def __init__(self): basicApi.d_print('TFIDF_analyzer: __init__()') #initial analyzer self.stopWordsFile = '%s/stopword.txt' % Env().getPath('TFIDF_HOME_PATH') self.stopWordDic = {} self.featureDic = {} self.err = []
def deleteCR(self, cr): basicApi.d_print('ManualRemoveItem:deleteCR()') rtl = self.task.db.cateSummary.searchItem(cr) itemList = rtl.getList() for itemId in itemList: self.udt.deleteTRD(itemId, cr) self.task.db.cateSummary.removeItem([itemId])
def callProc(self, proc, args=()): basicApi.d_print('common.DbCategory:callProc()') sProc = '"%s"."%s.%s.procs::%s"' % (self.db.schema, self.db.basePath,, proc) #print('%s'%(sProc)) #print(tuple(args)) return self.db.cur.callproc(sProc, tuple(args))
def parpareTaskData(self): #1, Split whole jnl file into case blocks #2, Save each blocks into local disk #3, Write caseName to jnl maps into task object #caseList = [(itemId, caseName), ...] basicApi.d_print('AseSetup: parpareTaskData()') for jnlPath, execPath in self.jnlPair: self._fillExecOutDic(execPath) for jnlCaseNum, block in self._jnlGenerator(jnlPath): caseName = self._getCaseName(jnlCaseNum) #Insert current failed test case information into DB rtl = self.task.db.cateCycleInfo.insertItems([ self.task.tag, self.task.tagTime, self.task.branch, self.task.platform, self.task.testSet, caseName, self.task.workDir, self.task.user, '?' ]) #Get return itemId from DB itemId = rtl.getProcRtId() #Wrtie block data into disk with itemId basicApi.writeFile(self.task.getJnlStoreName(itemId), block) #Append caseList for current task self.task.caseList.append((str(itemId), caseName)) #Log jnl paser info basicApi.writeFile(os.path.join(self.aaLogDir, 'autoAnalysis.log'), self.err) pass
def run(self, task): basicApi.d_print('common.Analyzer:run()') #self.task = task self.setTask(task) self.preProcess() self.analysing() self.record()
def execute(self, assignDict): basicApi.d_print('ReAssignUsr:execute()') for testSet, userName in assignDict.items(): print('test_set: %s to user: %s' % (testSet, userName)) self.task.db.cateCycleInfo.updateTestSetAssignment( [testSet, usrName]) pass
def __init__(self, clsList): basicApi.d_print('common.Framework:__init__()') self.clsNameList = [] for cls in clsList: setattr(self,, cls()) self.clsNameList.append( pass
def execute(self, itemId, cr): basicApi.d_print('ManualUpdateItem:execute()') #Update user specified CR into database self.updateDB(itemId, cr) #We still need update this CR in TRD self.updateTRD(itemId, cr) pass
def preProcess(self): basicApi.d_print('TFIDF_analyzer: preProcess()') #Get feature from db rtl = self.task.db.cateTFIDF.searchFeatureKey_tb() self.featureDic = rtl.getDict() #Fill the stop words dict self._fillStopWordDic() pass
def __init__(self): basicApi.d_print('CNN_analyzer: __init__()') #initial analyzer self.checkpoint_dir = '%s/runs/checkpoints' % Env().getPath( 'CNN_HOME_PATH') self.err = [] self.prediction_list = [] self.train_cr_order = '%s/runs/train_cr_order.txt' % Env().getPath( 'CNN_HOME_PATH')
def __init__(self, task): basicApi.d_print('CycleCleanUp:__init__()') self.task = task #initial update and remove actions self.mri = ManualRemoveItem(task) self.mui = ManualUpdateItem(task) self.upt = UpdateTRD(task) self.qtsdb = AseAccess() # Setup Quasr_trd executing PATH self._setEnv()
def analysing(self): basicApi.d_print('CNN_analyzer: analysing()') if self.task.caseList == []: #That means all test case pass pass else: storeJnlList = self.task.getStoreJnlList() input_list = self._filter_data(storeJnlList) x_list = self._transform_vector(input_list) self.prediction_list = self._prediction(x_list) pass
def _loadConfig(self, fileName): basicApi.d_print('common.Env:_loadConfig()') fd = file(fileName, 'r') cfgDict = yaml.load(fd) #Process absolute path for key, value in cfgDict['ABSOLUTE_PATH'].items(): self.configDict[key] = value #Process relative path for key, value in cfgDict['RELATIVE_PATH'].items(): self.configDict[key] = '%s/%s' % (self.homeDir, value) pass
