def run_highcpu_build( app: App, pr_number: int, sha: str, repo: Repository, ): for f in os.listdir("./deploy_files"): if f == "cloudbuild.yaml": # don't use this one, we don't want any caching continue shutil.copyfile(f"./deploy_files/{f}", f"./{f}") shutil.copyfile("./dockerfiles/buildserver.Dockerfile", "./Dockerfile") with open("Dockerfile", "a+") as f: contents = contents = contents.replace("$BASE_IMAGE", app.config["build_image"]) contents = contents.replace("$APP_NAME", contents = contents.replace("$PR_NUMBER", str(pr_number)) contents = contents.replace("$SHA", sha) contents = contents.replace("$REPO_ID", repo.full_name) contents = contents.replace("$MASTER_SECRET", get_master_secret()) f.truncate() f.write(contents) sh( "gcloud", "builds", "submit", "-q", "--tag", "{}".format( gen_service_name(, pr_number)), # "--machine-type=N1_HIGHCPU_32", )
def hash_all(show_progress=False): global tracked_files files = ( sh("git", "ls-files", "--exclude-standard", capture_output=True, quiet=True).splitlines() # All tracked files + sh( "git", "ls-files", "-o", "--exclude-standard", capture_output=True, quiet=True, ).splitlines() # Untracked but not ignored files ) out = {} for file in tqdm(files) if show_progress else files: h = get_hash(file) if isinstance(file, bytes): file = file.decode("ascii") out[relpath(file)] = h tracked_files = set(out) | set(remote_state) return out
def main(): """Start the Sandbox and IDE servers.""" sh("nginx") sandbox_port = get_open_port() sb = subprocess.Popen( ["gunicorn", "-b", f":{sandbox_port}", "-w", "4", "sandbox:app", "-t", "3000"], env=os.environ, ) proxy(f"sb.{HOSTNAME} *.sb.{HOSTNAME}", sandbox_port, f"sb.{HOSTNAME}") proxy(f"*{HOSTNAME}", sandbox_port, f"{HOSTNAME}") ide_port = get_open_port() ide = subprocess.Popen( ["gunicorn", "-b", f":{ide_port}", "-w", "4", "ide:app", "-t", "3000"], env=os.environ, ) proxy(f"ide.{HOSTNAME}", ide_port, f"ide.{HOSTNAME}") proxy(f"*{HOSTNAME}", ide_port, f"{HOSTNAME}") with open(f"/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default", "w") as f: f.write( DEFAULT_SERVER.format( ide_port=ide_port, sb_port=sandbox_port, nginx_port=NGINX_PORT ) ) sh("nginx", "-s", "reload") ide.communicate() # make sure docker doesn't close this container
def run_service_deploy(app: App, pr_number: int): if pr_number != 0: return # do not deploy PR builds to prod! for file in os.listdir("."): sh( "gcloud", "compute", "scp", "--recurse", file, app.config["service"]["host"] + ":" + app.config["service"]["root"], "--zone", app.config["service"]["zone"], ) sh( "gcloud", "compute", "ssh", app.config["service"]["host"], "--command=sudo systemctl restart {}".format( app.config["service"]["name"]), "--zone", app.config["service"]["zone"], )
def kill(): username = request.form.get("username") pid = get_server_pid(username) if pid: sh("kill", pid.decode("utf-8")[:-1]) sh("sleep", "2") # give the server a couple of seconds to shutdown return redirect(session.pop(SK_RETURN_TO, url_for("index")))
def run_static_deploy(app: App, pr_number: int): bucket = f"gs://{gen_service_name(, pr_number)}" prod_bucket = f"gs://{gen_service_name(, 0)}" try: sh("gsutil", "mb", "-b", "on", bucket) except CalledProcessError: # bucket already exists pass sh("gsutil", "-m", "rsync", "-dRc", ".", bucket)
def initialize_sandbox(force=False): with db_lock("sandboxes", g.username): initialized = check_sandbox_initialized(g.username) if initialized and not force: raise Exception("Sandbox is already initialized") elif initialized: sh("rm", "-rf", get_working_directory(g.username)) Path(get_working_directory(g.username)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(get_working_directory(g.username)) sh("git", "init") sh( "git", "fetch", "--depth=1", f"https://{get_secret(secret_name='GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN')}{REPO}", "master", ) sh("git", "checkout", "FETCH_HEAD", "-f") os.mkdir("published") # needed for lazy-loading builds if is_prod_build(): add_domain(name="sandbox", domain=f"{g.username}") with connect_db() as db: db("UPDATE sandboxes SET initialized=TRUE WHERE username=%s", [g.username])
