Exemple #1
    def _activitypub_targets(self):
        Returns: list of (Response, string inbox URL)
        # if there's in-reply-to, like-of, or repost-of, they're the targets.
        # otherwise, it's all followers' inboxes.
        targets = self._targets()

        if not targets:
            # interpret this as a Create or Update, deliver it to followers
            inboxes = []
            for follower in Follower.query().filter(
                    Follower.key > Key('Follower', self.source_domain + ' '),
                    Follower.key < Key(
                        'Follower', self.source_domain + chr(ord(' ') + 1))):
                if follower.status != 'inactive' and follower.last_follow:
                    actor = json_loads(follower.last_follow).get('actor')
                    if actor and isinstance(actor, dict):
                            actor.get('endpoints', {}).get('sharedInbox')
                            or actor.get('publicInbox') or actor.get('inbox'))
            return [(Response.get_or_create(source=self.source_url,
                                                self.source_mf2)), inbox)
                    for inbox in inboxes if inbox]

        resps_and_inbox_urls = []
        for target in targets:
            # fetch target page as AS2 object
                self.target_resp = common.get_as2(target)
            except (requests.HTTPError, exc.HTTPBadGateway) as e:
                self.target_resp = getattr(e, 'response', None)
                if self.target_resp and self.target_resp.status_code // 100 == 2:
                    content_type = common.content_type(self.target_resp) or ''
                    if content_type.startswith('text/html'):
                        # TODO: pass e.response to try_salmon()'s target_resp
                        continue  # give up
            target_url = self.target_resp.url or target

            resp = Response.get_or_create(source=self.source_url,

            # find target's inbox
            target_obj = self.target_resp.json()
            resp.target_as2 = json_dumps(target_obj)
            inbox_url = target_obj.get('inbox')

            if not inbox_url:
                # TODO: test actor/attributedTo and not, with/without inbox
                actor = (util.get_first(target_obj, 'actor')
                         or util.get_first(target_obj, 'attributedTo'))
                if isinstance(actor, dict):
                    inbox_url = actor.get('inbox')
                    actor = actor.get('url') or actor.get('id')
                if not inbox_url and not actor:
                        'Target object has no actor or attributedTo with URL or id.'
                elif not isinstance(actor, str):
                        'Target actor or attributedTo has unexpected url or id object: %r'
                        % actor)

            if not inbox_url:
                # fetch actor as AS object
                actor = common.get_as2(actor).json()
                inbox_url = actor.get('inbox')

            if not inbox_url:
                # TODO: probably need a way to save errors like this so that we can
                # return them if ostatus fails too.
                # self.error('Target actor has no inbox')

            inbox_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(target_url, inbox_url)
            resps_and_inbox_urls.append((resp, inbox_url))

        return resps_and_inbox_urls
Exemple #2
    def try_activitypub(self):
        source = util.get_required_param(self, 'source')

        # fetch source page, convert to ActivityStreams
        source_resp = common.requests_get(source)
        source_url = source_resp.url or source
        source_mf2 = mf2py.parse(source_resp.text, url=source_url)
        # logging.debug('Parsed mf2 for %s: %s', source_resp.url, json.dumps(source_mf2, indent=2))

        entry = mf2util.find_first_entry(source_mf2, ['h-entry'])
        logging.info('First entry: %s', json.dumps(entry, indent=2))
        # make sure it has url, since we use that for AS2 id, which is required
        # for ActivityPub.
        props = entry.setdefault('properties', {})
        if not props.get('url'):
            props['url'] = [source_url]

        source_obj = microformats2.json_to_object(entry, fetch_mf2=True)
        logging.info('Converted to AS: %s', json.dumps(source_obj, indent=2))

        # fetch target page as AS object. target is first in-reply-to, like-of,
        # or repost-of, *not* target query param.)
        target = util.get_url(util.get_first(source_obj, 'inReplyTo') or
                              util.get_first(source_obj, 'object'))
        if not target:
            common.error(self, 'No u-in-reply-to, u-like-of, or u-repost-of '
                         'found in %s' % source_url)

            target_resp = common.get_as2(target)
        except (requests.HTTPError, exc.HTTPBadGateway) as e:
            if (e.response.status_code // 100 == 2 and
                self.resp = Response.get_or_create(
                    source=source_url, target=e.response.url or target,
                    direction='out', source_mf2=json.dumps(source_mf2))
                return self.send_salmon(source_obj, target_resp=e.response)

        target_url = target_resp.url or target
        self.resp = Response.get_or_create(
            source=source_url, target=target_url, direction='out',
            protocol='activitypub', source_mf2=json.dumps(source_mf2))

        # find actor's inbox
        target_obj = target_resp.json()
        inbox_url = target_obj.get('inbox')

        if not inbox_url:
            # TODO: test actor/attributedTo and not, with/without inbox
            actor = target_obj.get('actor') or target_obj.get('attributedTo')
            if isinstance(actor, dict):
                inbox_url = actor.get('inbox')
                actor = actor.get('url')
            if not inbox_url and not actor:
                common.error(self, 'Target object has no actor or attributedTo URL')

        if not inbox_url:
            # fetch actor as AS object
            actor = common.get_as2(actor).json()
            inbox_url = actor.get('inbox')

        if not inbox_url:
            # TODO: probably need a way to save errors like this so that we can
            # return them if ostatus fails too.
            # common.error(self, 'Target actor has no inbox')
            return self.send_salmon(source_obj, target_resp=target_resp)

        # convert to AS2
        source_domain = urlparse.urlparse(source_url).netloc
        key = MagicKey.get_or_create(source_domain)
        source_activity = common.postprocess_as2(
            as2.from_as1(source_obj), target=target_obj, key=key)

        if self.resp.status == 'complete':
            source_activity['type'] = 'Update'

        # prepare HTTP Signature (required by Mastodon)
        # https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#authorization-lds
        # https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07
        # https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/4906#issuecomment-328844846
        acct = 'acct:%s@%s' % (source_domain, source_domain)
        auth = HTTPSignatureAuth(secret=key.private_pem(), key_id=acct,

        # deliver source object to target actor's inbox.
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': common.CONTENT_TYPE_AS2,
            # required for HTTP Signature
            # https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07#section-2.1.3
            'Date': datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'),
        inbox_url = urlparse.urljoin(target_url, inbox_url)
        resp = common.requests_post(inbox_url, json=source_activity, auth=auth,
        self.response.status_int = resp.status_code
        if resp.status_code == 202:
            self.response.write('202 response! If this is Mastodon 1.x, their '
                                'signature verification probably failed. :(\n')