def delete_pay_refund(): sql_1 = "delete from his_accnt_mch_sub where trans_no like 'jinweiceshi%'" sql_2 = "delete from his_accnt_onway where trans_no like 'jinweiceshi%'" sql_3 = "delete from his_accnt_profile where trans_no like 'jinweiceshi%'" sql_4 = "delete from mch_accnt_balance_record where id_mch_balance_record like 'test%'" ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql_1) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql_2) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql_3) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql_4)
def delete_mch_accnt_balance_record(oder_id): """ 清理事前余额记录表 :return: """ sql = "delete from mch_accnt_balance_record where id_mch_balance_record = '%s'" % oder_id ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def mch_update_withdraw_status(number): """修改withdrawstatus为number""" times = ( - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") sql = "update with_draw_info set withdraw_status = '%s',withdraw_status_time='%s' where order_no='test1' " % ( number, times) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def select_settled_amt(mch_ant_no): """ 通过mch_accnt_no(子商户的商户号)查询出该商户可结算余额 """ sql = "select settled_amount from mch_accnt where mch_accnt_no = '%s'" % mch_ant_no result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return result
def select_remain_amt(mch_ant_no): """ 通过mch_accnt_no(子商户的商户号)查询出该商户现有金额 """ sql = "select remain_amt from mch_accnt where mch_accnt_no = '%s'" % mch_ant_no result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return result
def update_amount_for_prepay(amt, settled_amt): """更新准备金账户余额为10000""" sql = "update mch_accnt set remain_amt = '%s',settled_amount='%s' where mch_accnt_no = '%s'" % ( amt, settled_amt, ConfigManager.get_service( Constants.SubMerchant.PREPAY['prepay_1'])) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def select_prepay_info(trans_no): """ 查询准备金明细 """ sql = "select event_amt from his_accnt_prepay where trans_no = '%s'" % trans_no result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return result
def update_change(is_change): """ 更改手续费为29999支付方式,费率为0.01 :return: """ sql = "update mch_other_config set fee_undertaker='%s',is_charge='Y' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( is_change, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def delete_amt_info_refund(table_name, trans_no): """ 退款记账需要清理的数据 :return: """ sql = "delete from %s where trans_no = '%s' and event='refund'" % ( table_name, trans_no) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def select_fix_poundage(): """获取数据库的手续费""" sql = "select fixed_poundage from mch_other_config where mch_no='%s'" % ConfigManager.get_service( Constants.Merchant.CS) result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) if result[0][0] == None: return 0 return result[0][0]
def mch_update_fixed_poundage(button, number): if button is True: sql = "update mch_other_config set fixed_poundage = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( number, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) else: sql = "update mch_other_config set fixed_poundage = null where mch_no = '%s'" % ConfigManager.get_service( Constants.Merchant.CS) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def delete_amt_info(table_name, trans_no): """ 通过trans_no(订单号)清理已经插入的测试数据 :param table_name: :param trans_no: :return: """ sql = "delete from %s where trans_no = '%s' and mch_no='MH20181229115220NBUu'" % ( table_name, trans_no) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def update_remain_amt(button=Constants.RESULT.TRUE): """ 更改准备金账户的余额为0,测试余额不足流程 button:控制准备金账户余额充足或不足 :return: """ if button: sql = "update mch_accnt set remain_amt = '0' where mch_accnt_no='T0020181229115338000001'" else: sql = "update mch_accnt set remain_amt = '10000' where mch_accnt_no='T0020181229115338000001'" ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def update_accnt_type(mch_no, button=Constants.RESULT.TRUE): """ 更改备用子账户为准备金账户 如果 button为True 则把备用账户改为准备金类型,否则吧备用账户改为子账户类型 :return: """ if button: sql = "update mch_accnt set accnt_type = 'prepay' where mch_accnt_no = '%s'" % mch_no else: sql = "update mch_accnt set accnt_type = 'mchsub' where mch_accnt_no = '%s'" % mch_no ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def mct_update_acct_type(button): if button is True: sql_1 = "update mch_accnt set accnt_type='%s' where mch_accnt_no='%s'" % ( 'mch_sub', ConfigManager.get_service( Constants.SubMerchant.PROFIT['profit_1'])) sql_2 = "update mch_accnt set accnt_type='%s' where mch_accnt_no='%s'" % ( 'mch_sub', ConfigManager.get_service( Constants.SubMerchant.PROFIT['profit_2'])) else: sql_1 = "update mch_accnt set accnt_type='%s' where mch_accnt_no='%s'" % ( 'profit', ConfigManager.get_service( Constants.SubMerchant.PROFIT['profit_1'])) sql_2 = "update mch_accnt set accnt_type='%s' where mch_accnt_no='%s'" % ( 'profit', ConfigManager.get_service( Constants.SubMerchant.PROFIT['profit_2'])) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql_1) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql_2)
def select_amt_info(table_name, trans_no, event=None): """ 通过trans_no(订单号)从子商户,分润商户,在途商户表中查询其event_amt,accnt_amt_before,accnt_amt_after """ if event is None: sql = "select event_amt,accnt_amt_before,accnt_amt_after,mch_accnt_no from %s where trans_no = '%s'" % ( table_name, trans_no) else: sql = "select event_amt,accnt_amt_before,accnt_amt_after,mch_accnt_no from %s where trans_no = '%s' and event='%s'" % ( table_name, trans_no, event) result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return result
