Exemple #1
    def approve_comment(self):
        _ = self.macro.request.getText

        # Source
        origin = os.path.join(self.approval_dir, get_input(self.macro, "file"))
        comment = read_comment(origin)

        # Destination
        page = Page(self.macro.request, comment["page"])
        if not page.exists():
            self.msg.append(_("The page this comment was written for don't exist any more"))

        dest_dir = page.getPagePath("comments", check_create=1)
        destination = os.path.join(dest_dir, get_input(self.macro, "file"))

        # Rename the file:
        os.rename(origin, destination)
        self.msg.append(_("Comment approved"))

        # Notify page subscribers:
        notify_subscribers(self.macro, comment)
Exemple #2
    def save_comment( self ):
        _ = self.macro.request.getText

        if get_input(self.macro, 'do' ) != u'comment_add':
            # This is not a comment post do nothing

        if get_cfg(self.macro, 'comment_recaptcha', False ) and not self.passpartout:
            import captcha
            self.captcha = captcha.submit (
                get_input(self.macro, 'recaptcha_challenge_field'),
                get_input(self.macro, 'recaptcha_response_field'),
                get_cfg(self.macro, 'comment_recaptcha_private_key'),
                self.macro.request.remote_addr )

        self.errors = self.errors_check()

        if not self.errors: # Save the comment
            # Find out where to save the comment:
            if self.moderate:
                # This commet will be added to the moderation queue
                page = Page(self.macro.request,
                    get_cfg(self.macro, 'comment_approval_page', 'CommentsApproval'))
                comment_dir = page.getPagePath('', check_create=0)
                # The comment will be immediately posted
                page = Page(self.macro.request,self.page_name)
                comment_dir = page.getPagePath('comments', check_create=1)

            # Compose the comment structure and write it
            now = datetime.now()
            random_str =  ''.join([choice(letters + digits) for i in range(20)])
            comment_file = '%s-%s.txt' % (now.strftime("%s"), random_str)
            file_name = os.path.join(comment_dir, comment_file)

            comment = self.comment
            comment['page'] = self.page_name
            comment['time'] = now
            if get_cfg(self.macro, 'comment_store_addr', False):
                comment['remote_addr'] = self.macro.request.remote_addr

            if self.moderate:
                self.msg = _('Your comment awaits moderation. Thank you.')
                self.msg = _('Your comment has been posted. Thank you.')

            write_comment( file_name, comment )

            if self.moderate:
                # If we have defined a list of moderators to notify and this user is
                # moderated then a message is sent to the moderator list
                moderators = get_cfg(self.macro, 'comment_moderators', None)
                if moderators:
                    sendmail.sendmail( self.macro.request, moderators.split(','),
                    _('New comment awaits moderation for page %(page)s' % self.comment ),
                    _('New comment awaits moderation:\n\nPage: %(page)s\nFrom: %(user_name)s\nMessage:\n\n%(comment)s\n\n--' %
                        self.comment ))
                # Send notification to page subscribers if the page
                notify_subscribers(self.macro, self.comment)

            # clean up the fields to display