def getIpMacMappingCacheService():
    r'''Get instance of caching service for mapping of IP to MAC address.
    This method introduced due to nature of service itself - it'is a eager
    singleton which on first reference try to establish connection to database
    @types: -> IPMACMappingCacheService'''
    from com.hp.ucmdb.discovery.probe.agents.probemgr.arpcache import IPMACMappingCacheService
    return IPMACMappingCacheService.getInstance()
def getIpMacMappingCacheService():
    r'''Get instance of caching service for mapping of IP to MAC address.
    This method introduced due to nature of service itself - it'is a eager
    singleton which on first reference try to establish connection to database
    @types: -> IPMACMappingCacheService'''
    from com.hp.ucmdb.discovery.probe.agents.probemgr.arpcache import IPMACMappingCacheService
    return IPMACMappingCacheService.getInstance()
def getIPMacService():
    return IPMACMappingCacheService.getInstance()