(20) self.checkApp(device) device.touch(400, 900, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'new character' MonkeyRunner.sleep(17) device.touch(400, 1222, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'start game' MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) device.touch(700, 1200, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'click bag' MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) device.touch(600, 1200, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'click setting' MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) device.touch(600, 700, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'download' MonkeyRunner.sleep(7) self.checkDownload(device) device.touch(222, 666, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'confirm' MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) self.checkOverwrite(device) self.checkApp(device) MonkeyRunner.sleep(7)
def runLoop(): while True: processLoopAction() MonkeyRunner.sleep(LOOP_SECONDS)
import time, sys from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice repeat = 5 startPos = (100, 600) endPos = (100, 300) steps = 10 duration = 0.1 wait = 1 if len(sys.argv) > 1: device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(10, sys.argv[1]) else: device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() package = '' activity = '' runComponent = package + '/' + activity # Start Activity device.startActivity(component=runComponent) time.sleep(1) # for i in range(0, repeat): device.drag(startPos, endPos, duration, steps) time.sleep(1) device.drag(endPos, startPos, duration, steps) time.sleep(1)
def nameko_harvest(device, target): testcase = __name__.encode('utf-8') dpiRatio = monkeyutils.get_dpi_ratio(device, 480, 800) # Launch application. runComponent = target['package_name'] + '/' + target['launch_activity'] device.startActivity(component=runComponent) MonkeyRunner.sleep(15) #Touch tostart device.touch(int(dpiRatio[0] * 240), int(dpiRatio[1] * 550), 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) #harvest for y in [310, 280, 250, 200]: dragStart = (int(dpiRatio[0] * 0), int(dpiRatio[1] * y)) dragEnd = (int(dpiRatio[0] * 479), int(dpiRatio[1] * y)) device.drag(dragStart, dragEnd, 2.0, 10) MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) #food food_pos_x = [50, 140, 240, 340, 430] device.touch(int(dpiRatio[0] * food_pos_x[2]), int(dpiRatio[1] * 670), 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) device.touch(int(dpiRatio[0] * 340), int(dpiRatio[1] * 540), 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) #exit'KEYCODE_BACK', 'DOWN_AND_UP', "1") MonkeyRunner.sleep(5)'KEYCODE_BACK', 'DOWN_AND_UP', "1") MonkeyRunner.sleep(5)
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice print '' load_download = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile('./download.png', 'png') load_main = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile('./main.png', 'png') load_overwrite = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile('./overwrite.png', 'png') class Reset: device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() def checkApp(self, device): loop = True while loop: print 'check main' img = device.takeSnapshot() if (img.getSubImage((377, 600, 50, 15)).sameAs(load_main, 0.6)): loop = False device.touch(400, 1222, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'start game' MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) def checkDownload(self, device): loop = True while loop: print 'check download' img = device.takeSnapshot() if (img.getSubImage( (60, 585, 680, 111)).sameAs(load_download, 0.8)): loop = False
# Imports from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice, MonkeyImage device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() MonkeyRunner.sleep(8) # paket, tj. .apk fajl koji se pokrece package = '' # pocetna aktivnost koja se pokrece activity = '.ui.login_and_register.LoginActivity' runComponent = package + '/' + activity # Testiranje Create account ekrana print('Test poceo\n') MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) x = 0 while (x < 10): x = x + 1 print 'krug:', x # Pokrece komponentu, tj. aktivnost print(runComponent) device.startActivity(component=runComponent) MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) #klik na Login via Google dugme #device.touch(526, 1261, "DOWN_AND_UP") device.touch(508, 1323, "DOWN_AND_UP") MonkeyRunner.sleep(8) # klik na potvrdu korisnickog Google profila
'width': 419, 'height': 121, 'imgfile': 'cancel-fight.png', 'img': None }] logging.basicConfig( filename='artsofwarbot/logs/artsofwarbot.log', filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.DEBUG)"Starting ARTS OF WAR bot") device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() for button in buttons: button['img'] = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile( os.path.join(BUTTONS_PATH, button['imgfile'])) for button in timeoutButtons: button['img'] = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile( os.path.join(BUTTONS_PATH, button['imgfile'])) unknownSnapsCnt = 0 def checkButton(snap, button): snapButton = snap.getSubImage( (button['x'], button['y'], button['width'], button['height']))