def __init__(self): basicApi.d_print('AseSetup: __init__()') self.err = [] self.tcfList = [] self.jnlPair = [] self.testSetWorkDir = '' self.resultDir = '' #Used to store execOut data self.execResultDict = {} #Used to store current Tcf full name self.tcfFullName = ''
def execute(self, itemId, cr): basicApi.d_print('ManualRemoveItem:execute()') #Remove fake error message items from db #self.task.db.cateSummary.removeItem([itemId]) #Do we need to check whether this itemId has CR attached. #If yes, then we need to remove it from TRD when we remove it. #after discussed with wanghao, we need to remove it from TRD if cr != 'new' and cr != 'manual': self.udt.deleteTRD(itemId, cr) #Remove fake error message items from db self.task.db.cateSummary.removeItem([itemId]) pass
def deleteTRD(self, itemId, cr): basicApi.d_print('UpdateTRD:deleteTRD()') rtl = self.task.db.cateCycleInfo.searchItemInfo(itemId) (tag, platformBit, fullCaseName) = rtl.getTuple() #sync test case attached CR from our data base to TRD pathList = fullCaseName.split('/') caseName = pathList[-1] cmd = '/remote/quasr1/quasr/nightly/build/linux/bin/quasr_trd delete cr -case_name "%s" \ -tag %s -number %s -plat_and_bit %s' % (caseName, tag, cr, platformBit) return basicApi.quasrCmd(cmd) pass
def execute(self): basicApi.d_print('CycleCleanUp:execute()') #Infact there are 2 jobs: #1, Check all not processed items in current cycle, sync the data with TRD. #2, Check all CR status, remove closed CR related items. print('****************************************') print(' Sync analysis result from TRD: ') print('****************************************') self.syncFromTRD() print('\n') print('****************************************') print(' Check CR status on current branch: ') print('****************************************') self.removeCloseCR()
def updateModel(self, task): if Env( ).homeDir == '/remote/asepw_archive2/grid/autoAnalyzer/gitAutoAnalyze': #This is used for re-calculation basicApi.d_print('AseAnalysis: updateModel()') #Record recalculation action into db task.db.cateSummary.insertRecalculateLog() #Begin update self.cnn.update(task) self.tfidf.update(task) else: print('Re-calculate must be run under:') print( ' /remote/asepw_archive2/grid/autoAnalyzer/gitAutoAnalyze') pass
def __init__(self): basicApi.d_print('HanaDbAccess: __init__()') #Initial connection to database self.conn = hanadbapi.connect(address="", port=30015, user="******", password="******") self.cur = self.conn.cursor() #Specify schema name and db path self.schema = 'AUTO_ANALYZER' self.basePath = 'aseAutoAnalyzer.db' #Initial call db access method self.cateCycleInfo = CycleInfo(self, 'cycleInfo') self.cateTFIDF = TFIDF(self, 'tfidf') self.cateCNN = CNN(self, 'cnn') self.cateSummary = Summary(self, 'summary')
def analysing(self): basicApi.d_print('TFIDF_analyzer: analysing()') for itemId,CaseName in self.task.caseList: jnlPath = self.task.getJnlStoreName(itemId) block = basicApi.openFile(jnlPath, "r") #Filter jnl block filteBlock = _filteJnl(block) #Simplify jnl block extractedJnl = tfidf.stemming(filteBlock, self.stopWordDic) msgVector = tfidf.featureGenerator(extractedJnl, self.featureDic) #Check msgVector if self._isZeroVec(msgVector): text = 'ERROR: Extracted journal file is empty, please manually analysis it.' self.err.append('%s\n%s\n'%(CaseName, text)) #Write log into database self.task.db.cateTFIDF.insertNotAnalysis([itemId]) continue #Find out all vectors rtl = self.task.db.cateTFIDF.searchAllVecs(itemId) allVecs = rtl.getDict() #Translate vector into string vecStr = basicApi.vec2Str(msgVector) if allVecs == {}: #Initial database