def update_super_money(button): """ 是否开启超额提现开关 True为开启 False为关闭 """ if button: sql = "update mch_other_config set spuer_money = '1' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) else: sql = "update mch_other_config set spuer_money = '0' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def update_card_name(button): """修改绑定银行卡姓名进行提现测试sql""" if button is False: sql = "update %s set cardholder_name='提现银行卡姓名修改' where mch_accnt_no='%s'" % ( Constants.TableName.BANK_CARD, ConfigManager.get_service( Constants.SubMerchant.MUCSUB['mucsub_4'])) else: sql = "update %s set cardholder_name='靳伟' where mch_accnt_no='%s'" % ( Constants.TableName.BANK_CARD, ConfigManager.get_service( Constants.SubMerchant.MUCSUB['mucsub_4'])) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def update_pay_url(pay_type): """更新提现真实请求的url""" success_url = Constants.MockUrl.SUCCESS fail_url = Constants.MockUrl.FAIL wait_url = Constants.MockUrl.WAIT time_out_url = Constants.MockUrl.TIME_OUT default = Constants.MockUrl.DEFAULT select_success_url = Constants.MockUrl.SELECT_SUCCESS select_none_url = Constants.MockUrl.SELECT_NONE select_wait_url = Constants.MockUrl.SELECT_WAIT select_fail_url = Constants.MockUrl.SELECT_FAIL select_long_url = Constants.MockUrl.SELECT_LONG if pay_type == 'success': sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( success_url, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) elif pay_type == 'fail': sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( fail_url, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) elif pay_type == 'wait': sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( wait_url, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) elif pay_type == 'time_out': sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( time_out_url, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) elif pay_type == 'select_success': sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( select_success_url, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) elif pay_type == 'select_none': sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( select_none_url, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) elif pay_type == 'select_wait': sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( select_wait_url, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) elif pay_type == 'select_fail': sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( select_fail_url, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) elif pay_type == 'select_long': sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( select_long_url, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) else: sql = "update mch_config set pay_url = '%s' where mch_no = '%s'" % ( default, ConfigManager.get_service(Constants.Merchant.CS)) ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def select_change(): """查询手续费费率""" sql = "select channel_rate_real from pay_code_config where pay_code='29999'" result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return result
def delete_reconciliation_result_info(): sql = "delete from reconciliation_result_info where transNo like 'jinweiceshi%'" ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def his_settled_amount(): """删除结算明细""" sql = "DELETE FROM his_settled_amount where mch_no = 'MH20181229115220NBUu' and trans_time = '2020-05-19 11:33:44';" ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def select_reconciliation_result_info(): """查询问题件明细""" sql = "select type from reconciliation_result_info where transNo like 'jinweiceshi%'" result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return result
def insert_transaction_details(channel): """插入流水明细""" sql = "INSERT INTO `deposit`.`transaction_details`(`id`, `mchno`, `srvrtid`, `trntype`, `dtacct`, `trnamt`, `balamt`, `currency`, `memo`, `correlate_acctid`, `correlate_name`, `correlate_bankname`, `correlate_bankcode`, `businesstype`, `attachinfo`, `status`, `type`, `acc_mch_id`, `settle_type`, `is_equals_amount`, `bill_date`, `channel_type`) VALUES (48721, 'MH20181229115220NBUu', '67010839', 'CREDIT', '2020-05-20T01:05:02', 274.13000, '25896459.32', 'RMB', '网联付款|swzhifu5 2020-03-19', '622202400008', '支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司', '支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司', 'Z2007933000010', '', '2020032000945954392000002', '0', 'onway', NULL, '2', 'Y', '', '%s');" % channel ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def select_settle_change(acc_mch_id): """查询手续费费率""" sql = "select channel_rate_real from `deposit`.`pay_code_config` where acc_mch_id='%s'" % acc_mch_id result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return result[0][0]
def select_reconciliation_result_settle(channel): """查找对账结果信息""" sql = "select trans_fee,keep_amt,recon_amt,profit_loss_amt from reconciliation_result where mchNo='MH20181229115220NBUu' and beginTime='2020-05-19' and rdChannel = '%s';" % channel result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return result[0]
def delect_his_mch_accnt_keep(): """删除待结算数据""" sql = "DELETE FROM `deposit`.`his_mch_accnt_keep` WHERE mch_no = 'MH20181229115220NBUu' and event_time = '2020-05-19';" ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def select_his_mch_accnt_keep_event_amt(mch_accnt_no, account_type): """查询待结算表的各子账户金额""" sql = "SELECT event_amt FROM `deposit`.`his_mch_accnt_keep` WHERE `mch_accnt_no` = '%s'AND account_type = '%s';" % ( mch_accnt_no, account_type) event_amt = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return event_amt[0][0]
def delete_transaction_details(): """删除结算明细""" sql = "DELETE FROM `deposit`.`transaction_details` where mchno = 'MH20181229115220NBUu' and channel_type = 'zfb';" ConnectionMysql().execute_db(sql)
def select_reconciliation_result(): sql = "select trans_fee,recon_amt,account_type from reconciliation_result where mchNo='MH20181229115220NBUu' and beginTime='2020-05-19'" result = ConnectionMysql().select_db(sql) return result[0]