def version_11(cls, node, **kwargs):
    default_dtype = mapping.NP_TYPE_TO_TENSOR_TYPE[np.dtype('float32')]
    dtype = data_type.onnx2tf(node.attrs.get("dtype", default_dtype))

    ragged = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths(values=[], row_lengths=[])
    sparse = tf.cast(ragged.to_sparse(), dtype)
    return [tf.RaggedTensor.from_sparse(sparse)]
Exemple #2
 def _common(cls, node, **kwargs):
     attr_value = node.attrs["value"]
     dtype = data_type.onnx2tf(attr_value.data_type)
     value = numpy_helper.to_array(attr_value)
     return [
                                        attrs={"dtype": dtype})
Exemple #3
    def _onnx_initializer_to_input_dict_items(cls, initializer):
        """ Convert ONNX graph initializer to input dict items.

    :param initializer: ONNX graph initializer, list of TensorProto.
    :return: List of input dict items.
        def tensor2list(onnx_tensor):
            # Use the onnx.numpy_helper because the data may be raw
            return numpy_helper.to_array(onnx_tensor).flatten().tolist()

        def validate_initializer_name(name):
            # Replace ":" with "_tf_" and append a unique suffix for
            # traceability
            return name.replace(":", "_tf_") + "_" + get_unique_suffix(
            ) if ":" in name else name

        return [(,
                for init in initializer]
Exemple #4
  def scan(cls, node, input_dict, strict):
    current_opset = [make_opsetid(cls.DOMAIN, cls.VERSION)]

    body = node.attrs["body"]

    # in version 8, node.inputs[0] is the sequence_lens
    node_inputs = node.inputs if cls.SINCE_VERSION != 8 else \
    # M
    num_scan_inputs = int(node.attrs["num_scan_inputs"])
    # N = num_inputs - M
    num_state_vars = len(node_inputs) - num_scan_inputs
    # K = num_outputs - N
    num_scan_outputs = len(node.outputs) - num_state_vars
            Function to run subgraph used with tf.scan

    def run_subgraph(a, b):
      input_values = {}
      # set the input values for the subgraph
      # set the values for the state variables
      for i in range(num_state_vars):
        input_values[body.input[i].name] = a[i]
      # set the values for the scan inputs
      for i in range(num_scan_inputs):
        input_values[body.input[i + num_state_vars].name] = b[i]

      # get the tensor operations for the onnx graph
      tensor_dict = \
      # return sequence of tensors for every subgraph output
      outputs = [tensor_dict[] for output in body.output]
      return outputs

    scan_input_axes = node.attrs.get("scan_input_axes", [0] * num_scan_inputs)
    scan_input_directions = node.attrs.get("directions"
                                           if cls.SINCE_VERSION == 8 else
                                           [0] * num_scan_inputs)
    scan_output_axes = node.attrs.get("scan_output_axes",
                                      [0] * num_scan_outputs)
    scan_output_directions = node.attrs.get("scan_output_directions",
                                            [0] * num_scan_outputs)

    # if version 8 read the sequnce_lens from the first input
    if cls.SINCE_VERSION == 8:
      sequence_lens = input_dict[node.inputs[0]] \
                      if node.inputs[0] != '' else None

    inputs = [input_dict[node_input] for node_input in node_inputs]

    scan_inputs = inputs[num_state_vars:]
    # loop over all the scan inputs and apply transpose depending
    # on input axes provided and also reverse the scan inputs if
    # reverse direction for scan is provided
    for i in range(num_scan_inputs):
      # if input axes are different than 0, use transpose to scan over
      # the provided axes
      if scan_input_axes[i] != 0:
        transpose_perm = cls._calc_transpose_perm_input(
            tf.rank(scan_inputs[i]), scan_input_axes[i])
        scan_inputs[i] = tf.transpose(scan_inputs[i], transpose_perm)

      # check for reverse direction scans
      if scan_input_directions[i] == 1:
        # version 8 has a batch dimension
        axis = 0 if cls.SINCE_VERSION != 8 else 1
        scan_inputs[i] = tf.reverse(scan_inputs[i], [axis])

    state_vars_init = inputs[:num_state_vars]

    scan_outputs_init = []
    # generate sequence of zero tensors for all scan outputs
    # with the correct shape and dtype
    for scan_output in body.output[num_state_vars:]:
      tensor_type = scan_output.type.tensor_type
      shape = [
          d.dim_value if (d.dim_value > 0 and d.dim_param == "") else None
          for d in tensor_type.shape.dim
      dtype = data_type.onnx2tf(tensor_type.elem_type)
      scan_outputs_init.append(tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype))

    # tf.scan initilizer is state_variables_init + scan_outputs_init
    initializer = state_vars_init + scan_outputs_init

    if cls.SINCE_VERSION == 8:
      # version == 8
      # function to process the batches. it is used with tf.map_fn
      def run_batches(x):
        # state vars initial values per batch
        initial = x[0]
        # scan inputs per batch
        scan_inputs = x[1]
        # sequence length for the batch
        seq_len = x[2]

        # slice the input to the current sequence len
        scan_inputs = [scan_input[:seq_len, ...] for scan_input in scan_inputs]