def build_worker(username): # Note that we are not necessarily running in an app context try: while True: targets = get_pending_targets(username) if not targets: break target = targets[0] src_version = get_src_version(username) os.chdir(get_working_directory(username)) os.chdir("src") ok = False try: sh("make", "-n", "VIRTUAL_ENV=../env", target, env=ENV) except CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 2: # target does not exist, no need to build update_version(username, target, src_version) ok = True if not ok: # target exists, time to build! try: sh( "make", "VIRTUAL_ENV=../env", target, env={ **ENV, "LAZY_LOADING": "true" }, capture_output=True, quiet=True, ) except CalledProcessError as e: log_name = paste_text( data=((e.stdout or b"").decode("utf-8") + (e.stderr or b"").decode("utf-8"))) update_version(username, target, src_version, log_name) else: update_version(username, target, src_version) with connect_db() as db: db( "UPDATE builds SET pending=FALSE WHERE username=%s AND target=%s", [username, target], ) except: # in the event of failure, cancel all builds and trigger refresh increment_manual_version(username) clear_pending_builds(username) raise
def run_pypi_deploy(app: App, pr_number: int): sh("python", "-m", "venv", "env") update_setup_py(app, pr_number) sh("env/bin/pip", "install", "setuptools") sh("env/bin/pip", "install", "wheel") sh("env/bin/python", "", "sdist", "bdist_wheel") sh( "twine", "upload", *(f"dist/{file}" for file in os.listdir("dist")), env=dict( TWINE_USERNAME="******", TWINE_PASSWORD=get_secret(secret_name="PYPI_PASSWORD"), ), )
def create_secret(service): if not is_staff("cs61a"): return login() email = get_user()["email"] if not is_admin(course="cs61a", email=email): abort(401) if service not in list_services(): abort(404) out = reversed([ entry["timestamp"] + " " + escape(entry["textPayload"]) for entry in loads( sh( "gcloud", "logging", "read", f"projects/cs61a-140900/logs/ AND resource.labels.service_name={service}", "--limit", "100", "--format", "json", capture_output=True, )) if "textPayload" in entry ]) return "<pre>" + "\n".join(map(str, out)) + "</pre>"
def get_pr_subdomains(app: App, pr_number: int) -> List[Hostname]: services = json.loads( sh( "gcloud", "run", "services", "list", "--platform", "managed", "--format", "json", capture_output=True, )) def get_hostname(service_name): for service in services: if service["metadata"]["name"] == service_name: return urlparse(service["status"]["address"]["url"]).netloc return None out = [] if app.config["deploy_type"] in CLOUD_RUN_DEPLOY_TYPES: hostname = get_hostname(gen_service_name(, pr_number)) assert hostname is not None for pr_consumer in app.config["pr_consumers"]: out.append(PRHostname(pr_consumer, pr_number, hostname)) elif app.config["deploy_type"] == "static": for consumer in app.config["static_consumers"]: hostname = get_hostname(gen_service_name(consumer, pr_number)) if hostname is None: # consumer does not have a PR build, point to master build hostname = get_hostname(gen_service_name(consumer, 0)) assert hostname is not None, "Invalid static resource consumer service" out.append(PRHostname(consumer, pr_number, hostname)) if not app.config["static_consumers"]: out.append( PRHostname(, pr_number, get_hostname(gen_service_name(STATIC_SERVER, 0)), )) elif app.config["deploy_type"] == "hosted": for pr_consumer in app.config["pr_consumers"]: out.append( PRHostname( pr_consumer, pr_number, f"{gen_service_name(, pr_number)}", )) elif app.config["deploy_type"] == "pypi": out.append( PyPIHostname(app.config["package_name"], app.deployed_pypi_version)) elif app.config["deploy_type"] in NO_PR_BUILD_DEPLOY_TYPES: pass else: assert False, "Unknown deploy type, failed to create PR domains" return out
def run_cloud_function_deploy(app: App, pr_number: int): if pr_number != 0: return sh( "gcloud", "functions", "deploy",, "--runtime", "python37", "--trigger-http", "--entry-point", "index", "--timeout", "500", )
def get_server_pid(username): try: return sh("pgrep", "-f", " ".join(get_server_cmd(username)), capture_output=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False
def get_repo_files() -> List[str]: return [ file.decode("ascii") if isinstance(file, bytes) else file for file in sh("git", "ls-files", "--exclude-standard", capture_output=True, quiet=True).splitlines() # All tracked files + sh( "git", "ls-files", "-o", "--exclude-standard", capture_output=True, quiet=True, ).splitlines() # Untracked but not ignored files ]
def __init__(self, working_dir: str): self.working_dir = working_dir self.file_versions = {} self.file_cnt = 0 self.rule_cnt = 0 self.sh_cnt = 0 self.rules = [] self.actions = {} self.is_annotating = True mkdir(self.BUILD_DIRECTORY) sh("git", "init", cwd=self.BUILD_DIRECTORY) self._write_file("WORKSPACE") self.log(f"STARTING TEST")
