Exemple #1
def get_maker_fee(asset_id):
    storage = MCTManager()

    key = concat("makerFee", asset_id)
    fee = storage.get(key)

    if len(fee) != 0 or len(asset_id) == 0:
        return fee

    return storage.get("makerFee")
Exemple #2
def get_offers(trading_pair) -> list:
    Get List of Offers for trading pair
    :param trading_pair: scripthash of each contract trading pair
    :return: list of Offers()
    storage = MCTManager()

    result_serialized = storage.get(trading_pair)

    if not result_serialized:
        print("result_serialized is null")
        return None

    result_info = storage.deserialize(result_serialized)

    offers = []
    for result in result_info:
        offer = Offer()
        offer.MakerAddress = result.MakerAddress
        offer.OfferAssetID = result.OfferAssetID
        offer.OfferAssetCategory = result.OfferAssetCategory
        offer.OfferAmount = result.OfferAmount
        offer.WantAssetID = result.WantAssetID
        offer.WantAssetCategory = result.WantAssetCategory
        offer.WantAmount = result.WantAmount
        offer.AvailableAmount = result.AvailableAmount
        offer.TradingPair = result.OfferAssetCategory + result.WantAssetCategory

    return offers
Exemple #3
def get_volume(bucket_number, asset_id):
    storage = MCTManager()

    volume_key = concat("tradeVolume", bucket_number)
    volume_key = concat(volume_key, asset_id)
    volume_data = storage.get(volume_key)

    if len(volume_data) == 0:
        return Volume()
        return storage.deserialize(volume_data)
def transfer_asset_to(address, asset_id, amount):

    storage = MCTManager()

    if amount < 1:
        Notify("Amount to transfer less than 1!")

    key = concat(address, asset_id)
    current_balance = storage.get(key)
    storage.put(key, current_balance + amount)
Exemple #5
def get_offer(trading_pair, hash) -> Offer:
    Get Single Offer
    :param trading_pair:
    :param hash:
    :return: Offer Object
    storage = MCTManager()
    offer_data = storage.get(trading_pair + hash)

    if len(offer_data) == 0:
        return Offer()
        return storage.deserialize(offer_data)
Exemple #6
def make_offer(offer) -> bool:
    Make New Offer on books
    :param offer:
    :return: Result of if offer was valid
    if not CheckWitness(offer.MakerAddress):
        return False

    # Checking that the person that invoked this was the smart contract it self
    if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
        return False

    allowed = get_state()
    if allowed == 'Inactive' or allowed == 'Pending':
        return False

    if (allowed == 'Terminated' and not offer.OfferAssetID == NeoAssetID
            and offer.WantAssetID == GasAssetID
            and not offer.WantAssetID == NeoAssetID
            and offer.OfferAssetID == GasAssetID):
        return False
    trading_pair = offer.OfferAssetID + offer.WantAssetID
    offer_hash = hash(offer)
    storage = MCTManager()
    if storage.get(trading_pair + offer_hash):
        return False

    if not offer.OfferAmount > 0 and offer.WantAmount > 0:
        return False

    if offer.OfferAssetID == offer.WantAssetID:
        return False

    if (len(offer.OfferAssetID) != 20 and len(offer.OfferAssetID) != 32
            or len(offer.WantAssetID) != 20 and len(offer.WantAssetID) != 32):
        return False

    if not reduce_balance(offer.MakerAddress, offer.OfferAssetID,
        return False

    store_offer(trading_pair, offer_hash, offer)

    created(offer.MakerAddress, offer_hash, offer.OfferAssetID,
            offer.OfferAmount, offer.WantAssetID, offer.WantAmount)

    return True
Exemple #7
def add_volume(asset_id, native_amount, foreign_amount):
    time = GetTime()
    storage = MCTManager()

    bucket_number = time / bucket_duration

    volume_key = concat("tradeVolume", bucket_number)
    volume_key = concat(volume_key, asset_id)

    volume_data = storage.get(volume_key)

    if len(volume_data) == 0:
        volume = Volume()

        volume.Native = native_amount
        volume.Foreign = foreign_amount
        volume = storage.deserialize(volume_data)
        volume.Native = volume.Native + native_amount
        volume.Foreign = volume.Foreign + foreign_amount

    storage.put(volume_key, storage.serialize_array(volume))
def reduce_balance(address, asset_id, amount):

    storage = MCTManager()

    if amount < 1:
        Notify("Amount to reduce less than 1")
        return False

    key = concat(address, asset_id)
    current_balance = storage.get(key)
    new_balance = current_balance - amount

    if new_balance < 0:
        Notify("Not enough balance")
        return False

    if new_balance > 0:
        storage.put(key, new_balance)

    return True
Exemple #9
def fill_offer(filler_address, trading_pair, offer_hash, amount_to_fill,
    if not CheckWitness(filler_address):
        return False