        # run scan on the current batch
        out = tf.scan(
            run_subgraph, scan_inputs, initializer=initial + scan_outputs_init)

        # pad to the original shape with zeros
        paddings = [[0, tf.shape(x[1][0], out_type=seq_len.dtype)[0] - seq_len]]
        for i in range(len(out)):
          pads = tf.concat(
               tf.zeros([(tf.rank(out[i]) - 1), 2], dtype=tf.int32)],
          out[i] = tf.pad(out[i], pads)
        return out

      if sequence_lens is None:
        # if sequence_lens is None, fill it with the shape of
        # the input axis 1
        sequence_lens = tf.fill([tf.shape(scan_inputs[0])[0]],
                                tf.shape(scan_inputs[0], out_type=tf.int32)[1])

      output_types = [
          for output in body.output
      # run scan for every batch
      out = tf.map_fn(
          run_batches, (state_vars_init, scan_inputs, sequence_lens),

      state_vars_outputs = []
      # extract the final values of the state variables
      for state_var in out[:num_state_vars]:
            tf.map_fn(lambda x: x[0][x[1] - 1], (state_var, sequence_lens),
      # version > 8
      # run the scan
      out = tf.scan(run_subgraph, scan_inputs, initializer=initializer)

      # extract the final values of the state variables
      state_vars_outputs = [
          state_var[tf.shape(state_var)[0] - 1]
          for state_var in out[:num_state_vars]

    scan_outputs = out[num_state_vars:]

    # post process the scan outputs depending on the directions and
    # axes provided.
    for i in range(num_scan_outputs):
      # check for reverse direction scan outputs
      if scan_output_directions[i] == 1:
        scan_outputs[i] = tf.reverse(scan_outputs[i], [0])

      if scan_output_axes[i] != 0:
        transpose_perm = cls._calc_transpose_perm_output(
            tf.rank(scan_outputs[i]), scan_output_axes[i])
        scan_outputs[i] = tf.transpose(scan_outputs[i], transpose_perm)

    return state_vars_outputs + scan_outputs
Exemple #5
    def _onnx_graph_to_tensorflow_rep(cls, graph_def, opset, strict):
        """ Convert ONNX graph to TensorflowRep.

    :param graph_def: ONNX GraphProto object.
    :param opset: ONNX OperatorSetIdProto list.
    :param strict: whether to enforce semantic equivalence between the original model
      and the converted tensorflow model.
    :return: TensorflowRep object.
        handlers = cls._get_handlers(opset)

        tf_rep_graph = tf.Graph()
        with tf_rep_graph.as_default():
            # initializer: TensorProtos representing the values to initialize
            # a given tensor.
            # initialized: A list of names of the initialized tensors.
            if graph_def.initializer:
                input_dict_items = cls._onnx_initializer_to_input_dict_items(
                initialized = { for init in graph_def.initializer}
                input_dict_items = []
                initialized = set()

            # creating placeholders for currently unknown inputs
            for value_info in graph_def.input:
                if in initialized:
                shape = list(d.dim_value if (
                    d.dim_value > 0 and d.dim_param == "") else None
                             for d in value_info.type.tensor_type.shape.dim)
                value_info_name =
                    ":", "_tf_") + "_" + get_unique_suffix(
                    ) if ":" in else

                x = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(data_type.onnx2tf(
                input_dict_items.append((, x))

            # tensor dict: this dictionary is a map from variable names
            # to the latest produced TF tensors of the given name.
            # This dictionary will get updated as we build the graph to
            # record the names of newly produced tensors.
            tensor_dict = dict(input_dict_items)
            # Since tensor dict may be updated, we need to keep a copy
            # of the original input dict where we track the earliest
            # defined tensors so we can have access to the placeholders
            # to feed in input tensors when we run the graph.
            input_dict = dict(input_dict_items)

            for node in graph_def.node:
                onnx_node = OnnxNode(node)
                output_ops = cls._onnx_node_to_tensorflow_op(onnx_node,
                curr_node_output_map = dict(zip(onnx_node.outputs, output_ops))

        tf_rep = TensorflowRep()
        tf_rep.graph = tf_rep_graph
        tf_rep.inputs = [
   for value_info in graph_def.input
            if not in initialized
        tf_rep.outputs = [ for value_info in graph_def.output]
        tf_rep.tensor_dict = tensor_dict
        return tf_rep
    lambda x: MakeNdarray(x.tensor),
    lambda x: float(x.i),
    lambda x: float(x.i),
    lambda x: int(x.b),
    lambda x: list(x.list.i),

__onnx_attr_translator = {
    "axis": lambda x: int(x),
    "axes": lambda x: [int(a) for a in x],
    "dtype": lambda x: data_type.onnx2tf(x),
    "keepdims": lambda x: bool(x),
    "to": lambda x: data_type.onnx2tf(x),

def translate_tf(key, val):
    return __tf_attr_translator.get(key, lambda x: x)(val)

def translate_onnx(key, val):
    return __onnx_attr_translator.get(key, lambda x: x)(val)

def get_tf_shape_as_list(tf_shape_dim):
    return list(map(lambda x: x.size, list(tf_shape_dim)))