def graph_table(filename, title, vector, base_year, is_intensities, collapse=[]): plot = GNUPlot(filename, title, "usa") data = {} sortby = {} other_category = "Other" max_year = max(config.STUDY_YEARS) other_category_numer = dict((year, 0) for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) other_category_denom = dict((year, 0) for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) for group in vector.keys(): numerator = vector[group] if is_intensities: denominator = pce_dollars[group] else: denominator = dict((year, 1) for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) base_value = numerator[base_year] / denominator[base_year] if group in collapse: for year in config.STUDY_YEARS: other_category_numer[year] += numerator[year] # adding 1 for each year is fine since it's relative to the base other_category_denom[year] += denominator[year] else: data[group] = {} for year in config.STUDY_YEARS: data[group][year] = numerator[year] / denominator[year] sortby[ data[group][max_year] / data[group][base_year] ] = group if len(other_category_numer): data[other_category] = dict( (year, other_category_numer[year] / other_category_denom[year]) \ for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) sortby[ data[other_category][max_year] /\ data[other_category][base_year] ] = other_category sorted_groups = [sortby[key] for key in sorted(sortby.keys(), reverse=True)] plot.add_custom_setup("set style data linespoints") plot.add_custom_setup("unset colorbox") plot.add_custom_setup("set grid") min_x = 5 * math.floor(min(config.STUDY_YEARS) / 5) max_x = 5 * math.ceil(max(config.STUDY_YEARS) / 5) + 5 # room for labels plot.add_custom_setup("set xrange [ %d : %d ]" % (min_x, max_x)) interval = 1 / (len(sorted_groups) - 1) for i in range(len(sorted_groups)): plot.add_custom_setup("set style lines %d lc palette frac %.2f lw 2" % (i + 1, i * interval)) series_values = [] for i in range(len(sorted_groups)): group = sorted_groups[i] if group in bea.short_nipa: group_name = bea.short_nipa[group] else: group_name = group series_values.append(group_name) plot.suppress_title(group_name) base_value = data[group][base_year] for year in config.STUDY_YEARS: print(group, year, data[group][year], base_value, data[group][year] / base_value) plot.set_value(group_name, year, data[group][year] / base_value * 100) plot.set_series_style(group_name, "linestyle %d" % (i + 1)) plot.series_values = series_values plot.write_tables() plot.get_axis_specs() # make sure max_y is adjusted prev_pos = None for i in range(len(sorted_groups)): group = sorted_groups[i] if group in bea.short_nipa: group_name = bea.short_nipa[group] else: group_name = group ending_value = data[group][max_year] / data[group][base_year] * 100 position = ending_value / plot.max_y + 0.01 # line up baseline # space labels out by at least 0.04 so they don't overlap if prev_pos is not None and prev_pos - position < 0.03: position = prev_pos - 0.03 plot.add_custom_setup( "set label %d '%s' at graph 0.81, %.2f font 'Arial,8'" % (i + 1, group_name, position)) prev_pos = position plot.generate_plot()
btu = row[1] # billion Btu elec_plot.set_value(elec_sources[source], year, btu / 1000) # tBtu elec_iplot.set_value(elec_sources[source], year, btu / gdp_value) stmt = db.prepare( "select source, use_btu " + \ " from %s.seds_us_%d " % (config.EIA_SCHEMA, year) + " where (source = 'LO' and sector = 'TC') " + " or (source = 'TE' and sector = 'EI')") result = stmt() for row in result: if row[0] == "LO": losses = row[1] else: total = row[1] print(year, losses / total) # not now, the values are too flat over time to see anything #elec_iplot.set_overlay_value(year, 1 - losses / total) ff_plot.write_tables() ff_plot.generate_plot() elec_plot.write_tables() elec_plot.generate_plot() ff_iplot.write_tables() ff_iplot.generate_plot() elec_iplot.write_tables() elec_iplot.generate_plot()
