def onAttack (self,npc,player,damage,isPet): objId=npc.getObjectId() if self.FirstAttacked: if Rnd.get(100) : return npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"We shall see about that!")) else : self.FirstAttacked = True npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"I will definitely repay this humiliation!")) return
def onAttack (self,npc,player,damage,isPet): objId=npc.getObjectId() if self.FirstAttacked: if Rnd.get(40) : return npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"There is no reason for you to kill me! I have nothing you need!")) else : self.FirstAttacked = True npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"We shall see about that!")) return
def onAttack (self,npc,player,damage,isPet): objId=npc.getObjectId() if self.FirstAttacked: if Rnd.get(40) : return npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"Hey! Were having a duel here!")) else : self.FirstAttacked = True npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"How dare you interrupt our fight! Hey guys, help!")) return
def onAttack (self,npc,player,damage,isPet): objId=npc.getObjectId() if self.FirstAttacked: if Rnd.get(40) : return npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"You wont take me down easily.")) else : self.FirstAttacked = True npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"We shall see about that!")) return
def onAttack (self,npc,player,damage,isPet): objId=npc.getObjectId() if self.FirstAttacked: if Rnd.get(4) : return npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"Your rear is practically unguarded!")) else : self.FirstAttacked = True if Rnd.get(4) : return npc.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(objId,0,npc.getName(),"Watch your back!")) return
def onAttack(self, npc, player, damage, isPet): objId = npc.getObjectId() if self.FirstAttacked: if Rnd.get(40): return npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Come on, Ill take you on!")) else: self.FirstAttacked = True npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( objId, 0, npc.getName(), "How dare you interrupt a sacred duel! You must be taught a lesson!" )) return
def AutoChat(npc, text): chars = npc.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values().toArray() if chars != None: for pc in chars: sm = CreatureSay(npc.getObjectId(), 0, npc.getName(), text) pc.sendPacket(sm) return
def onAttack(self, npc, player, damage, isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId() objId = npc.getObjectId() if self.MobSpawns.has_key(npcId): if npc.getStatus().getCurrentHp() <= npc.getMaxHp( ) * self.MobSpawns[npcId]['HP'] / 100 and Rnd.get( 100) < self.MobSpawns[npcId]['chance']: if self.MobTexts.has_key(npcId): text = self.MobTexts[npcId][Rnd.get( len(self.MobTexts[npcId]))] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), text)) posX = npc.getX() posY = npc.getY() posZ = npc.getZ() signX = -500 signY = -500 if npc.getX() > player.getX(): signX = 500 if npc.getY() > player.getY(): signY = 500 posX = posX + signX posY = posY + signY npc.setIsAfraid(1) npc.setRunning() npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, L2CharPosition(posX, posY, posZ, 0)) self.startQuestTimer("Retreat", 10000, npc, player) return
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st: return if st.getState() != CREATED: return leaderst = leader(player) ### first part, general checking npcId = npc.getNpcId() if not leaderst: st.exitQuest(1) if DEBUG: return "DEBUG: onKill can't find leader info. Leader d/c?" return "Quest Failed" else: ingredients = [] timer = leaderst.getQuestTimer("poison_timer") if timer == None: self.chest_game(st, "stop") if DEBUG: return "DEBUG: onKill can't find poison timer. Too much time have passed" return "Quest Failed" try: ingredients = leaderst.get("ingredients").split() finally: ### second part, herbs gathering if len(ingredients): for m in range(len(MOBS)): if not int(ingredients[m]): if npcId == MOBS[m][0]: if st.getQuestItemsCount(MOBS[m][1]) == 0: if st.getRandom(100) < RATE: st.giveItems(MOBS[m][1], 1) ingredients[m] = '1' leaderst.set("ingredients", " ".join(ingredients)) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") return ### third part, chest game if npcId