def test_set_json():
	gpg = get_GPG('{"One": 1, "Two": 2}', 'secrets_tmp2', '12345')

	gpg2 = GPGTools(file = 'secrets_tmp3', key = '12345')
	cmdc = CommandControler(gpg2)
	cmdc.set_json('{"One": 1, "Two": 2}')

	file1 = open('secrets_tmp2', 'r')
	file2 = open('secrets_tmp3', 'r')

	assert !=

	remove_files(['secrets_tmp2', 'secrets_tmp3'])
class InteractiveCMD:
    cmdc = ''
    FILE = ''

    def __init__(self, gpg):
        self.cmdc = CommandControler(gpg)
        self.FILE = gpg.get_file()

    def id_or_list(self):
        keys_list = self.cmdc.get_keys()
        id = raw_input(
            "Introduce the identifier name or 'list' for list all identifiers: "
        ).replace(' ', '_')
        while id.lower() == 'list' or id not in keys_list:
            if id.lower() == 'list':
                id = raw_input(
                    "Introduce the identifier name or 'list' for list all identifiers: "
                ).replace(' ', '_')
            if id not in keys_list:
                id = raw_input(
                    "Introduce a valid identifier name or 'list' for list all identifiers: "
                ).replace(' ', '_')
        return id

    def add_content(self):
        id = raw_input('Please Introduce an Identifier: ').replace(' ', '_')
        if (os.path.isfile(self.FILE)):
            while (id in self.cmdc.get_keys()):
                id = raw_input('Please Introduce an Identifier: ').replace(
                    ' ', '_')

        for el in KEYS:
            KEYS[el] = raw_input("Please introduce a value for '" +
                                 str(el.lower()) +
                                 "' field, or leave it empty: ")
        new_json_content = {id: dict(KEYS)}

    def modify_content(self):
        id = self.id_or_list()
        json_content = json.loads(self.cmdc.get_json())
        json_content.pop(id, None)
        new_json = {}
        print('Leave all elements without value for delete the entry')

        for e in KEYS:
            element = raw_input('New ' + str(e) + ': ')
            new_json[e] = element

        if all(values == '' for key, values in new_json.items()):
            jkv = json.dumps(json_content, sort_keys=True)
            print('Done! Identifier ' + id + ' has been deleted')
            json_content[id] = new_json
            jkv = json.dumps(json_content, sort_keys=True)
            print('Done! Identifier ' + id + ' has been modified')

    def show_keys(self):

    def update_keys(self):

    def print_decrypt_content(self):
        id = self.id_or_list()
        json_content = json.loads(self.cmdc.get_json())

        output = raw_input('Show values? (Y/n): ')
        while output.lower() != 'y' and output.lower() != 'n' and output.lower(
        ) != 'yes' and output.lower() != 'no' and output.lower() != '':
            output = raw_input('Show values? (Y/n): ')

        if output.lower() == '' or output.lower() == 'y' or output.lower(
        ) == 'yes':
            for e in KEYS:
                print(str(e) + ': ' + str(json_content[id][e]))

        output = raw_input(
            'Copy any elemento to clipboard? (N/element name): ')
        while output.lower() not in KEYS and output.lower(
        ) != '' and output.lower() != 'n' and output.lower() != 'no':
            output = raw_input(
                "Please choose 'no' for leave. For copy and element 'user', 'password', 'url' or 'other': "

        if output.lower() != '' and output.lower() != 'no' and output.lower(
        ) != 'n':
            if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
                print('Only Darwin platforms')

    def exit(self):

    def raw_input_menu(self, option, switcher):
        while True:
                option = int(option)
                if option not in range(1, switcher): raise ValueError
                option = raw_input('Please, choose correct option: ')
        return option

    def interactive_menu(self):
        if os.path.isfile(self.FILE):
            switcher = {
                0: lambda: '',
                1: self.add_content,
                2: self.modify_content,
                3: self.print_decrypt_content,
                4: self.show_keys,
                5: self.update_keys,
                6: self.exit
            option = raw_input(
                '\t1: Add Key/Value Pair\n\t2: Modify/Delete Key/Value Pair\n\t3: Decrypt Key/Value Pair\n\t4: Show Keys\n\t5: Update public keys\n\t6: Exit\nChoose: '
            option = self.raw_input_menu(option, len(switcher))
            func = switcher.get(option, lambda: 'nothing')
            return func()
            print('The file' + self.FILE +
                  'has not been found, using -i/--interactive argument.')
            switcher = {0: lambda: '', 1: self.add_content, 2: self.exit}
            option = raw_input('\t1: Add\n\t2: Exit\nChoose: ')
            option = self.raw_input_menu(option, len(switcher))
            func = switcher.get(option, lambda: 'nothing')
            return func()

    def main(self):