self.task.db.cateTFIDF.insertTfidfResult([itemId, vecStr, '?']) continue #Insert current vector into database and attach it to exist CR if it has rtl = self.task.db.cateTFIDF.insertTfidfResult([itemId, vecStr, '?']) if rtl.getProcRtId() == 1: #If return value equal to 1 then means it is a new issue #First get all data from database if allVecs: #Fuzzy search process begin matched_tb = tfidf.fuzzySearch(msgVector, allVecs) if matched_tb == {}: #Should not run to here text = 'ERROR: Not find any similarity vector.' self.err.append('%s\n%s\n'%(CaseName, text)) else: #Insert similarty table into db for simVal,msgId in matched_tb.items(): self.task.db.cateTFIDF.insertSimilarity([itemId, str(msgId), str(simVal)]) else: #Database is empty, what we need to do, is just insert current message into databse. text = 'WARNING: Database is empty now, we just directly insert current message as first itme.' self.err.append('%s\n%s\n'%(CaseName, text)) pass
def preProcess(self): basicApi.d_print('CNN_analyzer: preProcess()') FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS self.threshhold_min = -1 self.threshhold_max = 7 tf.flags.DEFINE_boolean("allow_soft_placement", True, "Allow device soft device placement") tf.flags.DEFINE_boolean("log_device_placement", False, "Log placement of ops on devices") self.vocab_path = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, "..", "vocab") self.vocab_processor = learn.preprocessing.VocabularyProcessor.restore( self.vocab_path) self.cr_list_dic = self._generate_category_vec() # self.ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) # self.ckpt_model = self.ckpt.model_checkpoint_path self.checkpoint_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.checkpoint_dir) #pdb.set_trace() self.graph = tf.Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): session_conf = tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=FLAGS.allow_soft_placement, log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_device_placement) self.sess = tf.Session(config=session_conf) with self.sess.as_default(): # Load the saved meta graph and restore variables self.saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("{}.meta".format( self.checkpoint_file)) #self.saver.restore(self.sess, self.ckpt_model) self.saver.restore(self.sess, self.checkpoint_file) # Get the placeholders from the graph by name self.input_x = self.graph.get_operation_by_name( "input_x").outputs[0] # input_y = graph.get_operation_by_name("input_y").outputs[0] self.dropout_keep_prob = self.graph.get_operation_by_name( "dropout_keep_prob").outputs[0] # Tensors we want to evaluate self.predictions = self.graph.get_operation_by_name( "output/predictions").outputs[0] self.scores = self.graph.get_operation_by_name( "output/scores").outputs[0] pass
def setupTask(self): #1, Collect test case related information, like testTag, testPlatform, testBranch, testSet, etc #2, The jnl/log path which we need to read #3, Path/file availability check basicApi.d_print('AseSetup: setupTask()') argList = self.task.argList workDir = argList[0] testSet = argList[1] tag = argList[2] user = argList[3] platform = '%s,%s' % (argList[4], argList[5]) lockSch = argList[6] pageSize = argList[7] branch = argList[8] tagTime = basicApi.parseDate(argList[9]) #init task self.task.workDir = workDir self.task.testSet = testSet self.task.tag = tag self.task.user = user self.task.platform = platform self.task.branch = branch self.task.tagTime = tagTime #Get each tcf storage path argList = [workDir, testSet, lockSch, pageSize] self.tcfList = self._findTcfsBySet(argList) #Generate auto-analyzer log directory self.aaLogDir = os.path.join(self.testSetWorkDir, 'autoAnalyzer') if os.path.exists(self.aaLogDir): basicApi.deleteDir(self.aaLogDir) time.sleep(3) os.mkdir(self.aaLogDir) #Stroe this path into task object self.task.aaLogDir = self.aaLogDir #Collect *.tcf and *.exec file pairs if self.tcfList: for tcf in self.tcfList: execOutFileList = glob.glob('%s/exec.out.*' % tcf) jnlFileList = glob.glob('%s/journal.exec.*' % tcf) for index in range(len(execOutFileList)): execOut = execOutFileList[index] jnl = jnlFileList[index] self.jnlPair.append((jnl, execOut))