in CHESTS: timer = leaderst.getQuestTimer("chest_timer") #if timer == None : self.chest_game(st,"stop");return "Time is up!" chests = leaderst.get("chests").split() for i in range(len(chests)): if npcId == 18257 + i and chests[i] == '1': npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(npc.getObjectId(), 0, npc.getName(), "###### BINGO! ######")) count = int(leaderst.get("chest_count")) if count < 4: count += 1 leaderst.set("chest_count", str(count)) if count == 4: leaderst.getQuestTimer("chest_timer").cancel() self.chest_game(leaderst, "stop") leaderst.set("chest_game", "2") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") else: st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_itemget") return
def onAttack(self, npc, player, damage, isPet): objId = npc.getObjectId() if self.FirstAttacked: if Rnd.get(50): return npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Dear ultimate power!!!")) else: self.FirstAttacked = True return
def onAttack(self, npc, player, damage, isPet): objId = npc.getObjectId() if self.FirstAttacked: if Rnd.get(40): return npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( objId, 0, npc.getName(), "You childish fool, do you think you can catch me?")) else: self.FirstAttacked = True return
def onAdvEvent(self, event, npc, player): objId = npc.getObjectId() if event == "Good By" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Good By!! LOL.")) npc.onDecay() elif event == "Good By1" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Всем, до свидания... Большая тыква сказала до свидания ..." )) npc.onDecay() elif event == "Good By2" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Вы можете быстрее? Через 30 секунд я сбегу ...")) elif event == "Good By3" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Я прерву отношения с Вами через 20 секунд!")) elif event == "Good By4" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "У меня осталось всего 10 секунд! 9. 8. 7 ..!")) elif event == "Good By5" and npc and player: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Эй! Счастливо оставаться! Идиот, забудь обо мне!")) return
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId() if npcId == self.cats_eye_bandit: objId = npc.getObjectId() if Rnd.get(80): npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( objId, 0, npc.getName(), "I must do something about this shameful incident...")) self.FirstAttacked = False elif self.FirstAttacked: self.addSpawn(npcId, npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ()) return
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st: return npcId = npc.getNpcId() if st.getState() == STARTED and st.getInt("cond") == 10: if npcId == Guardian: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( npc.getObjectId(), 0, npc.getName(), "This enemy is far too powerful for me to fight. I must withdraw" )) st.set("cond", "11") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") return
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st: return if st.getState() != STARTED: return if st.getInt("cond") == 7: st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_itemget") st.set("cond", "8") npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( npc.getObjectId(), 0, npc.getName(), "You've ended my immortal life! You've protected by the feudal lord, aren't you?" )) st.giveItems(TotemDoll, 1) st.set("step", "2") return
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): # all kill events triggered by the leader occur automatically. # However, kill events that were triggered by members occur via the leader and # only if the leader is online and within a certain distance! leader_st = 0 if player.isClanLeader(): leader_st = player.getQuestState(qn) else: clan = player.getClan() if clan: c_leader = clan.getLeader() if c_leader: leader = c_leader.getPlayerInstance() if leader: if player.isInsideRadius(leader, 1600, 1, 0): leader_st = leader.getQuestState(qn) if leader_st: if leader_st.getState() != PROGRESS: return npcId = npc.getNpcId() condition, maxcount, chance, itemList = DROPLIST[npcId] random = leader_st.getRandom(100) cond = leader_st.getInt("cond") if cond == condition and random < chance: if len(itemList) > 1: stoneRandom = leader_st.getRandom(3) if stoneRandom == 0: if leader_st.getInt("Kurtz") < 4: return else: maxcount *= 4 giveItem(itemList[stoneRandom], maxcount, leader_st) elif len(itemList): giveItem(itemList[0], maxcount, leader_st) else: if npcId == 27181: # Imperial Gravekeeper spawnedNpc = leader_st.addSpawn(30765, 120000) npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( spawnedNpc.getObjectId(), 0, spawnedNpc.getName(), "Curse of the gods on the one that defiles the property of the empire!" )) leader_st.set("ImpGraveKeeper", "3") self.ImpGraveKepperStat = 1 else: leader_st.addSpawn(27179) return
