Exemple #1
def getMsgRaw(fileName, rs):
    msgID = rs.getLong(1)
    size = rs.getInt(2)
    storageLocation = StoredMessage.stripOldStorageDir(rs.getString(3))
    custID = rs.getInt(4)
    ts = rs.getTimestamp(5)
    receivedDate = None
    if ts is not None:
        receivedDate = Date(ts.getTime)
    msg = StoredMessage(custID, msgID, storageLocation, None, None, receivedDate, 0, 0, 0, 0, None, amPartId, size, size, None, None)

    if msg:
        # do some validation
        if long(msgId) != msg.getMessageId():
            printQueue.append("consumer: ERROR: message ID " + str(msgId) + " not the same as " + str(msg.getMessageId()))

        #print "found message", msgId, "in DB for AM partition"
        msgStream = msg.getEncryptedCompressedContentStream()
        if msgStream:
            out = FileOutputStream(fileName)
            FileUtils.copyStream(msg.getEncryptedCompressedContentStream(), out)
            #print "found message", msgId, "on disk in AM partition"
            return True
            printErrorToRemigrate(msgId, " not found on disk for AM partition.")
            return False
        printErrorToRemigrate(msgId, " not found in db for AM partition.")
        return False
Exemple #2
for line in infile:
    # first advance pointer thru CRS
    while rs.getLong(1) < long(str.strip(line)):
        if crsi.hasNext():
            rs = crsi.next()
            # if we get here, we're looking for something in the file that is greater
            # than anything in the CRS. This means failure. print message below

    # next, see if they now match. if they do, get to work. if not, throw an error
    if rs.getLong(1) == long(str.strip(line)):
        # build up a StoredMessage
        msgID = rs.getLong(1)
        size = rs.getInt(2)
        storageLocation = StoredMessage.stripOldStorageDir(rs.getString(3))
        custID = rs.getInt(4)
        ts = rs.getTimestamp(5)
        receivedDate = None
        if ts is not None:
            receivedDate = Date(ts.getTime())
        msg = StoredMessage(custID, msgID, storageLocation, None, None, receivedDate, 0, 0, 0, 0, None, amPartId, size, size, None, None)

        # build up a batch if it isn't full yet
        if runningCount < batchSize:
            printQueue.add("debug(main): adding msg " + str(msg.getMessageId()) + " to a batch")
            runningCount += 1

        # otherwise we're ready to push to a thread and start with a new batch