def graph_table(filename, title, vector, base_year, intensity_divisor, sector_groups): plot = GNUPlot(filename, title, "usa") data = {} sortby = {} numerators = {} denominators = {} for key in sector_groups.keys(): data[key] = {} denominators[key] = dict((year, 0) for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) numerators[key] = dict((year, 0) for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) max_year = max(config.STUDY_YEARS) for sector in vector.keys(): print(sector) numerator = vector[sector] for (key, sectors) in sector_groups.items(): if sector in sectors: for year in config.STUDY_YEARS: if intensity_divisor is not None: denominators[key][year] += \ intensity_divisor[sector][year] else: denominators[key][year] += 1 numerators[key][year] += numerator[year] break for key in sector_groups.keys(): print(key, denominators[key]) data[key] = dict( (year, numerators[key][year] / denominators[key][year]) for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) sortby[data[key][max_year] / data[key][base_year]] = key sorted_groups = [ sortby[key] for key in sorted(sortby.keys(), reverse=True) ] plot.add_custom_setup("set style data linespoints") plot.add_custom_setup("unset colorbox") plot.add_custom_setup("set grid") min_x = 5 * math.floor(min(config.STUDY_YEARS) / 5) max_x = 5 * math.ceil(max(config.STUDY_YEARS) / 5) + 5 # room for labels plot.add_custom_setup("set xrange [ %d : %d ]" % (min_x, max_x)) interval = 1 / (len(sorted_groups) - 1) for i in range(len(sorted_groups)): plot.add_custom_setup("set style lines %d lc palette frac %.2f lw 2" % (i + 1, i * interval)) series_values = [] def name_for_group(group): if group in bea.short_nipa: group_name = bea.short_nipa[group] else: group_name = group return group_name for i in range(len(sorted_groups)): group = sorted_groups[i] group_name = name_for_group(group) series_values.append(group_name) plot.suppress_title(group_name) base_value = data[group][base_year] for year in config.STUDY_YEARS: plot.set_value(group_name, year, data[group][year] / base_value * 100) plot.set_series_style(group_name, "linestyle %d" % (i + 1)) plot.series_values = series_values plot.write_tables() plot.get_axis_specs() # make sure max_y is adjusted prev_pos = None for i in range(len(sorted_groups)): group = sorted_groups[i] group_name = name_for_group(group) ending_value = data[group][max_year] / data[group][base_year] * 100 position = ending_value / plot.max_y + 0.01 # line up baseline # space labels out by at least 0.04 so they don't overlap if prev_pos is not None and prev_pos - position < 0.03: position = prev_pos - 0.03 plot.add_custom_setup( "set label %d '%s' at graph 0.81, %.2f font 'Arial,8'" % (i + 1, group_name, position)) prev_pos = position plot.generate_plot()
def do_plots(): for (name, measurements) in config.env_series_names.items(): data = {} for year in config.STUDY_YEARS: strings = { "schema": config.WIOD_SCHEMA, "year": year, "fd_sectors": sqlhelper.set_repr(config.default_fd_sectors), "measurements": sqlhelper.set_repr(measurements), "nipa_schema": usa.config.NIPA_SCHEMA, } stmt = db.prepare( """SELECT, a.series, b.gdp, a.series / b.gdp as intensity FROM (SELECT country, sum(value) as series FROM %(schema)s.env_%(year)d WHERE industry = 'total' AND measurement in %(measurements)s GROUP BY country) a, (SELECT, sum(value) * deflator as gdp FROM %(schema)s.indbyind_%(year)d aa, (SELECT 100 / gdp as deflator FROM %(nipa_schema)s.implicit_price_deflators WHERE year = $1) bb WHERE to_ind in %(fd_sectors)s GROUP BY, deflator) b WHERE = AND a.series is not null ORDER BY a.series / b.gdp""" % strings) for row in stmt(year): country = row[0] intensity = row[3] if country not in data: data[country] = {} data[country][year] = intensity slopes = {} for (country, country_data) in data.items(): n = len(country_data.keys()) if n < 2: continue sum_y = sum(country_data.values()) sum_x = sum(country_data.keys()) slope = (n * sum([k * v for (k, v) in country_data.items()]) \ - sum_x * sum_y) / \ (n * sum([k * k for k in country_data.keys()]) - sum_x) slopes[country] = slope * 1000000 years = "%d-%d" % (config.STUDY_YEARS[0], config.STUDY_YEARS[-1]) i = 0 binsize = 8 plot = None for (country, slope) in sorted(slopes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): if i % binsize == 0: if plot is not None: plot.write_tables() plot.generate_plot() tier = i / binsize + 1 plot = GNUPlot("tier%d" % tier, "", #"%s intensity from %s, tier %d" \ # % (name, years, tier), "wiod-%s" % name.replace(" ", "-")) plot.legend("width -5") for year in config.STUDY_YEARS: if year in data[country]: plot.set_value( "%s (%.2f)" % (config.countries[country], slope), year, data[country][year]) i += 1 if plot is not None: plot.write_tables() plot.generate_plot()
def graph_table(filename, title, vector, base_year, intensity_divisor, sector_groups): plot = GNUPlot(filename, title, "usa") data = {} sortby = {} numerators = {} denominators = {} for key in sector_groups.keys(): data[key] = {} denominators[key] = dict((year, 0) for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) numerators[key] = dict((year, 0) for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) max_year = max(config.STUDY_YEARS) for sector in vector.keys(): print(sector) numerator = vector[sector] for (key, sectors) in sector_groups.items(): if sector in sectors: for year in config.STUDY_YEARS: if intensity_divisor is not None: denominators[key][year] += \ intensity_divisor[sector][year] else: denominators[key][year] += 1 numerators[key][year] += numerator[year] break for key in sector_groups.keys(): print(key, denominators[key]) data[key] = dict( (year, numerators[key][year] / denominators[key][year]) for year in config.STUDY_YEARS) sortby[ data[key][max_year] / data[key][base_year] ] = key sorted_groups = [sortby[key] for key in sorted(sortby.keys(), reverse=True)] plot.add_custom_setup("set style data linespoints") plot.add_custom_setup("unset colorbox") plot.add_custom_setup("set grid") min_x = 5 * math.floor(min(config.STUDY_YEARS) / 5) max_x = 5 * math.ceil(max(config.STUDY_YEARS) / 5) + 5 # room for labels plot.add_custom_setup("set xrange [ %d : %d ]" % (min_x, max_x)) interval = 1 / (len(sorted_groups) - 1) for i in range(len(sorted_groups)): plot.add_custom_setup("set style lines %d lc palette frac %.2f lw 2" % (i + 1, i * interval)) series_values = [] def name_for_group(group): if group in bea.short_nipa: group_name = bea.short_nipa[group] else: group_name = group return group_name for i in range(len(sorted_groups)): group = sorted_groups[i] group_name = name_for_group(group) series_values.append(group_name) plot.suppress_title(group_name) base_value = data[group][base_year] for year in config.STUDY_YEARS: plot.set_value(group_name, year, data[group][year] / base_value * 100) plot.set_series_style(group_name, "linestyle %d" % (i + 1)) plot.series_values = series_values plot.write_tables() plot.get_axis_specs() # make sure max_y is adjusted prev_pos = None for i in range(len(sorted_groups)): group = sorted_groups[i] group_name = name_for_group(group) ending_value = data[group][max_year] / data[group][base_year] * 100 position = ending_value / plot.max_y + 0.01 # line up baseline # space labels out by at least 0.04 so they don't overlap if prev_pos is not None and prev_pos - position < 0.03: position = prev_pos - 0.03 plot.add_custom_setup( "set label %d '%s' at graph 0.81, %.2f font 'Arial,8'" % (i + 1, group_name, position)) prev_pos = position plot.generate_plot()