def onAdvEvent (self,event,npc,player) : st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = event if event == "31328-02.htm": # call 31328-03.htm st.giveItems(MapForestofDeadman,1) st.giveItems(SilverKey,1) st.set("cond","1") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_accept") st.setState(STARTED) elif event == "31328-03.htm": # call 31328-05.htm and 31328-06.htm st.set("cond","2") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "31526-05.htm": # called by 31526-03.htm for hairpin if st.getQuestItemsCount(LidiaHairPin) == 0: st.giveItems(LidiaHairPin,1) # give hairpin if st.getQuestItemsCount(LidiaDiary) != 0: # if has diary cond = 4 st.set("cond","4") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "31526-11.htm": # called by 31526-07 for diary if st.getQuestItemsCount(LidiaDiary) == 0: st.giveItems(LidiaDiary,1) if st.getQuestItemsCount(LidiaHairPin) != 0: # if has hairpin cond = 4 st.set("cond","4") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "31328-19.htm": # end of questions loop go to ghost st.set("cond","6") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "31524-04.htm":# sends you to the tombstone to dig st.set("cond","7") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.takeItems(LidiaDiary,-1) elif event == "31523-02.htm": st.playSound("SkillSound5.horror_02") ghost = st.addSpawn(31524,51432,-54570,-3136,1800000) ghost.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(ghost.getObjectId(),0,ghost.getName(),"Who awoke me?")) elif event == "31523-05.htm": st.startQuestTimer("ghost_timer",10000) elif event == "ghost_timer": st.set("cond","8") htmltext = "31523-06.htm" st.giveItems(SilverKey,1) elif event == "31530-02.htm":# box gives spear takes key st.set("cond","10") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.takeItems(SilverKey,-1) st.giveItems(SilverSpear,1) return htmltext
def onAttack(self, npc, player, damage, isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId() objId = npc.getObjectId() if npcId not in WATERED_SQUASH: return if npcId in self.adultLargeSquash: if Rnd.get(30) < 2: mytext = [ "Укусы плетут кружево крысой ..., чтобы заменить ... тело ...!", "Ха ха, росла! Полностью на всех!", "Не можете чтоли все прицелиться? Смотрите все, чтобы не сбежала ...", "Я считаю ваши удары! О, напоминает удар снова!", "Не тратьте впустую ваше время!", "Ха, этот звук действительно приятно слышать?", "Я потребляю ваши атаки, чтобы расти!", "Время, чтобы ударить снова! Ударь еще разок!", "Tолько полезная музыка может открыть большую тыкву... Меня нельзя открыть с оружием!" ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) return
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId() objId = npc.getObjectId() if npcId not in WATERED_SQUASH: return if npcId in self.adultSmallSquash: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Tыква открывается!!")) npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Ееее! Открывается! Много хороших вещей ...")) elif npcId in self.adultLargeSquash: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Tыква открывается!!")) npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Ееее! Открывается! Много хороших вещей ...")) else: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "За что, хозяин?!")) npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objId, 0, npc.getName(), "Ой, кишки вывалились!!")) return
def autochat(npc, text): if npc: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(npc.getObjectId(), 0, npc.getName(), text)) return
