def long_error_alert(title, *content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a long, red error message. '''

    return long_alert(
        *extract_attributes(classes(ALERT_ERROR_CLASS), *content)
def long_info_alert(title, *content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a long, light-blue info message. '''

    return long_alert(
        *extract_attributes(classes(ALERT_INFO_CLASS), *content)
def long_success_alert(title, *content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a long, green success message. '''

    return long_alert(
        *extract_attributes(classes(ALERT_SUCCESS_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #4
def media(img_url, title, link_url, *content):
    ''' Returns the HTML for a basic formatter for a "media object" like a video
    or something. It kind of looks like a Facebook post. '''

    return classed_div(MEDIA_CLASS,
        *media_content(img_url, title, link_url, *content

def media_list(*content):
    ''' A list that handles media items (even nested!) gracefully. Use
    media_list_item to generate them. '''

    return classed_ul(MEDIA_LIST_CLASS, *content)

def media_list_item(img_url, title, link_url, *content):
    ''' A single list item in a media list (see media_list() for something that
    is designed to gracefully hold them). '''

    return classed_li(MEDIA_CLASS,
        *media_content(img_url, title, link_url, *content)

def media_content(img_url, title, link_url, *content):
    ''' Returns the content to a media block. Should only be used internally,
    use media() or media_list() + media_list_item(). '''

    return [
        classed_a(PULL_LEFT, href(link_url),
            img({"src": img_url, "class": MEDIA_OBJECT_CLASS})
            h4(classes(MEDIA_HEADING_CLASS), title),
Exemple #5
def pills(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a set of "pill" navigaiton elements using the
    set of given tabs. '''

    return generic_nav(classes(NAV_PILLS_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #6
def small_pagination(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML for a small pagination element. Fill with an unordered
    list to display properly. '''

    return pagination(classes(PAGINATION_SMALL_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #7
def mini_pagination(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML for a tiny pagination element. Fill with an unordered
    list to display properly. '''

    return pagination(classes(PAGINATION_MINI_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #8
def important_label(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a red AHHHHHHHHH! label. '''

    return default_label(classes(LABEL_IMPORTANT_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #9
def large_pagination(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML for a huge pagination element. Fill with an unordered
    list to display properly. '''

    return pagination(classes(PAGINATION_LARGE_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #10
def long_error_alert(title, *content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a long, red error message. '''

    return long_alert(
        title, *extract_attributes(classes(ALERT_ERROR_CLASS), *content))
def vertical_button_group(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a vertical button group that contains the
    given buttons. '''

    return button_group(classes(BUTTON_GROUP_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #12
def info_badge(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a light blue info badge. '''

    return default_badge(classes(BADGE_INFO_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #13
def inverse_badge(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a black badge with a white number. '''

    return default_badge(classes(BADGE_INVERSE_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #14
def warning_badge(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for an orange warning badge. '''

    return default_badge(classes(BADGE_WARNING_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #15
def important_badge(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a red AHHHHHHHHH! badge. '''

    return default_badge(classes(BADGE_IMPORTANT_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #16
def success_badge(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a successfully-green coloured badge. '''

    return default_badge(classes(BADGE_SUCCESS_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #17
def inverse_label(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a black label with white text. '''

    return default_label(classes(LABEL_INVERSE_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #18
def info_label(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a light blue info label. '''

    return default_label(classes(LABEL_INFO_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #19
def stacked():
    return classes(NAV_STACKED_CLASS)
Exemple #20
def success_label(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a successfully-green coloured label. '''

    return default_label(classes(LABEL_SUCCESS_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #21
def long_success_alert(title, *content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a long, green success message. '''

    return long_alert(
        title, *extract_attributes(classes(ALERT_SUCCESS_CLASS), *content))
def small_pagination(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML for a small pagination element. Fill with an unordered
    list to display properly. '''

    return pagination(classes(PAGINATION_SMALL_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #23
def long_info_alert(title, *content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for a long, light-blue info message. '''

    return long_alert(title,
                      *extract_attributes(classes(ALERT_INFO_CLASS), *content))
def mini_pagination(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML for a tiny pagination element. Fill with an unordered
    list to display properly. '''

    return pagination(classes(PAGINATION_MINI_CLASS), *content)
def large_pagination(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML for a huge pagination element. Fill with an unordered
    list to display properly. '''

    return pagination(classes(PAGINATION_LARGE_CLASS), *content)
Exemple #26
def warning_label(*content):
    ''' Returns the HTML code for an orange warning label. '''

    return default_label(classes(LABEL_WARNING_CLASS), *content)