Exemple #1
def pruesse_ruskey_local(poset, pi, inv, a, b):
    def extended_poset(x, y):  # Extend poset so that a < b
        return (x, y) == (a, b) or poset(x, y)

    while True:
        mrb = 0
        typical = False
        while move(pi, inv, b, RIGHT, extended_poset):
            mrb += 1
            yield True
            mra = 0
            while move(pi, inv, a, RIGHT, extended_poset):
                typical = True
                mra += 1
                yield True
            if typical:
                yield SWITCH_SIGN
                mla = mra + (-1 if mrb % 2 else 1)  # a left moves
                for __ in range(mla):
                    move(pi, inv, a, LEFT)
                    yield True
        if typical and mrb % 2 == 1:
            move(pi, inv, a, LEFT)
            yield True
            yield SWITCH_SIGN
        for __ in range(mrb):
            move(pi, inv, b, LEFT)
            yield True
        yield False
def varol_rotem_local(poset, pi, inv, x):
    # Move i to the left while maintaining pi as a linear extension of poset.
    # When i can no longer move to the left, do a cyclic shift to put i back to
    # its starting position.
    while True:
        while move(pi, inv, x, LEFT, poset):
            yield True
        left_cyclic_shift(pi, inv, inv[x], x)
        yield False
Exemple #3
def gen_all(n, poset):
    # 0 and n + 1 will be used as the minimum and maximum
    poset = add_min_max(poset, 0, n + 1)
    pi = list(range(n + 2))
    inv = pi[:]
    yield pi[1:-1]
    x = n
    while x > 1:
        if move(pi, inv, x, LEFT, poset):
            yield pi[1:-1]
            x = n
            left_cyclic_shift(pi, inv, inv[x], x)
            x -= 1