def onAdvEvent(self, event, npc, player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st: return htmltext = event if event == "32018-04.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "7") st.takeItems(Letter2, 1) elif event == "32020-02.htm": st.setState(STARTED) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_accept") st.set("cond", "1") elif event == "32020-05.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "3") st.takeItems(Letter, 1) elif event in ["32020-06.htm", "32020-08a.htm"]: st.exitQuest(1) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") elif event in ["32020-08.htm", "32020-07a.htm"]: st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "4") elif event == "32020-12.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "5") elif event == "32020-16.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "10") st.takeItems(Report, 1) elif event == "32020-18.htm": if st.getQuestItemsCount(Tablet) == 0: st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "11") htmltext = "32020-19.htm" else: st.exitQuest(false) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") st.giveItems(57, 115673) st.addExpAndSp(493595, 40442) elif event == "32020-19.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "11") elif event == "32022-02.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "9") man = st.addSpawn(Suspicious, 104562, -107598, -3688, 0, False, 4000) man.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(man.getObjectId(), 0, man.getName(), "We meet again.")) self.startQuestTimer("2", 3700, man, player) st.giveItems(Report, 1) elif event == "Sculpture-04.htm": st.set("talk", "1") htmltext = "Sculpture-05.htm" st.set(str(npc.getNpcId()), "1") elif event == "Sculpture-04a": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "8") man = st.addSpawn(Suspicious, 117890, -126478, -2584, 0, False, 4000) man.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(man.getObjectId(), 0, man.getName(), "This looks like the right place...")) self.startQuestTimer("1", 3700, man, player) htmltext = "Sculpture-04.htm" if st.getInt(str(Sculpture1)) == 0 and st.getInt( str(Sculpture2)) == 0: st.giveItems(Tablet, 1) elif event == "Sculpture-05.htm": st.set(str(npc.getNpcId()), "1") elif event == "1": npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(npc.getObjectId(), 0, npc.getName(), "I see someone. Is this fate?")) elif event == "2": npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( npc.getObjectId(), 0, npc.getName(), "Don't bother trying to find out more about me. Follow your own destiny." )) return htmltext
def onAdvEvent(self, event, npc, player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st: return htmltext = event if event == "31349-02.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_accept") st.set("cond", "1") st.setState(STARTED) elif event == "31349-03.htm": if st.getQuestItemsCount(SuspiciousTotem): htmltext = "31349-05.htm" else: st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "2") elif event == "31349-10.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "4") elif event == "31348-02.htm": st.takeItems(SuspiciousTotem, -1) elif event == "31348-07.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "5") st.giveItems(GemstoneKey, 1) elif event == "31522-04.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "6") elif event == "31535-03.htm": if st.getInt("step") == 0: st.set("step", "1") triol = st.addSpawn(Triol, 59712, -47568, -2712, 0, 0, 300000, 1) time.sleep(1) triol.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( triol.getObjectId(), 0, triol.getName(), "That box was sealed by my master. Don't touch it!")) triol.setRunning() triol.addDamageHate(player, 0, 999) triol.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, player) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "7") elif st.getInt("step") == 2: htmltext = "31535-04.htm" elif event == "31535-05.htm": st.giveItems(Contract, 1) st.takeItems(GemstoneKey, -1) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "9") elif event == "31532-02.htm": st.takeItems(Contract, -1) elif event == "31532-06.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "11") elif event == "31531-02.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "12") st.addSpawn(Coffin, 60104, -35820, -664, 0, 0, 20000, 1) elif event == "31532-18.