def find_target(): if not hasattr(find_target, "out"): remote = sh( "git", "config", "--get", "remote.origin.url", capture_output=True, quiet=True, ).decode("utf-8") if REPO not in remote: raise Exception( "You must run this command in the berkeley-cs61a repo directory" ) find_target.out = (sh("git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel", capture_output=True, quiet=True).decode("utf-8").strip()) return find_target.out
def create_pr_subdomain(app, pr_number, pr_host): target_domain = f"{pr_number}.{app}" conf_path = f"{pr_confs}/{target_domain}.conf" expected_cert_name = f"*.{app}" nginx_config = Server( Location( "/", proxy_pass=f"https://{pr_host}/", proxy_read_timeout="1800", proxy_connect_timeout="1800", proxy_send_timeout="1800", send_timeout="1800", proxy_set_header={ "Host": pr_host, "X-Forwarded-For-Host": target_domain, }, ), server_name=target_domain, listen="80", ) if not os.path.exists(conf_path): with open(conf_path, "w") as f: f.write(str(nginx_config)) sh("nginx", "-s", "reload") cert = proxy_cb.cert_else_false(expected_cert_name, force_exact=True) for _ in range(2): if cert: break proxy_cb.run_bot(domains=[expected_cert_name], args=["certonly"]) cert = proxy_cb.cert_else_false(expected_cert_name, force_exact=True) if not cert: error = f"Hosted Apps failed to sign a certificate for {expected_cert_name}!" post_message(message=error, channel="infra") return dict(success=False, reason=error) proxy_cb.attach_cert(cert, target_domain) return dict(success=True)
def run_61a_website_build(): env = dict(CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET="", ) def build(target): # need to re-run make for stupid reasons out = sh( "make", "--no-print-directory", "-C", "src", target, env=env, capture_output=True, ) print(out.decode("utf-8", "replace")) build("all") sh("cp", "-aT", "published", "released") build("unreleased") sh("cp", "-aT", "published", "unreleased") clean_all_except(["released", "unreleased"])
def build(target): # need to re-run make for stupid reasons out = sh( "make", "--no-print-directory", "-C", "src", target, env=env, capture_output=True, ) print(out.decode("utf-8", "replace"))
def run_sphinx_build(): sh("python3", "-m", "venv", "env") sh("env/bin/pip", "install", "-r", "requirements.txt") sh("env/bin/sphinx-build", "-b", "dirhtml", "..", "_build") clean_all_except(["_build"]) copytree("_build", ".", dirs_exist_ok=True) rmtree("_build")
def build_docker_image(app: App, pr_number: int) -> str: for f in os.listdir("../../deploy_files"): shutil.copyfile(f"../../deploy_files/{f}", f"./{f}") service_name = gen_service_name(, pr_number) prod_service_name = gen_service_name(, 0) with open("cloudbuild.yaml", "a+") as f: contents = contents = contents.replace("PROD_SERVICE_NAME", prod_service_name) contents = contents.replace("SERVICE_NAME", service_name) f.truncate() f.write(contents) with open("Dockerfile", "a+") as f: contents = contents = contents.replace("<APP_MASTER_SECRET>", gen_master_secret(app, pr_number)) f.truncate() f.write(contents) sh("gcloud", "builds", "submit", "-q", "--config", "cloudbuild.yaml") return f"{PROJECT_ID}/{service_name}"
def venv(dir, req, reset): """Create a virtual environment in DIR. DIR is the location of the virtual env (minus the `env` folder itself). REQ is the location of the requirements file. Both of these arguments default to `./`. If you want to forcibly recreate an env, use the RESET option. """ if not dir.endswith("/"): dir = dir + "/" if req.endswith("requirements.txt"): req = req[:-16] if not req.endswith("/"): req = req + "/" if os.path.exists(f"{dir}{ENV}"): if reset: shutil.rmtree(f"{dir}{ENV}") else: print("This environment already exists!") return sh("python3", "-m", "venv", f"{dir}{ENV}") sh(f"{dir}{ENV}/bin/pip3", "install", "-r", f"{req}{REQ}")
def clone(): sh("git", "init") sh( "git", "fetch", "--depth=1", f"https://{get_secret(secret_name='GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN')}{path}", sha, ) sh("git", "checkout", "FETCH_HEAD", "-f")
def get_base_hostname(app: str) -> str: services = json.loads( sh( "gcloud", "run", "services", "list", "--platform", "managed", "--format", "json", capture_output=True, )) for service in services: if service["metadata"]["name"] == gen_service_name(app, 0): return urlparse(service["status"]["address"]["url"]).netloc raise KeyError
def run_make_command(target): os.chdir(get_working_directory(g.username)) os.chdir("src") clear_pending_builds(g.username) try: yield from sh( "make", "VIRTUAL_ENV=../env", target, env=ENV, stream_output=True, shell=True, ) finally: increment_manual_version(g.username)
def list_services(): return [ service["metadata"]["name"] for service in loads( sh( "gcloud", "run", "services", "list", "--platform", "managed", "--region", "us-west1", "--format", "json", "-q", capture_output=True, )) ]
