def load_comments_and_gender_and_comment_likes_from_mysql(self):
        Function to load in comments, gender and comment likes from SQL dump
        Returns a list that contain gender of the commenter, comment body,
        male comment likes, female comment likes, total 
        likes and male/female ratio comment like
        cnx = self.establish_new_mysql_connection()
        cursor = cnx.cursor()
        query = ("""
            SELECT u.u_name, c.c_body, group_concat(cf.f_uid)
            As like_ids FROM Information.inf_dtu_user u,
            Information.inf_dtu_comment c,
            Information.inf_dtu_comment_flag cf where u.u_uid=c.c_uid
            and c.c_cid = cf.f_cid group by c.c_cid;

        # Makes a list that for each row contains name,
        # comments and name of the persons who liked the comment
        for c in cursor:
            if c[0] is not None:
                _male_likes = 0
                _female_likes = 0
                comment = Comment(c[1])
       = c[0].split()[0].lower()
                # Determines if the commenter is a male or female
                comment.gender =
                like_ids = c[2].split(",")
                # Determines what gender the comment likes are
                # and count the number of male, female and total comment likes
                for like_id in like_ids:
                    if int(like_id) in self.firstnames_and_ids.keys():
                        lname = self.firstnames_and_ids[int(like_id)]
                        gender =
                        if gender == "male":
                            _male_likes += 1
                        elif gender == "female":
                            _female_likes += 1
                comment.male_likes = _male_likes
                comment.female_likes = _female_likes