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "15") elif event == "31522-12.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "16") elif event == "31348-10.htm": st.takeItems(TotemDoll, -1) elif event == "31348-15.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "17") elif event == "31348-16.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("cond", "18") elif event == "31532-20.htm": st.giveItems(905, 2) st.giveItems(874, 1) st.takeItems(7063, -1) st.addExpAndSp(572277, 53750) st.unset("cond") st.exitQuest(False) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") elif event == "31522-15.htm": st.giveItems(936, 1) st.giveItems(874, 1) st.takeItems(7063, -1) st.addExpAndSp(572277, 53750) st.unset("cond") st.exitQuest(False) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") return htmltext
def onAdvEvent(self, event, npc, player): status = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getBossStatus(Benom) if event == "BenomTeleSpawn": self.Teleport = self.addSpawn(BenomTeleport, 11013, -49629, -547, 13400, False, 0) elif event == "BenomRaidRoomSpawn": if self.BenomIsSpawned == 0 and status == 0: self.Benomm = self.addSpawn(Benom, 12047, -49211, -3009, 0, False, 0) self.BenomIsSpawned = 1 elif event == "BenomRaidSiegeSpawn": if status == 0: if self.BenomIsSpawned == 0: self.Benomm = self.addSpawn(Benom, 11025, -49152, -537, 0, False, 0) self.BenomIsSpawned = 1 elif self.BenomIsSpawned == 1: self.Benomm.teleToLocation(11025, -49152, -537) self.startQuestTimer("BenomSpawnEffect", 100, None, None) self.startQuestTimer("BenomBossDespawn", 5400000, None, None) self.Teleport.deleteMe() elif event == "BenomSpawnEffect": self.Benomm.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE) self.Benomm.broadcastPacket( SpecialCamera(self.Benomm.getObjectId(), 200, 0, 150, 0, 5000)) self.Benomm.broadcastPacket( SocialAction(self.Benomm.getObjectId(), 3)) self.startQuestTimer("BenomWalk", 5000, self.Benomm, None) self.BenomWalkRouteStep = 0 elif event == "Attacking": NumPlayers = [] for player in npc.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values(): NumPlayers.append(player) if len(NumPlayers) > 0: target = NumPlayers[Rnd.get(len(NumPlayers))] npc.addDamageHate(target, 0, 999) npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, target) self.startQuestTimer("Attacking", 2000, npc, player) elif len(NumPlayers) == 0: self.startQuestTimer("BenomWalkFinish", 2000, npc, None) elif event == "BenomWalkFinish": if npc.getCastle().getSiege().getIsInProgress(): self.cancelQuestTimer("Attacking", npc, player) X = benomWalkRoutes[self.BenomWalkRouteStep][0] Y = benomWalkRoutes[self.BenomWalkRouteStep][1] Z = benomWalkRoutes[self.BenomWalkRouteStep][2] npc.teleToLocation(X, Y, Z) npc.setWalking() self.BenomWalkRouteStep = 0 self.startQuestTimer("BenomWalk", 2200, npc, None) elif event == "BenomWalk": if self.BenomWalkRouteStep == 33: self.BenomWalkRouteStep = 0 self.startQuestTimer("BenomWalk", 100, npc, None) else: self.startQuestTimer("Talk", 100, npc, None) if self.BenomWalkRouteStep == 14: self.startQuestTimer("DoorOpen", 15000, None, None) self.startQuestTimer("DoorClose", 23000, None, None) if self.BenomWalkRouteStep == 32: self.startQuestTimer("DoorOpen", 500, None, None) self.startQuestTimer("DoorClose", 4000, None, None) Time = WalkTimes[self.BenomWalkRouteStep] npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE) X = benomWalkRoutes[self.BenomWalkRouteStep][0] Y = benomWalkRoutes[self.BenomWalkRouteStep][1] Z = benomWalkRoutes[self.BenomWalkRouteStep][2] npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, L2CharPosition(X, Y, Z, 0)) self.BenomWalkRouteStep = int(self.BenomWalkRouteStep) + 1 self.startQuestTimer("BenomWalk", Time, npc, None) elif event == "DoorOpen": DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20160005).openMe() elif event == "DoorClose": DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20160005).closeMe() elif event == "Talk": if Rnd.get(100) < 40: npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(npc.getObjectId(), 0, "Benom", BenomSpeak[Rnd.get(4)])) elif event == "BenomBossDespawn": GrandBossManager.getInstance().setBossStatus(Benom, LIVE) self.BenomIsSpawned = 0 self.Benomm.deleteMe() return
