def __init__(self, localAddress, eID=None): if _debug: BIPNetworkApplication._debug("__init__ %r eID=%r", localAddress, eID) NetworkServiceElement.__init__(self, eID) # allow the address to be cast to the correct type if isinstance(localAddress, Address): self.localAddress = localAddress else: self.localAddress = Address(localAddress) # a network service access point will be needed self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint() # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element bind(self, self.nsap) # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server # on the UDP multiplexer self.bip = BIPSimple() self.annexj = AnnexJCodec() self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(self.localAddress) # bind the bottom layers bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ) # bind the NSAP to the stack, no network number self.nsap.bind(self.bip)
def __init__(self, addr=None, noBroadcast=False): if _debug: UDPMultiplexer._debug("__init__ %r noBroadcast=%r", addr, noBroadcast) # check for some options specialBroadcast = False if addr is None: self.address = Address() self.addrTuple = ('', 47808) self.addrBroadcastTuple = ('', 47808) else: # allow the address to be cast if isinstance(addr, Address): self.address = addr else: self.address = Address(addr) # check for a special broadcast address self.addrTuple = self.address.addrTuple self.addrBroadcastTuple = self.address.addrBroadcastTuple if (self.addrTuple == self.addrBroadcastTuple): self.addrBroadcastTuple = ('', self.addrTuple[1]) else: specialBroadcast = True if _debug: UDPMultiplexer._debug(" - address: %r", self.address) UDPMultiplexer._debug(" - addrTuple: %r", self.addrTuple) UDPMultiplexer._debug(" - addrBroadcastTuple: %r", self.addrBroadcastTuple) # create and bind the direct address = _MultiplexClient(self) self.directPort = udp.UDPDirector(self.addrTuple) bind(, self.directPort) # create and bind the broadcast address if specialBroadcast and (not noBroadcast): self.broadcast = _MultiplexClient(self) self.broadcastPort = udp.UDPDirector(self.addrBroadcastTuple, reuse=True) bind(, self.broadcastPort) else: self.broadcast = None # create and bind the Annex H and J servers self.annexH = _MultiplexServer(self) self.annexJ = _MultiplexServer(self)
def bind(self, server, net=None, address=None): """Create a network adapter object and bind.""" if _debug: NetworkServiceAccessPoint._debug("bind %r net=%r address=%r", server, net, address) if (net is None) and self.adapters: raise RuntimeError, "already bound" # create an adapter object adapter = NetworkAdapter(self, net) # if the address was given, make it the "local" one if address: self.localAdapter = adapter self.localAddress = address # bind to the server bind(adapter, server)
def __init__(self): if _debug: TCPClientMultiplexer._debug("__init__") Client.__init__(self) # create and bind self.director = TCPClientDirector() bind(self, _StreamToPacket(), self.director) # create an application service element and bind self.ase = TCPMultiplexerASE(self) bind(self.ase, self.director) # keep a dictionary of connections self.connections = {} # no services available until they are created, they are # instances of ServiceAdapter self.deviceToDeviceService = None self.routerToRouterService = None self.proxyService = None self.laneService = None
def __init__(self, localDevice, localAddress, aseID=None): if _debug: BIPSimpleApplication._debug("__init__ %r %r aseID=%r", localDevice, localAddress, aseID) Application.__init__(self, localDevice, localAddress, aseID) # include a application decoder self.asap = ApplicationServiceAccessPoint() # pass the device object to the state machine access point so it # can know if it should support segmentation self.smap = StateMachineAccessPoint(localDevice) # a network service access point will be needed self.nsap = NetworkServiceAccessPoint() # give the NSAP a generic network layer service element self.nse = NetworkServiceElement() bind(self.nse, self.nsap) # bind the top layers bind(self, self.asap, self.smap, self.nsap) # create a generic BIP stack, bound to the Annex J server # on the UDP multiplexer self.bip = BIPSimple() self.annexj = AnnexJCodec() self.mux = UDPMultiplexer(self.localAddress) # bind the bottom layers bind(self.bip, self.annexj, self.mux.annexJ) # bind the BIP stack to the network, no network number self.nsap.bind(self.bip)
def __init__(self, addr=None): if _debug: TCPServerMultiplexer._debug("__init__ %r", addr) Client.__init__(self) # check for some options if addr is None: self.address = Address() self.addrTuple = ('', 47808) else: # allow the address to be cast if isinstance(addr, Address): self.address = addr else: self.address = Address(addr) # extract the tuple for binding self.addrTuple = self.address.addrTuple if _debug: TCPServerMultiplexer._debug(" - address: %r", self.address) TCPServerMultiplexer._debug(" - addrTuple: %r", self.addrTuple) # create and bind self.director = TCPServerDirector(self.addrTuple) bind(self, _StreamToPacket(), self.director) # create an application service element and bind self.ase = TCPMultiplexerASE(self) bind(self.ase, self.director) # keep a dictionary of connections self.connections = {} # no services available until they are created, they are # instances of ServiceAdapter self.deviceToDeviceService = None self.routerToRouterService = None self.proxyService = None self.laneService = None