def queue_msg(self, channel):
        monitored_sample = channel.get()
        if not self.started_flag:
            raise Exception("Cannot queue message, presentation is stopped")
        if monitored_sample.value:
            cm = self.__core.get_service("channel_manager")
            cdb = cm.channel_database_get()

            frm    = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'from_address')
            to     = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'to_address')
            sbj    = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'subject')
            msg = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n" % \
                                (frm, to, sbj)
            msg += dump_channel_db_as_text(cdb)
Exemple #2
    def queue_msg(self, channel):

        monitored_sample = channel.get()

        if not self.started_flag:
            raise Exception("Cannot queue message, presentation is stopped")

        if monitored_sample.value:
            channel_manager = self.__core.get_service("channel_manager")
            channel_database = channel_manager.channel_database_get()

            frm = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'from_address')
            to = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'to_address')
            sbj = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'subject')
            msg = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n" % \
                                (frm, to, sbj)
            msg += dump_channel_db_as_text(channel_database)
    def queue_msg(self, channel):
        """ Call back for the channel publisher's __notify function. If the sample
        from the channel evaluates to boolean True, queues message """

        monitored_sample = channel.get()
        notify_cooldown_time = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'notify_cooldown_time')

        if not self.started_flag:
            raise Exception("Cannot queue message, presentation is stopped")

        if monitored_sample.value:
            if time.clock()-self.LastNotify > notify_cooldown_time:
                self.LastNotify = time.clock()
                cm = self.__core.get_service("channel_manager")
                cdb = cm.channel_database_get()
                    status, output = digicli.digicli('show net')
                    if status:
                        for line in output:
                            if line.find('MAC Address') >= 0:
                                l = line.split()
                                #print "".join(l[1:]).strip()
                                gatewayID = l[3]
                                #print "Gateway ID : %s" % gatewayID
                    status, output = digicli.digicli('show system')
                    if status:
                        for line in output:
                            if line.find('description') >= 0:
                                l = line.split(':')
                                descr = l[1]
                                #print "Gateway ID : %s" % gatewayID
                    print "SMTP Alarm: can't get the Gateway ID..."

                frm    = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'from_address')
                to     = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'to_address')
                sbj    = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'subject')
                msg = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s from %s - %s\r\n\r\n " % \
                                (frm, to, sbj, gatewayID, descr)
                msg += dump_channel_db_as_text(cdb)
Exemple #4
 def __write_channel_database(self, cdb, startswith=""):
     if len(cdb.channel_list()) > 0:
         self.write(dump_channel_db_as_text(cdb, startswith))
         self.write("\r\n\tChannelDatabase is empty.\r\n")
 def __write_channel_database(self, cdb, startswith=""):
     if len(cdb.channel_list()) > 0:
         self.write(dump_channel_db_as_text(cdb, startswith))
         self.write("\r\n\tChannelDatabase is empty.\r\n")