def onEvent(self, event, st): htmltext = event if event == "31961-02.htm": st.set("cond", "22") st.takeItems(Letter, 1) st.giveItems(Starstone2, 1) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") if event == "32041-02.htm": st.setState(STARTED) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_accept") st.set("cond", "1") st.set("talk", "0") elif event == "32041-06.htm": st.set("talk", "1") elif event == "32041-07.htm": st.set("cond", "2") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("talk", "0") elif event == "32041-10.htm": choice = st.getInt("choice") if choice == 1: htmltext = "32041-10.htm" elif choice == 2: htmltext = "32041-10a.htm" elif choice == 3: htmltext = "32041-10b.htm" elif event == "32041-11.htm": st.set("talk", "1") elif event == "32041-18.htm": st.set("talk", "2") elif event == "32041-20.htm": st.set("cond", "6") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("talk", "0") elif event == "32041-25.htm": st.set("cond", "17") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.giveItems(Detector, 1) elif event == "32041-28.htm": st.takeItems(Detector2, 1) st.set("talk", "1") elif event == "32041-31.htm": choice = st.getInt("choice") if choice > 1: htmltext = "32041-37.htm" elif event == "32041-32.htm": st.set("cond", "21") st.giveItems(Letter, 1) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "32041-36.htm": st.set("cond", "20") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "32046-02.htm": st.set("cond", "19") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "32046-06.htm": st.exitQuest(False) st.addExpAndSp(410358, 32060) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") elif event == "32047-01.htm": if st.getInt("talk") + st.getInt("talk1") == 2: htmltext = "32047-04.htm" elif st.getInt("talk") + st.getInt("talk1") + st.getInt( "talk2") == 6: htmltext = "32047-08.htm" elif event == "32047-02.htm": if st.getInt("talk") == 0: st.set("talk", "1") elif event == "32047-03.htm": if st.getInt("talk1") == 0: st.set("talk1", "1") elif event == "32047-05.htm": st.set("cond", "3") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("talk", "0") st.set("choice", "1") st.unset("talk1") elif event == "32047-06.htm": st.set("cond", "4") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("talk", "0") st.set("choice", "2") st.unset("talk1") elif event == "32047-07.htm": st.set("cond", "5") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("talk", "0") st.set("choice", "3") st.unset("talk1") elif event == "32047-13.htm": st.set("cond", "7") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "32047-13a.htm": st.set("cond", "10") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "32047-15.htm": if st.getInt("talk") == 0: st.set("talk", "1") elif event == "32047-15a.htm": if self.isSpawned == 0: golem = st.addSpawn(Guardian, 96977, -110625, -3280, 0, False, 900000) golem.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay( golem.getObjectId(), 0, golem.getName(), "You, " + st.getPlayer().getName() + ", you attacked Wendy. Prepare to die!")) golem.setRunning() golem.addDamageHate(player, 0, 999) golem.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, player) self.isSpawned = 1 else: htmltext = "32047-19a.htm" elif event == "32047-17a.htm": st.set("cond", "12") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "32047-20.htm": st.set("talk", "2") elif event == "32047-23.htm": st.set("cond", "13") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("talk", "0") elif event == "32047-25.htm": st.set("cond", "15") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.takeItems(Starstone, 1) elif event == "32047-30.htm": st.set("talk", "2") elif event == "32047-33.htm": if st.getInt("cond") == 7: st.set("cond", "8") st.set("talk", "0") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif st.getInt("cond") == 8: st.set("cond", "9") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") htmltext = "32047-34.htm" elif event == "32047-34.htm": st.set("cond", "9") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "32047-38.htm": st.giveItems(Starstone2, 1) st.takeItems(57, 3000) st.set("cond", "26") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif event == "32050-02.htm": st.playSound("ItemSound.armor_wood_3") st.set("talk", "1") elif event == "32050-04.htm": st.set("cond", "14") st.giveItems(Starstone, 1) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") st.set("talk", "0") return htmltext
