def set_column_title(self): if self.mode == 'package' or self.mode == 'kernel': n = len(self.__check_list) self.__column.set_title( gettext.ngettext('%d package selected to remove' % n, '%d packages selected to remove' % n, n)) elif self.mode == 'cache': self.compute_cache_size() self.__column.set_title(_('%s of space will be freed') % filesizeformat(self.size))
def update_cache_model(self): model = self.get_model() model.clear() self.mode = 'cache' cache_dir = '/var/cache/apt/archives' icon = get_icon_with_name('deb', 24) list = map(lambda file: '%s/%s' % (cache_dir, file), filter(lambda x:x.endswith('deb'), os.listdir(cache_dir))) self.total_num = len(list) self.__column.set_title(_('Package Cache')) for pkg in list: size = str(os.path.getsize(pkg)) model.append(( False, icon, pkg, size, _('<b>%s</b>\nTake %s of disk space') % (os.path.basename(pkg), filesizeformat(size)) ))
def set_clean_button_label(self, button): try: size = os.popen('du -bs ~/.thumbnails').read().split()[0] except: size = '0' button.set_sensitive(False) set_label_for_stock_button(button, _('Clean up the thumbnails cache (will free %s of disk space)') % filesizeformat(size))