def list_services(): """Returns the list of services from Google Cloud Run necessary to access app logs :return: list of services """ return [ service["metadata"]["name"] for service in loads( sh( "gcloud", "run", "services", "list", "--platform", "managed", "--region", "us-west1", "--format", "json", "-q", capture_output=True, )) ]
def build(self, rule: Rule): if not self.is_annotating: self.log("") self.log(f"BUILDING rule {}") contents = "\n\n".join( rule.to_declaration(self) for rule in self.rules) + "\n" with open(self.INPUT_PATH, "w") as f: f.write( repr({ action.shell_id: dict( inputs=[file.path for file in action.inputs],, ) for action, _ in self.actions.items() })) self._write_file("BUILD", contents) try: output = sh( "bt", f":{}", "-q", quiet=True, cwd=self.BUILD_DIRECTORY, capture_output=True, ).decode("utf-8") except CalledProcessError as e: print(e.stdout.decode("utf-8")) raise if self.FAILURE in output: raise Exception("Unexpected scenario encountered") self.log(f"COMPLETED BUILDING rule {}\n") self.is_annotating = True
def gen_service_account(app: App): # set up and create service account hashstate = HashState() permissions = sorted(app.config["permissions"]) hashstate.record(permissions) service_account_name = f"managed-{hashstate.state()}"[: 30] # max len of account ID is 30 chars service_account_email = ( f"{service_account_name}@{PROJECT_ID}") existing_accounts = json.loads( sh( "gcloud", "iam", "service-accounts", "list", "--format", "json", capture_output=True, )) for account in existing_accounts: if account["email"] == service_account_email: break else: # need to create service account sh( "gcloud", "iam", "service-accounts", "create", service_account_name, f"--description", f'Managed service account with permissions: {" ".join(permissions)}', "--display-name", "Managed service account - DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY", ) sleep(60) # it takes a while to create service accounts role_lookup = dict( # permissions that most apps might need storage="roles/storage.admin", database="roles/cloudsql.client", logging="roles/logging.admin", # only buildserver needs these iam_admin="roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin", cloud_run_admin="roles/run.admin", cloud_functions_admin="roles/cloudfunctions.admin", ) for permission in permissions: if permission == "rpc": pass # handled later else: role = role_lookup[permission] try: sh( "gcloud", "projects", "add-iam-policy-binding", PROJECT_ID, f"--member", f"serviceAccount:{service_account_email}", f"--role", role, ) except CalledProcessError: # abort sh( "gcloud", "iam", "service-accounts", "delete", service_account_email, ) raise return service_account_name
def run_dockerfile_deploy(app: App, pr_number: int): image = build_docker_image(app, pr_number) service_name = gen_service_name(, pr_number) if == "buildserver": # we exempt buildserver to avoid breaking CI/CD in case of bugs service_account = None else: service_account = gen_service_account(app) sh( "gcloud", "beta", "run", "deploy", service_name, "--image", image, *(("--service-account", service_account) if service_account else ()), "--region", "us-west1", "--platform", "managed", "--timeout", "45m", "--cpu", str(app.config["cpus"]), "--memory", app.config["memory_limit"], "--concurrency", str(app.config["concurrency"]), "--allow-unauthenticated", "--add-cloudsql-instances", DB_INSTANCE_NAME, "--update-env-vars", ",".join(f"{key}={val}" for key, val in gen_env_variables(app, pr_number).items()), "-q", ) if pr_number == 0: domains = json.loads( sh( "gcloud", "beta", "run", "domain-mappings", "list", "--platform", "managed", "--region", "us-west1", "--format", "json", capture_output=True, )) for domain in app.config["first_party_domains"]: for domain_config in domains: if domain_config["metadata"]["name"] == domain: break else: sh( "gcloud", "beta", "run", "domain-mappings", "create", "--service", service_name, "--domain", domain, "--platform", "managed", "--region", "us-west1", ) jobs = json.loads( sh( "gcloud", "scheduler", "jobs", "list", "-q", "--format=json", capture_output=True, )) for job in jobs: name = job["name"].split("/")[-1] if name.startswith(f"{app}-"): sh("gcloud", "scheduler", "jobs", "delete", name, "-q") for job in app.config["tasks"]: sh( "gcloud", "beta", "scheduler", "jobs", "create", "http", f"{app}-{job['name']}", f"--schedule={job['schedule']}", f"--uri=https://{app}{job['name']}", "--attempt-deadline=1200s", "-q", )