def onEvent(self, event, st): htmltext = event # Events Gustaf if event == "30760-08.htm": st.giveItems(G_Let_Martien, 1) for var in STATS: st.set(var, "1") st.setState(PROGRESS) elif event == "30760-12.htm": st.giveItems(G_Let_Balthazar, 1) st.set("cond", "4") elif event == "30760-16.htm": st.giveItems(G_Let_Rodemai, 1) st.set("cond", "7") elif event == "30760-20.htm": exit503(1, st) elif event == "30760-22.htm": st.set("cond", "13") elif event == "30760-23.htm": exit503(1, st) # Events Martien elif event == "30645-03.htm": st.takeItems(G_Let_Martien, -1) st.set("cond", "2") suscribe_members(st) try: members = st.getPlayer().getClan().getOnlineMembers("")[0] for i in members: pst = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest( qn).newQuestState( st.getPlayer().getClan().getClanMember( int(i)).getPlayerInstance()) pst.setState(PROGRESS) except: return htmltext # Events Kurtz elif event == "30763-03.htm": if st.getInt("Kurtz") == 1: htmltext = "30763-02.htm" st.giveItems(Mi_Drake_Eggs, 6) st.giveItems(Brooch, 1) st.set("Kurtz", "2") # Events Lutz elif event == "30762-03.htm": lutz = st.getInt("Lutz") if lutz == 1: htmltext = "30762-02.htm" st.giveItems(Mi_Drake_Eggs, 4) st.giveItems(Bl_Wyrm_Eggs, 3) st.set("Lutz", "2") st.addSpawn(27178, 112268, 112761, -2770, 120000) st.addSpawn(27178, 112234, 112705, -2770, 120000) # Events Fritz elif event == "30761-03.htm": fritz = st.getInt("Fritz") if fritz == 1: htmltext = "30761-02.htm" st.giveItems(Bl_Wyrm_Eggs, 3) st.set("Fritz", "2") st.addSpawn(27178, 103841, 116809, -3025, 120000) st.addSpawn(27178, 103848, 116910, -3020, 120000) # Events Kusto elif event == "30512-03.htm": st.takeItems(Brooch, -1) st.giveItems(Bl_Anvil_Coin, 1) st.set("Kurtz", "3") # Events Balthazar elif event == "30764-03.htm": st.takeItems(G_Let_Balthazar, -1) st.set("cond", "5") st.set("Kurtz", "3") elif event == "30764-05.htm": st.takeItems(G_Let_Balthazar, -1) st.set("cond", "5") elif event == "30764-06.htm": st.takeItems(Bl_Anvil_Coin, -1) st.set("Kurtz", "4") st.giveItems(Recipe_Power_Stone, 1) # Events Rodemai elif event == "30868-04.htm": st.takeItems(G_Let_Rodemai, -1) st.set("cond", "8") elif event == "30868-06a.htm": st.set("cond", "10") elif event == "30868-10.htm": st.set("cond", "12") # Events Cleo elif event == "30766-04.htm": st.set("cond", "9") spawnedNpc = st.addSpawn(30766, 160622, 21230, -3710, 90000) spawnedNpc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(spawnedNpc.getObjectId(), 0, spawnedNpc.getName(), "Blood and Honour.")) spawnedNpc = st.addSpawn(30759, 160665, 21209, -3710, 90000) spawnedNpc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(spawnedNpc.getObjectId(), 0, spawnedNpc.getName(), "Ambition and Power")) spawnedNpc = st.addSpawn(30758, 160665, 21291, -3710, 90000) spawnedNpc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(spawnedNpc.getObjectId(), 0, spawnedNpc.getName(), "War and Death")) elif event == "30766-08.htm": st.takeItems(Scepter_Judgement, -1) exit503(0, st) return htmltext
def onSkillUse(self, npc, player, skill): npcId = npc.getNpcId() skillId = skill.getId() if skillId != SKILL_NECTAR: return if npcId not in WATERED_SQUASH: return objectId = npc.getObjectId() if skillId == SKILL_NECTAR: # Первый полив if npc.getNectar() == 0: if Rnd.get(2) == 1: mytext = [ "Чтобы быть способной расти, я должна пить только нектар ... причем чаще", "Если ты будеш быстрее выливать мне нектар - я быстрее выросту!", "Ну, верьте мне, прыскайте нектар! Я могу конечно превратиться в большую тыкву!!!", "Принеси нектар, чтобы вырастить тыкву!", "Плод прекрасной молодой тыквы начинает блестеть, когда семя предано земле! С этого времени будет способен стать здоровым и сильным!", "О, давно не виделись?", "Неожидал увидеть мое красивое появление?", "Отлично! Это - нечто! Нектар?", "Дозаправка! Заправь 5 бутылок, чтобы я смогла превратиться в большую тыкву! О!" ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.addNectar() npc.addGood() else: mytext = [ "Не спеши! Слишком часто, я не успеваю!", "Я же не автомат, меня скорострельностью не напоиш", "Да куда же ты торопишься! Слишком часто, я не успеваю!", "Упс, опять слишком быстро", "Давай чуток помедленней, не спеши, медленно достань бутылку и медленно ее вылей!", "У тебя нет чувства скорости? Медленнее давай" ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.addNectar() # Второй полив elif npc.getNectar() == 1: if Rnd.get(2) == 1: mytext = [ "Желаю стать большой тыквой!", "Ням, ням, ням! Вышло! Заботится - хорошо!", "Как думаеш, я зрелая или гнилая?", "Нектар - только лучшее! Ха! Ха! Ха!" ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.addNectar() npc.addGood() else: mytext = [ "О! Опять мимо! Может слишком быстро расходуеш нектар?", "Если я умру такой как сейчас, Вы получите только молодую тыкву ...", "Выращивают немного быстрее! Неплохо было бы стать большой тыквой, молодая тыква не хороша!", "Tакую маленькую тыкву вы все должны есть? Принесите нектар, я могу быть больше!" ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.addNectar() # Третий полив elif npc.getNectar() == 2: if Rnd.get(2) == 1: mytext = [ "Tыква, изголодалась! Просит утолить жажду!", "Ну наконец-то ..., это действительно вкусно! Есть еще?", "Ухаживаешь за мной только для того, чтобы есть? Отлично, является случайным ваш ..., чтобы не дать манну на самоубийство" ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.addNectar() npc.addGood() else: mytext = [ "Не воду ли Вы добавляете? Какой вкус?", "Хозяин, спасите меня... Я не имею аромата нектара, я должна умереть ..." ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.addNectar() # Четвертый полив elif npc.getNectar() == 3: if Rnd.get(2) == 1: mytext = [ "Очень хорошо, делаешь чрезвычайно хорошо! Знаешь что следующим шагом должен делать?", "Если Вы поймаете меня, я даю Вам 10 миллионов adena!!! Согласны?" ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.addNectar() npc.addGood() else: mytext = [ "Я голодна, Tы хочеш чтоб я засохла?", "Tребую нектар, чтобы расти немного быстрее." ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.addNectar() # Пятый полив elif npc.getNectar() == 4: if Rnd.get(2) == 1: npc.addGood() if npc.getGood() >= 3: if npcId == 12774: newGourd = self.addSpawn(12775, npc) newGourd.setOwner(player.getName()) self.startQuestTimer( "Good By", 120000, newGourd, player) # Через 2 минуты исчезновение self.startQuestTimer( "Good By2", 90000, newGourd, player) # 30 секунд до исчезновения self.startQuestTimer( "Good By3", 100000, newGourd, player) # 20 секунд до исчезновения self.startQuestTimer( "Good By4", 110000, newGourd, player) # 10 секунд до исчезновения mytext = [ "Молодая тыква, жаждящая! Как, уже выросла?", "Я убегу через 2 минуты" ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.onDecay() else: newGourd = self.addSpawn(12778, npc) newGourd.setOwner(player.getName()) self.startQuestTimer( "Good By1", 120000, newGourd, player) # Через 2 минуты исчезновение self.startQuestTimer( "Good By2", 90000, newGourd, player) # 30 секунд до исчезновения self.startQuestTimer( "Good By3", 100000, newGourd, player) # 20 секунд до исчезновения self.startQuestTimer( "Good By4", 110000, newGourd, player) # 10 секунд до исчезновения mytext = [ "Милосердность является очень хорошей чертой. Tеперь посмотрите, я чувствую себя все более хорошо", "Я убегу через 2 минуты" ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.onDecay() else: if npcId == 12774: newGourd = self.addSpawn(12776, npc) newGourd.setOwner(player.getName()) mytext = [ "Эй! Была - не была! Есть! Сейчас же! Tы не можешь должным образом заботиться? Я же так сгнию!", "Ничего себе, остановки? За что тебя благодарить", "Жажду нектара о ...", "Вы хотите большую тыкву? Но я хочу остаться маленькой тыковкой ..." ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.onDecay() if npcId == 12777: newGourd = self.addSpawn(12779, npc) newGourd.setOwner(player.getName()) mytext = [ "Эй! Была - не была! Есть! Сейчас же! Tы не можешь должным образом заботиться? Я так сгнию!", "Ничего себе, остановки? За что тебя благодарить", "Жажду нектара о ...", "Вы хотите большую тыкву? Но я хочу остаться маленькой тыковкой ..." ] npc.broadcastPacket( CreatureSay(objectId, 0, npc.getName(), mytext[Rnd.get(len(mytext))])) npc.onDecay() return