def predict(self, cs, df, last_test_day):
        """Predict outcomes given a Synergy Graph and last day to predict."""
        test_df = df[(df['date'] > self._last_graph_day)
                     & (df['date'] <= last_test_day)]
        test_df = combine_same_matchups(test_df)
        test_df = greater_than_minute(test_df)

        predict_df = self.predict_over_dates(cs, test_df)
        return predict_df
 def get_train_df(self, df):
     """Subset the training set on days before a given day."""
     train_df = before_date_df(df, self._last_graph_day)
     train_df = combine_same_matchups(train_df)
     train_df = greater_than_minute(train_df)
     return train_df
Exemple #3
    # com_df['correct'] = com_df['i_margin'] * com_df['prediction'] > 0
    # # com_df = com_df[com_df['prediction'].notnull()]

    return predict_df.reset_index(drop=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    season = '2008'
    X = read_season('matchups_reordered', season)
    X = add_date(X)
    # X = X[:int(len(X) * 0.3) + 1]
    all_preds = pd.DataFrame()
    k_folds = 1
    for k in xrange(k_folds):
        train_df, test_df = train_test_split(X, test_size=0.1)
        train_df = combine_same_matchups(train_df)
        # train_df = greater_than_minute(train_df)

        # Reset index on test set to make it easier to merge later
        test_df = test_df.reset_index(drop=True)

        # Compute and Predict for Unweighted Graph
        cs = ComputeSynergies(train_df)
        # cs.simulated_annealing(200)
        preds = predict_all(cs, test_df, season)

        # Compute and Predict for Weighted Graph
        csw = ComputeWeightedSynergies(train_df)
        csw.genetic_algorithm(60, count=5)
        preds_w = predict_all(csw, test_df, '2008')