Exemple #1
class CommSocket(object):
    A websocket for interactive communication between the plot in
    the browser and the server.

    In addition to the methods required by tornado, it is required to
    have two callback methods:

        - ``send_json(json_content)`` is called by matplotlib when
          it needs to send json to the browser.  `json_content` is
          a JSON tree (Python dictionary), and it is the responsibility
          of this implementation to encode it as a string to send over
          the socket.

        - ``send_binary(blob)`` is called to send binary image data
          to the browser.
    supports_binary = False

    def __init__(self, manager):
        self.manager = manager
        self.uuid = uuid()
        #display(HTML("<div id='%s'></div>"%self.uuid))
        self.comm = Comm('matplotlib', data={'id': self.uuid})

    def open(self):
        # Register the websocket with the FigureManager.

    def on_close(self):
        # When the socket is closed, deregister the websocket with
        # the FigureManager.


    def send_json(self, content):
        self.comm.send({'data': json.dumps(content)})

    def send_binary(self, blob):
        data_uri = "data:image/png;base64,{0}".format(b64encode(blob))
        self.comm.send({'data': data_uri})

    def on_message(self, message):
        # The 'supports_binary' message is relevant to the
        # websocket itself.  The other messages get passed along
        # to matplotlib as-is.

        # Every message has a "type" and a "figure_id".
        message = json.loads(message['content']['data'])
        if message['type'] == 'supports_binary':
            self.supports_binary = message['value']
Exemple #2
class CommSocket(object):
    A websocket for interactive communication between the plot in
    the browser and the server.

    In addition to the methods required by tornado, it is required to
    have two callback methods:

        - ``send_json(json_content)`` is called by matplotlib when
          it needs to send json to the browser.  `json_content` is
          a JSON tree (Python dictionary), and it is the responsibility
          of this implementation to encode it as a string to send over
          the socket.

        - ``send_binary(blob)`` is called to send binary image data
          to the browser.
    supports_binary = False

    def __init__(self, manager):
        self.manager = manager
        self.uuid = uuid()
        #display(HTML("<div id='%s'></div>"%self.uuid))
        self.comm = Comm('matplotlib', data={'id': self.uuid})

    def open(self):
        # Register the websocket with the FigureManager.

    def on_close(self):
        # When the socket is closed, deregister the websocket with
        # the FigureManager.


    def send_json(self, content):
        self.comm.send({'data': json.dumps(content)})

    def send_binary(self, blob):
        data_uri = "data:image/png;base64,{0}".format(b64encode(blob))
        self.comm.send({'data': data_uri})

    def on_message(self, message):
        # The 'supports_binary' message is relevant to the
        # websocket itself.  The other messages get passed along
        # to matplotlib as-is.

        # Every message has a "type" and a "figure_id".
        message = json.loads(message['content']['data'])
        if message['type'] == 'supports_binary':
            self.supports_binary = message['value']