def checkTaskEnv(self): #1, Does testing framework in normal status #2, Does test case running currectly basicApi.d_print('AseSetup: checkTaskEnv()') if not self.tcfList: #Check whether each test case has been finished normally #Check whether quasr setup successfully #os.chmod(autoAnalyzerDir, 0766) #Write setup failed data into database self.task.db.cateSummary.insertSetupFail([ self.task.tag, self.task.tagTime, self.task.branch, self.task.platform, self.task.testSet, self.task.workDir, self.task.user, '?' ]) basicApi.writeFile(os.path.join(self.aaLogDir, 'autoAnalysis.err'), self.err) #Send mail to BianHong for Quasr setup fail sfr = SetupFailReport(self.task) sfr.execute(self.resultDir) #Raise exception raise basicApi.PROCESS_ERROR('Quasr test case setup failed!') pass
def __init__(self): basicApi.d_print('AseAnalysis: __init__()') self.tfidf = TFIDF() self.cnn = CNN() pass
def run(self, task): basicApi.d_print('AseAnalysis: run()') pass
def __init__(self): basicApi.d_print('AseSummary: __init__()')
def sum(self): # Read prediction from each DB and merge them together. basicApi.d_print('AseSummary: sum()') if self.task.caseList == []: #If the claseList is empty, then that means test case all pass. print('AseSummary: Test case all pass, Skip summary') return True #1, search TFIDF result DB, find out all simulate testcases and group them together. #Just update failed test case for current test set. #self.task.db.cateSummary.updateCluster() self.task.db.cateSummary.updateCluster([self.task.testSet]) #2, Search CNN result DB, get all data. rtl = self.task.db.cateSummary.searchCNNResult([ self.task.tag, self.task.platform, self.task.branch, self.task.testSet, self.task.tagTime ]) #rtl = self.task.db.cateSummary.searchCNNResult_x() CNNResultDict = rtl.getDict() #3, Check CNN prediction result with TFIDF group by decision tree. for itemId in CNNResultDict.keys(): cnnCR = CNNResultDict[itemId] rtl = self.task.db.cateSummary.searchClusterIdByItemId(itemId) if rtl.isEmpty(): #Can not find current itemId in cluster. #That means TFIDF do not process this itemId. #In this case, we directly trust CNN result. self._updateCR(itemId, cnnCR) else: clusterId = rtl.getStr() rtl = self.task.db.cateSummary.searchItemsByClusterId( clusterId) itemIdList = rtl.getList() #Get related CR list by item list cnnCrList = self._getCNNPredictResult(itemIdList) #for item in itemIdList: if self._isAllSame(cnnCrList): #All same situation no need further analysis self._updateCR(itemId, cnnCrList[0]) else: #Partily same if self._isNewMoreThanHalf(cnnCrList): #New issue more than 50% #Attach all issue as new self._updateCR(itemId, 'new') else: #new less equal than 50% maxCr = self._isSameCRMoreThanHalf(cnnCrList) if maxCr: #Attach to same CR self._updateCR(itemId, maxCr) else: #If CNN partly same with most TFIDF result maxCr = self._ispartlySameWithMostTFIDF( itemIdList, cnnCrList) if maxCr: #Auto attach to most possibility self._updateCR(itemId, maxCr) else: #manual analysis self._updateCR(itemId, 'new') #Send mail to test set owner tsr = TestsetReport(self.task) tsr.execute()
def run(self, task): basicApi.d_print('common.Framework:run()') for insName in self.clsNameList: instance = getattr(self, insName) pass
def run(self, task): basicApi.d_print('common.Setup:run()') self.task = task self.setupTask() self.checkTaskEnv() self.parpareTaskData()
def __init__(self): basicApi.d_print('common.Setup:__init__()') pass