    # Checking that the person that invoked this was the smart contract
    if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
        return False

    offer = get_offer(trading_pair, offer_hash)
    storage = MCTManager()

    if offer.MakerAddress == '':
        failed(filler_address, offer_hash)
        return False

    allowed = get_state()
    if allowed == 'Inactive' or allowed == 'Pending':
        return False

    if (allowed == 'Terminated' and not offer.OfferAssetID == NeoAssetID
            and offer.WantAssetID == GasAssetID
            and not offer.WantAssetID == NeoAssetID
            and offer.OfferAssetID == GasAssetID):
        return False

    if filler_address == offer.MakerAddress:
        return False

    amount_to_take = (offer.OfferAmount * offer.WantAmount) / offer.OfferAmount
    if amount_to_take > offer.AvailableAmount:
        amount_to_take = offer.AvailableAmount
        amount_to_fill = (amount_to_take *
                          offer.WantAmount) / offer.OfferAmount

    if amount_to_take <= 0:
        failed(filler_address, offer_hash)
        return True

    fee_address = storage.get('feeAddress')
    maker_fee_rate = get_maker_fee(offer.WantAssetID)
    taker_fee_rate = get_taker_fee(offer.OfferAssetID)
    maker_fee = (amount_to_fill * maker_fee_rate) / fee_factor
    taker_fee = (amount_to_take * taker_fee_rate) / fee_factor
    native_fee = 0

    if use_native_token and offer.OfferAssetID != native_token:
        time = GetTime()
        bucket_number = time / bucket_duration
        volume = get_volume(bucket_number, offer.OfferAssetID)

        native_volume = volume.Native
        foreign_volume = volume.Foreign

        if foreign_volume > 0:
            native_fee = (taker_fee * native_volume) / (foreign_volume *

        if not reduce_balance(filler_address, native_token, native_fee):
            native_fee = 0

    if offer.OfferAssetID == native_token:
        taker_fee = taker_fee / native_token_discount

    if native_fee > 0:
        taker_amount = amount_to_take - taker_fee
        taker_amount = 0

    # Transfer to taker
    transfer_asset_to(filler_address, offer.WantAssetID, taker_amount)
    transferred(filler_address, offer.OfferAssetID, taker_amount)

    # Transfer to maker
    maker_amount = amount_to_fill - maker_fee
    transfer_asset_to(offer.MakerAddress, offer.WantAssetID, maker_amount)
    transferred(offer.MakerAddress, offer.WantAssetID, maker_amount)

    # Move fees
    if maker_fee > 0:
        transfer_asset_to(fee_address, offer.WantAssetID, maker_fee)

    if native_fee == 0 and offer.OfferAssetID != native_token:
        transfer_asset_to(fee_address, offer.OfferAssetID, taker_fee)

    # Update native token exchange rate
    if offer.OfferAssetID == native_token:
        add_volume(offer.WantAssetID, amount_to_take, amount_to_fill)

    if offer.WantAssetID == native_token:
        add_volume(offer.OfferAssetID, amount_to_fill, amount_to_take)

    # Update available amount
    offer.AvailableAmount = offer.AvailableAmount - amount_to_take

    store_offer(trading_pair, offer_hash, offer)

    filled(filler_address, offer_hash, amount_to_fill, offer.OfferAssetID,
           offer.OfferAmount, offer.WantAssetID, offer.WantAmount)

    return True
Exemple #10
def get_state():
    storage = MCTManager()
    return storage.get('state')
Exemple #11
def get_balance(originator, asset_id):
    storage = MCTManager()
    key = concat(originator, asset_id)
    return storage.get(key)