# ! /usr/bin/env python # - * - coding:utf-8 - * - # __author__ : KingWolf # createtime : 2019/3/19 3:04 #不能再代码中运行文件,需要在命令行下执行monkeyrunner .py文件 from import MonkeyRunner as MR from import MonkeyDevice as MD from import MonkeyImage as MI print('Connect devices......') #等待连接设备 device = MR.waitForConnection() # print('installing App.......') # #安装app # device.installPackage(r"D:\appium_apk_test\kaoyanbang.apk") #app的包名和activity名 package = 'com.tal.kaoyan' activity = 'com.tal.kaoyan.ui.activity.SplashActivity' runComponent = package + '/' + activity #启动Activity print("launch App...") device.startActivity(component=runComponent) # #点击“跳过”按钮 # print("touch skip button") # device.touch(961,104,'DOWN_AND_UP') # MR.sleep(3)
#start monkey test seedNo 0 import os from subprocess import Popen from subprocess import PIPE from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice, MonkeyImage from import takeSnapshot from import EasyMonkeyDevice from import By from import HierarchyViewer from import MonkeyView import random import sys import subprocess from sys import exit from random import randint device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() package = 'nerd.tuxmobil.fahrplan.congress.debug' activity = 'nerd.tuxmobil.fahrplan.congress.MainActivity' runComponent = package + '/' + activity device.startActivity(component=runComponent) MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.8) MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.8) device.touch(848, 520, 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.8) device.touch(223, 1871, 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.8) device.touch(74, 139, 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.8) device.touch(1030, 134, 'DOWN_AND_UP') MonkeyRunner.sleep(0.8) device.touch(863, 379, 'DOWN_AND_UP')
def __init__(self, timeout=5): = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(timeout) self.displayWidth = int(self.getProperty("display.width")) self.displayHeight = int(self.getProperty("display.height"))
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() activity = 'com.avalon.cave/org.cocos2dx.cpp.AppActivity' #device.startActivity(component=activity); MonkeyRunner.sleep(10); load_checkMark = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile('./checkMark.png', 'png') load_gem = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile('./gem.png', 'png') load_goOut = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile('./goOut.png', 'png') def watchAd(): device.touch(41, 176, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'click gem' MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) device.touch(244, 684, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'click accept' MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) device.touch(400, 670, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'click second accept' MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) print 'wait 18' MonkeyRunner.sleep(18)"KEYCODE_BACK", MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print 'back' MonkeyRunner.sleep(3) while True:
# Imports the monkeyrunner modules used by this program from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice # Connects to the current device, returning a MonkeyDevice object device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() # sets a variable with the package's internal name package = '' # sets a variable with the name of an Activity in the package activity = '' # sets the name of the component to start runComponent = package + '/' + activity # Runs the component device.startActivity(component=runComponent) # MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) # activity = 'com.bytedance.polaris.browser.PolarisBrowserActivity' # runComponent = package + '/' + activity # device.startActivity(component=runComponent)
dir = rootpath + "/apk/hz/" screenPath = rootpath + "/screenShot/hz/" duibiPath = rootpath + "/duibiPath/hz/" logpath = rootpath + "/log/hz/" #获取待测APK个数 countPak = len(os.listdir(dir)) #新建一个Log文件 if not os.path.isdir(logpath): os.mkdir(logpath) log = open( logpath + filename[0:-3] + "-log" +now + ".txt" , 'w') #开始连接设备 print("Connecting...") device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() log.write("连接设备...\n") #卸载应用 def uninstall(): print('Removing...') device.removePackage(pakageName) print ('Remove Successful!') MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) log.write("初始化应用环境...\n") countOK = 0 countNO = 0 #安装目录下的apk for i in os.listdir(dir):
def sleep(self, delay=1): if not delay == 0: print 'wait %fs' % (delay) MonkeyRunner.sleep(delay)
def uninstall(): print('Removing...') device.removePackage(pakageName) print ('Remove Successful!') MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) log.write("初始化应用环境...\n")
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import os from import MonkeyRunner as mr device = mr.waitForConnection() files = sys.argv[1:] k = len(files) path = 'D:/img/' logPath = 'E:/Module/Monkeyrunner/05-21/log.txt' title = '' flag = 'img1' flag2 = '' num = 2 total = num * k #print total; j = 0 z = 0
#写入相应的日志 def writeToLog(f, string): f.write(string + getTime()) f.flush() def writeToDetails(fi, details): fi.write(details + "\n") fi.flush() #连接设备 print "connecting device..." device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() print print print "###############################################" print print " start run automatic script " print print "###############################################" print #显示手机型号 print str(device.getProperty('build.model')) #获取手机的width,height print 'width' + ':' + str(device.getProperty('display.width')) print 'height' + ':' + str(device.getProperty('display.height')) print
def run_back_button(): device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() for _ in range(loop_count.BACK_BUTTON):"KEYCODE_BACK", MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)
def pressDone(): print("----- pressDone button") print("----- Done button X = " + str(deviceSceen.CAMERA_SAVE_BUTTON_X)) print("----- Done button Y = " + str(deviceSceen.CAMERA_SAVE_BUTTON_Y)) device.touch(deviceSceen.CAMERA_SAVE_BUTTON_X, deviceSceen.CAMERA_SAVE_BUTTON_Y, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) MonkeyRunner.sleep(3); return